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Hockey Romance - SAMPLER

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Member Reviews

Heated Rivalry is my favourite m/my hockey romance and the Long Game is one of my highly anticipated reads of this year! I re-read HR before this sample, which was a great teaser for what's to come in the Long Game! I'm 100% looking forward to this release!

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Really enjoyed this sampler. Not going to lie I bought this sampler to get the first 3 chapters of Long Game. They do not disappoint. There is the perfect balance of angst, tension, humour and of course Iyla and Shane shenanigans. I am now really intrigued to see what is going to happen next. I was already invested in their story from Heated Rivalry and am now so excited to read the full book. April 26th cannot come soon enough. I know I will love it as I have with rest of the series. Rachel Reid is an awesome author with characters and storyline that you will fall in love with and has now become one of my favourite authors. I am sure I will read and enjoy anything she releases in the future. I am so excited that we can get a paperback copy of Long Game! I have always been quite disappointed that rest of the series is only available in EBook format. I hope I will be able to have the whole set in my bookcase at some point.
Season’s Change by Cait Nary- Interesting start and I really like the characters and plot so far and am looking forward to reading the rest when it is released.

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I loved both these previews.
I have read the whole Game Changers series (a few times over now), and am excited for The Long Game. Getting a little taste was both exquisite and torture. I want more! It sets up the story so well. It is the perfect amount of information/set up and still feels like we are moving along and getting a distinct feel for how this story will might be (not in an obvious plot points way, but rather the tone and feelings. All the good stuff!). I cannot wait to read the rest!
Cait's story was completely new to me and I immediately pre-ordered it after reading the synopsis. Absolutely sold!! And then I read those first 4 chapters and am in love with these characters and already feel invested in their story and well being and I love that this doesn't feel like it'll be a "brush things under a rug" type of book. Based on just these first few pieces, I am excited to see if my suspicions are correct and cannot wait to read the rest!

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*Reviewing the preview of The Long Game by Rachel Reid because I have an ARC for Season's Change by Cait Nary.

After reading the 3 chapter sample, I am even more excited for this book. Even that preview was just <u>so emotional</u>, and it was so great to see them still being themselves, but in different circumstances. Even though I'm a little sad because it will mean the story is done, I can't wait to see Shane and Ilya get their HEA.
Also, can we have the rest of the series in paperback too?

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the preview.

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I knew this was a sampler (thank you for making it clear in the title!), but wow was this not enough.

I definitely downloaded this for The Long Game chapters because I love the Game Changers series, and I'm so excited we already got to see some favorites from previous books and Shane and Ilya's first double date in these chapters! You can really see how Reid is setting up the book for Shane and Ilya to come out, and I'm really excited to see how the story plays out and see these two get their HEA.

I was also excited for Season's Change since Cat Sebastian recently recommended it. It was a little slower to get into since I didn't already know the characters and the world of the series, but I really like the mental health journey that's being set up for Olly, and I'm very excited to see how his story with Benji develops.

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I loved the excerpt of Rachel Reid's The Long Game and only wish that the entire book was available. Reid's romances are always must reads for me, and her fans, including me, have been eagerly awaiting this sequel to Heated Rivalry. From the couple of chapters we got in this sampler, I'm can't wait to read more of it.

Season's Change by Cait Nary I had more mixed feelings about, but thought it was a promising debut, but I already read and reviewed Season's Change separately.

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I have no idea how I am supposed to wait MONTHS before The Long Game is out. I need more Ilya and Shane content now, because the three chapters were not enough. At all.

I loved how we got to read about some old MCs as well (I hope we get lots of scenes with them all) and the excitement for the full book is high!

What more can I say; if you haven't read Heated Rivalry now is the time to do it because soon this masterpiece will be here.

(I have already read and reviewed Season's change as an ARC and I have nothing but good things to say about that story.)

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One debut author (Cait Nary), one consistent favorite author (Rachel Reid), and two absolute bangers!

Rachel Reid's books have never let me down and it looks like this one is shaping up to be just as incredible as the rest. I find samplers to be a really indicator of the potential of a book - if something hooks me within a mere couple of chapters, it's probably going to be a great read and this was absolutely the case here.

As for Season's Change by Cait Nary, I was fortunate enough to receive an arc of this and was surprised by how incredible it was. My favorite types of books are those that you go in thinking "oh is going to be a fun read" and then by the end it absolutely knocks it out of the park and you go "oh, I don't just like this, I love it. This is everything." Season's Change is one of those books. This was the most gorgeously written slow burn with one of the best portrayals of mental health that I've seen in a sports book. Season's Change was a delight and a shocker, and I say this very affectionately. I'll be thinking of this one for a long time.

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My review is only gonna be for the 3 chapter sampler of The Long Game because it’s one of my most anticipated releases of this year and I’m very excited for it. But I probably shouldn’t have read this one because now I’m too too excited for the book and it’s gonna be a hard 3 months wait. Shane and Ilya are as awesome as ever but it broke my heart to see that they are both struggling a bit about keeping their relationship secret and how it’s taking a toll on them. I can only hope that there will be no third act break up for them because I just can’t bear it and I wish they’ll face everything together. Can’t wait to see their HEA.

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read the long game sample and loved it! Very excited to read the sequel and see where Ilya and Shane take their relationship and interaction with hockey from here.

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I've been waiting for The Long Game since I read Heated Rivarly in October 2020. My expectations were (are) sky high and these first three chapters did not disappoint.

I'm super excited to see Shane and Ilya mature in their relationship and finally be happy without hiding.

Rachel has done better and I can't wait to finally get the whole book.

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ILYA AND SHANE!!!!!!!!!! Swoon. Sigh. Snort laugh. I love these two characters so deeply. I flew through their teaser chapters. I cannot wait for their book. I so enjoyed seeing Ryan and Fabian. The glimpse into the youth hockey camp. A few short chapters and I am even more thrilled and high anticipating this book than before reading the teaser.

I have already had the pleasure of reading this book and thoroughly enjoyed it. This is slowburn sports romance goodness that embraces the sport. I am very much looking forward to the next book in this series.

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I decided to download this because I've been into hockey romances lately and I really enjoyed this sampler! I hope to pick up the full books at some point :)

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I knew that reading the first 3 chapters of the Long Game would ruin me but I was not PREPARED for how much! It’s going to be a long 3 months until April but mercifully there will be a number of books released this winter I’m stoked for to tide me over until then, including Season’s Change.

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Here for The Long Game!! Torn between excitement and dread- I can feel the relationship angst from here, but have complete faith in Rachel Reid to bring us home beautifully

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I have been waiting for this book's release since 2019. I know the book was not even announced then but after 'Heated Rivalry' I kept imaging what will happen to Shaun and Illya.
This sample proves that my imagination has been very limited and now the wait for this book's release is going to be tougher than before. I am going to pre-order and keep waiting till April if only I don't die out of anticipation.

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This was great. I'd already read (and thoroughly enjoyed) Season's Change so I didn't read that part of the sampler, but The Long Game excerpt got me extremely excited for that book to come out. I love Shane and Ilya.

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I downloaded this and read this the moment I saw it was available! I had already read and reviewed Cait Nary’s Season’s Change, so I just read Rachel Reid’s The Long Game sampler here. This is the first 3 chapters and starts over the summer at the start of their charity hockey camp. I want to say this starts before the events of Role Model?

But anyways, this starts off great and there’s already hilarious one-liners from Ilya. The Ilya and Hayden hate is what everyone imagines Ilya and Shane to be like, I think. lol I love that my most questioned thing this series has been finally answered - Ilya and Shane both have an agent! No longer are they vaguely agentless.

I can’t wait to read the rest of The Long Game when it comes out and I’m super excited the book will be made available in paperback!

Note to publisher: How about making the rest of the books in this series available in paperback too? 🥺

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The Long Game is my most anticipated book of 2022! I’ve been so looking forward to it coming out and getting to read the sampler is such a treat since I know it’ll be hard to get approved for an arc when it’s released.

It was great to be back in Ilya and Shane’s world even just for the three chapters. Theirs is a truly heartwarming love story.

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The Long Game by Rachel Reid is one of my most anticipated reads of 2022. Having just read the first three chapters, it will be agony waiting for its release. Love, love, loved it!!! So much love and laughter, but the course of true love never runs smooth. The wheels are truly in motion and we/Shane & Ilya are in for a bumpy ride - I cannot wait. Quite simply, it was awesometacular!!!

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