We love approving reviewers and readers for our books, but we do have some requests from you in order to make our decision to approve you a fast one. We love NetGalley readers who:
---> Include a link to a recent book review you have written on Amazon on Goodreads
---> Include a link to your active Goodreads account that includes written reviews and not just star ratings
---> Include a link to your website or blog with an active book review section (if you are a blogger or online reviewer)
---> Share your email address in your bio, so we can follow up with you
---> Update their blog daily or almost daily and have a significant number of followers
---> Request ebooks relevant to your blog content. For example: a romance blog requesting a biography or a mystery/thriller site requesting a children’s title are less likely to be approved.
---> First-time requesters should include information about their “reach.” For example: how many unique visitors your blog gets each month, how many comments you get on your blog posts each month, how many Twitter/Facebook followers you have, how many reviews you post each week
---> Requesters should have easy access to readers. (Booksellers, librarians, and educators with *valid institutional or organizational email addresses* in their Bios are almost always approved.)
If your request is approved, you we ask that you...
---> Send us your review within NetGalley or by some other means. Sending us the review prior to the date it appears is preferable, as we can get in touch with you to offer bonus content (video, photos, and more) to include in your post or article.
---> When you send us your review in NetGalley, you must: include the name of the publication/blog/outlet where your review will be published/posted, a link (for blog/online reviews), and the run date for when the review will be posted/published.
---> If you are a librarian or a bookseller, please let us know your area of expertise; we'd also love to see a link to your LinkedIn profile.
Open Road Media reserves the right to accept or decline requests on a case-by-case basis.