Cover Image: The Art of Hiding

The Art of Hiding

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Member Reviews

Another great read from Amanda, My only complaint is they are not long enough! Her books are ones I just want to keep on reading. Nina has everything on the surface. A rich husband, two boys and the most amazing house. But is she happy? One day Finn dies and suddenly everything she has is gone. He has left her with massive debts and her house is repossessed leaving her with nothing. The boys and Nina move to Southampton with her sister, they all have to adapt to a completely different life. A small flat, the boys have to go to a local comp and Nina needs to get a job. A really lovely story about hardships and how family can come together and make everything ok. Loved it.

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I definitely have a new favourite author. This book is another excellent read. Nina looks to all like she has the perfect life. However life can change so quickly and all of a sudden nina is fighting for survival for herself and her family. The perfect life is just an illusion which even Nina believes but due to events Nina is force to strive and in doing so... well you will see from the story. The characters just step out of the book. Amazing

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I found this very different from Mandy's recent books as the sadness happened at the beginning of the book. In some ways it was more of a self help book and how you can overcome the most awful experiences and still become a better person. It reminded me of the saying, you don't need money to have fun.

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Amanda Prowse is the queen of true to life literature and this book is no exception. Written in her easy fast flowing style I read it in one sitting and didn't want it to end. With likeable characters that you quickly become attached to, it is an emotional read which will have you thinking about money, life and happiness.

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Although I enjoyed this novel the best of it was the first third. I wanted to know more about Finn and would have preferred a darker side to the marriage. It became a little too saccharine for my taste at the end.

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A fantastic book that touches upon how money can appear to make you happy and how in such a short time you life can totally change direction. An emotional story that deals with loss in its many shapes and forms. Fantastic descriptions that enable you to truly visualise and bring the story to life and that is sure to get you to shed a tear or two during the twists and turns. Thoroughly recommend a fantastic read with fantastic characters.

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Another great book from Amanda Prowse. As with all of her books this is a situation that could happen to many people and shows how well someone copes when their whole life is turned upside down. Brilliant and highly recommend this book.

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I learned about Amanda Prowse through TBC The Book Club on Facebook and have loved her books! The Art of Hiding is no exception. The story of Nina and her perfect life until it is no longer so perfect. She is dealt with one large obstacle after another but goes back to what is truly important and cherished. This book is outstanding!

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I absolutely loved this book, brilliant insight into how quickly things can change in your life and there's nothing you can do! I didn't want this story to end

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Loved this book, couldn't put it down. Shows the strength of family and how losing everything can sometimes be a good thing. Certainly made me think. Thank you again Amanda for another thought provoking, interesting read

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Another thought provoking book by Amanda Prowse. When the head of the family, the house and all the money are snatched away in just days, Nina has to stop hiding away from life and rebecome the feisty, brave woman she once was. With her sister, Tiggy, alongside her, she learns to cope with a whole new life, which is the polar opposite of the life she has been living.
Having had a friend go through something similar, I could identify with the stages Nina went through, from anger and disbelief to acceptance finally. I felt the storyline was slow in parts, but I think this helped me to get under Nina's skin (and that of her sons) and to see how, while the changes to their lives was quick and dramatic, the changes to their new environment and life happened gradually.
This is a must for all Amanda Prowse fans.

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Amanda Prowse is fast becoming my go-to author when I'm wondering what to read next as her books are always situated at the top of my reading pile; they really are the crème de la crème and never fail to deliver a real life story that tugs on your heartstrings.

The Art of Hiding was a bit different from Amanda's other books as the sadness hits right at the beginning when Nina's husband dies. I didn't even have a chance to get to know the characters so, although it was heartbreaking when Nina has to break the news to her sons, I was left dry eyed. I felt triumphant - I had beaten Amanda Prowse; finally, a book that wouldn't make me cry! I relaxed and drew myself into Nina's story: the turmoil of losing her house and moving to a pokey flat in Southampton, her boys having to leave their prestigious school, all the while having to cope with their recent bereavement.

Both Nina and the boys struggle to adapt to their new meagre surroundings, none more so than Nina's eldest son, Connor. Connor was set to be a shining star on his school rugby team and now he must start from scratch at a new school. It was Connor's love of rugby that ultimately made me cry at the after match party; my earlier triumph at not crying was deflated like a burst balloon, but I didn't care - my heart was bursting at the amazing scene painted by Amanda Prowse's beautiful words.

The Art of Hiding really makes you think about what makes you happy. It's not necessarily the treasured possessions that we surround ourselves with, it's the people with whom we share our life and experiences. Nina was just another of her husband's treasured possessions and she was so busy being a wife and mother that she ended up being a ghost of herself. It took the tragedy of losing her husband and going back to basics for her to really start living.

Yet again, Amanda Prowse made me cry but most definitely in a good way! Only Amanda Prowse could turn such a tragic situation into a heartwarming story of survival and reawakening. It's no surprise that I have awarded 5 stars and I'm sure that there will be many more 5 star ratings to come from other readers.

I chose to read an ARC and this is my honest and unbiased opinion.

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The Art of Hiding is a very well written book with a great plot and characters. Grab your tissues.

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This book was better than the last I read of hers but it seemed to end abruptly. I definitely wasn't expecting it to end when it did. Good message behind the book though!

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I have read all of Amanda's books so far and was excited to read this. I can honestly say it didn't disappoint. It was a very well crafted story and one that everyone can relate to. It grips you from the first page and just keeps you wanting to carry on reading late into the night so you can see what happens next. You feel so much for the characters, wanting to help them deal with their grief if you could. I would recommend this book and author to anybody who loves a great easy read but also a gripping storyline. Amanda's books just seem to keep getting better and better

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I loved this book, very easy to read, an incident that could happen to any of accident that could shatter anyones lives and anyones dreams......Makes you take a step back and look at your own life, look at all the good in it and to make you live each day to the full......I would like to think that I'm as strong as Nina, and I could bring my children up in a bad situation the right way and to the best for their lives......Loved it....

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I love this Author. She always gets it right!! Highly recommend!!

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A nice easy read of a woman learning to deal with her husbands death and the loss of her world. However, the main character was unlikable, which let down the story some what! The backstory of the family being danish added nothing to the story

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Amanda does it again! Gripping, emotional, funny and eloquent I feel this latest creation is her best yet. I've never felt so emotionally invested in a character before and I've never wanted to shout at a book the way I sometimes do with a gripping TV show or film.
It took me just over 24 hours to read this book because I just couldn't put it down. It has taken me a little longer to be able to write a review as finding the right words to do this book justice has not been easy!
I managed to get 82% of the way through the book before I had to stop from the tears obscuring the words. After that I was constantly reaching for the tissues as the tears rolled down my face. I cried with laughter, sorrow and joy. I still cannot get over the heart wrenching relationship between the leading lady, her husband and her sons or how incredibly well each character developed as I read on. The depth of character, the realism of each person and the complexity of relationships is portrayed so accurately that I found myself willing the characters to succeed.
Written with such intensity in places I found myself speed reading desperate to turn the page and find the outcome of each event as it unfolded, simultaneously devouring every word not wanting to miss a thing.
The ending was superb, and I genuinely didn't see it coming, despite it telling me the percentage read on my kindle I found myself at the end of the book wondering how I got there. As always Mrs Prowse leaves you wanting more, wondering how the characters lives continue and dare I say it, feeling a little bereft that it's all over.
I was very fortunate to have been allowed access to an ARC and thank Amanda very much for the privilege of being able to read it so soon. I highly recommend this book and cant wait to read what Amanda produces next!

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Once again, another 5 Star book by Amanda Prowse. This one really pulls at the heartstrings, I cried at the start, I cried at the end, and I loved every minute in between. At first, only in the first instances of the book, I wasn't sure what to make of Nina, she had it all and yet seemed very distant and cold. This didn't last long - as soon as the story unfolds, I warmed to her, and became so in awe of her strength of character and her love for her sons above all else. She is a formidable woman, who has been dealt one of the worst blows a wife and mother could ever deal with - the loss of her beloved husband. The devastations keep coming though, and her late husband is not all he seemed to be, leaving a question mark over his death and debt beyond belief. Despite having a sad start, this book evokes many emotions - Nina's sister Tiggy and her 2 sons are adorable and funny - the boys have lost their role model Father, but Nina deals with it with such bravery and protects these vulnerable kids from way more than any mother should ever have to. Amanda seems to capture the thoughts and feelings of a pre-teen and teenage boy wonderfully and I found myself relating to the mother/son bond that Nina naturally sometimes struggles with. Eventually, we get to see the true Nina, one that makes friends and can be strong and ambitious. Her strong-willed personality and defiance to be brought down by the events that have happened to her are what gets this family to a place where they are happy, in a loving place, reflecting on what the true meaning of happiness is. It certainly made me think, we are so caught up with "things" and other people's opinions of ourselves, and this story proves that sometimes all you need is the love of your family. A wonderful book, I am never disappointed by Amanda's novels, and I can guarantee you will enjoy this journey of love, loss and everything in between.

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