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The Vow

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i very much enjoyed this book if you want twisty gripping addictive this the book for you its a brilliant story Amy has meet the man of her dreams Matt . but as there wedding day gets near he goes missing am not saying no more but her daughter Jess places it all together so a must read book

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"You'd have saved us all a lot of time if you'd been honest," says one of the people in this story of secrets and revenge. He may speak for readers who are impatient with characters who get themselves into terrible trouble, but who are slow to see or admit any connection to the dark shadows in their past.

If you are not one of those impatient readers, this is a creepy, twisty tale, skillfully told, of a beaten-down woman whose cheating fiancé goes missing on the eve of her wedding. Shocking clues accrue, pointing toward her guilt, including a bouquet of red and white flowers with stems sunk in his blood. When the other woman surfaces, the malevolence intensifies.

If you are one of those impatient readers, you may be frustrated with the way some of the characters react in this book, including the police. Either way, it's a well-told story, and you may particularly enjoy this book if you like gardening, herbs, and the sometimes menacing language of flowers.

Thank you to NetGalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Enjoyed this suspense novel! This will be hard to put down until the very end. Very predictable storyline but had lots of twists that kept you engaged.

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Amy and Matt are two weeks away from their wedding when Matt vanishes. Sure that something has happened, Amy calls the police the day after he didn’t come home from meeting a client. When the police start to investigate they find Matt wasn’t meeting a client at all and then they receive another missing person report and the missing person is also Matt, but this comes from his other girlfriend Fiona. While Amy is devastated to learn about Fiona, Amy’s daughter Jess isn’t so sure, she didn’t like Matt and the front he put on for her mother, and when the police look closely at Amy for his disappearance, Jess decides to dig into Matt’s past.
I found the story equally fascinating and annoying. There was a lot of repetitive passages that I found unnecessary, I.e. we would get a point of view from one of the characters, then it would be repeated as a police statement. I found because of this the story dragged in the middle.
#netgalley #avonbooks #thevow

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DNF’d this book.
The narrative is full of unnecessary description of every little thing around her.
I really like the blurb but I can’t push myself to go on.

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I would have given this book 5 stars but felt bit let down by the ending as I was expecting more. Up to that point I had really enjoyed the book. It was an 'edge of your seat' type of read where I wanted to keep reading to find out what was going to happen. For that reason I would still recommend this read but perhaps don't expect any major twists.

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This is a very good domestic thriller and the first book I’ve read by this author.
The plot is fast paced and there are plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing throughout.
I’ll be looking out for more books from this author in future.

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"Nature perseveres...until balance is restored." Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. Amy was leading a seemingly perfect life, or so everyone thought, until her fiance disappeared. An ever twisting tale of deceit, lies and secrets. A masterfully crafted whodunit that will keep you guessing until the end. The characters are so well written that I was invested in the story immediately. By the middle of this story I couldn't put it down. The first person writing really made me feel like I knew Amy. I would highly recommend this to anyone who likes thrillers and murder mysteries!

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From the first page of this book, I was hooked. I didn't want to stop reading. I carried the Ipad with me as I did my steps...couldn't wait to get back to the story when I was cooking. Once in awhile, I come across a book that puzzles me...this one did. Although I determined the outcome early on, it was still a good read. The main character was a naïve woman who didn't trust herself-and others didn't either. The book is character driven with little thought given to the setting, although that is fine for this genre. The character I liked the best was Jess, the daughter. She was intuitive, smart, and strong. She cared about her mom, and she saw through the boyfriend early on. When others gave up on her mom, she did not. Although I enjoyed reading this novel, I did not like the story in italics. I did not like giving background that way. There was some language that was not necessary. That being said, if one can get by that, this book is one that will cause the reader to stop and think-why do men want to abuse women? Trying to discern the ending is a good way of learning that all mysteries are not the same. This author has honed her craft, and I hope she will write more in this genre. However, I hope she might refrain from using the words that most of us just don't need to read. They take away from the story. As one reads, all of a sudden a character blurts out...not necessary...after all of the book...understand the protagonist...feel for her...wonder if she is a murderer or not...or a read read and enjoy. Just an afterthought, I loved the part about the gaslighting...few write about that anymore...

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When you think your life couldn't be more perfect and you're about to marry the man you love, what could possibly go wrong? When Matt doesn't come home one night, Amy gets worried and eventually has to report him missing.
Fiona also reports Matt missing a few days later. Both of them claiming to be in a relationship with Matt. Where is he and who is to blame for his disappearance?
The Vow has many twists and turns and had me guessing throughout. as Amy is arrested for the murder of Matt, her and Fiona's past become intertwined. When both ladies were children, someone died and could that have something to do with Matt disappearing?
I was impressed with how the writing led me to think different scenarios right up until the last page.

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Amy and Matt are getting married in two weeks, everything seems perfect and they are writing their own vows. Matt says he is taking a client out for dinner and will be back late - but he doesn’t return!!

Amy had been warned by a stranger that “she is in danger” but now wonders if the message is connected with Matt’s disappearance.

When the police start to investigate, another woman, Fiona comes forward as her boyfriend Matt has disappeared. Was Matt living a double life?

The story is told from Amy, Fiona and Jess’s (Amy’s daughter) point of view.

I loved everything about this book, its eye catching cover caught my eye, but the story soon had me totally hooked with its suspense and twists along the way.

This is much more than a missing partner story, we have snippets that Matt and Amy’s relationship was not all it initially seems and that they are both hiding secrets from their pasts, that leads to an explosive ending.

I highly recommend this book!!

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

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The Vow is an intense psychological thriller that holds your interest throughout and keeps you wanting more! Loved this book!
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Amy is a bit dense and a bit lovable. I feel like this book could have been fleshed out a bit more. Amy is just far to naive. It's predictable, however, even though it's a bit predictable, you can't help but keep reading chapter by chapter to see what is going to happen. That's what a good story is all about in the end. Would recommend to my mystery lovers.

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I loved this domestic thriller, with its wonderful cast of characters and gorgeous prose. The storyline was engaging and flowed seamlessly.
Highly recommended!

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Two weeks before their wedding, Amy's fiance, Matt, disappears.
Soon after, another woman, Fiona, reports her partner missing, and it quickly turns out that the missing man is Matt.
As the police start investigating, Amy's and Fiona's conflicting yet plausible stories don't make it easy for them to find out which of the women is telling the truth, especially as both of them are hiding something.

The story told from multiple perspectives: Amy's, Fiona's and Amy's daughter Jess', is interspersed with a mysterious narrator recounting past events.
This was a fast-paced, suspenseful read that got me hooked very quickly.
It may sound like a standard missing husband/partner thriller but the author managed to find an interesting and gripping premise for the story.
As the plot progresses and the secrets are revealed we learn that Amy's and Matt's relationship not only wasn't all roses but also that neither of the main characters are who we believed them to be at first.
My only reservation lies with the police work, especially the unprofessional way they seemed to treat Jess and their failure to find the clues that Jess discovered by herself.
Other than that, it was a twisty and thrilling read, and I raced through it. I highly recommend it.

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Two weeks before Amy’s wedding, Matt her fiancé doesn’t come home. As she looks for him she starts to find out all is not as it seems.
This book is everything a good suspense novel should be. Writing that drew me in from the first sentence, an interesting multi layered plot building and twisting until the last page, and a satisfactory conclusion that pulls everything together. Not to mention characters who keep you off balance and you’re not quite sure which one to believe.
The cover s a perfect fit for the story too.

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Thank you NetGalley for this advanced copy. The plot went a different way than I anticipated. There were some good revelations when true identities were brought to light. It has the reader guessing the entire book as to who did it? Good book!

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Not a bad book at all! Lots of shocking discoveries to light when true identities are revealed. The true culprit over all was a little predictable to me.

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A huge thank you to Netgalley, Avon Books UK and Harper Collins publishing for letting me read and review!


Everything seemed perfect until Amy’s fiancé disappeared two weeks before their wedding day. Amy is approached by a stranger who warns he she is in danger and that night Matt vanishes. Another woman also repots a man missing, it’s the same man, Matt had been living a double life. Amy refuses to believe this but as the police dig deeper, conflicting stories are told by the two women, the two woman who apparent have never met, but that is a lie.

You shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, but I have to say this one definitely stood out to me. The synopsis also sounded intriguing and hinted that this read may be full of drama and action, therefore I was eager to get stuck in.

From the first page it was evident that the author is a very imaginative writer who does a fantastic job at using descriptive language. Along with her vivid ways of painting a picture in your head, the first chapter also started off with a bang, action from the get go and definitely left me wondering what would unfold.

The jumps from character perspectives was easy to follow and I enjoyed reading from Jess’ perspective. She had me feeling uneasy of Matt from the start but also impressed me with how determined and strong she was. The time jumps confused me at times as I was not sure as to whose background story it was telling, but all did become clear!

Matt was a very manipulative character and I felt glad that he had vanishes from Amy’s life, despite feeling the despair she was in as a result of this. The book highlights the seriousness of domestic violence, especially non physical forms such as gaslighting, so well done to the author.

At first, I felt this would be a read you really can not call, chapter by chapter the plot began to thicken and at times I even found myself questioning if I had seriously misjudged characters such as Amy. However, as the story become to fully unravel and the pieces fitted together, the story did become quite predictable, I was not left hanging on the edge of my seat but I was still gripped never less.

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Amy is shocked when a complete stranger stops her on the street to inform her that her life is in danger. That night, her fiancee, Matt disappears. With no sign of Matt, the wedding is canceled, but then a woman named Fiona reports her lover missing. The man matches Matt’s description and Fiona tells police he was about to leave his fiancee to be with her. Amy can’t believe that Matt was betraying her, but she gets evidence in the form of photos of Fiona and Matt together. Clearly, he was living two different lives, but what happened to him? This is a clever, sly mystery that I really enjoyed

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