Cover Image: The Charming Predator

The Charming Predator

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Member Reviews

Very well written and keeps your interest throughout. Many untold details to absorb. I recommend you read this. You won't be disappointed.

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A decent enough read, but not the best true crime I have read.

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Because it is a true story it is very hard for me to just say what i would normally say to a purely fictional story: That it felt a bit lacking, that some parts felt disconnected and not as if they could happen in the sequence this book describes them in, as well as that the narrator could have given the entire story a bit more feelings and make me care more about what was happening to her.

BUT because it is a real story, that actually happened to the author i can understand why some moments might feel a bit boring, a bit disconnected and how she did not write all her feelings into this book so that we as the readers can really feel what she felt. Because that must have been hard, to know what kind of man she married and now writing about it... that must have brought all those bad feelings back up for her and so keeping a distance and keeping the story very clinical feeling might have been the only way she was able to tell it.

And it is an interesting story to read, especially since it is true.

So all in all?
Could this book have been written better and more interesting and more engaging way? Yes.
But is it understandable why its not and is it still a interesting book into a very different kind of life and person? Yes.

All you really have to ask yourself is this: Do you enjoy reading a true crime story even if it doesn't have the action and pulling power a fictional story has, but you get all the real facts and information instead?
If the answer is yes then i am sure you will enjoy this book!

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Lee Mackenzie's story is unbelievable. Although she is extremely naive, Kenner was a master manipulator who knew how to take advantage of Ms. Mackenzie. I really like that she took the time to write about her experience so maybe she can help others in similar situations. It is nice that she was able to overcome the trauma and move on with with her life.

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I hate to give a bad review, but to me this was a book I couldn't get into, nor finish. The author goes into great detail regarding her trip to Wales and meeting the man she eventually marries. She tells you he was friendly, but she really wasn't interested in him, but because he expressed interest in her she became involved. Just the way she talks about him gave me the creeps and when she went to stay with he and his mother, it got even creepier. Everything the mother did or said while she stayed with them is recorded in excruciating detail. She, returns to Canada and he writes her, telling her he is in jail, and poor mother is having problems without his paycheck to support her. This seemingly intelligent woman starts sending her money every month. This is as far as I could get, without wanting to scream and question her sanity. I was given this book by NetGalley in exchange for a fair review. I hate to not finish a book, but to me the parts I read were boring and I could not get past the naiveté of the author. Review is posted on Goodreads, will post on Amazon when it is open for review.

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