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Justice Delayed

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This novel is twisted, passionate, outrageously magnificent, and kaleidoscopically impetuous. What an incredible book - It starts right off blowing your mind in the middle of a crime - I mean - how much better off can you be than in the middle of a crime and someone telling someone else off - It is also a story of soul searching where someone came to the realization of how what she was doing might not be the right thing - man did that start an avalanche - and you will love the ride down the hill, and if you don't you will get covered. This is a fantastic book - worth every dime. It is about a reporter whose sister who was killed and she goes on the hunt to find out who it was - with the help of two cold case detectives - and their boss - You have to get this book - it is incredible. I loved it and you will love it too.

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This is a great beginning to a new series. I loved Andi and Will. They work well together right from the start. There were many twists and turns in this book of suspense and a little romance. Andi will learn things about her sister that might upset her. Will is learning a new job of solving cold cases. Together he and Andi will solve this cold case. I received this book from Revell reads for a fair and honest opinion that I gave of my own free will.

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Justice Delayed is a great beginning to a new series. Christian suspense/romance are my favorite books to read. This book is very well written with a super plot. The author's characters are well developed and believable. I was immediately pulled into the drama in this book and held captive to the very end. If you enjoy good suspense/romance I would recommend this book.

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This novel is the first in a new series from Bradley, focusing on cold cases in the Memphis area. This novel centers on a murder eighteen years ago. An innocent man night be executed if proof of his innocence is not found quickly.

A prologue gives us an introduction to the murder years ago but all of the circumstances do not come to light until near the end of the novel. We readers must figure it out right along with those working on the cold case.

I liked the characters and how they are developed. Andi, a reporter, is the younger sister of the murdered woman. Others investigating include Brad, Andi's brother, and Will, Brad's best friend for decades. Will's cousin is the one to be executed so there is much interplay of relationships in the novel. Andi is tenacious when it comes to getting to the bottom of her sister's murder. But she is a flawed character in that she cannot admit she is getting addicted to pain pills. Will is more than just a friend to Andi. Their budding romance is threatened by the addiction issue.

I enjoyed the development of the plot. Those involved in the circumstances of the murder are still around so it was fun to figure out which of them was the real murderer. There is a red herring or two and maybe a twist at the end if one didn't see it coming. I was pretty sure who the murderer was and was not surprised. There was a good bit of suspense right at the end, though, and that was good.

I recommend this novel to those who enjoy a good mystery that includes a Christian message.

I received a complimentary egalley of this novel from the publisher. My comments are an independent and honest review.

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This is an exciting start to the Memphis Cold Case series. The week a man on death row is set to be executed, a letter comes to light that shows he may not have done it. As Will and Andi try to find the truth, people keep disappearing or dying who could have proven helpful to their case. There is so much danger and suspense. I loved it.
There were five women who lived together years ago when one of them was murdered. It was fun trying to figure out if they were trying to help or impede the investigation. While it’s pretty easy to guess who the villain is from the first pages, it’s not clear who exactly that person is. While I did figure out who it was, there were a lot of twists and I didn’t figure it all out. Even knowing what I did, the race against the clock of the impending execution added to the tension.
Andi is an interesting character. She has health issues including a bad heart valve. There aren’t many heroes or heroines with health problems and I find that it makes them more human and authentic to me when they do. Andi runs in to trouble at full speed which causes her brother and friend no end of concern. I look forward to reading more about Andi in the next cold case book.
Thank you to Revell for providing me with a free e-book. I was not required to leave a review. All opinions are my own.

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An investigation into a cold case brings old secrets to life and danger to all involved.

Andi Hollister has become a hot television crime reporter with her investigations into cold cases. However, her next investigation hits a little too close to home, which is the death of her sister over eighteen years ago. There is a man behind bars that confessed to the murder and his execution date is coming soon. His cousin is Detective Will Kincaide who has just been promoted to the Cold Case Unit and wants to prove his cousin is innocent after a letter surfaces claiming he isn’t the killer. There is less than a week to find the killer and stop the execution. As Will and Andi work together to get justice for her sister, they find more than they bargained for, including police corruption, smuggling and running for their lives.

As the first book in Patricia Bradley’s newest series, she has started off on the right foot. Romantic suspense is hard to write and find the right balance so as not to lose the reader with romance in the middle of the tension. Patricia Bradley is becoming better with every novel. I liked Andi and her spunk. I do feel a few of her issues were left open at the end that needed a little more closure. Will was a top notch cop that had a lot of personal issues, but kept focused on the job at hand. The writing flowed smoothly, especially with the dialogue scenes. The narrative dragged a bit at times with so many characters but that I can only classify as a nit-picking issue. I am finding myself more a fan of Bradley and her writing with each new book and can’t wait to see where she goes with this series. This book will be perfect for fans of Bradley’s work and those that love romantic suspense novels. I recommend Justice Delayed to all that enjoy a good read with a good message.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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If you are seeking a suspense novelist, look no further than Pat Bradley. On par with DiAnn Mills, her fast-paced, action packed books are an experience readers won't soon forget.

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Very good start of another series. The characters were believable and interesting. It's enjoyable to read a good crime/mystery without all the gory details and bad language. With hints along the way, I was able to figure out some of what had happened but not all which is always a plus. Very enjoyable book!

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I enjoyed this book immensely! I have read other books by this author and this one did not disappoint.

The story is about Andi Hollister, a reporter who lost her sister 18 years before. She was murdered by an ex boyfriend who was scheduled to be executed.

When Andi is contacted by an old roommate of her sister, she goes to meet her only to find that she was found dead in her garage apparently by suicide. Weird coincidence? Or something more? Andi teams up with her older brother Brett who is a cop and his best friend Will to find out if any of the odd occurrences have to do with the crime committed against their sister 18 years before.

The author does a great job weaving the complex story all together. I had a great time trying to figure out what was going on, I don't enjoy books where the villain is so obvious and that was not the case here.

Andi has a secret crush on her brother's best friend and the tender moments between Will and Andi are so endearing, you cannot help but root for them to somehow
get together .

Such a great book!

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Great read! Suspenseful and thoughtful with a touch of romance, it was hard to put down. I really liked it. It was well-written with characters so real that you could identify with them. Like they were your friends. The story was interesting and well developed. I recommend this book!

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Honestly, I did not finish this book. I began the book but got bogged down with all the various characters. It did not hold my attention so I put it down for a while but it was very difficult to pick back up and read because I could not keep all the characters straight. It did not hold my attention and confused me with all the characters.

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Justice Delayed is the explosive start to a new suspense series by Patricia Bradley and it has all the features of a novel that keeps you guessing. Romance, a new cold case team, mysteries that hit close to home, flawed and relatable characters, and plenty of tension combine to keep the suspense high.

Andi Hollister is a journalist who takes risks to uncover the big stories. When a murder is linked to the death of Andi's sister, Andi knows she has to help uncover the details, especially since the man convicted of her murder is about to be executed. Along with her brother, police Sergeant Brad Hollister, and family friend Detective Will Kincade, who has just joined a new cold case team, Andi puts her life in danger to find the truth about who really killed her sister and why.

Justice Delayed snagged my attention from the first page. Andi is a flawed but realistic character. She takes risks and usually jumps in head first to dangerous situations, so it's no wonder her brother and friends worry about her and tend to hover. Andi is also battling an addiction to pain pills, but her major problem is denying she has an addiction.

The reader is given the major clues to the crime right from the prologue. We can guess who was involved in Stephanie's death we just don't know who that person actually is or the details of the crime. I enjoyed the way the mystery unfolded, with Will, Andi, Brad and the cold case team director David all playing key roles in uncovering the clues. I had hazarded a good guess at who was behind the whole thing and was correct, but that didn't lessen my enjoyment of the mystery.

Along with the mystery, this book incorporates family and romance. Will and Andi have known each other since they were children but their relationship has never strayed beyond friendship. Andi knows she is more aware of Will than she would be if he was just her brother's best friend, but she's not sure how Will views her. And the same goes for Will, never acting on his feelings because of his friendship with Brad and his fear that Andi only sees him as another big brother. The case brings them together, but other things threaten to push them apart, like Andi's pain pill addiction and the details from the case itself. I would have liked to see more personal details shared between them, particularly at the end, but the focus of the book remains on the suspense and the investigation.

While the ending of Justice Delayed gives readers a conclusion to the mystery, I would have liked another chapter or epilogue to tie up the personal issues raised in the story. I can only assume that the following books in the series will have readers rejoin this group of characters - there is certainly plenty of scope for further romances and cold cases to be investigated within the group.

With Justice Delayed, Patricia Bradley affirms her place among Christian suspense authors such as Dani Pettrey and Irene Hannon.

The publishers provided an advanced readers copy of this book for reviewing purposes. All opinions are my own.

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This book has everything you can want in a suspense/thriller. The author has created compelling characters that draw you in and make you feel as though ""you" are living and experiencing every scene with them. The plot is masterful! It involves an 18 year old murder and the upcoming execution of the alleged killer who was the alcoholic boyfriend of the victim. The victim was part of a tightnit group of young adult friends that worked in the airline industry while working on their future careers on the side. Unfortunately, one of them worked on his career a little too well and involved his friends in an elaborate smuggling scheme. The big question is were his friends willing or unwilling co-conspirators? The victim's family has waited all these years for closure. A week before the execution of the alleged killer, he receives a letter from one of the friends saying she has proof he DID NOT kill anyone! Before she can come to the prison to visit him and explain, she is found as a victim of alleged suici'de. From this point on the author takes you on a wild ride of suspense, intrigue, family drama, old friends, possibility of new love, and deeply hidden secrets that end up costing more than one person their life. You cannot read this book fast enough to satisfy your desire to know all the details! A very satisfying read from the first page to the last! I was provided an advanced copy by NetGalley and the publisher but the opinion expressed here is my own.

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This was an outstanding mystery filled with enough romance and mystery to keep it going without being over the top.
I like how the characters and the mystery developed, who the main bad guy was wasn't a huge surprise but it wasn't exactly who I thought either.
Well written and well executed I enjoyed this book!

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