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Walk of Shame

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4.5 Stars!

As always, Lauren Layne crafted a beautifully written, entertaining story. I liked the way the narration in Walk of Shame was set up. Most of the story was in Georgie's first person perspective. She had this fun, overly cheerful way of presenting everything. It was a privileged but down to earth perspective. I don't know how Lauren Layne was able to combine those two things, but she did. Other, smaller parts of the story were told from Andrew's point of view. Instead of being in first person, his was in third. I liked the way Andrew's third person contrasted with Georgie's first.

The love-hate thing Georgie and Andrew had going on was awesome. I loved every minute of their witty banter and comebacks. The progression of their relationship was perfect. It was a sweet slow burn.

Georgie was your typical famous heiress. She didn't have a day job. She sent most of her time shopping, doing charity work, maintaining her beauty regimen, and partying with friends. Georgie could have easily been shallow, but she wasn't. She appreciated her life and was constantly examining it. There was a depth to her I wouldn't have expected. Georgie was always trying to prove herself.

Andrew reminded me a tiny bit of Sheldon Cooper from The Big Bang Theory without all of the crazy ticks. He was a thinker. Everything was looked at logically, and his decisions were based on fact not feeling. Andrew was smart in everything except people skills. He had no clue what to make of Georgie, and his figuring it all out was so much fun. I would have liked a little more insight into Andrew's cynicism. I felt there should have been more to it than just his job.

I loved every minute of this cheeky romance. Walk of Shame was ridiculously fun, fresh and exciting. I couldn't put it down, and read it in one night. Fans of Layne's Love Unexpectedly series are sure to fall in love with Walk of Shame.

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This is a book I have been so looking forward to and literally from page one, it had sucked me right in. I practically inhaled it within a few hours.

Snarky and feisty, the banter kept the story going. Snappy barbs and quick wit had the characters spinning and I absolutely loved it. From laugh out loud moments to moments where you felt the characters bruised pride, this book had it all. The characters were completely opposites but the author just made it work. She starts off flighty and ditzy, he comes across mean and boring and yet they somehow grow and show a deeper depth throughout the story.

If you want a light read that will keep you entertained then you have to pre-order Walk of Shame

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5 'Perfectly Ridiculous' Stars!

ARC provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I loved this book! I'm a Disney fairy tale fan to my core, so I adored every single page!!

Georgiana is a bright cheerful socialite in Manhattan who has a run in with Andrew, a serious, uptight divorce attorney. They share the same apartment building and have a run in each and every morning at 5am in the lobby, Georgiana just coming in from a night out on the town, and Andrew heading to the gym before work. The two worlds collide in a beautiful way that has their chemistry and sexual tension jumping off the pages!

I absolutely love Lauren Layne's writing style and have read quite a bit of her books. This one did not disappoint! It really was a excellent book that pulled me right in page after page! Loved it!

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As with each book Ms Layne writes, I was captivated from the onset, drawn in to the nature of the characters creating emotions in an instant. Yet this story had a different tone to it than her others, with its carefree nature that was juxtaposed to its stringent aspect...perfectly describing Georgie and Andrew in that order. The counterpoint to her breath of fresh air persona was his logical well orchestrated personality. Their's was a rising to nearly boiling point attraction, denied by both long enough to create tension and an explosive chemistry. The build up to their coming together left me holding my breath at times, then whooping with joy at others...only turning it around and making my heart sigh.

Georgie and Andrew have to be one of my favorite couples...and this author is well know for creating some very memorable ones, all from what I perceive to be her vivid, romantic imagination. In Georgie Andrew found the gentle loving nature that he needed, all brought to life through this author's creativity, making them a couple not easily forgotten. The descriptions of Georgie's bubbling, laugh at her self perceptions was enough to bring her to life in my mind's eye. Andrew's stodginess (Georgie's charming tag) was so well created, it led to the visual of him as clear as if he was standing before me, scowl and all.

Georgie's first person narrative was genius...her inner monologue was tremendously wry, snappy, and full of wit with clear insight into human nature. Her outlook on life through her inner musings was entertaining and one of my favorite things about the story. The hilarity in her wonderfully wondering thoughts drove the course of the story, keeping it fresh and moving smoothly through to the HEA end.

This book was provided by the Publisher and Netgalley, I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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This was such a fun read.
Georgina was funny, feisty and fun. She has a busy life, apart from her job, she has to maintain her wardrobe, which means plenty of shopping and clubbing....but lately it's all starting to feel a little blah!!! It's a life lonely!
Her favourite time of the day has become the times she sees her uptight, workaholic neighbor. They don't get on, no way, she just likes to tease him, unmercifully--and he's a great piece of eye candy, which doesn't hurt.
Andrew Mulroney is one of the best divorce attorney's around, but personally he doesn't have much time for woman, he's too busy to spend time pampering princesses who are more bothered about their looks than their job.
He has to admit though, Georgie is a gorgeous girl and pretty hard to ignore, she's also the kind of girl Andrew resents: the kind who inherit instead of earn. But when one of their snapping and snarling episode ends in a steamy kiss, Andrew knows he's in trouble.
Wow! A roller-coaster of fun and surprises. Georgie just couldn't wait to see Andrew to tease and insult him, and Andrew took it all, bless him, he must of had a thick hide, he did give her a tease or two back though, he wasn't a wimp.
I loved this book, made me laugh out loud!

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Are you looking for a ridiculously good book? Then immerse yourself in Lauren Layne's latest offering, Walk of Shame. This is a fast-paced and well-written read that takes place in the bustling city of Manhattan. The plot grabbed my attention right from the start, while the characters made me laugh, smile, and tear up from time to time. This is the fourth book from Ms. Layne's Love Unexpectedly series, and it can be enjoyed as as standalone.

Georgianna Watkins, or Georgie to her friends and family, is a kindhearted socialite. She loves to party well into the night, and afterwards, bring warm, just-baked donuts to the doormen who greet her in the wee hours of the morning. Georgie is charitable, smart, and beautiful, and she has brunch with her parents on Sundays. She has not met the love of her life yet, however, celebrity divorce attorney Andrew Mulroney causes her heart to flutter, even though their interactions are far from civil.

Andrew, not Andy, is a workaholic. Not only is he good-looking and buff, he is extremely smart and controlled. He skipped two grades during grade school and made partner by the age of thirty. Andrew and Georgie usually exchange barbs at five o'clock in the morning, when he is leaving for his daily workout and she is coming in from a night of clubbing. They are opposites in every sense of the word and their attraction to each other is undeniable.

This was such a fun read! Georgie and Andrew have a love/hate relationship and their banter is quite clever. They are a hot couple, and their sexy times are replete with desire, intensity, and feeling. Overall, this is a terrific read that twist and turns in all the right places.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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"I was wrong, I realize. First kisses aren't always a disappointment. Sometimes they're perfect right from the very start."

"This man is raw and primal, his touch sure and possessive, as though every part of me is his and he's always known."

This book was such a fun, fun read. This book was everything that I wanted and needed in a Lauren Layne novel. From the witty and entertaining banter to the heartbreaking and romantic moments, this book had it all.

Walk of Shame is told from dual points of view and follows the story of Andrew and Georgie. They are the ultimate frienimies. Most days it seems these two can't be around each other without engaging in intense verbal foreplay. To the outsider, it may seem like all they are doing is fighting. They are complete and 100% opposites. However the tension between the two of them is just explosive. They never stood a chance. Chemistry like the two of them share was meant to be explored. And the more the two of them fight it, the hotter they burn....

From the moment I picked up Walk of Shame I was hooked. I feel in love with Georgie's smart mouth and personality instantly. While on the outside, she might seem like your average park avenue princess, there was so much more to her than what meets the eye. Beneath her happy exterior is a lonely woman who just wants to be loved and just wants to have the fairy tale ending in a world filled with frogs. And Andrew...He has burned by love in the past and maybe that's why he is the hottest divorce attorney that NYC has ever seen. He knows what happens after you say I do and that has made him afraid to take the leap when it comes to love. But, when it comes to Georgie, all bets are off. She is unlike any woman that he has ever met. She is his total opposite in every possible way. She is ridiculous and challenges him every step of the way. And he just can't get enough of her. He's protective of her in a way he's never been for a woman. He feels things that he doesn't understand. He just has to be brave enough to take the leap.

I absolutely adored Georgie and Andrew together. Their banter was so entertaining. I loved seeing their characters develop and transition. They were the ultimate enemies to lovers. I loved seeing the two of them interact. It made it impossible for me to put this book down. I was left with no choice but to devour every second of their story.

Walk of Shame was a fantastic addition to the Love Unexpectedly Series. This book was just so much fun and a great book to spend the day getting lost in. The characters were a ton of fun and easy to connect with. Their story was not only entertaining, but was filled with just the right amount of romance, angst, drama and sexy good times. This story gave me so many feels and left me with the biggest smile on my face. I just loved it!! I definitely recommend checking this book out.

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I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this book!! What an amazing addition to the Love Unexpectedly Series. This was what a true HEA is all about :)

This is truly my favorite book of this series!!! I wasn’t sure I was going to like this book going into it, because it is an enemies to lovers story and I have found I have trouble reading those. But this book was just GREAT!!

Truthfully Georgie made this book for me. Yes I liked Andrew and his stiffshirtedness, but Georgie was an amazing heroine. She was fun, sassy, sharp witted and just overall fun to read. She is a girl who doesn’t have to work and can just enjoy the fun loving life she leads. I did like watching her grow as a character also as the story went on. She realized she wanted a little more out of her life, but her true goal was getting that Disney HEA. Now Andrew….he was a tough cookie to crack. He is a famous divorce attorney and overall a very intelligent man. His problem is he lead with his big brain and not his heart. He also grew immensely throughout the story. By the end he won over my heart. I loved the banter between Andrew and Georgie. Even though Andrew could get kind of cruel with his comments (in the beginning) Georgie never let that bring her down….it made her come back more fierce. I couldn’t have been happier with this couple!!

As always Lauren Layne still takes a place on my Favorite Author List. This book is the reason I keep coming back to her books.

Walk Of Shame is the fourth standalone novel in the Love Unexpectedly Series. Each book is a complete standalone and there are no interconnecting characters. So this is a series that can be read out of order. This story is told in Dual POV, but with a twist. Georgie’s POV was in the first person POV and Andrew’s was in the third person POV. I’m not exactly sure why she wrote it that way, but it didn’t diminish my enjoyment of the book at all. I loved that this story kind of reminded me of the Disney movie Enchanted!! I also like that she referenced that movie in this book. It made me want to watch the movie again.

I really liked that this book really focused on Andrew and Georgie and any other characters we met through the story were just there to support the main couple.

If you are a fan of the angsty Enemies to Lovers type story or are a fan of Lauren Layne’s books, you don’t want to miss this gem!!!

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