Member Reviews

My rating is based on the blurb as I, unfortunately, had formatting issues with this book. It's been added to my purchase list.

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I love all Christina Britton's books, but this one is by far my favorite. Sweet story with characters you really care about.

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This is book two of the series. Great cast of characters! It was enjoyable enough that it made me want to go back and read the first book. I look forward to more stories from this author in the future.

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The Viscount’s Promise is author Christina Britton’s second historical romance. It follows With Love in Sight and builds on the relationships between the same characters. The Viscount’s Promise utilizes the tortured hero and tortured heroine tropes and, like With Love in Sight, with a bit of the “Ugly Duckling” thrown in.

Lady Emily Masters suffers from a badly scarred cheek after a childhood accident in which her twin brother was killed. She remembers the handsome Malcolm Arborn (Viscount Morley) carrying her home. Years later, they meet again. She is dismayed to find that he has become a surly rogue, quick to quip and slow to trust. He, in turn, feels that since her accident she has allowed her family and friends to walk all over her.

At this point, their miscommunications and distrust of each other becomes repetitious. As in With Love in Sight, the plot thins here. When Emily chases Malcolm to London and forces her way into a ball, the ton suddenly accepts her as she strides in, head held high, she suddenly blossoming into a new woman.

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Since I have a weakness for historical romances, I requested this story. And although I hadn't read anything of Christina Britton, I really enjoyed this story. It is a story about Emily, a young woman who was scarred in her face at an early age. Ever since, she has been handled as an child and she has let this happened. As a result, she is shy in public and everyone threats on his tiptoes, when around her.
When her brother Caleb is about to be wed, she is fearing the big crowds, which will be at the festivities. Caleb therefore asks his best friend Lord Morley to look after Emily and shield her from the big crowds. Lord Morley however, realizes that the only way to free Emily from her shyness is to treat her like a normal woman and not as the scarred and scared little girl. Therefore, he is crude and bold towards Emily. At first, Emily is taken aback by the harse comments from Lord Morley. But soon she realizes she really enjoys bantering with the handsome Lord. What she doesn't know is that Caleb had asked Lord Morley to look after her. So, when she finds out the truth her newfound courage takes a nosedive. Can she recover or will she be scarred forever? Find out for yourself in this heartwarming and funny read. Five out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Netgalley for providing the arc.

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This book was lovely. It could have been great, though. Characters and story line were believable and amazing didn't keep me wanting more. Overall, decent read.

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I loved this story it was emotional and touching. Emily has terrible scarring on her face from an accident that took the life of her twin brother. Over the years she’s learned to cope with the scars, by avoiding social engagements. Unfortunately for her, her brother is getting married and has asked the one man she’s had an infatuation with to watch over her.
Malcom has always known Emily to be a shy person but her scars have made her even more reluctant to go in public. While trying to build her self confidence he sees and falls in love with the beautiful person she is.

A well written story, romantic and touching with plenty of banter between Emily and Malcolm. Misunderstandings keep the lovers from admiting their feelings. Overall this was a feel good story that I highly recommend. I can’t wait for the next one.

I recieved a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest unbiased opinion

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A wonderful second story by Christina Britton that tugged at my heart with the story of a heroine who is scarred physically and a hero who has emotional scars deep down. Emily has lived her life away from society due to the scars on her face to avoid the censure she knows she will find. When her brother, who has almost suffocated her by his constant protection gets married, she is out away from her comfort zone. Her brother asks his friend Malcolm to watch out after. They have actually known each other since childhood and Malcolm is determined to bring Emily out of her shell!!
Can these two help each other and find that they understand the other so well that they can find a deep affection?
Watching these two come together was wonderful while seeing their personal struggles. This is my favorite trope because it is so heartwarming to have two wounded souls be redeemed and find love. Well done Christina Britton and looking forward to your next story!!

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I really enjoyed reading this book. The two main characters were very engaging. Emily has issues due to an earlier accident and was painfully shy. Malcolm, Viscount Morley, had a troubled background. They are brought together by a set of circumstances surrounding Emily’s brother’s wedding. There follows an entertaining tale of romance, a jealous ‘ex’ the joys of friendship and some very tender moments towards the end. I received a copy and have voluntarily reviewed it. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Lady Emily finds herself drawn to her brother’s friend Malcolm, who she has adored since he saved her from an accident that both scarred her face and killed her twin brother. Since the tragedy, Emily has avoided society but finds herself thrust into society again with her brother’s wedding. Little does she know that her brother has enlisted the help of Malcolm to help Emily gain her confidence. This story was quite entertaining with Malcolm trying to goad Emily into facing her fears whilst finding himself falling in love with her. However, they both have to battle the ‘ex’ whilst endeavouring to understanding their attraction to each other.
This was a lovely story with both characters bringing out the best in each other. Their friendship and love gradually unfolds but at the same time, there are some great exchanges between them, keeping me entertained to the very end.
I received an advanced review copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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I received The Viscount's Promise written by Christina Britton from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. This is the second in her Twice Shy Series but can be read as a stand-alone. However, the first book was wonderful and fully recommend it.
Lady Emily Masters has had a secret crush on her elder brother's friend Malcolm Arborn, Viscount Morley, since the day an accident left her face scarred and killed her twin brother. But when she comes face to face with him again after so many years, she is dismayed to find Malcolm surly, haughty, and uncaring. But his attitude causes her to stand up for herself and he applauds her for it.
After so many losses, Malcolm has built up a wall around his heart and keep hurt away. But when his friend request him to keep an eye on Lady Emily, he fears his promise might be his undoing. Slowly, Emily chips away at the wall around his heart and Malcolm teaches Emily to speak up for herself and hold her head high. As time spent with each other continues, bantering quips are exchanged, kisses are shared, and feelings begin to develop. But Malcolm's past comes to visit all too soon, and both Emily and Malcolm are still untrusting to withstand the strain. Can they find their way to a HEA?
Christina Britton has written a wonderful follow up to her first book in the series. Her ability to write about from the soul keeps you engaged and her secondary characters are both sassy and delightful. All characters are genuine and flawed, and the story-line reads true. Britton uses the feelings of her characters to carry the story and doesn't try to write in explosions or kidnappings. It's delightful to read about a story that is simply about developing feelings and watching the characters deal with them. #TheViscount'sPromise #NetGalley

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There is something about Christina Britton's writing that speaks to me on a soul-deep level, and I can't help but put this book on my list of favorite books for the year! Her first book, With Love In Sight, was on my list earlier this year, so it is no surprise that her second book makes it there again. I love how real her stories are and how genuine and flawed the characters, even while keeping the magic of romance and redemption alive. The secondary characters are colorful as well, and the author puts a lot of effort into creating a storyline that allows for you to fall in love not just with the two main characters but also their family and friends. Fantastic book with beautifully written romance and characters!

Lady Emily Masters and Malcolm Arborn, Viscount Morley, have known each other for years. Having known each other as children, they have a history, but Malcolm hasn't seen Emily since the day of the accident that left her twin brother dead and her with a terrible scar on her face. Recently reconciled with her brother, Malcolm is asked to help Emily become comfortable with society. Not understanding why she would need his help, Malcolm attends her brother's wedding and sees her insecurity firsthand. Emily has allowed her scar to keep her in the shadows these last ten years, and seeing Malcolm again has stirred up longings she didn't know still existed. But he is hardened, bitter from a love gone wrong, and she is too caught up in her own flaws to realize that what they both desperately need right now is each other.

I love, love, LOVED Emily and Malcolm! At first, Malcolm came across as very bitter, and I felt that he would be difficult to redeem within the story. But along with Emily, I realized that his method for helping Emily was a bit of tough love, and as she grew more confident, Malcolm realized that his love for her was as strong as ever. Even though he had a history with another woman and that caused many doubts in his mind, his relationship with Emily was healing and allowed him to open his heart once more. What was frustrating was when he chose not to communicate to her what his history was with this woman, and it led to many instances of misunderstanding and hurt for the both of them. After so much of the book was spent building them up, my heart hurt at watching them lose faith in their love for each other. Both went through emotional journeys to get to the end, but once they arrived, it was a lovely beginning to a beautiful happily ever after.

I cannot wait to see what is next with Christina Britton's writing! I remain amazed at her storytelling and her way of creating characters that touch her readers' hearts.

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The Viscount’s Promise is charming and heart-rending at the same time. Much is made about the scar on Lady Emily’s face. She limits where she goes and to whom she talks. Emily has kept a childhood crush on Malcolm since he helped care for her following the accident that caused her scar and the death of her twin.

Just before his wedding, her brother secures Malcolm’s promise to watch over Emily while he is away on his wedding trip. The way Malcolm treated Emily at first was not even kind. He seemed to dislike her and the promise he had made to her brother to keep an eye on her. His way of ‘caring’ for her appeared to be cruel at times. I did not care for the Malcolm of the beginning of the book, but as this is the second Britton book I have read, I see this may be an underlying theme of her romances.

It does not take long for Malcolm to see the inner beauty in Emily and to fall in love with her. He appears to be trying to protect his heart, but instead loses it in the process. Emily, in turn, begins to love Malcolm. Only, along comes Malcolm’s ex. And, she does seem to be the cruelest sort of exes. Without giving away the conclusion, she really throws a wrench in the romantic tale.

You will find Malcolm and Emily to be a sweet couple who learn to care for each other quickly. Malcolm does everything he can to protect his precious Emily, but ruins their friendship and relationship along the way. This second in the Twice Shy series is one you do not want to miss. Since it follows the romance of Emily’s older brother, Caleb and his love, Imogen, we see more of how their love progresses along side of Emily’s romance. Daphne is next, maybe along with Tristan . . . .

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Despite formatting and grammatical issues with the ARC I received (which made it difficult to follow at times) the story itself kept me engaged.

Lady Emily Masters is content in her seclusion after a childhood accident leaves her scarred. After Malcolm, Viscount Morley, reluctantly promises Emily's brother, Caleb Masters, that he will look after her while Ca!eb is on his wedding trip, Viscount Morley, finds ways to be constantly by her side. This vexes Emily as Malco!m often finds ways to turn all their conversations into arguments. The more she tries to get away from him the more he follows. When she finds out the reasons for his constant presence she is angry and mortified. Little does she realize is that during their time together Malcolm has come to admire her and his feelings for her grow. Will be be able to convince her of his attraction once more, or will other forces keep them apart?

All the complexities to Emily and Malcom's relationship made for an interesting read. I was excited to see Emily discover her inner strength and worth. Discovering that Malco!m had inner wounds that were equally debilitating in his life, made them the perfect pair. I would have rated it higher if not for the formatting issues. I do look forward to more from this author.

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Lady Emily Masters has harboured a secret infatuation for the dashing Malcolm Arborn, Viscount Morley since a childhood accident claimed the life of her twin brother and left her own face scarred. To Malcolm, few engagements could possibly be more punishing than attending his friend’s country wedding, until the groom requests he watch over his timid sister before the ceremony & afterwards at the house party.
Malcolm sees the real Emily behind the scar & uses all his arsenal of barbs & jibes to bring out the passionate strong woman who’s hidden so long but in doing so he finds his emotions being awakened. I loved Caleb & Imogen’s story so was looking forward to this book & it didn’t disappoint. Another accomplished novel from the author, the characters are very well fleshed & likeable apart from Lydia. The story was well paced & I was loathe to put it down. Malcolm & Emily were both injured in different ways so how they grew to like each other , to fall in love & to heel was endearing. I welled up when on describing Emily Lady Beezleton added the scar as an after thought. I look forward to more books by the author especially as there are more Masters siblings & of course Tristan.

My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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He Marquess of Willbridge is getting married and he extracts a promise from his best friend Malcolm, Viscount Morley to look after his sister, Lady Emily during the wedding celebrations. Emily, who suffered a horrible accident at age 12 that scarred one side of her face and the loss of her twin brother, because of this she has retreated into the background and away from the public. He wants to protect her from those who would be judgmental and rude to her and he thinks Malcolm could assist. Malcolm accepts and then he realizes after awhile he is in over his head as he begins to have feelings for her that he thought to be long suppressed. The story is well written and at times emotional, especially for Emily. There is a HEA but before misunderstandings almost break them apart. I would highly recommend this book as a great read.

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I loved Emily and Malcolm's story!

Since an accident that scarred her face, Emily has kept out of the social scene. It also doesn't help that she has aways been very shy. With the brother's upcoming wedding, she know that she must interact with all the guests. but is not looking forward to it.

Malcolm has been asked by Emily's brother to watch over her during the house party before and after the wedding. Having known Emily since she was a child, he decides to take it a step further. He wants to prod her to come out of her shell and provokes her at every turn. He didn't count on falling for his best friend's sister.

I loved watching these two together and the bantering between them had me laughing out loud.

I can't wait to see what the next book in the series has in store for us!

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This story is about two scarred people. The heroine, Emily, is scarred literally while the hero, Malcolm, is scarred emotionally. They both learn to accept themselves and, in turn, each other. I highly recommend this book, can’t wait for her next one!

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Well=handled regency romance with a heroine whose confidence has been eroded by the effect her childhood scar has on the cruel people of the ton and a hero who goes from resentful compliance with a friend's request he look after her to full appreciation of her personality and strong character.

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Lady Emily keeps her distance from all things Society, ever since the accident that killed her twin brother and left her face scarred. She is content to be on the outskirts and not attract unwanted attention, in fact, it may have taken over her life a bit. It is during Emily's brother's wedding celebration, that she crosses paths with Viscount Morley once again. Suddenly, Emily wants at least one person's notice, Morley's.

Morley does not want to play nursemaid to his best friend's little sister, but once he meets her, he starts to change his mind. Morley desperately wants to draw Emily out of her shell. Someone needs to make Emily see that she is still beautiful, both inside and out. Morely knows he is not the man for the job, but there is something about her he cannot resist.

I love author Christina Britton's TWICE SHY series. I thoroughly enjoyed the installments to date, WITH LOVE IN SIGHT and THE VISCOUNT'S PROMISE. Emily and Morely have scars, his on the inside and hers on the outside. Both believe themselves to be damaged, and because of it hold themselves back from having a happy life. Emily and Morely, face some overwhelming obstacles, but manage to rise above with the support of one another. I give THE VISCOUNT'S PROMISE a solid 4.5 stars!

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