Member Reviews

DNF. Nothing wrong with this book or series, I'm just not as into YA fantasy as I was when I read the first book.

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I absolutely love this book. The characters are amazing. The plot line is amazing. I would read the phone book is Legrand wrote it. This is one of my go to fantasy series.

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Sadly this book just didn’t grab as much as I hoped it would. I put it down and picked it up multiple times but I just couldn’t connect with it. Super bummed.

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This is such a beautiful and lush trilogy. Not sure how I missed reviewing this book on here. These books are very large but I devoured each of them. This one was a bit lacking but that's usually how 2nd books go. I still really enjoyed the continuation and finished the trilogy.

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Nothing will ever beat the first book for me, but this was still a great sequel! I felt like it could have been shortened because it dragged on a bit, but other than that, it was fun!

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This series keeps getting better and better! This book did not suffer from the dreaded second book curse!! I can't wait for the next one!

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It's a bit unfortunate that it has taken me this long to A) actually pick this up, and B) determine that despite all efforts, I will not be finishing it. My reception to Furyborn was lukewarm at best. It took me months to read, and I couldn't follow along with a lot of it (mainly my own fault, however, for taking so long and reading it sporadically and also just flat out disliking one of the main characters whose perspective we spent 50% of our time with). I didn't really want to read Kingsbane, but heard good things and had a feeling it might get better. And it did, for a lot of people, I think. Just not for me. I read about a quarter of the book, and couldn't find much motivation to finish it. I don't know the specifics necessarily of why I didn't like it. I don't want to discourage others from reading it. Frankly I'm just disappointed with myself that I made a promise I knew I didn't really want to keep (in reading the book with less than total enthusiasm). I hope (and know) others love it a lot

If it's any consolation, the writing itself was really great!! I wouldn't take Claire Legrand off my shelf permanently at all.

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Really loved this. It was a great continuation and I’m excited to see where it ends. I wasn’t expecting a twist and that was great. This is a true struggle between what’s right and wrong, good and evil, and fighting those evil urges. Excited to finish the trilogy soon!

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Claire Legrand is great and this series is stunning. Complex characters with interesting motives, beautiful prose, and an enthralling storyline.

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This is not the book I was waiting for. Legrand is good with words, but her characers are so bland. I was expecting more, really. It's good but not perfect.

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I didn't love this as much as Furyborn but will still be continuing with the series! It got confusing to read so many POVs at times, and the pacing could have been better. This was a LONG book that didn't feel like it needed to be so long. But I still love this story and this world and want to see what happens in the conclusion!

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I love the world building in this book it almost makes you feel that you are right there within that setting. The flow of the storyline transitions from scene to scene quit nicely. The characteristics of the characters are very believable. I was immersed in the story so much that I wanted more. It kept me tuning page after page till the very end of the book.

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This book was incredible!! I absolutely loved Furyborn so I had high expectations going into Kingsbane, and Legrand did not disappoint. The pacing was perfect, the plots twists exceptional, and the character were just as engaging as I remembered them. I'm always hesitant when reviewing sequels because I don't want to ruin the first book for anyone, so I'm just going to say go pick up Furyborn if you haven't already because you're missing out!

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I know this is way late, but this book was amazing, and I’m really happy that I got an arc. The tension and plot twists made it well worth anticipating, and now I can’t wait for book 3 to see what happened between Rielle, Corien, and Audric.

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I read the first book in this series and though i didn't love the story i did lover the concept. I have tried go a while now too read this sequel,i have been unable to do so. I'm willing to read more by this author in the future, this series just wasn't for me.

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I gave this series a second chance. The first book didn't blow me away and this book was about the same for me.

There were many parts where I was hooked to the pages and then moments were things lost my attention. Which is too bad because, like the first book, I love the idea of this series overall. Just the execution of it could have gone better.

You learn that Eliana is Reielle's daughter. The one who was sent away for her own safety in the start of the first book. You learn a lot more about Reielle and that helped give me new perspective on her from the first book. Then you get to see the side of Eliana where she now holds a crown and has to figure out her next move. Save her friend? Embrace the power?Reject it? Eliana has a lot on her plate to say the least and I did like seeing her in another perspective as well.

While I think I will finish this series, I hope the last book is able to change my view on this whole series. While so far it hasn't been the greatest, it really may turn out to be amazing for others who enjoy this style of books.

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I loved the plot and setting of the story. I think the world building is incredible! It’s not hard to distinguish both settings so you’re not extremely confused by the going back and forth. I also think the character development was perfect. Another positive thing is you probably won’t see the twists coming!

I do think Rielle was quite annoying in this book and I definitely didn’t agree with the decisions she made!

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By: Claire Legrand
Sourcebooks Fire
Teen and Young Adult
Pages 587
Published Date 21 May 2019
<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="Professional Reader" title="Professional Reader"/>
<img src="" width="80" height="80" alt="25 Book Reviews" title="25 Book Reviews"/>

This is book 2 in The Empirium Trilogy.
I really enjoyed this book but not as much as the first book. It is about two different times about a mom and daughter who have never met. Mom sent the daughter off to be protected and is lost into another time period in the future.
Things are happening in the time period of the daughter and she needs to go back in time to protect her world by going back and stopping her mom.
Mom is struggling with her power and has conversation with an angel in her head.
It is hard to describe without revealing too much of the book.
I highly recommend this series.
I will say that I am surprised that this is a young adult book because of the details of the sexually encounters in here.

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Kingsbane was a great sequel to Furyborn! Claire Legrand is such a fantastic writer and really keeps you hooked on every word she writes. I can't wait to read the next book and see how the story continues!

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After feeling so wowed by Furyborn I was desperate to get my hands on Kingsbane! I soon found myself taking a bit of time to get through the sequel though I had blazed through the first. I mostly enjoyed the overall story of Kingsbane, but the pace felt a bit challenging for me- I am not sure whether the plot was not moving as fast as I’d like or whether parts of the plot weren’t much to my liking resulting in a waning of my fervor for the continuation of the tale. In Furyborn I had enjoyed both storylines equally, but I found Kingsbane put me off both heroines, but especially Rielle. The arc of her story was less appealing to me in this sequel and I could not enjoy her actions as I had in Furyborn. I enjoyed Eliana and Simon’s story more than Rielle and Audric’s, but each heroine started to grate on me for taking selfish and dangerous actions that were threatening to so many. I hope the third installment can grab me anew and wrap these stories up in a satisfactory manner. I would love to finish this story with the same awe that I began it with.

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