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White Houses

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Whenever I read fictionalized accounts of famous people I always wonder about what really happened. I especially wonder about their conversations and I have to keep reminding myself that I'm reading a work of fiction. Amy Bloom in this wonderfully written book, imagines the relationship between Eleanor Roosevelt and Lenora Hickok, an AP reporter who becomes Eleanor's "first friend" and actually for a time moves into the White House. While I did wonder here what actually happened and what was imagined, what their relationship was really like, the story definitely has a real feel to it and almost reads like Lorena's memoir as it is told from her point of view. The two could not have come from more opposite backgrounds and while we get glimpses from their conversations of the privileged, upper crust family that Eleanor was raised in, we get more details about Lenora's sad childhood of poverty and abuse.

The narrative moves back and forth from the 1945, just after FDR died as Eleanor summons Lenora to her side. They have not been together for a long time, but their beginnings and past relationship is told by Lenora and we get a better understanding of what these two women meant to each other. The joyful descriptions of their trips together as well as other times spent together in the White House depict a loving relationship. I couldn't help but be thankful that Eleanor had Lenora as her solace, while FDR carried on his extramarital affairs in the White House and their children always seeming to favor their father. Another aspect of the book that I really liked was how through their story, the time and events around them are depicted such as the Depression and some interesting things about The Lindbergh kidnapping.

I was hoping that Bloom would have included sources. Since what I read is an advanced copy, I hope that in the final version they will be listed . I did enjoy it for sure. It's 3.5+ stars for me and that reflects my own dilemma with this type of book, but I have to move it up to 4 stars because the writing is not to be missed.

Thanks once again to Diane and Esil for another terrific read together, which we have made into a monthly event.

I received an advanced copy of this book from Random House Publishing Group - Random House through NetGalley.

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White Houses is a fictionalized account of Eleanor Roosevelt's relationship with Lorena Hickok. The novel is narrated from Hickok's perspective. It's more of a character study than a story. Hickok recounts part of her childhood, and moves back and forth in time, always coming back to the few days following FDR's death. What made this worth reading to me were the writing and the sharply drawn personalities of these characters. Bloom makes it easy to understand what drew these women together and pulled them apart. And the last chapter was beautiful and heartbreaking.

White Houses is a beautifully written impressionistic depiction of two women caught in a particular time in history. I knew nothing about this relationship and very little about Eleanor Roosevelt. It's always hard to know how true a work of historical fiction is to the characters or events it depicts. In this case, it's hard to tell but Bloom's depiction of these women has a convincing air of reality. I'm left wanting to read more about them -- especially Eleanor -- which is not a bad thing.

A note of caution to anyone who is sensitive about child abuse and animal cruelty. There are a few difficult scenes early on dealing with Hickok's childhood.

Another lovely monthly buddy read with Diane and Angela! And thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an opportunity to read an advance copy.

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It has long been speculated that Eleanor Roosevelt was a lesbian and that her longest and most committed relationship was with a journalist assigned to report on her, Lorena Hickock. In this book, LIsa Bloom, an award nominated writer, writes a speculative fiction about the relationship between the two women told from the viewpoint of Hickock. The troubled marriage of FDR and his "Missus" has long been known, and his parade of mistresses,, even after he made promises to Eleanor that he would not parade them in front of her, is factual. Looking at the story from the other side, that is, that Eleanor sought love and physical comfort from another woman turns the historical story on its ear. The description of the women's physical relationship is mentioned -- more than mentioned -- but is not in any way offensive. These are tender lovers who glory in each other's presence and are better women for their relationship with the other. The question, perhaps, is whether this expanded view of Eleanor, the "First Lady of the World," is something that will connect with the public. The author introduces other gay and lesbian characters in the book and makes clear that their "perverted" relationships were not the stuff of living room conversation. In fact, when a gay relative threatens to go public with Eleanor and "Hicks" relationship in an attempt to cover his own gay affair with a black man, it is clear that this is a threat that is too big for the time and place. Perhaps the book would have flowed better told more from Eleanor's viewpoint, but Lorena is the historical asterisk that Bloom wishes to portray and at times she is too stodgy, too obsessed, and simply not vivid enough to hold the reader's attention. Still, as a interesting postscript to history, especially in this time when LGBTQ rights are threatened in a more Conservative culture, the fact of arguably the greatest First Lady in American History having a gay lover, is an intriguing premise. The book may not be everyone's cup of tea, but the author's reputation for excellent writing may carry the day and the book.

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I have loved Amy Bloom’s books, but this was not a book I loved. For some reason, I found it too dark and painful to enjoy. It’s hard to write historical fiction, especially about such a famous family, and in telling the story I found the book retelling a tale that perhaps didn’t need retelling.

As a New Yorker I have had a great deal of contact with the venues described in the book. As a historian, I was familiar with the story that was restold. I just found it too sad to be involved or comfortable with the love story of Eleanor and Lorena.

So, despite my enjoyment of other Bloom novels, this one didn’t keep me interested or make me happy.

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This seemed like an exercise in historical fiction storytelling, the first two thirds were interesting but the last third was sort of a slog. Low a Hickok was an interesting person and Eleanor Roosevelt is always fascinating but their story together I just did not find that compelling.

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While Ikm a big fan of Mrs. Roosevelt and am interested in this relationship, Bloomks book doesn’t elucidate much. I found it’s writing to be mediocre and am disappointed that what could have been an excellent novel falls far short of that mark.

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A fictional version of a love affair between Eleanor Roosevelt and a White House reporter.
While recounting their many exploits, the author also shows the strong and sincere emotional attatchment between the two, an attachment that goes much deeper than their sexual relationship.
The personality and winning ways of the President, become part of the narrative.
It seems that Eleanor and Franklin had a mutual understanding and acceptance of their roles as President and First Lady.
"The country needed him and he need her," says the reporter.
An interesting book!

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This book is a factious account of the relationship between Lorena Hickok and Eleanor Roosevelt. The author, Amy Bloom, writes this storyline from the perspective of Lorena and how she was treated by Eleanor, FDR, and others in the White House. Hickok states her undying love between the two, but with all the introspective of any loving relationship with its ups and downs.

I was somewhat disappointed in this book. The author shows Lorena as a whinny, disgruntled, unfaithful woman. This may well be who she was but the author does not show what research was used to substantiate her writing. The novel is portrayed as historical fiction, but I would have liked to have the author explain what research upheld the basis for any of her portrayal. To me this is a novel only about a time period.

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Interesting, well written, would definitely recommend this book. There were real characters and events that I was not aware of causing me to have to stop reading and do some research, quite interesting! All in all a good read.

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I was not impressed with this book, though I am generally a big Amy Bloom fan. Perhaps I’m just not interesting enough in the private life of Eleanor Roosevelt to find this book interesting, but it seemed oddly voyeuristic and generally stopped short of providing a lot of insight into this relationship, fictionalized or otherwise. The best parts were about Lorena’s early life, and indeed had Bloom fashioned the whole novel out of that character I would have found it much more satisfying.

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Love happens in all places, at all times and, hopefully, for all people. Each person's story includes joy, heartache and changes over time.
Amy Bloom's novel is both universal and specific regarding relationships, as she writes about Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena Hickok, largely from Lorena's point of view. Their coming together and moving apart is richly imagined as is the era in U.S. history. With appearances by FDR, Missy LeHand and others, historical personages are shown with both their strengths and flaws. This novel evoked many feelings. Definitely a book worth reading.

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Such a sweet version of the love between first lady Eleanor Roosevelt and Lorena "Hick" Hickok, an AP reporter from impoverished South Dakota roots. I like the way their upbringings differed so drastically and yet their mutual acceptance was so profound. I like the book's title and the cover photo, and the complexity of all the characters - President FDR: "He was the greatest president of my lifetime and he was a son of a bitch every day". Today's rumor mongers have nothing on the goings on afoot during the Great Depression, which this book is chock full of: from the vile Kennedy boys, to Amelia Earhart and her doofy husband, and the subpar Roosevelt kids and general tense relations with the Teddy camp, etc.

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Fifty-five years after her death, and more than 70 years after she left the White House following her husband's death, Eleanor Roosevelt remains one of the most intriguing women in history. She certainly was a role model for trailblazing women not interested in being confined to the boxes in which society wants to contain them, but rather working to bring about change wherever it is needed.

While much is known about her public persona, her personal life has always remained more of an enigma. More and more, it is understood that her marriage to FDR was more one of convenience than romance, and while his affairs were the stuff of gossip, hers, with women, were kept more secret.

Perhaps Eleanor's most notable relationship was with Lorena "Hick" Hickok, once the most prominent female reporter in the U.S. Hick and Eleanor met in 1932 when Hick was covering FDR's campaign for president. Instantly smitten although the two come from vastly different worlds—the patrician Eleanor was both enchanted and horrified by Hick's rough-and-tumble exterior—after spending some time together their friendship deepens into intimacy.

Hick moves into the White House and becomes known as Eleanor's "first friend." Their relationship is as talked about within White House circles as FDR's are, but the president seems content if his wife is, and he gives Hick a job within the administration. And while it is clear both women love each other, Eleanor is conflicted about her feelings for Hick, her role as First Lady, and whether she should continue to enjoy her relationship, or whether she isn't a suitable match, and if she should set Hick free.

Amy Bloom's White Houses is a fictionalized account of the decades-long relationship between two women who have seen so much, yet still find wonder in each other, even at a time where such relationships could mean ruin. It's a story about how the power of love isn't always enough to see you through, but the strength of a friendship can power a relationship. It's also a story of a woman who grew up poorer than poor finds herself in the midst of a life she couldn't even begin to dream of, yet she can't have everything she wants.

"I wasn't in love with Eleanor. We had agreed that 'in love' had burned out after four years for us, the way it does for most of us, in two months or two years and, I guess, never for some lucky people. Instead of a trail of fire roaring through, those people get small candles steadily lighting the way home until death do they part, and only the young are stupid enough to think that those two old people, him gimping, her squinting, are not in love. I got by. I lived amputated, which sounds worse than it felt. I learned to do all kinds of large and small tasks, with part of me missing, and I feel pretty sure that the people who watched me in the world thought that I was entirely able-bodied. (Often broke, occasionally bitter, but not disabled.)"

White Houses follows the two women through three decades of their relationship, and flashes back to Hick's hardscrabble childhood and young adulthood, where she learned how to fend for herself. Although it moves a little slowly at times, it's a poignant love story and a look at history that I found fascinating, moving, and thought-provoking. Hick is brash and confident, yet she has a tender, vulnerable side that Eleanor often brings out in her, while Eleanor had two faces—the public woman bent on saving the world, and the private woman who just wanted to be loved but didn't know if she was worthy.

I have been a big fan of Amy Bloom's for a number of years and find her writing absolutely dazzling. This book is beautifully written, and while I haven't necessarily warmed to Bloom's last few books which took place in times gone by, I really enjoyed this one. Her words conveyed the emotional conflict, the longing, and the protectiveness both women felt, and brought so much depth to this story.

NetGalley and Random House provided me an advance copy of the book in exchange for an unbiased review. Thanks for making this available!

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White Houses is a fact based fictional account of the life of Lorena Hickok and her relationship with Eleanor Roosevelt. I found the first half of this novel very engaging and interesting but the second half got a little boring.

There were a lot of things that I really enjoyed about this novel. I learned a lot about Lorena Hickok and found her to be a remarkable and very accomplished person. She came from a very poor and abusive family situation yet became one of the first well known female journalists of the late 1920’s to the 1930’s. This is a tremendous achievement considering the era in which it was accomplished not to mention the lack of opportunity she had growing up. It seems to me that her relationship with the First Lady overshadowed much of everything that she had accomplished which I find unfortunate. I also learned a lot about the Roosevelt White House (he was quite the hound dog) which was very interesting.

This was a love story but I found it sad rather than endearing. Their love was not socially acceptable so it wasn’t something they could enjoy, appreciate or nurture. It had to hidden and neglected over countless years.

The last half of this story was too much lamenting about the relationship (or lack thereof). While I understand the reasons for Ms. Hickok’s affliction, it went on too long and just wasn’t all that interesting.

Overall, I did enjoy this book and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading historical fiction. I think it’s an important story to get out there for a lot of reasons, one of which is to learn who Lorena Hickok was and about everything that she accomplished. This novel has convinced me to read more by Amy Bloom.

I thank Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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