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The best Nora Roberts book I have read in a long time. I say that with love as I have enjoyed all of her books but this one is spectacular. Has it all, love, suspense, murder, theft. Morgan is living on her own away from her family.. Works 2 jobs, barely making ends meet and that is with a roommate. One night a handsome stranger comes into her bar. Is he the one, or is he too good to be true ? Great story from beginning to end ! Hard to put down !

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Wow! I love everything Nora Roberts writes but every so often there is one that really stands out and this one of those. The characters are warm and real, and the story is full of action. Morgan has been through hell. Her close friend Nina was murdered by a man who was really targeting Morgan. He stole Morgan’s identity but she was determined to get through it. I so loved this story and am going to buy several copies for my friends!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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When I finished this book, I sat back in my chair and just let out a "wow.!" A nail biter with a steady build up to the finish. I loved Morgan and her "ladies" which are her mom and grandmother. This book has great characters and a setting that makes you feel you are right there as you read.

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I really enjoyed this book. It was interesting to me that the JD Robb voice came through even though writing as Nora Roberts. Some of the dialogue reminded me of Eve Dallas.

The characters were well developed. The "villain" seemed a bit improbable at times, but it was easy to keep reading to see what actually happened and when.

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Morgan is a woman with a plan and the focused drive to see it through. So focused, she doesn't see the scam artist coming until it's too late. Gavin is also a planner, taking considerable time to research his victims, crafting the facade of charming and harmless, before stripping them of everything: their identity, their worldly possessions, and the final insult, their lives. He's keeping the FBI busy, but he's a chameleon, as adept at shifting identities as he is as at hiding in plain sight, and he's at the top of his game. Until Morgan.

We're along for the journey as Morgan rebuilds her life. regains her confidence, learns to trust herself and the family she was estranged from, falls in love, and finally allows herself to make plans for the future. But we're not the only ones watching, and as Morgan's life improves, Gavin continues to unravel.

Getting Gavin's POV is terrible and, at times, hard to read, yet the juxtaposition to Morgan's was fascinating. And while knowing who the bad guy is—having his motivations and thoughts and actions play out in graphic detail—may take the mystery out of the story, it added a layer of intrigue that had me rooting for Morgan to triumph over tragedy as hard as I was for Gavin to be destroyed by his own actions.

It's early in year yet, but I have a feeling this will stay in my top five reads of 2023.

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This book shows the strength of family and how important those relationships can be. It also points out that your birth family may not be the "family" where that strength is found. Nora Roberts is a master of creating characters that come alive to the reader and this book is no exception. I feel like I could go to Vermont and visit with Morgan and her mom and grandma, stay at the resort and drink a Lavender Margarita. I loved the book. It grabbed me immediately and never let go.

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This was such an enjoyable book to read because there wasn't one dull moment. The main plot involved Morgan whose life was ripped apart by a dangerous criminal. She left her town to start over and decided to live with her mother and grandmother. Morgan got a job and started to enjoy life again until she realized that she will always be in danger until the criminal is brought to justice This story was made even more enjoyable by the author giving us an in depth look at the bonds that grew between Morgan and her mother and grandmother during this time. I really felt like I got to know these three female characters so well I could feel their emotions My favorite books are ones like this that emotionally pull me in and make me think about the characters long after the last page is turned.

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I’m so honored to have been chosen to preview this Nora Roberts book. Firstly I’m going to gush, I loved, loved, loved this book. I liked the style of narration, it was short and to the point and it flowed. It worked great with the story and the characters. Morgan was a great character right from the start and she grew throughout the story. Miles is also a great character, and a perfect complement to Morgan. The other characters are just as wonderful. You learn you can stand on your own two feet and be strong without cutting off family and friends who want to help. I also have to mention that the evil psychopath man who is trying to destroy Morgan is also a well written character. I truly enjoyed the book and highly recommended it.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC as it’s always a special treat to have a first read of a new Nora Roberts’ book. This will be her single title release for 2023 and follows a well-known and expected pattern, so not a surprise there, except for the who and how of the development. But — I read Nora Roberts for the familiar genre of each type of book and this did not disappoint. For all her fans, it’s about the latest setting, who the love interest is, and how the heroine comes through it all. I inhaled this in two days — so for one of my Nora reads, it was a definite binge-read. I don’t want to give any clues away — as it does throw some interesting curves and a few triggers for violent content, but the oh, so satisfying happy ending — as I wouldn’t continue to still be reading them after 40 years otherwise! I could have done with less of “the ladies” in reference to the mother and grandmother throughout the book — as it became grating, but overall — another winner.

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This is another excellent book by Nora Roberts. One of the things I love about Nora Roberts' books is that there is always a strong and independent female character who falls in love with an equally strong man. I loved Morgan and that she was strong, capable, dependable and independent. She didn't depend on a man to solve her problem. When a serial killer steals her identity and then stalks her, she takes matters into her own hands and moves to where she thinks no one will find her and starts over with her mother and grandmother. Luke was chillingly evil and devolving, and will stop at nothing to get to Morgan. Miles, the love interest, has a hard shell which Morgan pierces. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough and the resolution was satisfying. Another top notch read from Nora Roberts that I highly recommend.

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Fans of Nora Roberts will enjoy her latest stand alone romantic suspense novel. Great characters, a well paced plot and enough intrigue to keep you turning the pages late into the night. Highly recommended

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SO Many thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for allowing me to read an advance copy of Nora Roberts' IDENTITY. You would think that after all these years, Ms. Roberts' work might start becoming a little stale, or lose some of its magic. Pfft. Not gonna happen. Every book, every character, is as fresh as ever. I stiil look forward to each one, and have never been disappointed. Each is a gift I treasure. 46 bezillion gold stars

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Wow! What a compelling story! Loved the characters, and that the author didn’t rush the storytelling. She could have told this in fewer pages, but I’m so glad she didn’t. Great pacing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this selection, and can’t imagine many people who wouldn’t like it.

Going to recommend it to my circle of friends as well as my book club.

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***ARC Provided by NetGalley/SMP Romance/St. Martin’s Press for review***

A solid 3.5, leaning 4 stars book for me.
I liked it, because I really love Nora Roberts. I will devour anything she throws at me, mostly happily.

As with all of her books, Identity is filled with rich characters, and deep familial bonds. Unlike most of her books, there is a break and repair of a bond that is beautiful to read. There is rich history, beautiful descriptions of places that put you right in the story, and, as always, a slightly dopey, silly, and loving dog to add to the mix.
Multiple times while I was reading this, I was convinced I had read this before. And while that's okay for me, someone that has read her books for years/will stick by her and continue to read her books as she releases them, I could definitely see this being a turn off for some people. It's a book that is driven by a formula (which is why I felt like I had read it before, I'm sure), but the thing that truly saves it from being a 3 star book in my eyes is the characters. I could have done with 100 more pages of just the relationship between the three women! Of the family history behind the business! OF THE TURRETS!
BUT (again).
That is not for everyone.
If you're already into Nora Roberts, definitely give this one a chance, you'll probably like it, too.
But everyone else? I'm just not sure.

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The first Nora Roberts book I ever read was "The Reef." I was home with the flu in high school, and my mom's best friend bought it for me to read. I didn't become a huge Nora Roberts fan until I graduated college; however, once I did I started to literally mark released on my calendar. May is always Nora Roberts month for me, and I could not wait for "Identity" to be released this May. That is why I was super excited to get a chance to read this one early.

I really enjoyed this book from beginning to end. It really stuck out to me how we developed the secondary characters in the book were. It actually made me a bit sad, as I would like to see a Liam book!

As someone who has dealt with identity theft (although not on this large a scale), this book really opens your eyes to it in a way that I hadn’t before. All in all, this was an amazing book, and I wish I had more to read. I recommend it to all Suspense readers, regardless of it they like Romantic Suspense or not.

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This is one story I couldn’t put down. The drama and suspense will keep you on edge right until the end. I was hooked and had a few late nights reading. Once again this author has woven a masterful tale that is a must read. The characters are great and as I got to the end I kept wishing for more. All I can say is one click this immediately!!!!

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I loved this. The story follows Morgan who is fresh out of college and making her way in life. Working two jobs and planning for her future she meets a man who interests her. He seems to blend right in with her life. Unfortunately, Gavin is a serial killer and an identity thief.

After getting caught by Morgan's roommate and killing Nina he wipes out her savings and goes on the run. Never forgetting how Morgan ruined all his luck.

Morgan moves back home with her Mother and Grandmother and begins rebuilding her life.

But Gavin hasn't forgotten about her and eventually comes for her.

I feel like the writing is superb. I feel like I know these characters. I've been to their homes and family dinners. I want to make plans to see them again. I know that sounds crazy but the writing just really sucked me in. I wouldn't say there are any groundbreaking plot twists, it's a predictable plot, but that made me love it even more.

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Another top read by one of my favorite authors. The first thing I did after starting this book, was check my accounts and credit score, this bad guy, gave me chills. All the feels are here, extreme loss, family, love, romance as expected from a Nora Roberts book, and of course a good dog, lol. Loved this story, it is now part of my favorite Nora Reads. Do not miss this one!

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Stop everything! Nora has a new book! I admit I am a huge fan so just had to read the book as soon as I got it. And it was sooo good. It starts out as a romance, not a steamy one, but the romance in first blush. But then Morgan goes home to find her roommate dead and her identity stolen. Her life is in tatters. With no other option she goes home to her mom and grandmother. But the FBI keeps showing up. They are tracing the guy that is the only suspect. The book is a thriller. Yet Morgan is a fighter and starts putting her life back together and even finds herself falling in love. The store owned by her mom and Gram sounds like a fun place to shop, the bar she manages sounds like a place I would want to stop and have a quiet moment. And the book ends in a spectacular fashion. What's not to like? Nora does entertain again.

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Everyone has their favorite authors. Nora Roberts is one of mine.

Identity is a romance, a suspense thriller, as well as a story of family bonds and strong women. It tells the story of Morgan, who is the victim of identify theft from a crazed serial killer who is fixated on her. It also is the story of family bonds, and belief in yourself and your abilities. As always, Nora writes in such a way that you are immediately drawn into the story and the world she has created. It is always a dilemma for me: do I read it in one sitting, or do I try to savor every word, prolonging my time in Nora’s world.

Read this book. You won’t be disappointed. Thank you to Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for providing me with an advanced copy. I will be forever grateful.

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