Member Reviews

Audiobooks rise and fall on the shoulders of the readers and unfortunately, this audiobook narrator did not work for me. There is nothing specific I would point to except a general feeling that I could not focus on the words.

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Honestly I don’t have an interest in reading this book anymore and I want to be more selective with what I request.

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This book angered me so much. The rampant homophobia was just so hard to handle and I'm straight! It was appalling and very hard to listen to. I was incensed. The problem is that small towns across the US are very much like this fictional town of Lincolnville, Oregon. Or this version is fictional. Not sure if a town with that name exists in Oregon. Lincoln City does!

Anywho, aside from the assholery of the town, I really liked Wyatt and Martin and the blog and the premise of what if a beloved historical figure was found out to have been gay. Hey straight people, it's not a big deal.

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Michael Crouch should narrate all the YA LGBTQ+ male characters. This is another book that, were it not for Crouch's narration, I might have bailed on.

I liked the idea, but I as a teacher I have issues with teachers and administrators who are so combative. I know that this is needed to drive the plot forward, but it hurts me to know that many LGBTQ+ kids (including those in the closet) will have no adults to support them in their school.

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Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill is an intriguing story of self-discovery, but above all self-acceptance. I think it might be a powerful read, especially for younger teenagers.
The audiobook is great.

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Michael Crouch narration of Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill was a very entertaining and made me laugh out loud.
His pacing and modulation were perfect.

Kudos also to the faultless audio production and editing.

Lee Wind 's Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill is charming, off-beat , insightful and satisfying.

I just reviewed Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill by Lee Wind. #QueerasaFiveDollarBill #NetGalley

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With thanks to Netgalley and Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA), Members' Audiobooks

Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill is a audio book is written by Lee Wind and narrated by Michael Crouch and tells the story of Wyatt who is 15 and is trying to keep that he is gay a secret from the very homophobic town he lives in. However when he finds out that Lincoln was possibly in love with anther man, he decided to out Lincoln on-line.

The narration of the book by Michael Crouch is good and he manages to keep you hooked as you listen. A good LGBT audiobook in all,

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I would like to thank you for the ARC of this book which was kindly provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
This story is about a fifteen-year-old boy named Wyatt living in a quite homophobic town. In the first part of the book, Wyatt feels ashamed of his sexual identity and pretends to date his best friend McKenzie. However, things not always go according to the plan! Throughout the story, Wyatt character keeps growing and he finds the courage to become his true self
Also, (spoiler alert) I have learned that Abraham Lincoln might have been gay! You always can learn something new even from fiction!
It was a cute and interesting read and have enjoyed listening to the narrator, he did a really great job conveying characters.

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Thank you to the publisher and to Netgalley for the advance copy of this book!

This book was so cute! The book was everything I wanted it to be. I loved the plot and storyline in the book. I loved the characters in this story. It gave me all the feels I was looking for when I started reading this. I highly recommend this author. I loved the writing. I will be looking for other works in the future from this author.

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Such a lovely, interesting LGBTQIA+ book, the audiobook was really nice to listen to and I'm really glad I got to read this.

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Omg I loved this book so much! I loved the LGBT+ rep and everyone should read it! The characters were so fun and the story was so entertaining! There needs to be more books like this one!

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I enjoyed this book, however it wasn't as intriguing as I thought it would be. For me it was just ok

However, am I the only one who thought that the other missed the chance for the title to be "Queer as a Ten Dollar Bill"?

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It took me so much longer to post this review then I expected it too!

I wanted my tween child to read/listen and give me their feedback before finishing this.

Wow! I loved this book, my child loved this book! It really captured and explained the emotions of coming out. My Child asked me “why doesn’t he just tell his parents? I keep wondering why he can’t just tell them and then remember not everyones parents love them no matter what.” Not gonna lie, felt like I had won at parenting right then... don’t worry I got dethroned later for something like making vegetables appear in their sight or being ssoooo uncool as to breath and stuff. 😂

I grew up in the conservative bible belt with family that truly love me. They feared for my eternal damnation and could not, and may still
Not understand.

I’m so glad books like this exist. For children and the grown adults still trying to find their place in acceptance.

I even was so glad the brakes got thrown up when he tried to kiss after coming out because that is a real thing too. The fact that you just came out and thats the only or first other gay person you see or know! It’s important to hear the message and have self love and pride.

It’s important to understand it’s not a choice. So often it’s the reality a person’s experiencing despite trying desperately to make every choice against. Resulting often in so much self hate, so much wishing and harmful thought and feeling.

I loved the message, I thought the book was preformed very well, I loved the characters and the fact that the information was true and something my child was able to look up. We got a little history lesson along the path to equality, self love, and tolerance.

The place the author has set up for people to have a safe space is wonderful too.

I hope everyone reads this book! Thank you so much to the author and NetGalley for letting me read this book!

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The premise of this book by Lee Wind is really refreshing for a YA novel. Yes, there's a high school and a bully and a class assignment that becomes something bigger, but the Lincoln-obsessed town and the B&B are unique and interesting. My favorite aspect of the story was actually learning about the history of Lincoln and Speed and deciphering what their relationship might have been. I'm surprised that's not a more discussed topic, but it provides an interesting place to take the story. I also like how the internet plays a major role, emphasizing the contrasts and unfortunate similarities between the Civil War era and the present day.

I listened to this on audio, and Michael Crouch's narration is excellent. He captures the emotion and the action, and his characters sound distinct and true to the words on the page.

Aside from the premise and the narration, I'm afraid I couldn't get into the story. The characters felt like caricatures, and their reactions felt overblown to where I couldn't buy into the plot. I found it difficult to believe that nobody in the town knew about Speed, other than the gay librarian, and that it was such a hot topic, despite so many resources available online. I couldn't understand why a high schooler's blog would make such a splash nor the lengths that people would go to hide the evidence.

On top of that, the likening of LGBTQIA+ rights to racial justice felt misplaced. To be honest, I might've bought into it as recently as a few months ago, but in the fall of 2020, this storyline has not aged well.

The book does have its merits. The fight for equality is centered here, and it's uplifting. The main character's coming out story is unique. It's one that accentuates the courage of that decision and shows an array of reactions. There's a lot here for readers to enjoy, even if it wasn't for me. Thank you, Netgalley, for providing the audiobook in exchange for this review!

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My first audio book review for Net galley, tricky start as it took a while for me to get into this book. There is so much homophobia at the start as we discover the world of Wyatt and the boy who bullies him at High School, which is somehow much harder to listen too than it is to read. I also was at times a little frustrated by Wyatt's struggle to find anyone to talk to, especially when his female best friend began to date his bully. After a rocky start the book picks up and Wyatt's efforts to highlight that President Lincoln was once in love with a man became interesting as a detective story, alongside showing the hideousness of institutional homophobia and the religious majority especially in small town America. The insistence that Lincoln was gay rather than wondering if he might have been bi which was mentioned once was waring and I saw the happy ending coming. I enjoyed the points about the importance of representation and the difference it could have made to LGBT people and especially young people to know that figures from history were LGBT too. The narration is excellent and helped me to keep going when the story waned, the intonation and emotion came across well and the racing was good.

With thanks to NetGalley for a free audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

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DNF at 46%

I didnt like this. This book has way too many gay slurs to be comfortable with it.
Also the fake-girlfriend thing with his best friend, knowing he's leading her and she'll be hurt in the end... I didnt like.

It's a shame because it had so much potential for a great story.

"Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me a an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review"

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Queer as a Five-Dollar Bill by Lee Wind is a witty and wonderful (LGBTQ+) novel. I put the LGBTQ+ in parenthesis because this book is amazing for all aspects of the book, not just because it represents LGBTQ+ but also it is amazing because it does such a great job at representation as well. Wyatt is from Lincolnville, Indiana. As a ninth grader, he cannot wait until he is older and can be himself outside of his rural town.

It is only when the town librarian gives him a book that turns out to change his life. While doing a project on everyone's favorite president, Abraham Lincoln, he was given a book on Joshua Fry Speed the president's intimate friend. Wyatt quickly realizes the truth behind this book- America's Favorite President was gay (or at least Bi). This is not a popular opinion and despite all of the proof from the book and other artifacts, this fact started a whole bunch of turmoil in his home town.

This was the first audiobook I was able to preview using Netgalley. The audio was good, I wasn't the biggest fan of the actor, but the story was so great! After a little while I was able to ignore if the actor annoyed me or not.I have been looking for more LGBTQ+ realistic fiction for my library and I think this book would be a great addition to my school!

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I really enjoyed this. Wyatt felt very real and I really felt for his all-too-relatable struggles. The story was fun, if a little over the top or unrealistic in parts, but I enjoyed it overall and it's a good queer YA. The homophobia and bullying hurt and were quite prominent.

Michael Crouch is one of my favourite narrators and this was no exception. He always manages to bring the characters to life.

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I received an ARC of this book through NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased opinion.

Fifteen-year-old Wyatt of Lincolnville, Oregon doesn't want anyone in his homophobic town to know he is gay, not even his best friend (and now accidental girlfriend) Mackenzie. However, when he reads a book about Abraham Lincoln with evidence that Lincoln had a romantic love with one of his male friends, Wyatt writes a blog post homework assignment announcing that Lincoln was gay. Wyatt figures that since everyone loves Lincoln, if they knew he was gay, then all gay people would be treated better. Despite threats from multiple fronts, Wyatt doubles down on his claims. Unfortunately, this leaves Wyatt feeling that he can't out himself, or no one will take his claims seriously. When he reaches out for legal help, he also meets a boy named Martin, who is openly gay and might just be what Wyatt is looking for.

I was given an audiobook of Queer as a Five Dollar Bill, and I loved the narration; Michael Crouch was an excellent choice for narrator. Wyatt definitely felt like an accurate representation of a fifteen-year-old. I would like to think that in 2018 (the year the book came out), a teenager would not receive the harassment that Wyatt did for being gay, but as I am 36 and straight, I don't know how it is for today's high schools students. This book definitely made me start looking into the truth of what is known between Lincoln and Joshua Speed. Like with Alexander Hamilton and John Laurens, I think we are too far removed from the time to get certain proof of whether they were in romantic love with each other. The consequences of Wyatt's decision to “out” Lincoln as gay are at time over the top, but this is a great LGBTQ+ YA book. I would recommend it to any lover of YA.

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About half way in and the book finally picks up. I was close, so very close to ending the book prematurely. Thankfully I didn’t. While I was the biggest fan of the MC, I did enjoy the message the book was conveying.

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