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Burn the Negative

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This was a wild ride from start to finish! It felt like a great horror/slasher film put to the page. A little bit "Poltergeist Curse" a little bit "Final GIrls". There were serial killer vibes, haunted house vibes, and some possession vibes. I liked the mash up and the unsteady feeling while reading, not knowing if this was all happening the way we saw it happen. Who was this killer? Where is he? I enjoyed the journey this group of characters went on. And the people they met along the way. The ending: WILD! But satisfying. I want to be entertained when reading a book like this and I was. The writing was easy to read. The story was fun to follow. The mixed media elements gave a little something extra for us, the reader. I'd recommend for anyone who wants a fun time, who can suspend disbelief, and wants a page turning story that will keep you guessing.

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Thrillers are not a go to genre for me. However hearing this book compared to Night Film by Marisha Pessl made me interested enough to give this book a try. As I don’t want to give away any spoilers there are lots of twists along the way that kept me turning the pages and an ending that made wonder about the culprit versus who was responsible. A good read. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This really had the potential to be a good one but it has an unreliable character which I am not a fan of so we are already off to a bad start. Laura is still tramatized from playing in a film The Guesthouse because of all the awful things that happened and because of her mother who forced her to do the film.

Now there is a new remake being filmed and her editor at a entertainment type magazine wants her to cover the story. She soon finds out that he actual knew who she was even with the name change becuase someone close to her told him. He thought it would be a cool angle but with her anxiety and some bad things happening it turns out to be more nightmare than cool.

Laura keeps seeing things that must be a halucination, blacks out and wakes up with chaos happening around her, this happens several times as it seems the bad vibes from the first movie have hit the remake and people are ending up dead.

I am sure that the first part won't be boring for some but for me it was just horribly boring as we are trying to figure out what is going on, then it gets confusing at some parts. We are introduced to some people that you immediately are not sure about and if your like me will start speculating about what is going on.

I felt there was a few continuity problems with Laura's missing luggage showing up but I am not sure how it got there and how everyone knew who the burned victim was when it wasn't mentioned at first but then later but those are small things. I may have even skimmed through the information when bored.

I wasn't a fan of any of the characters really, they just were not made to be likable so no one to really route for, which happens a lot in horror.

I thought the last 20% of the story was the most interesting part of the story as it was ramping up the finale and I must say it was a text book horror movie ending. You can tell that the author is a film nut.

Just because it wasn't for me doesn't mean that I can't see people enjoying it so if it sounds good give it a try. It has a really high rating on Goodreads so I could be in the minority. :)

2.5 personal rating but 3 on here.

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This book was very meh for me. I found it easy to put down and difficult to finish. I ultimately didn't care about any of the characters, and the ending made the book seem even more contrived than it already did.
I give it 3 stars because I finished it, but it's a very grudging 3.

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Love a good horror novel! Burn the Negative is the story of a 90s horror cult classic that had a "cursed production" where many of the cast and crew had died during production or shortly after. Now in present-day, the movie's lead child star is assigned to write an article on the remake happening - and the curse is seeming to rear it's head again. The novel had elements of some of my favorite horror movies like a boogeyman as scary as Freddy Krueger and an exploration into the horrors within child stardom that reminded me of parts of Jordan Peele's Nope.

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My thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a chance to read this novel ahead of publication.

When I first saw this title on netgalley I wasn’t really feeling it. I read the back copy and still was like meh.
I kept seeing it and it was almost like it haunted me until I requested it. I was not disappointed.

I truly enjoyed this story. Even though in parts it seemed to drag on and on it really was an enjoyable read. The characters grew and they made you feel what they were feeling.

A haunting and truly exciting read that I enjoyed and that really made me want more. For characters to leave you loving but hating them all at the same time, this turned out to be one of my favorite reads so far this year.

Highly recommend. 4.5 stars

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I love the premise of this novel! This book captivated my attention and was an amazing read!

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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“Burn the Negative” by Josh Winning presented such a cool concept, & happily, it delivered in a fun and unique way. We follow Laura Warren, a former child star, who quits acting and changes her name- essentially going into hiding-after traumatic experiences on set. Years later she is forced to confront her past in an epic showdown. I thought overall this concept really worked- I was invested and engaged, and looked forward to coming back to this book. As someone who enjoys horror movies and horror movie lore, the so-called curse on the movie set that Laura grew up working on reminded me of the real-life curse some say afflicted the set of “The Exorcist” after people involved in the movie starting dying in real-life. I think horror-movie aficionados will also enjoy this nod to classic horror-movie history but felt the camp of horror movies could have been leaned on just a bit harder to really give this book that extra edge and wit.

At times I thought I had figured out the mystery of who was behind the terrible things happening, & was scared that the climax would be predictable, but I’m happy to report I only slightly guessed correctly and it was only slightly predictable in that it was one of 3 or so predictions I had made for the reveal.

I thought the pacing of this story was great, there was overall a sense of movement and forward energy, though at times I did feel the character’s reactions to the traumatic events happening around them was a bit understated and unbelievable. I also wasn’t particularly attached to anyone in this story-except maybe Beverly, the psychic. And without trying to spoil anything, I do think the importance of having a great lawyer was extremely…unrealistic? overstated? in this novel. But hey, this isn’t a book I’d pick up looking for the most logical resolutions anyway.

Would definitely recommend this novel to any horror movie fan that’s looking for a fun, quick read. If I hadn’t been busy with work, I could have totally seen myself finishing this one in a day or two. Ultimately it was about more than just making scary movies, it touched on the morality of child labor, repressed memories, abusive parental figures, complicated sibling relationships, and ultimately facing our traumas and working through them. I think some of the deeper moments could have been fleshed out just a bit more, but I really enjoyed it and felt like it was a solid read & that the author writes with ease and confidence.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for this free ebook in exchange for an honest review!

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Thanks to NetGelley and G.P. Putnam's fro this eARC!

What drew me to this book was how meta the plot synopsis sounded. I love any media that plays with the meta, especially in horror books/movies.

I think this book very much delivered on the meta aspects. Although the "cursed" movie this is centered on is fictional, there are plenty of references and call backs to classic horror movies and even some lesser known movies (the mention of Memento really made me happy, love that movie!). There is some great commentary of horror fans, the genre as a whole, the movie industry, and even childhood acting. I really enjoyed the exploration of the repercussions of childhood actors, at an individual level as well as how it effects a family as well!

I think the horror elements of this book are a really interesting mix. It takes your typical slasher movie tropes and mixes them with paranormal aspects along with a spin on the haunted house trope too. The scares feel very reminiscent of what you get in movies like Candyman, subtle yet effective. It all felt cinematic in the way that I could see this being a movie, which all adds to what I think this book was going for: a book that feels like a slasher movie while also commenting on the standard horror tropes. The ending especially felt like a direct nod to the never-ending horror franchises out there, I personally enjoyed that aspect of the ending.

While I enjoyed the ending of the book, the climax got a little too metaphorical and paranormal for my tastes. That's not to say its bad, I just like more realistic horror most of the time. It felt a little too on the nose for overcoming trauma and grief but I think others might enjoy the full circle growth for our main character.

Oh and I almost forgot my favorite parts! At the end of each chapter, there are some multi-media style snippets from various things like scripts, online forums, interviews, articles, and other books, which I think was a great addition to the book! I am eager to get a physical copy of the book so I can see the multi-media bits even better!

I would highly recommend this book for those who love horror movies, new and old!

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Now, this was a fun one! Reminiscent of Riley Sager, this novel pays tribute to horror cinema in a fun meta way. I don't want to spoil too much of the plot details because I honestly think you should go in blind. Expect many twists and turns, some true scares, sharp humor, and truly compelling characterization. I look forward to adding Mr. Winning to my must-read list and telling my customers all about him and this almost-perfect horror/thriller.

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The perfect mesh between thriller and horror with a dash of paranormal. I don't typically go for this genre, but I went into this one blindly and I'm glad I did. I also read this during the day with all the lights on!

Laura is on her way to LA to report on a streaming series that is a remake of a '90s horror flick. kOne that she happened to be the leading child star in. She played Tammy Manners who was a little girl with the gift of telling people how the Needle man will kill them. The film became infamous when eight of the cast and crew members died, all in similar ways to the movie. Laura now has to confront her past and try to find answers.

This was a perfect story. I also think the author did a great job portraying the pressures that are put on child actors. All around 5 stars for me!

Thanks to Netgalley and Penguin Group Putnam for a digital ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This novel is a love letter to horror movies! Inspired by Scream, Candyman, and Nightmare on Elm Street, we follow protagonist Laura Warren on a trip down memory lane as a movie she starred in as a child gets ready for a reboot. This is a must read for horror lovers!

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This was my first novel by Josh Winning and I’m hooked. The entire time I was reading, I was comparing it to Grady Hendrix, which is always a compliment in this genre! This felt very much like watching a horror/slasher film but “reading version”. The storytelling was creative, the Winona Ryder comments made the protagonist feel relatable as someone who generally only reads thrillers, and it was a very difficult book to put down. This is a book I will definitely reread in the future.

Thank you to NetGalley and Penguin Group Putnam for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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really good. I almost think it went a touch too far. I would've cut the last bit right after Laura looks into the mirror in her sister's trailer. I think it gave the sense that the Needleman was still alive in her and that bad things were about to happen but wasn't overt.

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This was not what I thought it would be. I felt the character was a little too much doom and gloom and the plot didn't live up to the hype. I went in expecting a good horror, a haunting of sorts, but it fell flat. Thank you for the opportunity to read this book. I'm going to have to go with a one star rating on this one.

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This book started off strong but I have to say I was disappointed by the ending. I was instantly hooked on the story of a successful child actress who seems to be followed by death as everyone who worked on her hit movie died. When she returns reluctantly years later as a reporter to interview those making a sequel/adaptation disaster strikes again. I think you have to really be into the supernatural to enjoy this book. There were certainly twists and turns along the way but I was hoping for a logical explanation to the events and there just wasn't one.

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A perfect mix of slasher films/horror themes. This was dark and creepy and left me feeling quite unsettled. What more could a girl want, right? I do find that I'm not a huge horror fan, but this was done so well and I thought that how it turned out was really smart and well done.

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Thank you to NetGalley as well as Penguin Group Putnam and, of course, the author, for this ARC.
Truly appreciated!
#NetGalley #PenguinGroupPutnam #JoshWinning #BurnTheNegative
Please, please, please, PLEASE make this into a movie! This was a creepy, funny, meta creep fest.
Laura is a journalist on her way to sunny LA from England in order to cover the impending release of a remake of a cult horror hit. She doesn’t realize until she’s enroute that the movie in question is The Guesthouse. Laura has an unfortunate connection to this movie. When she was seven years old, she was the star of the original and her name was Polly Tremaine. This movie is said to be cursed. Every other main actor from the film has died in ways that mimic the movie. Laura has done extensive work to separate herself from the movie and her traumatic childhood. When she gets there, she begins to experience black outs and always wakes up near a dead body. A dead body of one of the main participants of the remake. They have been killed in the same method and order as the victims of the original Guesthouse. Desperate, Laura joins forces with her sister and a psychic in order to stop the curse and clear her own name.
This is the first book by Josh Winning that I have read, but it won’t be the last. This book was delightful! The way this book is laid out and clever, it reminds me of Scream. Scream is one of my favorite horror franchises for these same reasons. They both have plenty of scares and comedy and they’re both clever in their self-deprecating, meta style. I loved the references to other horror movies and I loved the Needle Man, who is the main villain of The Guesthouse. He was Freddy and the Babadook in one. This was a quick and easy read. The characters were compelling. I didn’t like Laura at first but that changed as I got to know her. That isn’t an easy feat as most people tend to stick with their first impressions, even with fictional characters.
I don’t have anything negative to say here. I’m hoping for a sequel and a movie!

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Very good meta-like horror, had a very fun time going through it. Interesting concept for a horror novel and I'm very excited that this is a new thing that is getting big in horror fiction.

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I was pulled into this book from the first sentence and had to finish it in one sitting. It was such an interesting spin on 90s horror movies and their remakes, as well as "curses" and people who are a part of supposedly haunted movie sets. I loved all the references and the way the book ended made a lot of sense to me as it's such a ode to slashers.

Thank you so much to NetGalley, Penguin Group, and Josh Winning for this ARC.
#BurntheNegative #NetGalley

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