Member Reviews

In Bed with the Beast is an excellent follow up to 'At the stroke of midnight'
This story concerns Belle a shy librarian who lives with her over protective father, when he kicks her out of the house for sneaking out with her friends she has no other option than to take up Vincent's or 'Beast' as he is known offer of a room in his cottage. Beast is a bouncer in the strip club Charming's where the girls have been taking lessons to learn to strip for their up and coming business.
Despite his gruffness, introverted behaviour and rules Belle becomes extremely attracted to him seeing the real gentle man that Vincent is.
Full of great humour and romance this is a great enjoyable read, can't wait for Ariels story next.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for opportunity to review this book honestly.

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"YOLO, bitches! If I had a wad of singles I'd be making it rain!"

So this quote from In Bed with the Beast, totally sums up how I'm feeling about this series so far! <3 it! Die hard fans of Beauty and the Beast will love the subtle hints that come from the disney movie and I'm also adding the LivePD show as well, but I won't say who or what. I was surprised of the added background we got from Beast. I also loved Belle comes to her own since a lot of bookworms can relate to her at least I do.

Now I'm very excited to see Ariel and Eric's story and sad it'll be the last one.

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**I read an early copy of this title in exchange for an honest review**

In Bed with the Beast is a modern twist on the beloved fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. This story has it's hilarious moments, it's endearing moments, it's awkward moments and it's sexy moments.

Isabelle Reading wants nothing more than to be independent and prove to everyone in her life that she's an adult and can handle adulting! For a woman who still lives in her father's basement and finds her solace in her library, getting into business with her two new friends takes her about as far out of her comfort zone than it could! Oh, did I mention that the business is called The Naughty Princess Club?

Beast is a man who works at Charming's, the club owned by the boyfriend of one of Belle's friends. His nickname fits, as he's tall and build like a linebacker. He tends to intimidate people on sight, but he's a man of few words and that's the way he likes it.

When Beast realizes Belle needs a place to stay, he steps in and provides it. As the two get to know one another hilarity ensues right along with some very sweet and poignant moments. Will these two very different people be able to help one another as they really look to find themselves?

I enjoyed this twist on a classic. I will say it was slow to start for me, but once I got into it, the story flowed and I enjoyed it. You definitely feel every emotion in this book and that is the sign of a well written story.

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I usually run away very fast when I encounter a book based on a classic fairy tale.However, what a pleasant, or should a say SEXY surprise! It was an entertaining, at time hilarious, steamy read.Definitely recommend this book, especially if you are a skeptic like me. A very fun read!

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In Bed With the Beast by Tara Sivec was an amazing read. This book will make you laugh and make you believe your dreams can come true. This is a beautifully written love story. I loved this book so much!!!

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The Naughty Princess Club is back and full of shenanigans! From stripper grams to auto spinning poles. Hilarious as always. Sweet Belle finally put her foot down and found her voice. She told off just about everybody in this book and I loved it. Belle and Beast relationship development was superbly done. With all his grunting and growling and she with her rambling facts was so cute. I loved the relationship Belle had with her dad and once he got over himself I loved how he ended up supporting her. In the end you have got to read this book!! Thanks to Netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This book is so pee your pants funny! Belle is marvelous! She is so sweet and funny. Vincent, also known as Beast, is so growly and alpha. A huge part of this book was giant fore play before Vincent finally shows Belle how to be sexy so she can start stripping to save her library from being closed down. If you want tears in your eyes, and pains in your stomach muscles from laughing so hard then In Bed With The Beast is just the book for you! I received an advance review copy in exchange for an honest review by NetGalley.

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Oh what a hilarious, awkward, sweet and sexy story about a girl learning to stand on her own two feet and become strong and independent, the women who stand by her side and help her and a beast who shows her just how sexy it is to be yourself.

I loved this whole story, The Beauty and the Beast is my absolute favourite fairytale and this comical modern spin on the story did not disappoint. The twist that I didn’t see coming made the story that much better. 5 beastly Stars!

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Another great book by Tara Sivec!! I read the first book in this series also and this one is just as hot and funny and querky and crazy fun!! You don't have to read the other books in the series but I definitely suggest it cuz they're hilarious!! The books are about three young ladies who need money or help in some way so the make a new company called the naughty princess club! They dress like naughty princess and strip lol originally they thought they were going to a children's party dressed as princess and it just took off from there!! With a lot of really funny moments in there!! It's definitely a steamy read also! I did enjoy the first book more but not by much! They're both great!! Thank you Tara Sivec and NetGalley and st Martin press for sharing this book with me!! I look forward to the release!!

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