Member Reviews

When Noelle and her family move to Totter Court, she expects to make a new start with new friends at a new school. Instead, she finds herself living in a house with a bona fide monster in the basement! As Noelle learns more about the monster from the other girls who live in the cul-de-sac, she becomes more and more determined to put an end to his reign of terror, if only to keep her baby sister safe. Will she manage to fight the Smashed Man? Or will he get them all?

I read this book in one sitting, which isn't something I have done in a long time. It was just that gripping. I had to know what would happen next to the characters! J.W. Ocker is a master of suspense who has kept this novel perfectly middle-grade appropriate. However, despite the younger cast of characters, this book will still interest older readers with its twists and turns.

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