Member Reviews

Interesting way of intaking this classic. Very very hard to read in this format and I highly suggest reading the original before going into this manga.

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me this opportunity for reading this free ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I wasn't that drawn in by the cover to be honest but this is one of my favorite classics so I gave it chance. I also love manga and the art looked promising!

The story was well done and easy to understand. The psychological turmoil and guilt were expressed well in the drawing. The way Hester was treated brought back all the emotions I first felt when I read the original story. I liked being able to actually see the expressions on the characters while I was reading.

My only complaint would be how fast paced and short this seemed to be lol it's not much of a negative, I just think I would have liked to enjoy the story longer?

The illustration was nice and easy to follow. There are a lot of twists and turns in the story if you haven't read the original classic. I enjoyed taking my time and reading along.

Thank you again.

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I don’t usually fare that well with classic novels so, although I’ve been interested in reading The Scarlet Letter for years, this manga was my introduction to Hester’s story. I feel like I definitely got the gist of the story and the characters (I vote that Hester’s husband is certifiable), although I don’t doubt that I’ve missed out on a lot of the complexities.

I’m really enjoying catching up on some Manga Classics that have been on my TBR pile for way too long. I loved the artwork in this adaptation, particularly the splash of colour each time the A was pictured. The manga stories I’ve read previously have been exclusively black and white so the colour really popped for me here.

It was such a quick read that I was done before I gave much thought to the themes of the story. Right now part of me is fuming at the way Hester was treated and I’m shaking my head at yet another story where a woman’s sexuality is the subject of fear and condemnation by men and the church.

Once I read the novel I expect another part of me is going to be loving Hester’s strength and compassion. I liked what I saw of her in this manga adaptation but the format can’t provide the depth that novels can.

If I was on the fence before about whether or not I wanted to read The Scarlet Letter I’m not now. I’m intrigued enough to want to delve deeper.

Thank you to NetGalley and UDON Entertainment for the opportunity to read this book.

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Sometimes, i struggle with reading the classics. However, I really really appreciated this manga. The art was amazing, and really added that extra bit I needed to enjoy the story. I could understand everything that was going on and the story had lots of twists to it.

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I've yet to finish the original classic, but this manga was good! I liked this different format a lot, and the way the storyline was presented held my interest! It makes me look forward to finishing the classic now!

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I don't have much to say about this one. I have read the original story before but it was a long time ago so I cannot speak to the accuracy of the story but I enjoyed my time reading it. I liked the art style and I think the artist did a great job illustrating the emotions and suffering of the characters.

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This Manga was about a girl named Hester Prynne . She gets married, her husband sends her to Boston alone. While in Boston she gets into alot of trouble.

This Manga classic was okay. The illustrations were awesome but I found the story boring. I didnt enjoy this one like the others.

I recommend to every that likes the scarlet letter to give this manga a try. You might just like it.

I would like to thanks Netgalley and UDON Entertainment & Morpheus Studios
for giving me the chance to read a copy of this.

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While I didn't really enjoy the story when I read the tale originally in high school, nor did I enjoy the tale when I read it again in this manga format I definitely loved seeing the story through the illustrations. The Manga Classics do a wonderful job of retelling classics through their beautiful art, adding a new dimension to the story, and in doing so, creating a connection with the reader. I certainly felt more of a connection to the story when I read this manga. I would recommend this to people trying to see this tale come through life through beautiful illustrations.

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Again, Manga Classics does not disappoint. A beautiful story told with gorgeous artwork.
If you love manga, you will love this book.
If you love The Scarlet Letter, you will love this book.
If you are afraid classics but you would like to give them a try, you should DEFINITELY read this book!

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I was diagnosed with dyslexia when I was twelve. Anyone who has it knows of the struggles and frustration that comes with it, and it effects people differently. Luckily, I’ve gotten to the point where I can read without much difficulty, but twelve year old me was a different story.

But what really got me through it were the visual heavy stories. I grew up with illustrated Shakespeare books, graphic novels of classics, and many more. They were what got me through it and helped to inspire my love for the classics. I owe a lot to those books, and whenever I have parents coming into the store, asking how they can inspire their children with dyslexia to get into reading, I often recommend graphic novels, manga, or abridged classics to start them off with, because the visual medium makes a huge difference in making reading easier.

So when I discovered the Manga Classics, I had to take a look. I’m already familiar with some classics and I’m a big manga reader, and they’ve done a great job in adapting it. It’s fairly accurate, and I love the art style. The chibi designs were cute, and manga readers will be familiar with it.

The Scarlet Letter focuses on Hester Prynne, who has given birth and is forced to wear a red A on her, as the sign of the sin she has committed. Set in Puritanical America, Hester faces the judgment of her community who will never let her forget her sin.

You don’t have to be familiar with the original book to know the story. Historical context and analysis is provided, so you’re never confused.

I’ll definitely be checking the other manga in this collection. If you want to get into classics, I definitely recommend giving this series a try.

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The Scarlet Letter: Manga Classics was a solid 5 stars. Even as an older adult, I can honestly state that I’m really enjoying these Manga Classics.
I remember reading The Scarlet Letter way back in my teen years, so this was a great “refresher” of sorts. The story centers around Hester Prynne, a married woman living in a Puritan settlement. Hester is forced to wear a scarlet “A” after committing adultery, which also resulted in the birth of her daughter Pearl.
While I enjoyed the story, the artwork was very well done and certainly added to the story. I’d recommend The Scarlet Letter: Manga Classic to anyone that enjoys classics, manga and graphic novels. Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read and review this.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Udon Entertainment for a free copy for an honest opinion.

First of all I haven't read the original classic on which this manga is based so I cant tell which is better but I honestly loved this manga!!

It was a quick read but the art and the characters very so good that it conveyed all the emotions very well.. Highly recommend everyone read this book.

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Manga classics: The Scarlett letter beautifully captures the spirit of the original story. A shunned mother raises her eccentric child while those in town grow from judging her to depending on her.

The art within the manga wonderfully conveys both action and emotion without dampening the tone of the story. They way pearl I. Particular was depicted is absolutely perfect.

I do think the experience of reading this piece suffers somewhat from the digital format I read it in and will be seeking to purchase a physical copy.

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*I haven't read the novel this manga is based on so I can't compare them*
Overall, I think there was a lack of depth and the end felt rushed.
However, Pearl was such an intriguing child, so... peculiar.
I also enjoyed the drawings, especially the fact that the Scarlet letter was not in black and white like the rest.

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This graphic novel version of the classic Scarlet Letter is amazing! I really love the fact that you do not lose any of the intelligence of the original in this book. It is really easy to read and it helps to get through classics if you don’t like to read. Highly recommend everyone read this book

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I haven't read Scarlet Letter since I was in High School, but the imagery in this book adds such another layer to the story. In the book the only color used is the A and it is red. I love that attention to detail and I think this book would be a lot of fun to look at in class. I am normally not a fan of the classics, but I really enjoyed reading this one.

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Some classics are hard to get into or hard to read. The Manga Classics Series is giving readers a new way to experience those beloved stories. I always love a new approach to a classic book.

Beautifully illustrated. I loved how the art was all black and white besides the Scarlet Letter. That made for such a striking image.

Not having read the original Scarlet Letter, I can't compare the story; can't say how close this followed. Having read several classics, and even a few Hawthorne novels, I can say that this kept the town and flow I usually see in a classic. This was such a fun reading experience.

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I have never read The Scarlet Letter, so I am not exactly familiar with the story. I knew a bit of the basics before going into this, but nothing more than that. While I found this manga easy to follow and the artwork was beautiful, there was something about it that just felt off. Maybe if I had read the original novel first I wouldn't have felt so confused at times, but there were moments where things were hard to follow.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Once again I am impressed by the art style and work that went into this manga. In general this entire series of Manga classics is wonderful and a good idea to make those Classics accessible to all kind of readers.

For the original tale I never read the "The Scarlet Letter" before this manga. The reason for my 3 out of 5 stars is the actual story. It is full of metaphors and a lot of questions are being left open for imagination.

Overall a good adaption of its original but sadly the classic was just not my favourite.

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I really loved this adaptation although there were'nt so many different details as in the origibal book.

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