Member Reviews

Thankyou to NetGalley, Lake Union Publishing and the author, Mark Sullivan, for the opportunity to read an advanced readers copy of The Last Green Valley in exchange for an honest and unbiased opinion.
I thought this book provided a good read with endearing characters. The author has weaved a beautiful tale of love, resilience and courage based on memories of the Martel family during WW2.
Well worth a read.

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I loved this book. The characters were wonderfully portrayed. Just enough sadness sprinkled with just the right amount of love and joy. A few too many coincidences at times, but if you can ignore that and just enjoy the story, it is a worthwhile read. Just the right amount of closure too! Thank you for allowing me to read this so soon!

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#TheLastGreenValley #NetGalley

Special thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union publishing for providing me with ARC.

This is the first novel to me by Mark Sullivan but didn't fit for me, i am feeling sorry but this is the truth, the events real slow and boring.

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I really wanted to like this and for the most part I did but I had a few issues with it.
Firstly, for me, it starts off quite slowly and I didn't engage with the characters. It was only at about 15% or so in when more characters were being introduced and the back stories of the main characters were being described in flashbacks, that I decided it was worth carrying on.
Secondly, there are a lot of coincidences in the book. The main characters keep bumping into people from their past which I did find far fetched seeing as there were thousands of people fleeing to the west at this time. This really annoyed me and about halfway through the book there is one incidence where I was left shaking my head at the convenience of the encounter!
On the plus side the last 30% or so is where the action takes place and I stayed up late to finish the book to see how the Martel's fared.
It is a page turner for the most part, a bit gruesome in places but an important story to tell of how innocent people were caught up between the Nazi's and the Soviet's. If you can ignore the coincidences then it's a great read, but unfortunately it did spoil the book for me.

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