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A Quick & Easy Guide to Asexuality

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A simple, accessible, and well-explained introduction to asexuality. I feel like this might be most helpful to young kids and teens exploring their own sexual identities, but it's also a great resource for anyone who doesn't know a lot about asexuality and wants to learn, especially to support an ace friend/family member/partner/etc. The art style was not necessarily my favorite, but I think that was more than made up for by how clearly and non-judgmentally the concepts were presented. A great little guide to asexuality that will definitely helpful a lot of people out, ace and allo alike!

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A Quick & Easy Guide to Asexuality is an easy-to-digest graphic novel using a conversational style, breaking the fourth wall, to talk about asexuality. The meaning of asexuality and its permutations are clearly explained in a very open way. This would be great for middle-grade and up collections, as I think there are even parents and other adults who should have access to this book.

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Short and accessible guide that tries to demystify what being asexual and aromantic are for people. The graphics and design are simple and effective, and it does a good job of taking someone through the various parts of what it would mean.

This perhaps isn't the book if you have read up on it before, but a great primer to get you started if you haven't, and it is short enough that you can give it to someone who might want to know more.

I received an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a quick introduction to asexuality that covers the main aspects of asexuality. This book did not really teach me anything that I did not learn from reading various asexual websites when I was coming to terms with my own asexuality. But that kind of is the point of the book. This book will be very useful to those who have never heard of asexuality or do not know what the term really means. It quickly covers all of the important information and the narrators/authors do a great job of relating their personal stories to the audience. The art is simple but easy to understand. Enough people have discussed the "A means ally" problem with this book, so I will just cosign those points that also disagree with that assertion. They also did a great job discussing the online toxicity related to asexuality. Overall, 4/5 because it is a useful book for asexuality, even if it is not groundbreaking. If this book helps one person come to terms with the weird feelings they have about their sexuality, then the book will have succeeded.

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Requested this book immediately after looking at the title! Also hey, just so that everyone's clear: I'm a new demisexual who's always known she was demisexual but never knew about the term until early this year.

This book is as fun and yet a brilliant starter book for those wanting to understand more about asexuality and the ace spectrum. There were things that I did learn about and there were things that I already knew. But all of this was delivered in a comic format so that everything was kept light and cheery.

I especially loved the way the book handled stereotypes in the ace spectrum. It's so hard to find main characters in books or movies who identify as ace or anything under the asexual umbrella. The judgy prudish representation needs to stop ASAP.

I wish the book provided a little more information on the other terms under the ace-spec umbrella, but hey the title said quick and easy guide and that's exactly what it was: a quick and easy guide!

I'd recommend this book to anyone who wants to read up on asexuality. Maybe you're questioning your sexuality, maybe you've got a loved one who identifies as asexual, this book provides the foundation and serves as a helpful guide to pressing questions. Definitely looking forward to more guides like this!

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Thank you to NetGalley for the chance to read A Quick and Easy Guide to Asexuality by Molly Muldoon.
I was drawn to this book initially as I have a good friend who identifies as Asexual. We have had many conversations together, and I have always understood their views and feelings, but seeing this book gave me the opportunity to widen my knowledge on the subject and have a better understanding not only for my friend, but for any other people I may meet in my life who identify as asexual.
This was a brilliantly informative book, formatted like an easy-breezy graphic novel 0r comic book. The book was like an education lesson disguised beneath a fun and interesting comic book style.
I would recommend this to anyone.

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I really enjoyed this book. I thought the art style was super cute, and it was also really informative. I think it's important for all people to learn and read up on the various sexualities and gender identities to help make the world a safer and more accepting place. This book helps explain asexuality in a way that's easy to understand, as someone who knows very little about it. I would love to find books like this on all the various ways people identify, to help me learn and grow in my understanding and as a person.

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Shortly putting me as a reviewer in context: I currently identify as a straight ciswoman. I honestly struggle with it sometimes but then I stay at identifying that way.

Anyway I wanted to read this book to be the best ally and supporter to friends that I have in my life or might come in the future. I am trying to be as aware as possible and I am happy I have friends I can openly ask if I have questions. Still I want to do a bit more than just asking and maybe making them uncomfortable.
This book helped me to understand quite a few things, while I knew other things beforehand. I think this book should be in school libraries and other public facilities to give people and especially children or teens the possibility to learn early on. This book is definitely helpful and the illustrations make it kinda funny at times. I hope to buy a physical copy for myself and maybe also for friends and donate one to my hometown's library. The message of this book is important and lovely and it really does not matter what you identify yourself to read this book.

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A Quick & Easy Guide to Asexuality is a graphic novel covers some of the very basics of what it means to be asexual, how it differs from being aromantic, and how it fits in to people's lives. The two authors, Molly Muldoon and Will Hernandez, are both on the ace spectrum themselves (Molly's demisexual, and Will's much closer to the solidly asexual range of the spectrum), which I did appreciate.

Although I did like this book, I had quite a few qualms about it. As a demisexual (demibisexual actually) person, I always get very excited for any book related to the ace spectrum and am usually disappointed, so I will say that this book didn't do that.

My main issue with the book is that it very much feels written for allosexual people. If you already know you're on the ace spectrum, or have any exposure to the topic whatsoever, it will not have any clarification or new information for you. I also can't really see an occasion where somebody suspects they might be ace and goes straight to this book; the internet has so many good resources that cover the same range of information more concisely and with greater clarity.

There were a lot of things I would have expected to be discussed in greater depth, or even touched upon at all but weren't. The split-attraction model was not covered as it should have been, and more specific identities on the ace spectrum were not discussed to the extent that I would have expected them to be; demisexuality and gray-asexuality were barely touched upon, and then identities like reciprosexual, akoisexual, and cupiosexual weren't even mentioned, even though they're definitely part of the ace community. As part of that, the book often used the ideas of asexuality and the ace spectrum interchangeably, which seemed to imply that most people in the community, even if they're sex-positive or at least not sex-repulsed, never feel sexual attraction, which was something that surprised me considering that one of the authors is demisexual. Additionally, there was no discussion of sexual attraction being a fluid thing throughout one's life, which, while I can understand omitting for simplicity's sake and to prevent people who don't understand it by using that to invalidate ace identities, still felt like too much off a blanket statement.

There was also a comment about how some people say the A in LGBTQIA* stands for "ally," which really bothered me because the only people I've ever heard say that are the so-called allies, and almost never queer people. Allies aren't queer; they aren't part of the community, even if they're welcome in many spaces.

However, there were also some things that I thought the book does well; in particular, it does go into the range among ace people between being sex-positive and sex-repulsed, which I do think is a big misconception that people have about asexuality. There were some issues with it; it seemed to imply that gray-ace people were those that fall between sex-positive and sex-repulsed, rather than those two qualifiers being able to act independently to just discuss anybody on the ace spectrum's willingness to have sex with somebody they aren't sexually attracted to, but the fact that those two terms were mentioned at all was still something I greatly appreciated.

Despite all of my issues with it, I do think this book is a really good introduction to the topic if you have absolutely no idea what asexuality is. It is very clear on the most important aspects, and really anything else can be cleared up later. While I wouldn't ever recommend it to somebody who thinks they themselves might be ace, I'd absolutely recommend it to an allosexual person (particularly a cishet one, since most queer people have at least some exposure to ace identities) who wants to learn more about the subject. However, due to all of my aforementioned problems, I am only giving it a three star rating.

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As someone who identifies as ace but hardly knows anything about asexuality, I was really excited to be approved for this arc so thank you so much!! It really helped figure out where I stand on the spectrum. I think this book will do a great job educating everyone on what they might need to know. I already recommended it to a couple people. It's easy to read and everything is broken down wonderfully!

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This graphic novel tells about asexuality, what it is, and how asexual people feel. This book would be good to give a young person who is questioning their sexuality, or lack of sexual attraction.

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This book is exactly what it says it is: a quick and easy guide to asexuality. I've been wondering lately if I may be ace myself and this guide couldn't have come at a better time.

It was informative and straight to the point. I especially loved the fact that it was in comic form, it made reading it so much easier and interesting. Genius idea.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book.
This non-fiction graphic novel was an easy 5/5 stars for me. It was straight to the point, super informative, and had amazing analogies to real life things that just made asexuality so much easier to grasp for allosexuals who may not be able to understand what asexuality is right away. I also liked how this book touched on popular stereotypes, and debunked them, saying how they’re not true and why.
This book just had everything a non-fiction book needs to have, and as an asexual person myself, I really found myself validated by the experienced shared throughout the novel, and it just made me smile. It was a well written and well illustrated graphic novel. I would totally recommend this to anyone looking for a little more insight on asexuality.

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I think it is a good option for learning about asexuality if you`re not familiar with the term or if you`re curious.
Aprendes bastante en tan poco.

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Does exactly what it says on the tin - a quick and easy guide to asexuality. A graphic novel that is accessible and informative for younger readers, without being condescending.

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*I received this book for free through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*

Direct but poorly put together.

The wording, while simple, could be taken wrong. Some things needed clarification to be less confusing/expand on the topic. The asexual genius stereotype to me is a narcissistic man. I also hated the illustrations and style. In my opinion, they are boxy, ugly, and needed more detail. All-in-all, this didn't add a lot of new information for me and would best work for those who know nothing on the topic.

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Thanks Oni Press for approving my request to review an ARC for this book via NetGalley.

To quote the Ronseal ad of old "This does exactly what it says on the tin [cover]!" Yes it's quick and yes, it's easy but more than being a quick and easy guide to Asexuality - it does it well! This gets my 5-star rating, which means I think everyone should read this.

I wasn't expecting a Graphic Novel - they're not my go-to but it was the ideal choice for the topic, IMO. The artwork is accessible and the text is well thought through. I really appreciated that the two authors were using their personal experiences but also reaching more broadly than that, reflecting the broad range of the topic.

Other reviewers have mentioned the "A = Ally" comment and I was somewhat holding my breath that this would be a deal-breaker for my wish to rate this highly. However, I feel those who have lambasted the book for mentioning "Some people say [the "A" in "LGBTQIA+" stands for] ally" are not listening/reading with their minds/eyes/hearts open. The statement in itself is not false. Some people do say that. The authors don't go on to say that those people are wrong but the context for the comment is that there is a lot of Ace-erasure and hate on the internet, even from within the LGBTQIA+ community, to the extent that Ace people do not feel part of the community. And *that's* the point!

Kudos to the authors and the publishers and everyone involved in bringing this book to the world. I look forward to buying a few copies when it's published.

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A very big thank you to Oni Press for providing me with an ARC through Netgalley!

3.5 stars (rounded up)

I'm an asexual person on the aromantic spectrum myself, and this review is my own personal opinion. I was very excited to read this short comic as there is so little information out in the world about being asexual and aromantic, so this was truly a refreshing read.

I do think this would be a good overall guide to asexuality, mainly catered to allo people, but it's a very basic one, and certain parts were lacking overall. I also think that this could definitely be helpful to younger people who are questioning their identity and their sexual attraction, or lack thereof. I do also think that there were many aspects explained pretty well, especially about feeling different during teen years and suffering mental health problems because of such, and I do applaud the writers of this book for writing a generally informative comic, possibly for younger audiences.

While I think that the topics covered were done pretty well, there was some lacking, which I've seen mentioned by some other reviewers. There was a lot of mentioning of 'action versus attraction', but unfortunately, I felt like this wasn't explored enough, and there wasn't enough to clearly discern between the two. Another thing that bothered me was the fact that the A in LGBTQIA+ was mentioned as Ally, when in queer communities it is quite clear to represent asexual, aromantic and agender (there may be other's that I'm not aware of, but ally is definitely not one of them). This was something that I felt could have been researched more, as Allies are very much not a part of our queer community.

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This graphic novel is exactly what the title says: an introduction to the concept of asexuality, covering what it is and what it isn't in the first person in a fun and easy way for everyone to understand.

I particularly love the art from the way characters with all kinds of body types were drawn to the fact that the artist made sure to give a different expression to everyone in every frame, even when they were only listening to others speak in the background which added a lot to every exchange and made me laugh so much.

This was a lovely and enlightening read all around and because it's only a "quick" guide, the authors also provided the readers with a list of more extensive resources at the end which I'm sure will prove useful to many of their readers.

Thank you to NetGalley and Oni Press for this DRC.

Rating: 4/5

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This was so good and informative! I’m asexual myself and I really wish I could’ve read something like this when I was younger and confused about why I didn’t feel the same things as my friends - it really was isolating.

Even though it was highly informative, the fact it was told through a graphic novel meant that it didn’t feel too official or ‘shove it down your throat’ style, for lack of a better phrase. It was fun, modern and easy to both understand the concept of asexuality, or relate to it if you’re on the ace spectrum.

I also just wanted to say a quick thank you for adding a content warning at the start of the novel, and whilst it didn’t affect my reading experience, I still really appreciate it when authors include one so you don’t get caught off-guard by an upsetting topic.

So overall I highly recommend if you want to learn more about asexuality, no matter if you’re new to the concept or already know quite a lot.

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