Member Reviews

Jane Eyre is one of my favorite classic stories and so I was really excited to read the manga version. I do think the author and artist do a good job of staying true to the tale while showcasing their own art and interpratation of the characters.

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Another well done classic, The art is phenomenal and the story encompasses all the major points into an easy to digest format!

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this was alright. I had higher hopes because it was a mix of 2 of my favorite things. bronte and anime. It was kind of hard to follow.

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"Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! — I have as much soul as you — and full as much heart!"

I am a Bronte fan! I always have been and Jane Eyre is one of my all time favourites. This manga edition is so well done.

The art is gorgeous and brings life to the story of Jane. The adaptations of classic literature into Manga is perfect to bring historical works of fiction to new life, creating another way to consume this work is genius.

Thank you to UDON Entertainment & Morpheus Studios and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this!

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It's my first time reading Jane Eyre and I'm really glad to read this version which is easier to read. The illustrations are very pretty too. This manga also makes me want to read the novel version. Maybe soon.

Thank you, NetGalley and UDON Entertainment for providing me with this amazing manga.

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This is another classic story turned into a manga, and again they did a great job bringing it to life with the story and art. We follow a young girl who is being raised by her aunt and bullied by her cousins. We follow her story as she goes off to school and then gradually becomes a ward for a young girl, and falls in love with a man who has a secret. There is a happy ending to this story which I was happy for as the girl had gone through a lot in her life.

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Jane Eyre is my all time favorite book. I never tired of this gothic romance/feminist icon of a story. Seeing it as a manga was reliving beloved characters and events in a new art form. This book is beautiful and an amazing edition of a classic.

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This was an interesting retelling of a classic tale. From what I remember of the original, I read it a few years back, this is an accurate representation of the source material. It’s true in tone and vibe as well. I have never seen British Victorian clothing depicted in manga before so that was interesting as well. The art is nice though dark somehow, but that definitely fits the gothic aesthetic of the original story.
Thank you for the eARC!

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A great manga adaptation of this classic novel. The new approach allows the reader to not only dive into the story, but also to submerge into a visual gothic scenery. With a masterful illustrated storytelling, the reader will follow Jane's struggles and achievements. Great for all readers.

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Okay, I'll admit, I love Jane Eyre; it's possibly one of my favourite books of all time, so when I find an adaptation of Charlotte Bronte's classic, I know I need to read it. And Manga Classics: Jane Eyre was on my list. As an adaptation, it's a decent one; featuring scenes everyone knows as well as scenes some adaptations tend to forget or brush past (the fortune-teller). This makes it feel fuller and more detailed, standing out as an adaptation that celebrates the original novel and makes it accessible to those who may find Bronte's novel hard to read. The manga flows well and does not deviate far from the original material.

Overall, Manga Classics: Jane Eyre was a brilliant read with beautiful illustrations that encapsulate the gothic feel of the original novel making it perfect for any graphic novel fan. Those who love Charlotte Bronte's original masterpiece will love how Manga Classic stays faithful to her words and will like how the novel has been brought to life.

Thank you, NetGalley and UDON Entertainment for sending me an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to UDON Entertainment & Morpheus Studios for approving me to read their e-ARC of this book. I enjoyed it very much.

This is my first time reading a classic tale redone as manga. I’ve read manga since I was a kid and first read Jane Eyre in college during one of my literary classes. To see these two forms mixed together was actually great!

This makes the tale of Jane Eyre easier to understand for a young audience. I enjoyed the simplicity of it and was able to just cruise thru, getting reintroduced to one of my favorites.

The addition of drawn images with expressions, made it much more tangible and come alive more. I wish I had gotten to read this when I was a kid!

Because it’s from an old literary classic the language is not typical for manga but they made it work somehow.

I was sad to see some of my favorite quotes missing though! I do understand lots had to be cut out and only really necessary dialogue was picked, but some of the quotes are really beloved ones.

When I don’t want to go thru the whole Jane Eyre novel, picking this up to enjoy the storyline is a nice option to have.

I’m glad they made this and will be reading more of these of some other classics I haven’t read yet. While I do want to read them in their entirety my TBR list is so long!

If I ever have kids, this is how I’ll first introduce them to these stories when they’re young!

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Jane Eyre is one of my favorite classics! And the manga did not disappoint! Beautiful artwork and retelling. The relationship between the author and illustrator is adorable as well!

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I received an ARC of this book from Udon Entertainment through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! In no way does this affect my rating or review.

Jane Eyre is my "book paragon." It is the novel to which I intentionally, and unintentionally compare other novels. It is the story in which I never tire. When I came across this version of Jane Eyre on Netgalley, I had to request an Advanced Readers Copy.

If you are unfamiliar with Manga, take note: the book is read in reverse, from back cover to front. The e-galley is also in this format, which was slightly foreign when navigating on an electronic devise. It did not take away from the story, but was simply different.

Picking up a classical read can sometimes feel daunting. This edition is a great alternative for someone looking to familiarize themselves with a classical novel like Jane Eyre, without the length and full detail. Additionally, one gets a fresh perspective of the characters, style, and atmosphere with the lovely illustrations by SunNeko Lee.

Manga has a way of softening features in more way than one, which is partially a discrepancy I have with this version. Some of the characters aren't depicted in true form. Everyone is beautiful in one way or another, which doesn't always match the age lines and severeness that some characters are renowned for portraying.

Despite these sometimes incompatible illustrations, the story, for the most-part, remains consistent to the original. Some facets are slightly romanticized, which again, I believe is an essence of Manga as a whole. I enjoyed this rendition, and will look into examining more selections from the Manga Classics series.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. We all know the story by heart. But with this manga, the characters, the impressions were so vivid, the dialogues were so easy to follow. I stopped and gazed the drawings.. thank you..

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Jane Eyre is one of my favorite classics, and I loved the art style this author gave to this story.
It was simple and beautiful.

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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It's always nice to read a well lived story and the mangafication of this story was just a brilliant idea. I enjoyed the artwork so thank you netgalley.

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The story of Jane Eyre is one that I truly enjoyed. It had the classic evil stepmother that ships her away to school where she essentially pulls herself up by her bootstraps, makes something of herself and learns to thrive. She also falls in love with her pupil's father and he in turn falls in love with her because she is a genuine human and someone who is very kind.

Women are interested in him because of his money; however, Jane is not. This is all complicated by his previous wife who essentially went mad, and he cannot divorce because of this. If you read the book, you'll find out how it ends, but naturally the artwork is wonderful, the story is accessible for those that might struggle with classic literature language, and the story itself is great. Thank you, Charlotte Bronte.

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Jane Eyre can be a hard story to read, as the character suffers greatly in the course of her ultimate happiness, so the manga illustrations proved a welcome tonic to delivering the essence of this story while still softening some of its edges. Always charming and detailed, sometimes even quite cute, this was a truly picturesque look into the life and trials of Jane.

This manga retelling also brought some aspects into sharp relief. I found Mr. Rochester particularly well-realized here, compellingly pathetic and lonely in a way that live-action adaptations don't always capture when they focus on his snarky wit and boisterousness. It's given me more sympathy for his character than I had before, even as his actions remain terrible.

St. John was well depicted here in a different way, as the illustrations showed him with dull, flat eyes and unchanging expression to emphasize what a cold man he can be.

And of course, the indomitable Jane was wonderfully rendered, properly waifish on the outside but ready to prove that she has a core of steel underneath it all. This was overall a wonderful way to experience the novel all over again.

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I love Jane Eyre (the novel), and I read a lot of manga, so I walked into this having really high hopes which were ultimately dashed.

I understand that I'm not the intended audience for this book, so I will say that perhaps as a meant-for-youths introduction to classic literature, this manga does it's job. I've read other manga adaptations of classic literature and I have found myself enjoying some of those, but this one felt... off somehow.

I think part of the problem for me is how the characters were drawn. The dialogue and plot are all, of course, taken directly from the novel, and since the novel is a favorite of mine, I can't say those are the parts of this manga that I dislike. However, there are some nitpicks I have with the illustrations. First is that Jane looks like she's elementary-school aged, all throughout the book. At the beginning of the book she is a child, and she has a child-like face (which makes sense), and then later she grows up, she gets taller, she puts her hair up, but she still has the exact same child-like face. When her hair is down she looks just like the child version of herself. She's a chibi character, and it's really hard to adapt to having Jane Eyre, a passionate and serious person in the novel, looking child-like and cutesy.

Likewise, I found all of the characters overly emotive. I can understand that this the choice was made to make all of the characters' expressions larger than life in a way that would be actually identifiable and relatable to children (as I can't imagine a book of characters who only smile small, secret smiles, and usually keep brooding our dour expressions would be at all appealing to a younger audience), but it always felt out of place to me. Rochester should not blush, or grin with all his teeth showing-- as a fan of the original novel, it was very off-putting.

I can completely see how this book could be a stepping stone into introducing classic lit to a younger audience, but unfortunately I was not that audience.

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5 out of 5 stars

This is one of my favorite classics and reading this version was an absolute joy. This was my first foray into Manga classics and I want to read more. This was such a lovely read and the artwork was just so beautiful. Each turn of the page I found myself more enraptured.

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