Member Reviews

An interesting premise that was not implemented as well as it could have been. The plot seemed thin and there was no clear end goal or purpose. The narrative meandered and lost itself in its extended flashbacks and occasionally over-zealous narration. I found myself falling out of the story rather than staying in it as there were some odd formatting issues and a decent amount of grammar and spelling issues (ARC). I also don't think some of the metaphors fit for the background of the protagonist. They just didn't seem like something she would say or know.

Some concepts were also left very abstract. After reading I still am not able to explain the concept of a heartglass. Is it made of the emotions you have? Does it take your heart literally out of your chest and transform it? How do you live without your heartglass if it gets lost or shattered? It is tied to your life so someone could break it and you die? Then how can you get another one if you lose one? That part unfortunately didn't make sense to me.

However this novel does have a lot of potential and I'm sure the grammar, formatting and spelling issues will be cleared by the time it reaches publication. I think the idea of bone witches, versus just the usual elemental witches is a unique and creative touch and I definitely enjoyed seeing that explored. Many of the characters were well-conceived and some of the in-the-moment plot points were original and fascinating.

I do think there was too much narration versus action (tell vs. show if you will). I most enjoyed the moments spent in the main character's point of view. I think that that the monsters too were creative and well-written. However, there was a lot of history introduced in large chunks that later was not needed. I think this slowed down the novel and a better integration of only the most core historical facts as needed would greatly improve the reading continuity, which as is is kind of choppy.

Overall there were too many little issues I found with the novel (its implementation not its concept) that I couldn't stay as into it as I really wanted to. While this book didn't resound for me, I look forward to seeing how this author develops artistically as she refines her style.

I received an ARC of this book for free for an honest review.

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Books that start with necromancy and end with (apparently) necrophilia should not work, one would think.

But apparently sometimes they do. Just ask Rin Chupeco, or read her book The Bone Witch when it comes out on March 2, 2017. Then you'll see. Now, according to Amazon the recommended ages for this first book in a coming YA series are 12-17. I read it anyway, because I was lucky enough to get an advanced read copy through NetGalley and the book's publisher, because just about any book will make me happy. However, I would not let a twelve year old read this book - if I had a twelve year old. Why?

Necromancy, possible necrophilia (at least platonically) are big reasons. But Chupeco also focuses heavily on war and violence and political intrigue... and those topics are important, but perhaps best explained in a different setting.

All that being said... YA books about twelve year old girls who discovers she is a (dark) witch when she accidentally raises her brother from the dead are surprisingly good! I feel it important to mention that said girl, named Tea, is not in love with her brother... it's a different dead person, see.

The story is compelling on the whole; a collection of city-states vastly different from one another and yet united against destructive mythical creatures, that women are at the forefront of society and the last line if defense against the dragons, that it is a female driven society...

It does falter in places, though. Chupeco has tied a large part of the story to color - the color of dresses, flowers, uniforms, and heartsrune necklaces. Each color has a meaning and there are a lot of colors heavy with meaning. It is nearly impossible to keep it all straight. I hope that final editions have appendices with lists and explanations for readers. I would have liked that. Chupeco also spends a lot of time... organizing. Organizing is a good word. And it makes sense. It is the first book in a coming series so the world needs to be organized and established.

So despite the slow moments of organization, The Bone Witch is a compelling start to a series and I will keep an eye out for the next book. It is going to be good!

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Tea doesn't realize that she is special, until the day she raises her brother from the dead. That event ignites the beginning of her epic journey to harness her power. Tea is a "Dark Asha", very rare, and reviled by most. Her singular job, once properly trained, will be to rid the land of monsters that the people call "Daeva". But the ability to raise creatures from the dead isn't the only reason others are leery of Tea, her extraordinary gift means that other Asha aren't as powerful as they'd like to be.

I enjoyed getting to know Tea, both from her point of view, and the alternating voice of a young woman (I think) who is interviewing her. She is a strong, loyal and smart young lady. However, I had a hard time following the story line. Chupeco's description of the world in which Tea lives relies too heavily on my imagination. I didn't have any background knowledge on which to draw and the maps didn't fill in enough blanks for me.

I found myself confused by the characters and which land they came from. I was also confused by the different abilities various Asha had. It felt to me as if this book was written to become a movie. I needed visual cues to help me through the story. Chupeco writes in detail of the "hua" or dress that all Asha wear. She describes her characters in detail so that you could practically smell them. But, I just had a hard time putting it all together.

The ending was also perplexing. I have no idea why Tea was exiled, why this young girl is interviewing her, what happened to her brother, and why this particular person ends up as her love interest. I guess I'll have to read the next one to get my questions answered.

In summary, maybe I'm too old to follow the plot lines in this story. I don't see any reason that it couldn't go in a middle school. I added it to my book order, we'll have to wait to see if it circulates. I'm hoping at least one of my regulars will read it so that they can explain it to me!

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two stories intertwined - a fantastical read that leaves you wanting more, I am hoping for a sequal!

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The Bone Witch was a fantastic read! Chupeco has a wonderful talent for enveloping you in Tea's world. The characters are well developed and the story took many unexpected and exciting turns. Fantasy readers, both adult and young adult, will enjoy this book- especially those with an affinity for Japanese culture (many elements of Geisha were woven into the development of an Asha.) I can't wait to read the next one!

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Thank You NetGalley!

I wanted to so badly like this book. It sounded like it had a lot of promise.

I just couldn't really get into the story. I felt like I was just reading words that didn't really go together. The premise is really interesting to me. But I really just have to say, that I couldn't connect with the story. I felt confused at times, and even when I re-read the story, I just didn't get it.

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I don't usually care for fantasy novels , good read if that's what your into

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What do you get when you cross a geisha and a witch? An asha! Yes, the asha can sing, dance and put on a beautiful show. They wear gorgeous clothing, elaborate hairstyles and makeup. But they are also the best fighters around and can control elements. In Tea's case, she is a special kind of asha because her magic comes from the darkness. She can raise the dead and control vicious creatures that threaten the eight kingdoms in her world. Because of her skills, people fear her, but also respect her abilities and rely on her to protect them. I loved learning about all of the training that Tea goes through to develop her skills and become even more powerful. There's plenty of action, but the ultimate battle is reserved for the next book (or books). I can't wait to see what's in store for Tea, her brother and the other asha in the next book. If it's as good as "The Bone Witch," readers are in for a treat!

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Even though I found this book to be confusing at times, I really enjoyed it. I loved the writing style and concept so much. Everything seemed very well thought out and very detailed. I really liked the alternating narratives and the world building was really cool. There is some info dumping here and there but it wasn't terrible. I really liked all of the characters. They were all well written and developed.
Overall, I really enjoyed this this. It's pretty original and I really loved the concept. If you're looking a fantasy that has great world building and a great concept, I would recommend The Bone Witch.

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Tough to wade through at times but when you get into it it's written well. Looking for more excitement and pace in the next book - if there is to be one!

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I was disappointed in how I felt about the book. The premise sounds amazing! A young girl, Tea, is brought into the world of asha--geisha-like women who can control elements--after raising her brother, Fox, from the dead. Tea is a Dark asha, also known as a Bone Witch to those who dislike her kind of asha. Bone witches are rare and considered untrustworthy to many people in the surrounding lands. Though, they are needed to send daeva--demons who cause havoc--back to the dead.

There were intriguing elements about the story: the asha, the daeva, the magic that is infused into their clothing and hairpins, even some of the backstory of how asha and daeva came to be was neat. But, sometimes it felt like there was just too much information. It became convoluted and it was hard to keep who was who and what was what straight in my head. There were characters brought to only one scene and then were only mentioned in passing several pages later and I had no idea who they were.

There was a False Prince? But I didn't know who that was. There were bad guys called the Faceless that were causing a ruckus. There was also political turmoil because some countries were okay with Bone witches and some weren't. Secrets were revealed, daeva were raised, people died.

Which, sounds awesome, but there was just so much going on that it was hard to keep track.

However, at the same time, nothing happened through most of the book. Tea was doing her asha life and learning how to be an asha, which is pretty much like being a geisha with lessons and tea ceremonies and getting fancy clothes. It felt like most of the book was Tea talking about clothes and hairpins and then there were pieces of the book where all this info and action was stuffed into a few pages and then shifted back to boring stuff.

I will say that, despite it's boring aspects, there is potential here. I liked the writing style, so I wouldn't be opposed to reading something else from this author. It was just less kick-ass asha than I thought it was going to be.

If you want to give this book a shot, go ahead. It may appeal more to you than it did to me.

It just wasn't my cup of Tea.

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** spoiler alert ** The publisher provided a free brook via NetGalley for an homer review.
I was very excited to read this book from the back cover description:raising the dead, oops it's your brother, distrustful public of one with her rare powers? Great! There are no real spoilers here (small one in the very last sentence).

Let me say I wanted to love this book. But there were some flaws with the story. I never truly liked Tea, the main character. The story being told from Tea the fallen in the present and Tea's origin and schooling never meshed well. She wasn't the most endearing character, though she is spirited. I just couldn't connect.

When I updated my Goodreads to say I was reading this book, I read the review here. I didn't know about the book recipe saying this was like "memoirs of a geisha;" I love that books. It's top 2 of all time for me, I did artwork, school projects-including writing Arthur Golden himself. I read mostly nonfiction books about the flower and willow world, as well as many (good and bad) fictional stories. It seemed the author wrote extensively about the world of the geisha, but substituted asha for geisha. Measuring time spent at parties with with ohana incense markers, accounting, detailed kimono/hua, flower, singing, dancing and musical instrument lessons...but then also just adding on...oh and they can summon the elements and fight, and in Tea's case, raise the dead....but she had to entertain at nightly parties instead of helping the kingdoms. Big disconnect I couldn't go along with.

I also didn't care for the slow build ending with an obvious reveal of love interest and hints at sequels to come.

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I did not finish this book. I could not engage with the story or the characters and had to stop reading.

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I wanted to like you. I really did. But I just couldn't bring myself to do so. I requested this because the plot sounded up my alley. I was excited to sit down with this and Chupeco does have a way with words and I liked the back and forth narrative that lets you see some hint of the fate of the main character but those snippets felt "heavier" in comparison to the rest of the book. The world building maybe suffered because of the tone changes that happened along with the heavy use of exposition for Tea's POV throughout.

The characters and world building were interesting and I do think this universe should get the chance to be improved upon (it seems as if this novel was the one to set up future installments) because Chupeco does craft an interesting story but for me this first installment was a slow set up, that seemed to focus more on Tea's training, that didn't seem to focus on much else (there are hints about a love triangle and bigger enemies that may come later).

I'd give this a try if you're looking for a fantasy book with an interesting concept and a really slow burn but this just didn't grab me like I wanted it too.

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From the publisher: When Tea accidentally resurrects her brother from the dead, she learns she is different from other witches. Her gift for necromancy means that she’s a bone witch, a title that makes her feared and ostracized. But Tea finds solace and guidance with an older bone witch who takes Tea and her brother to another land for training. In her new home, Tea puts all her energy into becoming an asha - one who can wield elemental magic. But dark forces are approaching, and in the face of danger, Tea will have to overcome her obstacles…and make a powerful choice.

The Bone Witch is beautifully written, with lovely passages and good world building. I was able to clearly visualize the world and its inhabitants. The narrative alternates between two points in time. In the first, Tea (pronounced Tey-uh), surrounded by teachers, fellow students, and her asha family, is learning what she needs to know to be a powerful and effective wielder of magic. In the second, she is alone and in a dark place, telling her story to an interested bard and preparing for action. The novel opens strong and the cover is gorgeous.

However, the pace of The Bone Witch is glacial. Glaaacial. And the slow pace is not spent developing character. Despite the slow pace, I never felt I got to know Tea; her dead brother Fox was the most interesting part of the book. We also don't see any action to explain how Tea went from the first place, surrounded by friends and family, to that place of solitude until late in the book. We do see her undergo training in dance, voice, martial arts, how to wear her special asha clothing and jewelry, etc. Oh, and a little bit about raising the dead.

The narrative is relentlessly joyless, yet I was compelled to keep reading. Big questions are left unanswered, and I am intrigued enough that I will plan to read the sequel.

Although much in this book feels original, sometimes the author does wander into cliché territory (from p. 202 of the advance reader copy: "Don't worry your pretty head over it, my dear," the old man said kindly”).

I give The Bone Witch points for a transgender character, a boy who knows he won't survive as a soldier and dreams of being the first male asha instead.

This book will find its reader, but many others will stop reading long before the end. You might be that reader however, so watch for the book at the Galesburg Public Library in March if you are intrigued.

I read an advance reader copy of The Bone Witch.

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This was a wonderful YA title. The writing was beautiful and the character of Tea was well written. However, the last half of the book dragged a bit and the ending was disappointingly abrupt and too cliff-hangery. That being said--I look forward to the next installment of the series!

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I thought this book was wonderful! I am so intrigued by the world-building and eager to learn more about the mythology of this universe. Also that cliffhanger! I need to know how she ended up with him and how he was killed.

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I received this book in exchange for an honest review from Netgalley. I am not a fan of this book. While I appreciate the opportunity to read the book prior to release, I couldn't follow what was going on. It was very confusing, and I felt it wasn't going anywhere. I wanted to like this book, but I just couldn't.

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The following will be posted at The Crown of Books at
The date of publication will be February 18th, 2017 around noon EST.

Right off the back, this is going to be on the best reads for this year.

In "The Bone Witch," a young girl named Tea accidentally brings her dead brother back to life. Once discovered, she is taken in by another Asha who can help control her abilities.

I remember when I first came across this, I thought this was going to be an excellent book. However, something in the back of my head wasn't sure. Over time, that little voice that told me it wasn't sure said go for it and I was really happy to get my hands on a copy.

I am an avid reader for stories about magic and witches and all of the sorts. This story wasn't just about ordinary witches, it was about a witch that could raise and control the dead. This was different already and I was eager to read more about it.

The first part I loved was the two very different POV's that were introduced. One was the main character Tea as she goes through her journey of raising her dead brother and learning to be a Bone Witch. The second is of a bard who meets her and recalls his story between the two. Normally, different POV's would continue the same story, but these POV's were at different times as the Bard's telling was after Tea's original beginning. What got me into the story was how the Bard kept coming in. The mood was extremely different than Tea's mood and you can tell that something certainly happened with Tea over time. It made me want to know what happened. It also proved to answer some questions that I had while reading Tea's POV. If it wasn't for the Bard, I would have so many questions. Including the Bard was a genius addition to the story. Very well done.

Another part that I truly liked and believed that was incredibly unique was the heartglass. In this world, the heartglasses usually stay the same color, but can change based on the mood the user is feeling. As for an example, red is happy, pink is romantic, and so on. If your heartglass is silver, it means that you can draw runes and become a fighter or an asha. Purple may have been a limited asha, but not an official asha of a sort.

One last thing that I enjoyed reading about was the character Likh. Likh is a boy who does not want to become fighter with magic. Instead, he would rather break tradition and do something else he wants. The fact that this was made into the story made me happy as it was seen in most stories. Props for adding a unique character.

However, this is just one little thing that I would like to point out. There may be other readers who may struggle with some of the terms like asha, asha-ka, hua and more. I was one of them. Asha was easiest to learn that it was another term for witch. Other terms needed a little bit more reading to figure out what the words meant. This may be a problem with some readers as it may be confusing to some.

This series has so much potential that I will have to continue the series. I plan on buying the first book soon after it released. It's going to be one of the best series yet to come and for this years and the upcoming years. I definitely needs to recommend this book

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Let me start by saying that I really wanted to love this book, that I was just so excited to have this book and that already so in love with the cover!

One thing that the author did an excellent job at was worldbuilding. We were introduced to a completely unique world of magic, that is intruiging concept of imagination to my mind. We spent so much time in training school with our main protagonist Tea, that I truly felt like I was being prepared in the practice of Dark Asha magic. The author's voice feels authentic, like a storyteller, since really we have all of the book coming from Tea's perspective in a story of my life format.

I found the alternating timelapses of this plot extremely confusing, and I still haven't figured out some fragments of it. We switch back between two POVs from what happened in the past in Tea's life, to current day plans with Bard. In novels with these two seperate timelines, I feel like there should be a connecting point, right? Even with trying to close-read, I just couldn't find that point of connection that I was looking for in the whole book.

Something that I found extremely unrealistic was the way that Tea has "instalove" with Prince Kalan. I'm sorry, I have ranted about how much I hate instalove, how much I hate instalove, and how much I hate instalove. The thing is, this romance didn't even make sense. These two people see eachother for like 3 experiences total in the book, which I didn't think that "sparks flied" (ex. no kissing, no "i love yous",). Let me be clear, I'm not saying that romance is supposed to be physical, not at all, but I couldn't even identify the friendship here. All of these things later on when Tea was like "I would be willing to die for you" just didn't make sense. The romantic subplot was pushed far to the wayside, which I can understand, but then it's expected to be the main things that propels future Tea forwards. I just don't get it, I can't wrap my head around it...

And then also she forgot all of her other siblings in her old life. Now, I may be mistaken but I believe that she had three or four sisters, mom & dad, and after she changes locations to study and train for the rest of her life, we have barely any mention of her being homesick or her missing her parents. Sure, her brother is with her at all times, but she doesn't even seem to treasure their time (because of constricitions) when he's around. Realistically, not knowing much about her family relationships, you still should be showing some thoughts or emotions about the topic of "home" right?
The thing is, for most of the book nothing significant happened, I can't pinpoint when the climax happened (or if there even was one). At the point of about 50%, I was completely ready to DNF and would have if I hadn't read up on some more positive reviews that I found on Goodreads. But nothing more interesting happened after that, so I could conclude that the pacing was done too slowly and the story was being drawn out too long.

The ending was just so irrational, I don't understand the character, I don't understand why she's doing what she's doing... I couldn't wrap my head around what exactly she's doing fundamentally. I didn't know this, but I just found that there is a second book in the works that is probably going to be prone to explaining more of this, but at this point I'm not interested. What's the first book for then to establish the fundamental premise, right?

**Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange of my honest review.**

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