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Thank you Netgalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

This was a fantastic, original and fast read (even touching some crucial problems that society likes to either up-play or down-play), best if consumed late at night. When I was about 15% in I started telling my husband about the clues given, asking him if he could guess where it was going. We both agreed that it's well executed and even if the ending is no big deal the read itself is conversation worthy.

Almost every chapter ends with such a cliffhanger that makes this book literally unputdownable. There wasn't a dull moment down the line, not a draggy section or boring character.

I would highly recommend this to everyone looking for a thrill while basking in holiday sun, and I will certainly keep reading this author.

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Joe gets charged with a homicide, all based on lies and partial truths. The story starts well, but then begins to meander, devolving into a weak ending. Good premise, but weak follow-through.

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This one keeps moving and is truly hard to put down. Joe is your decent, kind-hearted but naive guy who gets sucked in by a lot of lies. His life is turned upside down in the blink of a moment’s decision. And off he goes, getting swallowed up in the world of social media and technology, and a lot of misdirection. The author builds this story where Facebook and cell phone data are some of the most ominous characters.

The ending ruined it though. I thought it was both comical and heavy-handed. A bit misogynistic with an abortion reference thrown in for good measure. But I will say I didn’t see it coming.

Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a free, electronic ARC of this novel.
During an unexpected detour on a drive out with his son, Joe spots his wife, arguing heatedly with their long-time friend, Ben. Soon, Joe is chasing Ben out of the parking lot and an accident happens, leaving Ben wounded and unconscious. Joe believes Ben is dead until he begins to receive cryptic messages from him. Joe quickly realizes that his wife has a secret, and so, in fact, does Ben. When Joe is arrested for Ben’s murder, he begins to wonder-how far will Ben go to get what he wants?
“Lies” by T.M Logan is a riveting, suspenseful story that makes you question everything and everyone. A powerful story with an unpredictable ending, “Lies” entices storytellers from the very beginning, with a strong plot and great characters.
Joe and Mel seem like the perfect couple from the outside, and it is only after Ben is injured, that we begin to see how quickly life can all unravel. Logan writes with honesty and grit, and his cliff-hanging chapter endings contributed to this novel’s complete “un-put-down-ability”. Not only does Logan keep a reader on her toes, but he also has a knack for making a reader paranoid and doubtful of his fellow man (even those close to her).
The plot of this story was particularly creative, as it is the kind of novel that could end very predictably, and there were many times when I thought I had figured out the end, but I didn’t even come close. I doubted Joe, I doubted Mel (his wife), I doubted everyone- no one was safe from my judgment. However, when the end came, I was extremely satisfied and completely taken aback. The ending alone deserves high praise.
This novel is everything you could want in a suspense novel. I very much look forward to exploring Logan’s other novels.

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Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and T.M. Logan for an advanced copy of Lies in exchange for an honest review. Lies tells the story of Joe Lynch and how a chance sighting of his wife in a place she was not supposed to be, changes the course of his life. I found Lies to be fun and engrossing to read though I did find Joe to be a little too bland at times. For the most part, I found the story to be fast-paced, though it started to drag a bit about 2/3 of the way in as I felt the story was covering the same ground it had earlier. However, it picked up again and I found the "twist" to be a good one = and one that I did not really predict (which is rare). All in all, a fun and engrossing read.

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Thank you Net Galley and St. Martin's Press for this advanced copy!

I was hooked from the first page of this book and stayed that way until the very last. I just couldn't piece the puzzle together and was VERY surprised with the ending - You definitely won't see that coming!!!

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When this book came across my email as an offer from Netgalley, I immediately grabbed it because I was in the mood for a nice thriller.
Holy crud, this book was great. It wasn't anything crazy or anything special but it was a very fast paced thriller and the ending completely shocked me. Any thriller that can still surprise me is fantastic in my opinion.
I really enjoyed it, could barely put it down!

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Thank you NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for the ARC and the opportunity to review ‘Lies’ by T. M. Logan.

Joe Linch is happily married with a young son until he happens to see his wife enter a local hotel and he finds his wife meeting with the husband of one of her good friends. When he asks her about it, she tells him he was mistaken. The first of many lies. Joe’s life spirals out of control after finding that the man his wife met with has disappeared after Joe got into a physical altercation with him in the parking garage of the hotel. Joe feels that Ben is doing everything possible to destroy his life so that he can continue his affair with Joe’s wife Mel. The police start looking at Joe as a potential murder suspect when they can find no evidence that Ben has just gone into hiding. This wasn’t a bad book but I struggled with it for a number of reasons. I had a hard time connecting with the characters. Joe vascilated between being needy, paranoid and verging on a mental breakdown. Mel was pretty unlikable from the beginning. Even though things were happening throughout the book I found myself getting bored and wanted to get to the end. The ending was a surprise but by the time we got there, I really didn’t like any of the characters enough to care that much about what was going to happen to them.

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This book is an intense psychological thriller. It keeps you guessing throughout and hit with a bombshell at the end. The characters are well-defined and very realistic. The style of writing has just enough detail to get the job done, there are no wasted words. The primary issue could affect anyone, giving the story a special layer of fear. The ending i9s satisfactory, but does not lead to a feeling of happiness. Perhaps it is all too real!

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--2.5 stars rounded up==While the writing was good, the story line became a bit preposterous towards the middle. Serious dislike for the main female character did not help me like this one more. In addition, a very obtuse main male character although he did at least have some positive traits.. He definitely loved his little boy William--a lot.. which endeared me to him and made me hope that all would not be lost for him. The book flowed well and I read it fairly quickly. I think this was just not deep enough for me to give it any higher rating.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read and give an honest review.

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2.5 stars...rounded up because I really did enjoy reading most of this book and found it very gripping. But the ending was over the top ridiculous, and just sort of through a lot of things in without giving the reader time to imagine whether they're plausible. If you want a fast paced read that will really suck you in, this may fit the bill, but I can't especially recommend it given how preposterous I found the ending.

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A good read and a page turner. Plot was intriguing and well written. The ending though just fell apart. The last 5% of the book was absolutely terrible. It was almost like it was written by someone else. I don’t get it. Far fetched. Absurd. Perfectly “pat”. I just was really disappointed. Up until the last 6% though the book was really good.

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Joe Lynch is a high school English teacher who adores his ambitious wife Mel and their four year old son William. Happy and contented with his lot in life, Joe decides to follow his wife into a hotel when William notices his mother’s car. This one simple rashly made decision ends up changing Joe’s life.

This book grabs you right from the start. While I thought Joe was rather wimpish, I liked his devotion to his son and completely understood the trust he showed for his wife. I thought the characters were believable and relatable, the heavy emphasis on Social Media was certainly accurate as well as the various spyware technology.

Fast paced, and with a satisfying ending, made Lies an enjoyable read.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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"Lying well is a lot harder than people think. Things get complicated, people lose track."
Wow! A plot that had me up to find out in a day!
Poor Joe ,an honest, easy going, married school teacher, who thinks his life is perfect.
UNTIL... the lies begin and he really has no idea who the people in his life are.
My heart was racing and the ending is unbelievable! You will definitely want to read this and see where the lies begin and where do they end!

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Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for the electronic copy in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this novel. I kept thinking I knew what really was going on but in the end was so surprised. Great complex characters that make you love them and hate them the whole way through.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC.

I'm so disappointed about this book. It had a good premise but it just didn't deliver. I found it to be all over the place. I kept reading to find out the end and to give an honest review. I was hoping it was going to pick up and get a lot better. Again, it was all over the place and the scenarios were far fetched. I find that someone was picking little pieces for all the scenarios that could be good and thru it in a blender.

Jo found out that his wife is cheating on him with a friend. Then friend is out to get him... That's the gist of it.
Don't get me wrong... I did not see the end coming but it was not worth it.

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My first book by T.M. Logan. I enjoyed this psychological thriller. Looking forward to reading more.

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Amazing book! My first by this Author. When Joe follows his wife's car into the car park of a hotel to please his young son, he does not expect to see her with her best friend's husband, This story grabbed me at the beginning and didn't let go. I didn't even mind being led down the garden path by the Author! I could not have predicted the ending. I highly recommend this book. Thank you NetGalley, St. Martin's Press and the Author for allowing me to read and review this book.

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I loved this book!! A fast moving plot with lots of twists and turns. I never would have predicted the ending! This book was unlike many other books that I have read lately, because it captured my interest from the very first chapter. The author ended every chapter with a cliff hanger, which was very unique to me. I literally found myself saying I would read just a couple more pages and yet I could not put it down. I would highly recommend this book. It was a joy to read. Great story line, great writing style!

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This book is interesting at the start, but my feeling is that the author neglected to deliver a cohesive ending and realistic motives.

I expected more from the book, it seemed as if it lost its potential. I’m sorry I was disappointed.

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