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Famous for a Living

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hooked and hooked some more. Loved all of this and couldn't put it down. I was like oh my. I need to know more. Read it.

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This was a fun book to read! I enjoyed reading Cat's story and it gave me a lot to think about in terms of my time on social media. My favorite character by far was Zaiah, such a rugged guy but a compassionate one as well!

Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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This was cute, and sweet, and surprisingly lighthearted. It had a few darker moments - things that actually held weight and put things into perspective - but overall it felt kind of like summer camp (but, obviously, not during the summer). I did feel like Zaiah got past his (very understandable) hangups about social media a bit too easily, just as Cat’s dependence upon it was played up while not seeming to actually impact her as much as it was talked about. But I didn’t mind it so much when put in the context of a fairly low-key book. I enjoyed it!

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I definitely would say this book was more of a fiction with a romance aspect than specifically a romance. So if you’re looking for a romance heavy book, this may not be the book for you. Overall this was such a cute story and any book that can make me laugh out loud gets bonus points from me.

We meet Cat, a social media influencer who decides to move to Montana to help her uncle after being involved in a scandal to take on the roll of social media director of a small national park. Then she meets Zaiah, the park ranger who she begins to work alongside. The two are definitely polar opposites as first glance, but as they get to know each other they find more similarities between the two of them. This is one of those books where you find yourself rooting so badly for the couple and it makes the story that much more enjoyable to read.

Cat and Zaiah are clearly the stars of the story but I have to say I really appreciate Ferguson’s ability to create such interesting supporting characters as well.

I enjoyed the humor this book had but I also really appreciate how Ferguson handle the topic of social media becoming toxic. And the way Cat’s character grew from her dependency of social media to finding real connections in Montana was refreshing to read.

Overall I would give this 3.5 stars.

**I received a complementary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are all my own.

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I’ve read many of Melissa Ferguson’s books so far..
this one was great! It wasn’t as gripping to me as Meet Me in the Margins, but it was still full of the fun witty banter, sweet and more than meets the eye main characters, and the cute and believable love we all adore!
The addition of some real topics like social media addiction and being glued to our phones put it over the top. I even used the list near the end to “track” my own phone addiction!
I definitely recommend this book if you’re up for a quick, fun read with some really cute love!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I could not put this book down, I finished it in one sitting, I read quickly but this was so good I had to keep going until I was done. I Loved that is was set in a national park and I loved all the characters. I also loved the social media and phone addiction in this book, it is so true now days. I really like how the main characters connection was believable. I would say read this book!

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This was such a charming story! It definitely reads more like women's fiction with a sprinkle of romance. Set in a beautiful Montana national park Cat Cranwell, a former famous NYC socialite, learns to embrace life without worrying about social media. She finds herself attracted to Zaiah Smith, a park ranger. I would have loved to see more build up on their relationship as this felt rushed. Overall it was cute story and would definitely recommend to readers.

** Thanks NetGalley, Thomas Nelson Fiction, and Melissa Ferguson for an arc in exchange for an honest review**

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Famous for a Living is the story of New York influencer Cat Cranwell. Who finds herself being accused of financial mischief along with her business partner. Needing to get away and out of the spot light, she accepts her uncles offer to work at the Kannery National Park, Montana. She meets her match when she meets mountain man Park Ranger Zaiah Smith.

Melissa Ferguson writes contemporary stories that are humorous and challenging. I fell in love with the secondary characters. Mina, Jax and Kevin added so much charm and humor to the story. The topic of social media addiction brings home a good point. I did enjoy Ferguson's other books a bit more, but this is good clean reading, in a beautiful setting with a bit of rom-com.

I received a complimentary ebook copy from the publisher, through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Every time I pick up a book with this trope, i.e. popular-influencer-girl with gruff-mountain-man who doesn’t know what technology is, I have such high hopes. Alas, I keep getting disappointed.

First of all, do not go into this expecting a romance. The romance “started” at around 75%, and it wasn’t really structured like one. This is closer to women’s fiction than a romantic comedy. Zaiah and Cat barely interact for the majority of the book. Whenever they do talk, the dialogue is stilted. Their chemistry is practically nonexistent. Zaiah has the personality of a sack of potatoes. The heroine, Cat, is pretty annoying and deeply insecure. I genuinely cringed everytime she attacked Zaiah by constantly putting words in his mouth. Her character development was weak, too.

I also couldn’t get a handle on any of the other characters’ personalities. Admittedly, the dynamic between Cat, Serena, and Mina was quite funny. I just wish we saw more of the other park rangers, along with Cat’s day-to-day life at work.

I also wish we saw more of the park itself. This book’s beautiful rural setting wasn’t taken advantage of nearly enough. In fact, this literally could’ve been set in any forest and it wouldn’t have affected anything. Additionally, the writing is choppy; I found myself constantly going back to figure out what was happening and who said what.

The book has several undertones including social media overconsumption, cancel culture, and mental health. I use the word “undertones” ironically. The commentary about social media toxicity was as subtle as a battering ram to the head. Despite the importance of this message, it came off as obnoxiously preachy.

Overall, neither the writing nor the characters clicked for me. The lack of clear plot plus the preachiness grated on my nerves. If you’re looking for a romance, I wouldn’t recommend this.

**I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.**

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Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read this eARC! was ok. I mean, it was sweet and light-hearted and I liked that the main character was discovering herself, it's a nice message. But something was just lacking and I can't quite put my finger on what.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. I usually really love romance novels but this one just wasn’t for me, I feel it didn’t have the same chemistry as a romance novel should have. I wasn’t a fan of the main character, I could respect her personal growth throughout the story but that was it. Overall I wouldn’t read again and I probably wouldn’t recommend it.

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This was a sweet, light read. It’s classified as a romance but similar to other readers, I agree it was lacking in that department. The synopsis builds up an opposites attract kind of romance but the book was more about the main character rediscovering herself. This isn’t a bad thing - it just wasn’t what I thought I was going to be reading. It’s on the lighter side which means there wasn’t much depth to any of the characters. I did enjoy the insight into a social media influencer and how easily someone can be “cancelled”.

Thank you to NetGallery and Thomas Nelson Fiction for this eARC! I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Don't let the first half of the book fool you: Famous for a Living is not just another rom-com. Famous for a Living is a fun read but it's also an insightful look at the life of a social media influencer.

At thirty years old, Cat has it all, living in New York, a walking advertisement for the brands she partners with. And I must admit, I had a bit of trouble relating to our heroine at first. But when she falls from popularity and finds herself facing a very different reality, she becomes more relatable to the average down-to-earth reader.

Famous for a Living features a strong cast of secondary characters who bring humor to even the most bizarre situations and several friends who are loyal come what may.

Anyone who works as a content creator will find this book probes below the surface more than the average fictional romance. Highly recommended!

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I was very excited to read it after falling in love with meet me in the margins.

Unfortunately, I had a little trouble following the reading style and did not end up finishing the book.

I would’ve loved a dual point of you and I think this would’ve helped my interest.

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*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.* I loved this book. The characters were fun, the national park setting was amazing, and the storyline was perfect. The romance was just right and the character growth was spot-on. Melissa Ferguson is quickly becoming one of my favorite authors. Her writing is so easy to read and I love that she creates amazing romances with no spice. I'm definitely recommending this one to friends and family.

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Famous for a Living was sweet and predictable with a close look at the life of an influencer. The discussion around the effects of social media is timely, and many readers will relate to Cat’s journey.

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You know that book that has everything to be perfect but it simply doesn’t deliver everything you wanted so you can’t help but feel disappointed? This is Famous for a living for me.

We have the couple who are opposites and somehow fall in love and you root for them so badly because they are cute. Indeed Zaiah and Cat are the hightlight of the book. They are developed as a couple beautifully and I appreciate neither of them losing themselves because of the other.

The way the chapters are divided and the time jumps in a way bothered me a lot. The writing style in general was not for me but I was invested in finding out how the story ended. Also it made me sad how the side characters lacked pages to be developed I mean I couldn’t care a lot about them because we simply don’t get to know their stories and personalities. And I think this connection between the characters in small town books are essential.

I do appreciate all the discussion regarding social medial and how we are all addicts in a way. It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot for the past couple years so I really liked that aspect of the book.

I would like to mention to chapter 15 because !!!!!!!!🥺 after that the book is not the same! We stan!

Overall, I liked the reading experience, this was my first book by the author and sadly I’m unsure if I would read something else by her. It gives some The simple wild vibes so if you like that book, you might want to give this one a try.

Rating: 3 stars ⭐️

*I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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After reading and loving Meet Me in the Margins, I knew I had to get my hands on whatever Melissa Ferguson wrote next! When I saw this was based in a national park, I flipped out a little (okay a lot)!

This story follows a social media influencer who is forced to spend some time off the grid after accidentally getting involved in the legal battle of the century.

We follow her from her penthouse in New York to living with her uncle in a park in Montana. Think Beverley Hilbillies, Green Acres, Schitt's Creek, you get the picture 🖼️

Hilarity and lots of tender moments ensue when she learns a lot of meaningful life lessons and may even find a little bit of live along the way 😉

I love the way Melissa writes all of her characters; they're always so fun and quirky and help add so much dimension and personality to the stories!

Also, all the bonus points for the world's cutest cover art 🎨😍

This book will be available for purchase on May 16, 2023!

Thank you so much to Thomas Nelson for the ARC! I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I was so excited to get an advanced copy of this story, since I loved the last one by Melissa Ferguson (Meet Me in the Margins). This story was every bit as adorable as it looks! I enjoyed getting to know Cat, as her life is turned upside down and she heads to the wilderness to pick up the pieces of her life. I loved the glimpse into the life of an influencer, with it's glitz and pitfalls. The side characters are delightful, and I loved the small town/park feel. This book is the perfect Rom Com to pick up and enjoy! It's like Hallmark meets Parks and Recreation, in all the best ways. I had a hard time putting it down.

I received this book from Netgalley. This is my honest review.

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I was looking forward to reading Famous for a Living when I realized it was by the author of Meet Me in the Margins. While this book was a good vacation read (meaning easy to follow and light), it will not be one that I remember and look back on with nostalgia.

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