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The Other Woman

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I received an electronic copy of this book from Netgalley to review.

Based on the description of the book, I thought I knew what I was getting. London career woman Emily meets Adam, the man of her dreams, only to have to compete for his affections. The competition? His mother, Pammie, who refuses to cut the apron strings, and the memories of Adam's previous love, who died under mysterious circumstances.

But all is not quite what it seems....

The protagonist is quite young, and seemed a bit immature at times, not willing to give up on the relationship in spite of the glaring red flags that have the reader screaming "RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!" And had this been the kind of thriller where the character's life is in jeopardy because there's a killer on the loose, Emily would have been the "too stupid to live" unsympathetic heroine (and I use the term loosely) who goes into the abandoned building or the dark basement in spite of the spooky music playing in the background. Nevertheless, she persists, determined to win the war against her mother-in-law-to-be, despite her continued failure to persuade Adam that his mother is determined to break them up.

If you've ever wondered what "gaslighting" looks like, Pammie is a master of the game, and Emily doesn't stand a chance. But just when you think you know where the book is going, the author throws in a twist that sends the story in a completely unexpected direction.

I do not recommend starting this book at night. You'll stay up way past your bedtime. I guarantee it.

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Did not see that coming! Thank you to Netgalley, St. Martins press and the talented Sandie Jones for my ARC of The Other Woman. I’ve just completed the book at 5;00 a.m. so I’m going to be sleep deprived today. When Emily meets Adam it seems that all of life’s pieces are falling into place. A good job, friends and the almost too good to be true boyfriend Adam. Everything is moving along splendidly until we meet Adam’s Mother “Pammie”. After trying her best repeatedly to get Pammie to like Emily, Emily begins to notice a very large obstacle in her relationship. Pammie lies, she manipulates, she twists everything the wrong way round and Adam can see no wrong as far as his Mother is concerned. Emily has hit a wall. But is determined that she will get Adam to come around and see just how unfair Pammie is. The reading kept you going because you just couldn’t believe what stunt Pammie would pull next in her attempts to break up Emily and Adam. There were a few times I thought “Emily, girl. No man is worth this hassle.” But as the novel moves along we find out things about Adam too. Stubbornly, Emily hangs in there until we come to an ending I never saw coming. Highly entertaining and I look forward to reading more from this Author. Well done!

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The book was well written ,so entertaining. But the plot was unbeleivable sometimes and so was the ending. Read more like a tv soap .Hope the author uses her talent to write another book with more depth and the characters more likable.

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Wow! What an amazing book! I had such anxiety reading this book, but in a good way! Pammie is the mother-in-law that Emily has to put up with if she wants to marry Adam. But can love conquer all? What would you be willing to put up with to be with the man you love? As I read this book, I found myself asking this question several times and my answer kept changing. Family can make you crazy, right? Everyone absolutely needs to read this well written novel to decide for themselves. Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to review this very exciting book. #theotherwoman #netgalley

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The Other Woman by Sandie Jones was impossible to put down. I read the book in one sitting. Throughout the book I would feel one way about one of the characters, then something would happen that changed my perception. Great book!!! If I could, I would give more than 5 stars. Thanks to Net Galley for the advance copy.

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Decent read but I didn't find the twist at the end very believable. All Pammie had to do was tell Emily the truth, IMO. But still, a pretty good story, well written.

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Review WOW! Yep, it's that good. Just read it! Seriously, run to the store, get a copy, sit down and be prepared to read it in one sitting. It's simply that good.
Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for this arc in exchange of an honest review.

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The Other Woman was a quick read and great book. Read it in 1 DAY. It's hard to believe this is Sandie Jones' debut novel. She writes with such great narratives and she really pulls you into the story. Watch out for the mother-in-law! She was a piece of work!! And the ending - HOLY COW!! I hope I can sleep tonight. This book was given to me free of charge by the publisher and NetGalley in return for an honest review. I loved it! Will be thinking about this book for a long time and this makes for a GREAT 5 STAR BOOK!!!!!!

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10 bright twisty stars for Sandie Jones' debut novel #TheOtherWoman

Holy wow!!!! Every now and then a book comes along that captivates you and pulls you into another world - the character's world - the sights, the sounds, the smells, the fear, the feel of a pounding heart beating out of control. This is THAT book.
There wasn't a page out of place here. Every page was GOOD. The narrator, Emily, was reliable and really easy to like. The twisty factor here was ON POINT. I don't want to give away to much because as someone else mentioned in their review, its best to go into this book blindly. I couldn't agree more. I liked going into it not knowing much more than the "about this book" synopsis.
I also really liked the authors name choices for the characters. I thought it was interesting that the meaning of Emily is "rival". Coincidence or not, it was fitting indeed!
I loved my 24 hours with this book and hope to see it on many "Best of 2018" book lists!

Thank you so much #NetGalley, #SandieJones and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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The Other Woman will keep you guessing. Emily meets Adam in a bar and he seems to be the "perfect man" for her, but is he? When Adam meets his mom Pammie, she does not get the feeling she will be welcomed into his family with open arms, his brother thou....There were times i was yelling at her to run for her life. Took a while for the book to get going but once it did it draws you in.

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It took me a bit to get into this book but once I did I enjoyed it. I didn’t see the end definitely wasn’t predictable.
I would recommend this book to a friend and will look forward to another book by Sandie Jones!

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This thrilling and suspenseful book deserves more than 5 stars! Emily and Adam appear to be the perfect couple, but are they really??? Add a future mother-in-law from hell and Adam's handsome brother as well as some other interesting characters and you are in for quite a ride. This book is going to be one of the top read for this year I predict. If you love a hard-to-put-down thriller, I highly recommend this fantastic book.

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Sorry, just wasn't my thing. Reads too much like a chick book. The protagonist Em-i-ly was simply unbearable at her reasonings and being in her head made me want to scream.
I can't say I will want to read more from this author.
Loved the cover art, though.

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This book has so many twists and turns, you may get whiplash! Every time I believed I had figured out exactly what was going on, I was thrown for another loop. The character development is slightly lacking, but if you are looking for a fun and quick mystery this hits the mark.

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"She'd become a master of deception, subtly changing her demeanor, prowess, and even her voice, I'd noticed, when he was around."

In Sandie Jones' The Other Woman, Emily thinks she has met the man of her dreams. Emily is wooed by Adam, a charming, hunky executive who buys her a drink at a hotel bar during a work conference. Emily, not one to usually be swept off her feet by a whirlwind romance, becomes surprisingly enamoured with Adam, who wines and dines his way into her life.

Emily isn't someone who necessarily needs a man in her life; she's an independent, financially successful woman working in a high-powered executive placement agency. But with Adam things are different, and soon she finds herself engaged in what she believes is a passionate romance unlike any other she's experienced before.

But then she meets Adam's mother.

Adam's mother, Pammie, is domineering, controlling, and possessive of her two sons (James and Adam). Pammie makes impolite and downright rude comments about Emily's hair, weight, and relationship with Adam, often in private so that no one else sees the abuse taking place. When Emily confronts Adam about his mother's behavior, he looks at Emily with disbelief and dismisses her feelings. Emily starts to dig into Pammie's past, and she discovers that Adam's former fiance, Rebecca, died of an asthma attack while alone with Pammie at Adam and Rebecca's new house.

Was Pammie somehow responsible for Rebecca's death, or was it merely an accident? Or is someone else responsible, someone lurking in the background of the story? Is Emily in danger?

What I liked about this book is the character development and the careful attention to the plot. The author has done a really good job fleshing out not only the lead characters (Emily, Adam, and Pammie), but also those on the sidelines, including Adam's brother, James, and Emily's mother and friends. I admit I saw some of the plot twist coming, but I could have also envisioned many other ways of finishing the book that would be satisfying because this thriller was so well crafted. I will warn readers that domestic violence is in this book in case it is a trigger.

Thank you to the author, Sandie Jones, the publisher, St. Martin's Press, and NetGalley for an advanced review copy of the suspenseful The Other Woman. I greatly appreciated the opportunity to read this book! This book will be available for purchase on August 21, 2018 - the perfect summer sizzler!

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I was given an advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review . I found the first 75% of this book serviceable and entertaining – but that ending... I really can't complain because I got a few good hours out of it, but my God, that was a doozy

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Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin’s Press for letting me read this thriller before it releases to the public on August 21st. Emily’s boyfriend, Adam, seems perfect in almost every way except he’s a little overprotective of his mother. His brother, James, befriends Emily, but is what he’s doing innocent or a play against Adam. Emily’s friends, Pippa and Seb, inject a few doses of reality into Emily’s musings. Although the above doesn’t sound that astounding, this book takes you on the ride of your life.

I was constantly yelling at Emily to “run, run, as fast as you can” while reading it. But she ignored me. Her future mother-in-law is a bully of gigantic proportions, but all the others in Emily’s life don’t see it.
Domestic thriller fans must put this book on your to-read list. It never wanes for a moment. Something is always going on. Jones has plot pacing down to a science and does it so well. I can’t wait for her to write another novel in this vain.

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Hand on the doorknob..........

Creaking hinges as a shaft of light appears revealing heavy cobwebs.

And will be whispering hoarsely to Emily to slam that stinkin' door and book a flight to way.

You see, Emily has met someone. She's a hard working top consultant at Faulkner's in London. Her fellow associates are taking a break during a meeting at a local pub. Emily is parched and works her way over to the bar for a glass of wine. She finds herself bantering back and forth with a tall handsome man named Adam. The conversation flows easily and they exchange cards.

Emily and Adam soon become an item. Before long, Adam brings Emily home to meet his mother. Dearest Pammie is like the sound of someone cracking their knuckles in your ear.........non-stop and at a rapid rate. Pammie will set roadblocks left and right for Emily like buried landmines.......all calculated precisely for Emily's dainty foot to set off. Ol' Pammie flies circles on a broom around her son, Adam. Emily will never be good enough for the likes of Adam.........ever.

Sandie Jones has set up the character of Pammie so wickedly that you will wince every time she enters the room. Truth be told, there will be times throughout the storyline when you will shake your head in dismay at the questionable persistence of our girl Emily. Like the popular movie, you'll shout: "GET OUT!" Frankly, she won't hear you.

The Other Woman is the kind of read that flashes escapism........yours and not Emily's. It's a fun book that will bring you out of your doldrums and will keep you turning pages until the end. And the ending will crick your neck in a different direction like the expertise of a talented chiropractor. Quite the unexpected leap, Ms. Jones.

I received a copy of The Other Woman through NetGalley for an honest review. My thanks to Minotaur Books and to Sandie Jones for the opportunity.

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This book will take you deep into the world of the other woman what would you do.Though it is a fiction book I found so much more than entertainment from it. You just never know what could be hiding in someone's past.

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At first I wasn't impressed with this book, but I realized it wasn't the book, but the fact that the book I had read prior was so amazing that I wasn't allowing myself to really give this book a chance. After allowing myself to fully emerge I was drawn into this world of Emily's and fully engaged and experiencing everything she did. I felt the resentment, love, and insecurities she felt, because the author had fully developed her in a way you could feel it. I also hated the mother in law, which I think most will. Definitely full of surprises and definitely one I would recommend highly and will do so in a large forum!

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