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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this arc.

This one just wasn’t for me. The narration for Candace sounded so auto-tuned/digital. I thought I’d get used to it, but I didn’t. Her guy voices were way better.! Slades narration was good. Unfortunately, I didn’t care for his character. He was so fixated on Candance’s ass and beauty. He would basically tune her out the first 20% of the book. I get why he only cared about himself, but jeez. Candaces character was also annoying. She was so juvenile and would run to her Papa to fix everything. Even though she was in college. So neither character was interesting or relatable to me. I like character driven books, so this just wasn’t for me. Also. It was a good 20% into the book before the characters really got into the magic part of the story. Way too slow of a start. The only reason I’m giving this 2/5 is because the idea is there and interesting. It just wasn’t executed well.

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Thank you for the opportunity to download this audiobook. I accessed it while testing a future update to the NetGalley Shelf app. This test was open only to an exclusive portion of NetGalley members, and this review will be hidden from visibility by the NetGalley team. If you would like more information, please contact

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Thank you for the opportunity to download this audiobook. I accessed it while testing a future update to the NetGalley Shelf app. This test was open only to an exclusive portion of NetGalley members, and this review will be hidden from visibility by the NetGalley team

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Of Wicked Blood, the first of the Quatrefoil Chronicles is YA Urban Fantasy at its best, full of the promise of magic, strong characters and set against the backdrop of a world full of mystery and dark moodiness.

Our two main characters are Cadence and Slate and I loved the attraction of opposites going on with their relationship. Alongside this, the narration, in particular Slates was just spot on. Having never read either of these authors before I was a bit apprehensive but had a real blast reading Of Wicked Blood and can’t wait for the next in the series. Highly recommended.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Slate is a thief and a con artist and a liar. These things are all true but when he meets Cadence his world is thrown for a loop. Slate receives a letter, a letter telling him that he isn't who he thought he was and he needs to come to a small French town where they believe in witchcraft to find out more about his birth parents. He is upset, rightfully so, because he has been forced to live in foster homes and on the streets for most of his life, scraping to get by. When he gets to town, he seeks the De Morel crypt and he steals the Bloodstone, but what he doesn't realize is it will set of a chain of events no one was ready for.
The first time Cadence spots Slate in the cemetery she is drawn to him. She knows this outsider is somehow connected to her. When he put the Bloodstone on his finger, it immediately fuses with his skin and becomes one with him and it jumpstarts curse that they now have to solve or it will take his life. This curse brings 4 people in to work together to find 4 leaves to make up the Quatrefoil.
I really enjoyed the trials these characters had to go through and learning about the magic that has lived for many years in this small town. The audio was great and the narrators made me feel like I was part of the story. These opinions are my own and I recived this book in exhange for this review. Thank you to Twig Publishing, Netgalley Olivia Wildenstein and Katie Hayoz for an early audio copy.

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One day I was looking for a new audiobook and I came across this one in NetGalley. While I haven’t read anything by either of the authors, I have quite a few of Olivia Wildenstein’s books on my tbr. After reading the summary, I knew this was my new audiobook. I am so happy with my decision!

This book has super creepy vibes. It’s set in a small gothic town in France (they all have French accents, so I’m pretty sure it’s France!) and weird, unexplainable things have started to happen. What the main characters find out stunned me. The story is an extreme roller coaster with tragedy, lots of suspense, magic, and, of course, bits of romance. The ending wrapped up most of the storylines for me, so I’m curious where book 2 will be going.

The characters are really the driving force behind this book, specifically the two main characters, Cadence and Slate. Cadence is an innocent bean that needs to be protected, while Slate is... whew. Slate is Slate. He’s my favorite character. Out of everyone in the book, he is the one that develops the most.

If you are a fan of urban fantasy - think along the lines of Shadowhunters - definitely try this book!

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This was such a hard book to put down. I listened to the audiobook ARC and loved the alternating POVs.

A fictional French town setting (resembling Mont-Saint-Michel) with dark academia, a quest to retrieve ancient artefacts, an old legend and a great romance that doesn't steal the spotlight of the story but is a nice wholesome addition. Also, a great set of interesting characters including a bad boy who's been through a lot and a good daddy's girl.

I thoroughly recommend it'

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Thank you to Twig Publishing and Netgalley for providing me with audiobook in exchange for an honest review.

Guilty as charged, i couldn't resist trying out and relive for the second time this adventure as i fell in love with it head over toes!
Strange how the same story feels different when you read it and when you are experiencing it via least for me it's like i experience a different book and is so thrilling.
I was so excited to find out there were two different narrators for Cadence and Slate, ulike the most narrated by a single narrator for all POV's.
Loved the male narrator and all the accents ,he gave a little more sophisticated tint to Slate that was intriguing.
As to the female narrator...i loved her voice and the ease with which she delivered Cadence's side of the story,but from time to time it felt she exaggerated and gave it a slight petulant tint that rubbed me the wrong way.
Thank you for the opportunity to relive again this amazing story!
I am pasting my ebook review below too:

Full five stars and then some!!!
If anyone was watching me while reading this book, im sure would've taking me for a nutjob😄😄😄
So many times i laughed out loud on the splendid humor that was absolutely my type plus the absurd,comical, but at the same time dangerous situations that Slate put himself, made me completely forgot my surroundings.
I loved the world building ,wich was told in the perfect way - not like the most that you feel like ticking marks of a list that has to be done, but instead,  got sucked right in and you realize how rich it is and how much you learned about it when you caught yourself like living in it and swinging your emotions every step of the way!
Every character had depth and history that couldn't leave you impartial.
I have to admit i was having extra fun with Slate's character, given that his humor,the swearing and his cynicism was so like me that cracked me up every single time😄
For a strange reason i got the Lucifer Tv show vibe and could purely see in my head Slate saying with his charm "But detective" 😄😄😄
And can relate the other characters too
Cadence as Chloe
Adrien as detective Duche
Bastian as Amenadiel
and Alma as sweet Ella😄😄😄
The Quaterfoil crew was absolutely spot on and the combination of all the characters gave an amazing and so colorful adventure that make you laugh and cry in a matter of few pages.
So happy i got the opportunity to read this and it takes a top plase in my favorites!
After the final i have a lot of questions, that i cant wait to tackle and see what mess they got themselves into in the next book!

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Dive into the world of magic.

Meet slate and Candace n the crew as they uncover magic in a small foggy town called Broome.

I've read and reread n listened to this book it still has my emotions on high alert right to the very end no matter how many times I join in the journey. Book 1 of this series I give it 5 stars if I could give it more I would.

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There's nothing wrong with this book, I just couldn't get into it.

The story starts with Slate, a young thief, receiving a letter letting him know that he's part of a traditional family from a French village obsessed with witchcraft. He visits the place he was born and ends up stealing a ring from a corpse at the cemetery, and it gets stuck on his finger. The ring has a bloodstone that holds black magic, and Slate needs Cadence, another main character, to help him retrieve the elements that will unlink him from the stone.

I didn't get attached to the characters but I can't pinpoint why exactly. The writing was good, but the adventure aspect of it didn't succeed in grabbing my attention. The narrators have extremely pleasing voices and I was able to listen to both on the same speed.

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I got "Of wicked blood" from netgalley for an honest review.

The book is interesting, and started good. But the story got boring for me. The romance between two characters went too easy, I like it more difficult like more enemies to lover.

In general the story is okay entertaining, and some will love this story but it wasn't for me. I just found it a bit too weak, and couldn't keep my interest

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