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First and foremost I need everyone stop what you’re doing and go preorder this book you can come back and read my review after.

The beauty of “Furyborn” lies with the interweaving of both past and present as we follow two young women, each tied to a prophecy that long for told of their reign, discover that what you most desire comes with a heavy price.

The shifting of each chapter is introduced with a collection of literature ranging from legends and rhyme to a soldier recounting a story of survival to show the differences between the two stories while also giving nods to a parallel journey both of our heroines (no spoilers but yes I am giving that name to them both) as they try to uncover which queen they will be, how they will handle the responsibility and the resulting consequences that comes with their choice and allegiances.

There is something within this world that Legrand built that makes you want to dive deeper to untangle the web of mythology and history that is presented in the past sections as well as how the ripple across time has affected the modern world which is so profoundly different to wear the former is considered nothing more than a bedtime story. The entire structure of it balances out nuances of almost fairy tale like retellings with Alice in Wonderland and Little Red Riding Hood and showing subtle allusions to almost a French Revolution type movement, while altogether being a completely well thought out and original high fantasy story with a villain that is unlike any I have read in a long time.

Furthermore, and I’m sure I’m not the only blogger or reader in general out there who feels this way, but I am beyond excited to both create and see what kind of edits the fans of this series will design because there is so much to play with and so much more to come with the remaining novels! This series has jumped up to my top 5 books and I can’t wait to see how it plays out!

**thank you to netgalley for providing an arc in exchange for a fair and honest review**

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I loved this book! Rielle and Eliana were both such stron, yet flawed characters. I love Rielle and it’s heartbreaking to see what happens to her and the world because of Corien’s machinations. I can’t believe that Rielle would kill people she loves, so I can’t wait to read more to see how Rielle’s actions lead to Eliana’s world. Simon was also a well-developed and 3-dimensional character. I want to read more now.

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Wow. Just wow.
The first couple of chapters had me confused. I had no idea what was happening, and the time shift threw me for a while. But slowly, things began to make sense. Eventually things fell into place and I was struck by the sheer genius of it all.
This book is amazing. I absolutely loved it!
Two girls, divided by 1000 years, and yet their stories are unequivocally intertwined.
Magic, love, betrayal, power, ACTION- this book has it all.
My only reservation about this book is that I'm not quite sure it's "YA"... Perhaps a New Adult categorization would be better? Are we still doing NA? Is that a thing, still?
In any case- I absolutely cannot wait for Book 2!!!

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Loved it! While it's not perfect, it is a one of the best fantasy novels I've read in a while. Two strong female characters, truly imaginative world building, and an intricate plot kept me up reading long after I should have turned off the light for the night. I really don't want to have to wait a year to see what happens next! There are dual storylines, and jumping between them was a little confusing at first. But the story itself is pretty great - man vs angels, queens with magical powers who can either destroy or save the world, love, family, survival - it has it all. Many thanks to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Fire for this excellent read. 4.5 stars! Claire Legrand, you have a new fan!

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OK, so I just finished reading this book last night. I was definitely disappointed that it was over. Thankfully, there are two books to go. The story centers on two different queens: the blood queen and the queen of light. I won’t say too much more other than the books is told from both of their perspectives. The book is a fun fantasy that had a really great pace. I found it hard to put it down at night and force myself t9 go to sleep. So, why did I give it four stars? I wish I could have given it 4.5 stars, but I went more conservative with 4. At first, I thought it was specifically targeting the YA market, but some of the language and sexual situations could find it a hard sale for some parents and schools. I’m personally offended by very little, but I’ve met enough Southern conservatives to know that any perceived “bad language” and sex can be problematic. I almost wish th author had just made both protagonists 18 and then some of those issues would have been less problematic.

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It's easy to admit Furyborn has been amongst my favourite reads of 2017 and was a wonderful way to introduce myself to the work of Claire Legrand who's an author I've been meaning to sample for a long time now.

On every level Furyborn is pure unadulterated fantasy split into two time threads following two very different women with an unknown link, at the beginning as we learn how they are linked during the course of the book. The first is Rielle who is strong and powerful with a destiny she is fighting hard to achieve despite those against her and the second is Elianna, who lives a thousand years later than Rielle, in her aftermath, and is also a strong girl with a talent for escaping the fingers of death and for bringing in bounties, also with a huge destiny but one that she has no clue about. As the story flows though each of the different story threads we watch as the two girls are forced to face their varying fears and they strive to survive in two varying worlds under the sway of evil unimaginable.

I am very impressed with the treatment these two story lines have received from Legrand, she has a huge talent for words that leave an impression on the reader, her pacing is nigh on perfect and she keeps the excitement levels ramped up to the max which keeps the reader both engaged and entranced. The world building is beautiful and the world's mythos is a little confusing in the very beginning but everything does start making sense by the end of this first book and I am sure more will fall into place as the story continues in the future titles..

A great book and a great read from a very talented author, a solid recommendation for any fans of fantasy worlds.

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If I could give this book more than 5 stars, I would happily give it the entire night sky! I absolutely loved everything about this book. One of my favorite writing styles is when we, as readers, get to view a story line via multiple points of view. I was astonished that not only did Claire give us multiple points of views but also different points in time! This was a new concept to me and one that I fell in love with almost immediately. Throughout the book I was constantly trying to piece together how something in Eliana’s time would relate back to Rielle’s time and vice versa. I still have a couple of theories of how a certain angel in both timelines connects but I will keep those to myself for now! And oh the characters! How multi-faceted they all are, how beautifully defined and lovable they were! I couldn’t help myself falling in love with Audric right along side of Rielle or feeling Eliana’s frustration with a certain wolf. I cannot wait to see how their relationships continue to develop and how they got from where they were at the end of the book to where they were at the beginning. The most beautifully crafted part of this book though has to be the world building and writing. The concept of elemental magic mixed with angels and even some love interests just made me love this book all the more. The only thing I could have wished for more was a completed map of the world so I could follow along on the journey (my eARC had the map divided into four different pieces and was very disjointed). Claire’s writing style was fluid, graceful and a joy to read. I cannot recommend this book enough and it is going to be a long, long wait for book 2!!

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When Saint katell sunspinner, saint nerida waterworker, saint grimvald metalmaster, saint tameryn shadowcaster, saint tokazi earthshaker, saint marzana firebrand, saint ghhovan windsingers kick all the angels behind the gate...

An angel who is the lover of Saint Katell gives a prophecy before dying.

"The gate will fall, the angels will return and bring ruin to the will know this time by the rise of two human queens, one of blood and one of light. one with the power to save the world. one with the power to destroy it, two queens will rise. they will carry the power of the seven. the will carry your fate in their hands.two queens will rise."

The story starts with Queen Rillee giving birth of her daughter and for protecting her from Corien an Angel who was able to sneak from the gate, handed her to Simon who is a marque and only marque have the ability to travel with speed and also with time.

Rielle Dardenne, Who is the daughter of lord commander Dardenne, has the ability to control al the seven elements unlike all the other elementals, even saints were not able to control all. Rielle burned her house in her childhood by an accident and killed her mother cause she was not able to control her magic.

Her father and grand magister Taliesin belounnon tried to hide her extraordinary power for years until one day assassins attacked her childhood friend and the prince of Celdaria Audric the Lightbringer (also her love interest, but Lady Ludivine who is also the friends of them, and cousin of Audric is engaged to the Prince), She lost all her control while saving him and exposed in front of everyone.

According to prophecy only two human queens possess this power, for proving She is Light Queen, Kingdom decides to take her trial for every element, If she will survive she will be declared as Light Queen.

Lady Rillee story is 1000+ years old then Eliana Ferracora, who is a bounty hunter working for Empire, known as Dread Of Orline, who is invincible, have the ability to heal herself quickly, who don't believe in tales of Queen Rille. Until one day she got an assignment to assist Valentine emperor assassin, to catch Wolf who is Red crown captain, the right hand of the prophet.

But Fidelia took her mother and she didn't have any other option to take help of wolf, One thing leads to another and she came to know that she is The last of house courverie, daughter of the Lightbringer, heir to the throne of saint katell, the true queen of the Celdaria.the furyborn child, Sun Queen daughter of the Queen Rillee

I am going to shut now otherwise I may be spoil something

What I like

I like to story development, throughout the story something interesting was happening which don't let you distracted. 
The whole word was beautiful with a rich history.
If talk about twists there weren't much or say surprising, many things I guessed and I was right
Two stories at the same time, I liked Rielle story better than Eliana, though Everyone said she is Blood queen, but what If she is not? Everyone assumes her Light Queen than in Eliana's time she was called as Blood Queen, What if the role will switch in 2nd book?
Who knows?.....I have this odd habit of guessing stories sometimes It also embarrassed me (Sorry If this one will turn wrong in 2nd book).

Ludivine was supporting and loving throughout the story, but I couldn't digest her character.

Two Queens, both are powerful, strong,  interesting.
And here I am declaring THE WOLF is my Favorite character, He is mysterious, strange and wonderful, I don't know I have this thing for side characters.

Thank you, NetGalley and Sourcebooks fire for e-ARC in exchange for an honest review

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This was an extremely fast read. Well written, great characters, great pacing, great everything! I am looking forward to book number 2. I would recommend to fans of Philip Pullman.

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Woah, I love these kick ass female characters. If you love fantasy and strong female characters in a world that becomes consumed by a history of fear and tyranny, you will love this novel.

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Unfortunately this book is not for me. Though most of the reviews here are quite favorable, I found it a bit of a drag. It felt flat, melodramatic and I could not connect to the characters. It's too bad because I really wanted to like this book.

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This was so deliciously good. It has all the elements of YA fantasy, with just enough magic to make it exciting, and both of the main characters are likeable for entirely different reasons. I love how the story is split into two moments in time, rather than a series of events, and how these moments and the key characters from each of them manage to somehow come together. I won't say I didn't see it coming, largely because the ending is kind of at the beginning and for those of us who read a lot a plot twist has got to be something truly special for us to not sniff it out. But anyway, it was so good.

Before I go any further, let's just take note of how ridiculous that blurb is. It leaves literally nothing to the imagination - not to mention nothing for me to summarise any different. But essentially, this book is divided into two stories which gradually merge, has two main female leads with varying degrees of coolness (Rielle more so than Eliana because Rielle is some wickedly cruel complex character I just adore to read about), some part human/part angel stuff going on (perhaps akin to Shadowhunters?), magic, and some against the clock adventures to keep you hooked.

Whilst I really enjoyed it, sometimes the story became difficult to follow because it's constantly jumping 1000 or so years forwards and backwards. Equally, some of the excitement of not knowing what might happen is lost almost within the first chapter when you witness a key death, so it's no surprise when it comes to fruition! But you know what, I can forget about that because it was so much fun to read.

Definitely recommend it.

ARC provided free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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There were some things I really loved and disliked about this book. I absolutely loved the weaving of the 2 stories. Even though they were told thousands of years apart, Legrand still made it so that you were interested. The differing moral complexities of the protagonists (Eliana and Rielle) was also a job well done. They were distinct, and Rielle was likable.

I thought that Eliana's story dragged a little. I just wasn't interested in it. It's surprising because that is the present perspective, but I just didn't care-- and I kept on forgetting that her mother, brother, etc. even existed...

You have to be a fan of fantasy and really willing to immerse yourself in a different world for this book. For younger readers, the very beginning is a little confusing, but it definitely is worth it to push through. I would recommend this to fantasy loving high schoolers. There's sex, language, etc.

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What a great adventure. I generally hate two time periods in a book but Legrand handles this wonderfully and kept me reading at a furious pace. Great YA read.

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I liked the book and found the split time frames interesting, although sometimes I think this slowed the story down somewhat. I liked the characters. I know this is the beginning in a trilogy, so it can't give all its secrets away, but I do think more could have been explained in this volume. Overall though I did enjoy it and look forward to reading the rest of the series. I don't know if I would be comfortable recommending this to students as it does get somewhat graphically sexual at one point and has strong sexual themes through out.

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This book has absolutely earned its hype, the "most anticipated" title that it's being marketed with it is also well-deserved. It's a rare thing to find a single fantasy story that is original, exciting and full of powerful, intriguing characters, let alone two within one book. Rielle and Eliana's stories are connected, yes, but it's not in an in-your-face obvious way, which serves Furyborn very well. But for a few overlapping elements, they each read as fantastic, nearly standalone stories in their own right, and the way author Claire Legrand deftly weaves them together adds tremendously to the depth and magnitude of the plot. It's so interesting to see both sides of the coin in one story - Rielle's story provides the lead-up to an earthshaking event (which we get tantalizing hints of in the prologue), and Eliana's story is set in the devastatingly brutal Empire left in the aftermath of Rielle's time. In books with multiple POVs, I personally find it nearly impossible to not have a clear favorite, but in Furyborn, both Rielle and Eliana are strong, compelling, and fascinating in their own ways. I truly did not have a favorite, and was only tempted once to skip a chapter and get a peek ahead, and skimming can be a huge problem for me in other books. Fabulous writing, action, character development, worldbuilding, magic...everything. Fabulous everything.

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I actually could not finish this, so ingnore my score because I can't send my review without a rating. I felt the writing was very well done. The pace was fast and had a lot going on, so my mind was everywhere. I couldn't connect with the characters, but that's not to say that the book isn't good because maybe it gets incredibly fantastic. It is just such a long book that I can't truck my way through and see. It just wasn't for me.

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I enjoyed this fantasy. I did at first find it difficult to orientate myself as we start in one timeframe with a birth and death and then go back two years to find out about the events leading Rielle to this point. The story then alternates between her and Eliana - who lives in the future where Rielle is a legend.

Both characters are feisty females having to fight for their lives. I was a little slow to pick up the link and was therefore surprised by the ending. A satisfying read - well set up for book 2 of the series.

I will pass it on to my more able students as some of the content was more adult in nature and the two voices makes it more challenging to read.

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This was a great read! The plot was character driven and well developed. The writing was average but highly imaginative so I could see younger audiences being inclined to read it. I found some similarities to the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare and I think people who are a fan on Leigh Bardugo's Shadow and Bone series would like this read. I liked the dueling POVs and their timelines being 1000 years apart, it made for a great read.

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