Member Reviews

Great book with loads of advice. It was easy to read and very easy to get started on my own projects around the house. Definitely one for someone who needs a little motivation.

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I have done a couple of Allie's programs and this book was still worth the read.

I have been following Allie's programs off and on for a couple of years now, and reading this book was like a recharge kick in the pants that I needed. We have just moved into a smaller (we lost 900 sq ft) and the amount of stuff we have is just overwhelming in our new home. Reading this book right when we are getting ready to go back to school was perfect timing. I have so many idea's about what toys to put away/ purge, along with many other area's of the house from this book that I can't wait to get started. I feel that even if you have done Allie's programs before this book is still worth the read. If you have never done any of Allie's programs this is a great way to dip your feet in the pool and get a feel for what she is like.

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I have read and enjoyed many books about simplicity, decluttering or minimalism so was interested in reading this book. Unfortunately it did not add anything to my knowledge of how or why to declutter. The writing style was also very annoying. The author called the reader "girl" all the time and used excessive periods. The first sentence is "Things are about to get so. much. lighter." I guess the author and publisher thought this would make the book hip and relatable. I just found it annoying. Save yourself some time and money and read something else.
I received a complementary copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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<a href="" style="float: left; padding-right: 20px"><img border="0" alt="Declutter Like a Mother: A Guilt-Free, No-Stress Way to Transform Your Home and Your Life" src="" /></a><a href="">Declutter Like a Mother: A Guilt-Free, No-Stress Way to Transform Your Home and Your Life</a> by <a href="">Allie Casazza</a><br/>
My rating: <a href="">4 of 5 stars</a><br /><br />
NetGalley review<br />What a terrific book! Allie Casazza shares her journey from crisis point to transformation as a minimalism lifestyle coach, managing to home school her children and run a successful business. Although the concept of minimalism isn’t new, I love Allie’s approach, providing flexible guidance for decluttering rather than rigid rules. Plenty of how to advice, starting on small tasks and not getting overwhelmed, dealing with emotional attachments, getting the family involved. Although the book is pitched at moms, the book will resonate with everyone. Definitely an inspiration for me to start decluttering, strongly recommend this very practical book!
<a href="">View all my reviews</a>

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This book is a game changer in the minimalism game. Allie has given step by step instructions on how to go through the whole house to declutter and make it the place you want it to be. Highly recommend this book to anyone needing to minimalize their belongings and mindset.

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This book is so helpful! I’ve read other decluttering/tidying books before, but Allie’s book feels more practical, feasible, realistic for me as a SAHM of three little kids. Allie gets it, and she wants other women to succeed in living abundantly by having a home that supports the family that lives there instead of a one size fits all or legalistic approach to decluttering.

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If you are a fan of the author, this book will probably be something you may enjoy. If you are looking for actual tips on decluttering, go ahead and skip it.

The book starts off in a conversational and promising tone. However, as you read further, it seems more like another way for the author to hear herself talk. Throughout the book, she makes certain to sprinkle in comments so that you know what religion she is and that she has a program she is selling. And that is exactly what this book is: a long-winded advertisement that can simultaneously make some money.

If you are looking for the tips in the book, they all boil down to one thing. The more stuff you have, the more time you will spend cleaning that stuff.

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I have been reading/studying the minimalist lifestyle for a while now. It has been hard to implement, but after reading Declutter Like a Mother, I feel so much better about what I’ve been doing!

One common theme Allie Casazza drives is that “you do you.” Everyone is different and deals with stuff differently. There is no one way to minimize. In fact, minimalism is not the point. The point is to get rid of the stuff that is keeping you from all the important stuff in your life. You have to figure out what that is and do minimalism that works best for you.

Doesn’t sound ground breaking, but it was a light bulb moment for me! Allie gives practical tips for each room in your house. But you don’t have to follow her methods to a t. Figure out how you want that room to feel and then make a plan.

I’ve had boxes of stuff sitting in my hallway all summer. I realized I didn’t need it because I never thought of it, so put it went to a local charity this morning! It took that light bulb moment to kick in to allow me to let go. Now I’m ready to get on with other areas in my house but at my own pace.

I highly recommend this excellent guide for decluttering your home, life, or whatever you need to! Thank you to NetGalley and Nelson Books for the ARC. The opinions expressed are my own.

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This book is not the same run of the mill minimalism, declutter, blah blah blah. It was a refreshing view on how to relate to my stuff and gave me the permission to get rid of it. Not organize it and buy all the cute little bins, but how to get my life back to what I want it to be and how to make my house and stuff work for me. My kids has noticed the difference and have even started cleaning out their rooms as well to allow a more peaceful presence in their space. This book was encouraging without being preachy as some can be and allowed me to find what worked for me and my family, without a checklist and strict code to follow.

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3.5 stars

An interesting read. Reminds me to continue to edit my own stuff. As the title states slanted towards mothers who are troubled by stuff and overwork but some good hints for the rest of us.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Declutter Like a Mother reads like a friend talking to you. Allie will tell it like it is, but she won't leave you wondering what to do next. She walks you through how to take each room in your house and get it to a place that works for you. Her process isn't bound by legalistic rules or numbers of items - instead it's a way of helping you get your house in line with your priorities and the way your family actually functions.

Because of Allie's teachings, my house and my life run more smoothly than ever, and this book is a great starting point for anyone looking for a simpler life.

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Not super helpful organization book. Nothing new or interesting. The author has a blog or podcast and advertises her paid program in the book.

Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher, Nelson Books, for an advanced eARC of this book.

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A friendly sensible book about tackling clutter. Nothing you haven't read before, but it might motivate you to get started. ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

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I'm not a mother and I've been somewhat of a minimalist for several years; I am not at all the target audience for this practical guide to decluttering your home in pursuit of a simpler, more intentional life for your family. Even so, I read through the whole thing blazing fast. There were several tips and nuggets of wisdom I took away from it and I'm certainly inspired to go back through all my belongings for a fresh purge of the unnecessary clutter that sneaks it's way into everyone's life.

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Allie Casazza teaches a straightforward way of simplifying your home and life which can be life-changing if you allow it to be. "Declutter Like a Mother" offers specific examples and directions about how to lead a life of abundance - by having and doing less. It's inspiring to see an author turning away from "hot mess" mom culture and instead focusing on a simple and meaningful way to live.

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Declutter Like a Mother is a kick in the pants. Through story and explanation it gives you the push you need to get up and do something about the chaos in your life. While I read through the book the first time in its entirety without doing a thing, I'm now going through section by section and making true progress in getting rid of the things that steal my time and joy. The book is written in a way that makes you feel like Allie is right there talking you through the process. It sounds just like her podcast and free webinars. The book contains information not shared in those spaces and is worth the read.

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I've been listening to Allie's podcast, The Purpose Show, for a few years now and following her over on IG. Reading Declutter Like a Mother was like having a conversation with Allie. She writes the way she talks. She is genuine, relatable, and has so much to give. One of the biggest take-aways I've learned from Allie is that decluttering your home is a process. It's more than just letting go of the excess "stuff" in our home; it's a mindset shift. In her book, DLAM, Allie walks you through this process, step by step, room by room. If you're feeling overwhelmed or don't know where to start when it comes to decluttering your home, this book is for you. Implementing Allie's techniques into how we care for our home and all that it holds has been so freeing for our family. I would definitely recommend this book!

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This easy-to-read guide is just the kick in the pants I needed to get up and make my spaces just the way I want them to be! Setting the intent in each area was a HUGE mindset shift for me that allowed me to set up “fences” around my spaces so none of them becomes dumping grounds for random junk again! I can’t recommend this book enough to all the struggling moms out there who feeling stuck being a “stuff manager” all day every day.

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I’ve followed Allie Casazza for several years now and participated in her Declutter Like A Mother January Challenge three times. Her advice has truly changed my life and the life of my family for the better. I was so excited to read this book! It is practical and helpful and gives overwhelmed moms action steps to minimize and declutter their homes. I am so happy to have her wisdom in a hard copy to refer back to on a regular basis. The book is written in a relaxed conversational-type style and her California vibe voice shines through. She takes you room by room and helps you think through a framework of how to approach decluttering a room. For those who want a deeper dive or more help with an area, she offers links to her paid courses throughout the book. I recommend this book to anyone who needs to simplify and calm the chaos. Reading this book will make you feel like you have a friend in the room with you rooting you on!

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Allie and this book have changed my life! I am so grateful for her wisdom and advice. I always thought of myself as a minimalist who valued her things, and only kept what I needed, but this book took everything to the next level for me. I was holding on to things I did not really need for years, and she taught me how to let go. This is exactly what I needed in my life, to feel like I was capable of handling all I had on my plate. I feel more peace in my home, less stress about dishes and toys. I finally gave myself permission to own and buy nice clothes, I feel like I am finally myself. THANK YOU! I tell everyone who will listen, you need this book!

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