
A Humorous Exploration of Man’s Fur-ocious Devotion to Dogs

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Pub Date Nov 07 2017 | Archive Date Jan 24 2018
Darcie Rowan PR | Skyhorse Publishing

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Chew on this. As humans, we have a deep need to believe . . . a need to relate to something greater and more ideal than ourselves. Perhaps that’s why so many millions believe in Dog. Man’s devotion to Dog has come to rival the great -isms and -ologies of the world. This thing has gone way beyond a hobby.

We may not literally worship dogs, but we come pawfully close. This rabid reverence for Rover has a name: Dogtology. Dogtology is for the dog lover who has bailed on a date because they didn’t want Twinkles to be left home alone. It is for the human whose dog owns a more festive holiday wardrobe than they do, whose pups dine on free-range bison burgers while they live off ramen, or whose smartphones have more photos of their dog than of the humans in their family. In this sacred dogtrine, the case is made that Dogtology has become a bone-a-fide belief system on par with the world’s great philosophies and religions.

Chew on this. As humans, we have a deep need to believe . . . a need to relate to something greater and more ideal than ourselves. Perhaps that’s why so many millions believe in Dog. Man’s devotion...

A Note From the Publisher

Jeff Lazarus is a leadership coach, speaker, trainer, adjunct professor, and creative who innovates and builds roads not yet traveled. He has an MBA from Pepperdine University and a BA in interpersonal and organizational communication from California State University, Long Beach. He combined his passion for animals with his teachings on communication releasing Listen Like a Dog in 2016. Lazarus is a serious dog lover and advocate. After finally having his Cat Mitzvah, way past age thirteen, he wrote the whimsical book Catakism. For more information about his books and other Dogtology-themed products by Jeff Lazarus, please visit his website:

Jeff Lazarus is a leadership coach, speaker, trainer, adjunct professor, and creative who innovates and builds roads not yet traveled. He has an MBA from Pepperdine University and a BA in...

Advance Praise

“I think the concept of Dogtology is as fresh and unique as Chicken Soup for the Soul was two decades ago.”                     —Jack Canfield, co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul series

“Funny and fresh, Dogtology is the definitive book of wisdom for anyone who believes in dog!”

—Nancy Levine, author of The Tao of Pug series (with Wilson the Pug)


“I think the concept of Dogtology is as fresh and unique as Chicken Soup for the Soul was two decades ago.”                     —Jack Canfield, co-creator, Chicken Soup for the Soul series


Marketing Plan

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Radio Satellite Tour with call in giveaways

City Tours to with media appearances secured for:  

* San Diego, CA  - November 6th on Fox 5 TV                 

* Phoenix, AZ - November 8 at 10:15am on CBS 3 TV Your Life Arizona 

* Chicago, IL - November 10th on WGN TV Morning News

Marketing and Advertising budget

Some Proceeds donated to animal shelters in each touring city

National Publicity Campaign

Good Reads Giveaways

Blogger Giveaways

Radio Satellite Tour with call in giveaways

City Tours to with media appearances secured for:  

* San Diego, CA - November 6th on Fox 5...

Available Editions

EDITION Other Format
ISBN 9781510726444
PRICE $14.99 (USD)

Average rating from 25 members

Featured Reviews

I read Catakism and loved it - - and I love this book too!! With smiles, chuckles, and downright guffaws on every page, this is a book that's perfect for animal lovers.

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Wow! This book make my day. Excellent for dog lovers. You learn more about your furry companion with funny and interesting pictures

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Dog-tol-o-gy (noun)
1. The belief in Dog
2. The system of rituals, practices, and behaviors engaged in by Dogtologists.
This book is for all you dog lovers out there who are obsessed with your pooches and feel that they are members of your families. You know who you are. You feel that they really don't know that they are dogs and you really don't want them to be told that they aren't, either. Your life revolves around them and you don't want it any other way. You don't understand people who don't live for a pet. The DUD's. This book explains all of that and more and it's filled with tons of great dog pictures to keep you smiling along the way. A funny read for all of you fellow dog lovers out there that explains why we are so obsessed with our dogs and it will make a fine holiday gift too. Thanks for reading. A copy was provided by NetGalley for my review.

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After reading Catakism, a book for cat lovers, I jumped at the chance to read Dogtology! I love dogs and cats equally, even though right now our fur babies are kitties. This book is truly one-of-a-kind. It's full of humor, interesting information (dogs and culture, how dogs heal others, and so much more), and beautiful pictures. Any dog lover would be thrilled to receive this book as a gift, and I think it would be perfect for the coffee table. I thought I knew a lot about dogs, but I learned even more though the information provided in this book. Well-done, Jeff Lazarus! Well-done!

Thanks to Jeff Lazarus, the publisher, Netgalley, for the opportunity to read this book.

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Those who are not dog lovers might find stuff in this book a little bit weird. However, for people like me who got 4 dogs, we can relate to "some" of the things listed. Although I admit that there are several that are really odd, but take account that the book is intended for parody. Therefore, several info are exaggerated for humor purposes and should be taken lightly.

Aside from being witty, there are a lot of useful information people will learn about canines, especially on how they were regard in the past. Not to mention that this books contains plenty of photos of adorable dogs that will delight readers.

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I have always liked dogs - other peoples dogs. I became a full fledged dog lover January 2016 when I met a rescue dog that melted my heart. Two more dogs later (for a total of 3 rescue dogs to date), I am a certified dogtologist. I found this book to be humorous and fun read. If you are a dog lover looking for a few good laughs, you can't go wrong here. Even if you aren't a fanatic, you are sure to find this book entertaining.

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I liked this book as much as I liked Catakism. Even if I am a cat person I was able to relate so the situations described in the book or to see the description of some members of my family.
Really funny and a good read. Strongly advised.
Many thanks to Netgalley and Darcie Rowan PR

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1. Belief in Dog.
2. The system of rituals, practices, and behaviors engaged in by Dogtologists.

One of the first things I googled when confronted with another potential book about dogs was this word, dogtology, figuring it was a made-up term, and not an off-shoot of something akin to Scientology. The only other place I found that this term comes up was in a book about Gabriel Garcia Márquez (Gabriel Garcia Márquez in Retrospect: A Collection) where the author / editor Gene H. Belle-Valada was talking about ways that Márquez had made his “mark on life outside the literary world” where he says that “In one particularly humorous event instance, an anonymous book on dog training entitled Dogtology has a subsection called “Love in the Time of Collars.”

This is Jeff Lazarus’s fourth book on dogs, the second book on “Dogtology,” plus he has a book on those who are owned by cats, which I recently reviewed. This book does, indeed, have a section entitled ‘Love in the Time of Collars,’ but it also has an author.

With few exceptions, I’ve had a dog all of my life. I was raised with a dog, raised on a dog, my mother would put me down for naps on our (then) less-than-one-year-old Irish Setter as an infant. When I started to crawl, he would follow me around to make sure I didn’t get into things I wasn’t supposed to. My own personal Nana (the name of the dog from Peter Pan). It was when I started to attempt walking or standing that there was any “issue” with this, since, as my mother would say, he had decided I was his and therefore belonged on all fours.

”The point is this: We profess to believe in all sorts of noble and worthy things, but we do not practice those beliefs consistently, day in, day out. Dogtologists, on the other hand, practice their belief with absolute, unwavering commitment.”

If your world revolves around your dog, or dogs, or you know someone whose world revolves around their dog, or dogs, this is a wonderful book. This is more than just a book of creative photographs of dogs, from adorable to ridiculous, it actually does contain plenty of information in addition. But, if you’re looking for something to make you, or someone else smile, this is a good choice.

Is this book for you? If you won’t read a book, or watch a movie, with dogs in it unless you know that no dogs die in it, then this book is definitely for you. If you care what kind of statement your dog’s collar is making, then this book is for you. I could list more, but it boils down to … if you can’t imagine a future without your dog, this book is for you.

”80 Million People have a Fanatical Devotion to their Dog” - this book celebrates the many, many reasons why.

Published: 24 Nov 2017

Many thanks for the ARC provided by Skyhorse Publishing, and Darcie Rowan PR

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I think it says a lot that I prefer [book: Catakism: A Humorous Purr-Spective on Humankind's Obsession with Cats] over this one. Even though I'm definitely not a Catakist.

I know for certain I'm not a Dogtologist, but I'm definitely not a DUD (Doesn't understand Dogtology). I'm just not a worshipper of dogs. They're great and all but


Oh my lord.


I'm hopeless.

Was this review helpful? I love a good comic read...and I also love dogs...and I found myself laughing aloud so often while reading this book...I saw myself over and over and while it shows me that I am sorta (sorta?) fanatical about my dogs...I don't see this changing...I have two rescues but they both of rescued me so many times...So...I am a disciple of Dogtology...and no apologies...I love my dogs (dog now as my first dog has since passed) but this book while making me laugh...just shows me that there are so many more like me...for the record ...I do NOT dress my dogs in people clothes ...but I do talk about them constantly...take bundles of to them...make their food first before mine...bring them treats and toys while not buying me things...(I do all the essentials...just not a lot of extras) I am a dogtologist...and very happy being one...thank you Jeff for pointing it out...I now know what to tell people when they ask...I am a member of dogtology...and very happy being one! Review is located at ... ....Am going to buy this book for others that I know feel the same way...FANTASTIC!

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I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased opinion.

And two days after I received it (before I could even begin reading it), our "CEO", my service animal, and our "fur child", passed away. So I went into reading and reviewing this book raw, and somewhat unable to keep my opinion unbiased.

DOGTOLOGY is a humorous look at the growing dog worship in our culture. It's factual, even if it breaks the news to the dog-obsessed gently that they are, in fact, dog-obsessed. It gives helpful reminders of things like the difference between what we think dogs need versus what they actually need from us. It also helps remind those who are practicing Dogtologists in regards to relationships with those outside their practice.

I'm so grateful I had this book to turn to as we grieved in our household. There were parts I could share with my partner for us to laugh over. Parts that made me cry tears I wasn't sure I was able to cry yet. It made it clear to both of us, though we hadn't really had doubts before, that we are, and have been, Dogtologists even when we have not been "dog owners" during our relationship, and that will always be the case for us. And when we are ready, emotionally, it will be time for us to find a new CEO for our household.

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This is a great read. If you are a dog lover you will enjoy this book. I have laughed, and teared up as I read this book. Highly recommended. I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book from Netgalley.

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