Member Reviews

Millie and her four best guy friends decide a dating app is the best way to find dates to a fancy gala. Millie makes a profile using a different name and matches with one of her guy friends. Lots of flirting and hijinx ensue.

This book got my over my reading slump. It was the perfect mix of cute and fun. I’ve used dating apps before and it expertly captured the need to check the app for new messages and the nervous excitement you feel when you start taking with someone you like. I also like the development of Millie’s friendships and not just her romantic interests. It got a little bogged down with drama in the middle, and I found myself rolling my eyes at some of Millie’s choices so I knocked it down to four stars.

Overall, it’s an enjoyable, fun, and quick read and it definitely held my interest throughout.

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Ed, Alex, Chris, Reid and Millie are professors at UCSB and they are all friends. However, Millie and Reid sleep together and this leads to some difficulty in their relationship. Following this, they must find dates to an awards show at their university so they all turn to online dating sites. Millie creates a fake profile with which to communicate with Reid, and entanglements ensue. I know I’m supposed to look at this book as a sort of fun romp, but it just seems so juvenile to me. It’s completely formulaic and trite. The trope of falling in love with your best friend has been done to death and I would have appreciated a little more originality than this. The writing is mildly funny, yes, the story is remotely engaging, but in the 21st century it seems so very…dated. It seems like the sort of book you would have read in the late 90’s, not the woke sort of era we are living in now. I really wanted to like this book but I found myself sort of hate-reading it.

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Received an advance copy of this in exchange for my honest opinion.

Here's honesty:

I loved it. There is just something about the way Christina Lauren writes characters that makes you fall into their feelings. You laugh, you cry, you breathe with them.

Nothing too over the top. They are always someone that I can imagine/wishing I had in my life.

Highly recommend.

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I really liked this book! I have never read anything by Christina Lauren, but I have heard really great things so I was excited when I was approved for this ARC.

This book was fun, witty, and a super quick read.

I love the concept of friends to lovers and I loved the added element of the dating app. I felt it brought a more unique approach since I can only think of one other book with a similar aspect.

Reid was awesome. He was smart, sexy, and knew exactly what he wanted. He was a genuine guy who didn’t shy away from his feelings. I also liked that he stuck to his guns towards the end. I thought it showed a lot of self worth and I loved that.

Millie was a roller coaster for me. I liked her a lot at first, then she kind of annoyed me with her insecurities and her inability to even remotely open up, but since that was pretty much the whole point, I managed to eventually move past it.

Alex, Chris, and Ed were such great secondary characters. They were funny, loyal, and absolutely ridiculous. They all had different personalities so it was interesting see what both Reid and Millie got out of those friendships. The more I think about it, the more that this book and those friendships remind me a lot of The Big Bang Theory. Suffice it to say, if you like the dynamics of BBT, you’ll more than likely like this book.

Overall, I definitely recommend this one! It’s a great beach read so if you’re looking for something lighthearted, this is definitely the way to go!

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➳Friends wanting much more, letting temptation and attraction get to them in the best of ways making you want more of Reid and Millie's undeniable friendship and charisma...

➳When Christina Lauren writes a new novel, there is no denying it that I will be hoping to get to read it as soon as possible. Sexy, witty, charismatic, and fun, that is what CLo has to bring in every single one of their novels. This one is no exception of course because everything about Millie and the boy gang is one thrilling ride that I want to be a part of. All individuals whom have been best friends for a long time, and are now professors at the same college dealing with college professor issues that are indeed a hoot to read about. After one drunken night, Reid and Millie learn that their physical attraction is one that cannot be diminished or taken away from since they are just meant to be with each other. Viewing each other as only friends, Reid and Millie slowly learn to realize that there is no way of diminishing their attraction towards each other.

➳After going through different online dating profiles, Millie is stuck in a pickle when she encounters herself with a match towards Reid with a fake username that she created just for fun. As she goes along with it, she soon realizes that Reid truly does like her fake "person". Millie needs to find the honest truth as to how to continue with this fake friendship and her real friendship with Reid, in which she wishes it were more.

➳This review is being kept short and sweet because this is a novel that is MEANT to be read and thoroughly enjoy to the fullest. Every twist and turn, every emotional aspect of it, every reaction towards an action is simply meant to be read because Christina Lauren will never stop disappointing their readers with their marvelous romance novels. I am indeed keeping my fingers crossed that we get more romances of the other characters that were mentioned in this novel, since I am missing how much into different series CLo has written in the past. Thank you to Gallery Books and Kristin for providing me a copy of this beauty. Everyone will enjoy and devour this witty romance!

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