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Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon

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There was something about the title of this book that made me think I wouldn't really like it, but I decided to give it a try anyway, and I'm certainly glad I did!
I was surprised that I not only liked it, but found myself engrossed in it almost immediately. The story, characters, and world that is created are all intricate and detailed. The dialogue is often not just realistic/believable/natural, but also at time delightfully funny. The two main characters play off each other wonderfully, with Gwenn being absolutely charming and endearing. Silas is a great character as well, though a bit too single-minded at times. (And what part of, 'I lived in a convent and don't really have experience with sexual relationships, so please understand why I'm hesitant" does he not understand? :D )
The book places emphasis on strong relationships/friendships in the face of prejudice and danger. The loyalty and friendship that so many characters develop is heartwarming. Brody in particular won me over, but maybe that's because I'm a dog lover!

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Once again Kerrelyn Sparks does not disappoint. Continuing the the embraced series with "Eight simple rules for dating a dragon". This time it is about the sister Gwennore. I have to tell you I really loved this character, she was more real and bad-ass in the simple understated ways that did not make her an OP character. I cant wait to read more from this author.

Gwennore has a talent. An Elf able to track down the cause of an illness and heal it, she’s a valuable asset to her people. But when the kidnapping of a young girl thrusts Gwennore into the very heart of the realm of the dragons, she discovers not only a place of power and magic, but also a haunted land, plagued by an ancient curse that all but ensures extinction to the royal family. But when she meets the smoldering General Silas Dravenko, they strike a bargain—save the country from its cursed illness, and he will return the kidnapped girl. She’s been raised never to trust a dragon, but never did making a deal with the devil feel so good…

Silas has no way of curing the family he’s loyally served for years. But when a beautiful elf, long considered the enemy of the dragons, comes bursting into his world, Silas is awakened to passion and desire in a way he’s never felt before. But can he trust a sworn enemy to save the very existence he holds dear? And can their love survive those that threaten to tear them apart?

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Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon, A Novel of the Embraced by Kerrelyn Sparks was a great read. I highly enjoyed it. I picked it up because I was amused by the title of the book and the hot guy on the cover. I read it because of the description. It seems to be the third book in a five books series but you don’t have to read the first ones to enjoy this one. The series is about five women, who as children, were sent to the Iles of Moon and Mist because the girls have been embraced, that is born with magical powers when the twin moons are aligned and they are killed if found. The five women grow up as sisters and know nothing of their past or family. They are destined to save the five kingdoms.
The first and second books were about Luciana and Brigitta and this book is about Gwennore, who is an elf who’s power is to detect illness in anyone, whose been trained to be a healer by the nuns of the convent in which she grew up.
Alas her favorite niece, Eviana was captured by a dragon on her third birthday, so she went after her on the second dragon who she named Puff because she somehow could speak to dragons. Puff whose real name is Silas is not amused, but keeps silent because he finds her attractive. In the kingdom of Norveshka Gwenne finds her place, but it’s a hard road.
Why do the people think there is a curse upon the land and the royalty is suffering from it? Why has the curse spread to the people so that they cannot have any children? Why can Gwennore talk to dragons? Will Gwennore find a rational answer to what plagues the land and save the day with her old friend Brody and her new friends, Margosha and Annika? Could it be the work of a shapeshift that goes the by name of Chlambon? I couldn’t help laughing out loud at some points in the book because of the dialogue between Gwennore and Silas and Silas friends, Dimitri and Karlan. The kingdom had an interesting way to determine the days of the week: jewels.
Overall it was a great read and I am looking forward to reading the rest of the series. The romance was a slow build despite them in the end being married in three weeks and being intimate before marriage. It was a give and take relationship between the handsome Silas and pretty Gweenore and at one point Gwennore wonders how someone could fall in love in a couple of days or just one week! The romance wasn’t just about their looks, but their personalities and how they complimented each other. Silas was first attracted to Gwennore’s bravery and her loyalty to her young niece Eviana. It really stirred him and she liked his kindness and thoughtfulness even before she met Silas in person. It was a lovely read and the descriptions of the kingdoms and people made me want to go visit after all the adventures ended.

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Another hit in the series of the five enchanted princesses! Loved this one, and found it very hard to put down. When little 3 year old Evianna is captured by a dragon the elf Gwennore tries to rescue her. When the dragon throws her off she is saved from falling to her death by another dragon who she names Puff. She discovers she can talk to him with her mind, and so the fun begins. When they are taken to the neighboring land as captives it gets a little scary, but luckily General Gorgeous Silas is there to help. Fast paced and fun to read about the elf and the dragon. It is helpful to read the other stories first, but not necessary to enjoy this one. Highly recommend this story, series and author. You cannot go wrong if you like action, fun dialog and paranormal romances.

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Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon by Kerrelyn Sparks

3rd Novel n The Embraced Series

This book was given to me in exchange for a honest review by NetGalley & author's newsletter. This is Gwennore, the 3rd sister's story. Gwennie is half elf with lavender eyes and is the healer in the group of 5 sisters. This is a tale of dragons who turn into men, shape-shifters, trolls, giant trees who can talk to Gwennie, poison, prejudice, murder, intrigue, curses, women soldiers, love, loss and a villain from previous books. The story incorporates modern day colloquialisms and problems in times gone-bye in setting which can lead to some laugh out loud situations. Ms. Sparks' stories never fail to pull me in to whatever tale she tells, she has the ability to make you laugh not at a character, but with them. Her stories always have heart, romance, family, yes and sexual situations, but always draws you into a wondrous world of grownup fairytales that you love to visit again and again.

The book can be read as a standalone, but why would you want to when you could start at the beginning of the series. Two more sisters need their stories told, and many more interesting characters need stories too. Can't wait till the next book in this series or any of Ms. Sparks's others. Thanks for the lands and inhabitants she brings to us. Review shared on Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon & Barnes and Noble.

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This is the first book by Kerrelyn Sparks, and I really enjoyed it. Within the first couple of chapters I decided I would have to read the other books in the series. This story follows Gwennere and Silas, and there journey to finding out what is wrong with Silas' people and trying to disprove the existence of a centuries old curse. Eight Rules to Dating a Dragon contains all of the things that suck you into a book, and make sure you read it to the very end. Also making sure you want to read the other books already out, and future ones to come.

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What a wonderful addition to the series! I loved the characters, the plot, the bit of mystery/suspense (or I suppose it would be more the drama lol), and the romance! Yes there was instant lust/love, but they didn't truly act on it til 1/2-2/3 way through the story. Kerrelyn built the anticipation, and I just loved the wait!

Gwennie is strong, brave, caring, protective, witty, sweet, loyal, and smart. I liked how she would hold her own but not be rude about it.

Silas is loyal, smart, brave, sexy, charming, protective, and absolutely swoon worthy! I could see why the courtiers would swoon whenever he was near! I liked that he defended Gwen, the "enemy", when things would go wrong and stand up to his "superiors" to make sure she wouldn't come to harm.

I was so happy and thankful to receive this ARC from NetGalley. I just wished I hadn't devoured it in one sitting. Now I have to wait until book 4 is released! LOL

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I was really excited to read this. Unfortunately I just couldn’t get into it. I couldn’t connect with the characters at all.
I read and reviewed an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley. My thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Ms. Spark's does it again in her newest novel about the Embraced. This novel was just as great as the two previous novels. I love how she builds each novel based off of the previous novel. She brings back the characters from the previous novels and keep developing the plot, answering questions, but creating more unresolved issues that the characters need to face.
Gwennore is an Elf with a talent of finding an illness and healing it. She feels very alone, since no one but her sisters accept her. She is brave and loyal, but wants to find people to love her for who she is. When a girl is kidnapped, Gwen is taken as well into the land of dragons where she meets General Silas Dravenko, Captain Gorgeous. Silas has many secrets, but wants to find a cure for the plague killing his people. I love how he teases Gwen. Silas is immediately attracted to Gwen, for when dragons love, they love with their whole heart. To keep Gwen safe, he tells his people she is his lover, which upsets Gwen. Still, Gwen agreed to help find a cure for the "curse" plaguing his people. Silas and Gwen work together to discover there is a deeper conspiracy that neither knew about. Silas and Gwen have many obstacles to overcome, those within the dragon kingdom, the Elves who want Gwen, and the evil that threatens all. Still, Gwen is afraid to love Silas, for who would accept her. She learns Silas has been keeping things from her, some for her own protection. Silas will do whatever is necessary to save his people, but he will not give up Gwen. Will Gen ans Silas discover the true reason behind the "curse" and prevent a war that someone seems bent on starting?
I cannot wait to read the next novel in the series!!

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This book and series is great! The heroine is young but brave and cunning through outt he book. The hero is lovable with a great sense of humor and believes in the heroine from the beginning. There’s a lot of action and suspense to keep you interested. loved it!

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I was not familiar with this series before reading this story. Even so, I was still able to enjoy the plot. This was a fast read for me and was enjoyable. I wish it would have been a bit more witty. Gwennie and her “puff” were certainly cute. I thought the mystery reveal/villain was a little too obvious. If you want a quick read then this book will entertain.

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Eight simple rules for dating a dragon is the third book in the Embraced series. I thoroughly enjoyed this book from cover to cover. I almost read it all in one seating but my eyes started blurring and my husband kept asking if I was going to turn off the light soon, so since it was 1 in the morning I figured I better finish it later.

I really liked how the relationship between Gwen and Silas developed over the course of the story and it wasn't a instant lust/love and wham, bam kinda thing. I enjoyed their banter and the chemistry they had together through out the book.
I am so happy that this actually has a plot/ story-line. The story flows well with action, mystery and romance, it also had some well place humorous moments through out. I also didn't read the first two books and I don't feel like I missed anything.
One point that i didn't care for is how Gwen was always concern about what other people thought about her and she tried to please everyone so they would like her.
There are some very interesting side characters that I hope will also get a story.
So overall this is a great fantasy/paranormal book that I thoroughly enjoyed reading.
I receive ARC copy for an honest review.

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This is my first Kerrelyn Sparks book and I'm so glad I picked it up, it made me laugh while I was reading it, love the interaction between the 2 main characters, love how even though there was a romance grow between the two main characters it wasn't fast or slowly it was just right . Can't wait to read more of this series and see what happens, with that said I would love to think Netgalley for letting me find a new series that I want to continue on with as well as a new author.

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Kerrelyn Sparks has done it again! The adventure and passion in Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon soars beyond expectation. Falling for a Dragon can't be easy but when two great minds fall in love during dangerous times, it's sure to last.

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Gwen was sent away when she was a baby because she was born on a special day. She was going to be blessed with special powers and was sent away to be kept safe. Gwen never new who her patents were.
Silas is a dragon shifter who is trying to Dave his people. His people believe in a curse that is hundreds of years old. One in the is able to conceive either, he's afraid they will just die out.
Gwen is a healer with the power to know what makes the person sick. After the two have an unfortunate meet, she decides to overcome her cowardice and try to help Silas and his people.
I liked this book from the beginning. It has an interesting story and not just sec like a lot of shifter books. I like that it's not a love at first she thing for Gwenore and Silas the dragon shifter. Who doesn't love a dragon shifter book? Half elf, half dragon is original. There is sixpence and action. The book has a good plot and is well written. The characters are likeable (mostly), and the story flow nicely from beginning to end. It does end with a bit of a cliffhanger, so I would expected Sorcha's next.

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