Member Reviews

I really liked the concept of The Bachelor meets Amazing Race but I just did not feel the chemistry between Luke and Nell. I also found the characters to be kind of annoying. I give it three stars because it was pretty funny and the concept was good! Other reviewers seem to really like the characters so I would give it a chance if you enjoy this genre.

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I would rate this one about the same as Million Dollar Devil. I guess I wanted a little more from the hero. He's so rough around the edges that I felt like he was below the heroine intellectually. Now he is a good person, just up to his wazo in debt. Her's is because she is a professional student afraid to actually get out of school and start living her life, He because of his bar and his desire to save it.

I just didn't feel the connection I wanted so badly to feel. The story line was cute-kinda like a Dating Game and Amazing Race mash up. But I'm not really a fan of either of those reality (more like fantasy!) shows and that may have helped to sour me on the story line also.

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Million Dollar Marriage, is the perfect book for me since I'm such a reality T.V. junkie. Luke lives up to his Prince Charming title. I totally fell for him.

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This is sort of a Bachelor meets the Amazing Race. Luke and Nell both need money fast. Luke is trying to keep his bar open and Nell needs to pay off her student loans. On a whim they decide to try out for Million Dollar Marriage. They are picked for their opposites-might-attract personalities. And boy were they opposites. She's uptight and educated. He's very rough around the edges and doesn't know where Cape Cod is. They are forced to marry then go on Amazing Race style adventures where they have to complete tasks in different locations around the world.

I really enjoyed the Amazing Race set up. This was fun and interesting. Pacing was solid.
Unfortunately, I did not feel any chemistry between the main characters. They were a bit too much like caricatures of the parts they were playing.

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4.9 Stars

We already met Luke as James's best buddy in the first book. He runs his late grandpa's bar in Atlanta. And he desperately needs money to pay for his grandma's care facility and to pay off the bar's debt.

Nell is almost done with her final degree. She has many of them - she's almost a doctor now. Not a medical one though. Not really a doctor anyone will give her much money for. She's not sure what she wants to do with all her degrees. The only thing she knows is that she needs half a million dollars to pay off her student loans.

A new and very mysterious reality tv show. The winner will get a million dollars.

Shy nerd Nell hates tv and people and being at the center of attention... but she has no other choice ....

Sexy tattoed Luke is alway the life of the party - he thinks it should be easy to win the money ...





I just loved it.

I wasn't expecting something so fun and sparky and adventurous and sexy and travel-y.

It's a bit like The Bachelor/ette meets The Amazing Race.

We travel from one amazing place to the next to find clues and master tasks et cetera.

I loved it. I loved seeing all the places and I loved seeing Penny and Luke go from fighting constantly to falling for each other. Extremely adorable! I finished it in one day!

Really great romance!

I wouldn't mind watching this on tv one day!
Hashtag Eyecandy Deluxe! ☺

MILLION DOLLAR MARRIAGE was an adorable, sexy & fun adventure love story! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Luke! This one is mine! MINE!!! ☺

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I had no clue what to expect with this book. I went in completely blind, but, having read, loved and devoured book 1, Million Dollar Devil, I was certain I was in for a great read, and yes, I wasn’t off the mark. Million Dollar Marriage delivered everything, and more, the writing, the characters, the story, perfect, I was addicted from the first chapter. Each chapter, all of which started with a confessional from the gameshow day delivered by either Nell or Luke, was written in dual POV, and went behind the scenes with the most unexpected couple of a new game show “Million Dollar Marriage”. I had no clue what to expect, and neither did any of the contestants. All of them were out to win the grand prize of $1,000,000, of course there were a few plot twists, and it was not as straight forward as any of them thought it was going to be. Luke was so sweet and kind (as well as a complete sex bomb), Nell was quiet, unsociable, with zero confidence and she’s totally unaware of how beautiful she really is. The stud and the bookworm, the only thing they had in common, they were both in debt up to their eyeballs, and were willing to do anything to win, or were they? A full five star read for me that had everything I didn’t know I wanted in a book. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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i rounded it off to 3 stars

this is my least favorite book of Katy Evans.
Nell and Luke where both insanely annoying i think the only thing i liked about this book was the whole bachelor/bachelorette meets the amazing race

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Absolutely fantastic, engrossing and so hard to put down, Million Dollar Marriage is the best reality-show-based romance I’ve read, and one of the best books I’ve read this year. The story follows Nell, a woman who can’t seem to stop attending college for fear that she’ll have to start paying her student loans and finally enter the real world, where her studious habits won’t be appreciated as much as they are in an academic setting. She is reserved, loves classical music and reading books in French. When she realizes that she’s going to have to start paying off her mountain of student loans, Nell auditions to compete in a new reality show, Million Dollar Marriage, where the top prize is $500,000 and the rules of the game are a mystery. It’s on the show that Nell meets Luke, whom she considers to be a “dirty thug,” because of his dark good looks, tattoos and bad boy attitude. Luke needs cash to save his bar, so he agrees to compete on the show, knowing he’ll likely have to marry someone in the process (it is in the name of the game, after all). As Nell and Luke begin competing on this Married at First Sight/Bachelor/Amazing Race mashup of a show, they realize that while they might be total opposites, that doesn’t mean that their personalities don’t complement each other perfectly.

It’s an extremely well-written, engrossing read. I loved how immersive it felt - the vast majority of the book is Nell and Luke stuck together at all times, heavy on the dialogue with fantastic banter and chemistry. I’ve never read a book that felt like a shining example of what.a reality show contestant must go through, but this exemplifies that perfectly - with all of the ups and downs that go along with the process. It’s a slow burn romance, executed so well - the buildup of the relationship made the payoff that much sweeter. Don’t let the slow burn fool you, this is still a sexy read, and Luke is a loveable, swoonworthy guy who might be a little rough around the edges, but he is a fantastic catch. Thank you, NetGalley, for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I couldn’t wait to start reading this book and I am so glad that it lived up to - and exceeded - my expectations.

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This book was a nice, easy quick read. I loved the tie in with reality tv shows. It was well written, descriptive and it flowed nicely. Seemed a little rushed in the ending but would read more of this authors work.

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This is Nell and Luke’s book, Luke runs his grandfathers dive bar, Nell is a perpetual student they both decide to go on a national television show saying I do to $1 million dollars!! Nell needs to pay off her student loans and Luke needs the money to pay off the mortgage on the bar! This book was freaking awesome it was so funny and definitely had some steam to it , it was really good! I highly recommend reading this one! It was such a fun enjoyable read! Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for sharing this book with me!

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wow, i blew through this one! this is my 4th katy evans book, i think? and it is the one i have enjoyed the most. i don't know what about it worked for me exactly but it really did. i liked the two main characters separately and together, which is always a bonus. it was fairly fast paced and very readable. the conflict was a wee bit predictable and you could see it coming and you kinda want to shake characters when something like this happens, but eh. what can you do. i liked the way it wrapped up. overall this was a solid, enjoyable read for me.

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4* Was on track for this to be a 5* read if not for the contrived - but not entirely unexpected - angst shortly before the end of the tale.

This is a tale that's better than the blurb, and that pretty much anyone who's watched a reality TV show can visualise. I won't go into detail and Spoiler it, but it is really well done, with a couple of very decent leads who come from different stations in life and whose lives have been poles apart, but who are a case of opposites attract. And, in the case of Penny/Nell, that attraction terrifies her because her life as a student and degree holder and PHD holder hasn't prepared her for real life and for seeing herself as a woman and fancying a guy who at first glance is all about the beefcake. And Luke sees her as a cool, collected challenge who he'd like to see, and get, all flustered.

There's behind the scenes stuff, competing, bitching and more and I could picture these guys and all the other contestants working together. But, when the tale seemingly was ending, around 82% gone, I knew that couldn't be the case and lo and behold the author dropped in something so predictable that I could see it coming a mile off, and, I couldn't see how P/N couldn't. That's what lost the tale 1* for me, as she should have had a little faith, as by then she and Luke were something real and she was wise to the machinations of the TV crew/directors/host etc. I didn't think it was really necessary and it did require a bit of suspension of disbelief, and I couldn't stop the eye-rolling.

But, it's a romance and the tables get turned quite satisfyingly. I'd definitely read more from this author.

ARC courtesy of Montlake Publishing and NetGalley, for my reading pleasure.

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