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All the Little Lights

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Member Reviews

I received this eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

Elliott's parents fight. A lot. So much, that when summer comes, Elliott goes to his aunt and uncle's house in Oklahoma to get away from the yelling and screaming and things breaking. And Elliott loves going to her aunt and uncles place - so much so that he almost wishes that he lives there full time. Though his mother won't allow that, since she got bullied a lot about being Native American and got a lot of racial slurs that she doesn't want that life for Elliott.

And another thing Elliott enjoys? Photography. He's always taking pictures of things around town. When he decides to climb up an old oak tree, he stumbles upon a girl who lives on the property of the oak tree: Catherine. And Catherine is the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

The following summers after that Elliott always sees Catherine, but never has the gumption to talk to her. Only when it's the summer after their freshman year in college does he get to talk to her - because she caught him beating up the tree with anger and frustration.

Catherine's parents constantly fight as well. So much so, that she can still hear it from the outside of her huge, 7 room Victorian house. So when she sees a boy punching her tree, she decides to ask him what he is doing.

From that moment on, the two were attached to the hip that summer. They would walk everywhere - even though it was 100+ degrees outside, go to the ice cream shoppe, anything. They have a great summer, but the closer summer ends, the sadder they get. Both have promised to keep in touch and see each other as often as possible, but that's not what happened. In fact, they don't see each other again until the first week of senior year in high school.

Two years have gone by, and a lot of things have changed. The most changed thing, though, is Catherine. Her dad died, and her mom decided to make a bed and breakfast with their house in order to keep money coming in. Now she has cut everyone off, because she won't let anyone get near her secrets that she's been hiding for two years.

Elliott is determined to become friends with Catherine, no matter how much it takes. He sacrificed his senior year in high school to be the new kid in order to be close to Catherine. Because as much as everyone thinks Elliott is crazy, he is in love with this girl and will do anything to win her trust back after breaking his promise.

Disappearances and bullying and hostility occurs over and over in their little town, causing strain on Elliott and Catherine both. Secrets are about to be released, and life is about to explode for these two, and keeping a hold of one another may not be feasible by the end of their senior year...

This book...This author... I just love them both so much! I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, because this is one of the first books I've read that is not part of the Maddox family novels. But wow, I am so in love with this book!

There are so many twists and turns to keep the reader guessing until the very end. I didn't guess EXACTLY what happened, but was along the same lines of the big reveal. And then when the reveal happened? It broke my heart in many ways. I can't even imagine going through that, and keeping my sanity in check.

Elliott is my favorite. He is so determined and dedicated. I mean, the poor boy got his car and his licence when he was 16 and instantly tried to drive to Oklahoma to see Catherine and explain. If that is not determination, then I don't know what is. He was driven to make himself a better person than his father, and a person that Catherine would be proud of. I would have definitely forgiven him the second he said he came to my school my senior year to be with me, because that is just swoon-worthiness if I've ever seen it.

And Catherine. She is a poor, confused, stressed out girl who seems like she is going to drop very quickly. Having to deal with school, being bullied by Presley day in and day out for basically her whole life, trying to cope with her father's death - even two years later - and having to take over most of the bed and breakfast herself because her mother has her good days and her bad days, is way, way, way too much for a 17 year old girl. And then to have to dodge the school counselor so she doesn't get taken by the DHS because her mother isn't being quite the mother-of-the-year that she should be? Too, too much.

The suspense was amazing. The secret was amazing. The reveal was amazing. I don't know what else to say about this book, because it was everything a reader will want, I think! Jamie did a fantastic job with this novel, and I cannot wait until May so I can buy my own physical copy to put in my personal library at home!

I am so glad that I was able to get an eARC of this book, and I will definitely be raving about this book to all of my friends and patrons!

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I have been a fan of Jamie McGuire's for years- so of course I was excited to read All the Little Lights.

This book is much different than her other books to me, but not in a bad way. I enjoyed the flow of the story and the growth of the characters, but it did drag a bit for me in parts which made it hard to stick with.

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Good story but not my favorite book by McGuire. the middle of the story was a bit slow but the rest of the plot did keep my interest and there were some good twists!

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All the Little Lights is a stand-alone young adult novel. It follows the story of Catherine and Elliott. From the moment Elliott spots Catherine. He can't stay away. As outcasts, they form a friendship and an unforgettable bond. But, when tragedy strikes and Catherine needs him, Elliott is forced to leave town and leave her behind.....When Elliott is finally able to return to Catherine, things are different. They are different. Elliott is determined to win her back, despite Catherine's unwillingness to forgive him. Just when things appear to be moving in the right direction for Catherine and Elliott, the town is once again hit with tragedy. Only, this time, Elliott is the suspect....

Overall, I thought this book was an ok read. I thought the story-line was unique and intriguing. The characters were interesting and I liked that Catherine and Elliott were the outcasts. I wanted to know more about them, their story and the overall plot. I enjoyed the mystery that surrounded the story and couldn't wait to see how it would all play out.

However, I did have some issues with this story. One of the biggest ones was the pacing. At times, the pacing just lagged and I found it hard to keep focused. At times, I found myself confused and unsure of what was going on. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I like to try to figure things out when I'm reading and sadly this story left me feeling a bit lost at times.

All the Little Lights will be one of those reads that is a hit for some and a miss for others. While the plot was intriguing and had some good twists, the pacing threw me off. Even though I didn't love this book, I'm still glad that I gave it a chance and checked it out.

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**3.5 Stars**

Usually when I write reviews I do it immediately after finishing a book because I feel like that's when I have my most honest feelings about it. However, with this one, I had to simmer on it for a bit.

I really liked the beginning, my attention was lost in the middle, and the end was like WHAT. THE. HELL.

I mostly liked all the characters. I loved Elliot. I thought he was such a sweet guy who was trying like hell to hang on to a girl he loved who was keeping secrets from him. He was so genuine and just an all around great guy.

Catherine was just messed up. Of course, in the beginning she was great and I understand why she changed after that, but she was just a little too evasive. Which then translated in confusion for not only Elliot, but me as a reader. There were a lot of times in the middle where I had NO idea what was going on and not in a good way. I was confused as to why the guests were being kept a secret, which is revealed later, but I feel like I should be more curious than confused. That is one of the reasons why I gave this a 3.5 stars.

The other reason I gave it 3.5 stars was because I felt like there were some loose ends that weren't tied up most of which involved the person who disappeared.

What saved it from getting just a 3 star rating was the ending. I had about 15% of it figured out and the rest was shocking. I consider myself to be a pretty observant person and I didn't even get it.

Overall, yes I recommend this book. The only books I've read by Jamie McGuire are her Beautiful series books so I wasn't sure what to expect. Like I said before, the middle was a little boring to me, but the rest of the book makes up for it.

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I love McGuire's stories. They are always so entertaining as well as heartfelt, with characters that are unbelievably hard to forget. Which is why when I saw her latest release I picked it up without hesitation.

And while I did enjoy this and it will definitely be one that I won't be forgetting anytime soon I'm finding it very hard to review.

It was good, I liked it but it was also very..strange. The story dragged a bit at times and while the big "secret" was quite the shocker, it was also very..strange. It is so hard to say more without giving anything away but this one left me a bit unsettled and with mixed emotions.

It was definitely unique and a bit twisted with the ending but still an engaging story that I am sure fans will like.

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