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Final Girls

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I read this in one sitting - it's a compelling thriller with tons of twists and turns. If it hasn't already been optioned to be turned into a movie, I can easily see it happening soon. It has it's ups and downs - there were points in the book I was a bit bored, but it always sucked me back in. Overall, if you like thrillers, I would recommend it.

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Thanks so much to NetGalley, Penguin Group Dutton, and Riley Sager for the opportunity to read and review this book. Another fantastic debut novel! I could not put this book down - clear your schedules and settle in for an intense psychological thriller.

Ten years ago, Quincy Carpenter went on vacation with college friends - and was the only one to return home alive. At that point, she became a member of the Final Girls - a term given to the lone survivor of a massacre. There are two other members - Lisa, who survived an attack at her sorority, and Samantha - who lived through an attack at the motel where she worked.

Quincy thought she had moved on - she has a great boyfriend and a job as a baking blogger. But then Lisa is found dead in her bathtub and Sam shows up on Quincy's doorstep wanting to drag her back into the past.

Told in alternating timelines of the present and the events that happened to Quincy that night in Pine College. I literally couldn't put this book down - a must read!

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This book had me going back and forth about who I thought the killer was. Without spoiling it I will say the killer was on my list of suspects. I read 80% of the book in one sitting. I didn't read it all because my family forced me to go out for lunch. Then I finished the rest of the book before bed. It's probably the librarian in me but why is this published under a pseudonym? That bothers me. I feel like it's a marketing ploy. Obliviously it worked since I'm talking about it.

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I was worried that this would be another entry in the pantheon of "Girl" mysteries (see also: Gone Girl, Girl on the Train, Luckiest Girl Alive, etc. etc.), but it isn't -- or rather, it feels like a natural successor to the Gone Girl hysteria, in that it is genuinely suspenseful, tense, and surprising.
The only thing that keeps it from being a 5-star read is that it lags a tiny bit in the middle. Otherwise, it's everything you want from a literary thriller.

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When one of the three 'Final Girls' ends up murdered but set up as a suicide, and the second ends up on the 3rd 'Final Girls' doorstep, it's up to Quincy to purse together what's going on, who she can trust, and who isn't really as the appear to be, before she winds up dead too. I really enjoyed this book! A psychological thriller and a real page turner.

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3.5 stars. This book grabbed you from the beginning as the storyline was a very original one. For most of the first 2/3 of the book though, it was slow going. But then things pick up and it is intense at times. There are quiet a bit of red herrings and strange actions by the characters that made it really hard to figure out the big twist. The author did a great job with the characters of Quincy and Sam.

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A decade ago, Quincy Carpenter became a final girl, the sole survivor of a horror movie-esque massacre. Struggling to move past the title, Quincy is dragged back into the spotlight when one of her fellow final girls is found dead. Deemed “the first great thriller of 2017” by Stephen King, Riley Sager’s Final Girls is a suspenseful thrill ride that will have you guessing* until the very end.

*guessing wrong

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ALL THE BLOOD. And all the drama. This one was a 2-sitting read for me, and the only reason I didn't finish it in one is because I was too freaked out to try to read any more of it in bed! It is classic slasher and the comparisons to Scream were perfect - if this were a film there would be crazy-dramatic music and you'd be yelling at the screen, "Do NOT go back in there! Are you CRAZY!?" all the while reveling in the delicious dramatic horror of it all. I was kept guessing almost up to almost the very end (I did have a few moments of wondering at the possibility of the real killer during the book) and can honestly say this is the first blood-soaked book I have enjoyed since high school (and that was almost 20 years ago). Not my typical read, but one I'm very glad I indulged in!

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3.5/5 I read this as an ARC from NetGalley. I enjoyed most of this book. I had a hard time getting through the middle portion, I kept putting it down because it wasn't moving as fast as I would have hoped it would. Overall, I will recommend this to any patron that is looking for a murder mystery/thriller in the YA section of my library and I will be purchasing it for our collection. The idea of the story was interesting and the characters were mostly well developed. The twist at the end was great and I didn't really see it coming, which helped the star rating I gave this book.

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Just the other day I came upon something that reminded me of the author, Todd Ritter. I loved his books and I noticed that he had not published anything lately. I knew that he was little known and as such his following was somewhat meh. However, I had met Todd Ritter and found him to be very personable and entertaining. I hoped the best for him. So when I discovered this, I sunk a little bit, hoping he was doing well.

Then, this book came up on my TBR pile. While reading the blurbs, I noticed the phrase "previously published author". Curiosity peaked, I looked them up. Surprise, surprise, it's Todd Ritter! I am so happy he's publishing again and I'm pretty sure his little known status is no more!

I read this book all in one sitting. A story of three girls who were the girls left by serial killers. Either left for dead, thought they were dead or they got away.

A title that no one wants, Quincy is the latest to receive it. She was involved in a massacre that took place in a camp cabin in the middle of the woods years before. She is now leading a "normal" life as a cooking blogger and engaged to her fiance, Jeff. She finds therapeutic satisfaction in the officer that found her and saved her, Coop.

When news that Lisa, another "Final Girl" who survived an attack on her college girls dorm commits suicide, Quincy is visited by the last "Final Girl", Samantha Boyd. Samantha was involved in the attacks by the "Sack Man" while working in a motel.

Samantha has been a curious one for the reporters. Her picture has never been shown, no one knows anything about her whereabouts, she's gone with the wind. Her sudden appearance at Quincy's doorstep adds a new element to this whole story. One where the real intrigue begins. And, where the person searching for the "Final Girls" comes hunting.

A story full of action, suspense and thrills, I found page-turning and mesmerizing. I read it all in one day because I could not put it down.

Kudos to the author for a job well done and your new, well deserved status!

Thanks to Penguin Group/Dutton and Net Galley for providing me with a free e-galley in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

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Back in January, I spotlighted in a Top 5 Wednesday post that this book was one of my most highly anticipated reads for this year. There was a lot of hype surrounding it and that didn't seem to dissipate once it was finally released in July. I was super excited to receive an advanced copy and tried to dive into this one as quickly as I could; however, this did not turn into the thrilling, page-turner that I had believed it to be. I don't think that this is the book's fault, but rather a case of my expectations being a lot higher going into it. The story was ultimately an enjoyable read given the subject matter and would be a great place to start for those looking to get into the thriller or horror genres. It's dark, but not dark enough to turn off curious readers.

I'm not a huge horror fan much less horror films, so I was not familiar with the "final girl" archetype. This idea of the last girl standing still having to fight years later after surviving her ordeal was really intriguing to me. Quincy tries to present herself to family and the outside world as the perfect survivor despite having obvious internal conflict with her past. She's now a baking blogger and everything about her life appears "cute" and "sweet." She doesn't make a big deal about the massacre, largely because she can't remember what happened, and no one else around her brings it up. It's only when another final girl, Sam, comes knocking that Quincy begins to really confront what happened to her all those years ago as well as what it means to be the only survivor.

While the story is largely happening in the present, there are small flashbacks throughout that gradually reveal what happened that night to Quincy and her friends. I enjoyed reading these scenes, and interestingly, they aren't written to reflect Quincy's memory returning, but rather, as a true account of what happened. It was very subtle and gripping, which definitely helps to keep the story going because I had such a difficult time staying invested in the present situation. Everything began to drag and feel repetitive with so much unnecessary drama, especially for a character who had steered clear of such turmoil for so long. Surprisingly, in the end, there is more than one big reveal, but everything happens so fast that it wasn't exactly a satisfying or complete conclusion. I enjoyed all the red herrings and never saw the ending coming even if it was incredibly disappointing.

I think the atmosphere of this story lends itself greatly to being read in the fall as we get closer to Halloween. I have no doubt that this will be a book that many will lose themselves in, but in the end, it was just a good read for me. Nothing mind-blowing, but definitely worth the time.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Penguin Group Dutton, and Riley Sager. It was a pleasure reading this book and providing a review!

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This book was soooo good!!!! I couldn't put it down! Will definitely be buying copies for the store! Way to go!!!!

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Wow-- I couldn't put this down from start to finish! Great story, intriguing characters; just when I though I knew what was happening, I was floored with something ELSE happening! I have three words…. READ THIS BOOK!!!

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This will go live on my blog on Wednesday,

Quincy is the only survivor of a mass murder that left all her friends dead. The press dub her a "Final Girl," one of three survivors of somewhat similar mass murders (committed by different people and not connected). When one commits suicide (which, OF COURSE, turns out to be murder), the third finds Quincy. Safety in numbers, right?

As we know from horror movies, everyone is a suspect. And there are a LOT of potential suspects in Quincy's life (including Sam, who may or may not be the friend she claims to be). But there's also Quinn's boyfriend, a reporter, the cop who saved her life and may be a little too this point, she should literally trust no one.

This book is incredibly fun, especially if you're into horror movies. It's also suspenseful, and I loved the "EVERYBODY'S A SUSPECT" feel, which is not unlike Scream.

This is a great vacation read--toss it in your tote and hit the beach! Recommended.

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Final Girls attempts to turn the horror trope of the "final girl" - the blood-stained heroine who makes it out alive at the end of a slasher-horror flick - on it's head, with great success.

Our heroine, Quincy, is one of three "final girls" but is trying desperately to move on with her life. Between her baking blog and her fiance, she's making a good start. The police officer who saved her life contacts her to let her know that the first "final girl", Lisa, has been found dead in her home of a suicide. The other final girl, Sam, shows up at her apartment out of the blue, and the news hits that Lisa's death might not have been at her own hands.

For anyone who is a fan of the slasher horror genre, this book is a treat. As I was reading it reminded me so much of Scream that I could almost picture the scenes in my head. This book is not a wink-and-nudge commentary on the genre, though. It takes itself very seriously and, as a result, does a better job translating into a proper suspense-thriller than it might have had it attempted any level of camp. Watching Quincy's perfect facade crumble under the strain of Lisa's death and Sam's arrival was cringe-worthy, and I found myself shouting at her to just go back to baking! The flashbacks Sager used to fill us in on exactly what happened the night of the massacre Quincy survived were well executed and were a nice way to show, rather than tell, the reader about that night. Sager successfully juggles several red herrings that lead up to a twist that, I'm happy to report, I didn't see coming in the least. (Others have said they did correctly predict the ending, so perhaps I should have as well. I was just having so much fun I clearly wasn't paying close attention!)

This book is pure entertainment and a ton of fun. It's entirely suitable, though, for someone who stays away from horror but might want to dip their toes into something that will leave them up late at night with the lights on. :) (Does that classify a horror-lite?)

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FINAL GIRLS Written by Riley Sager
July 2017; 342 Pages (Dutton, Penguin)
Genre: mystery, suspense, fiction

(I received an ARC from the Publisher via NETGALLEY)

Rating: 3 STARS

A decade earlier, Quincy Carpenter while on vacation with friends, survived a massacre and was the sole survivor. She joins two other girls with similar fates as the "Final Girls". Final Girls refers to the girl that survives in a horror film. They become big in the media and while they have so much in common they have not met in person.

Quincy who has not been able to remember the details of that night is now getting better. She has her own business, a fiancee and has a trusting friend in the cop who saved her. Just as her life seems to be settling down, Lisa, the first Final Girl is found dead. It is thought to be a suicide but the media is all over the cases again. Then Sam comes to Quincy and reveals things that may turn everything worse.

I could not wait to read this book since it was announced! I was so happy when the publishers approved my request. I wanted to wait till the book was coming out to read it, and I set aside time to read it in one sitting. I don't know if it was my high expectations or what but I was really disappointed with this novel. There wasn't too much suspense so I kept putting the book down and found it hard to pick it back up. I could not like or relate to Qunicy and felt no real tension. The ending was easier to figure out, and once I did reading the rest of the book seemed like a chore. I rated it a three because it was an unique idea, and Sager seems to have promise.

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This was a clever, twisty thriller that kept me interested throughout. It was a bit slow to get off the ground, but picked up speed as it got closer to the end. The surprise twists didn't make me gasp, but I did find them surprising, mostly. What I didn't love was the writing- dialogue sometimes didn't ring true, and some traits (like the main character's need to chase her Xanax with grape soda) were mentioned so often as to be annoying.

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Review: FINAL GIRLS by Riley Sager

Oh my! A somewhat tiptoeish start soon tossed me onto a runaway rollercoaster of thrills, terror, and mystery. In this environment, I couldn't be certain who was who, who was culpable of what, and who could be trusted, if anyone--including our protagonist, the woman who insists she is "normal" despite the past everybody remembers except her.

Quincy Carpenter, like two other young women earlier, survived a massacre of sorts: one at a sorority house (Lisa of Indiana), one at a motel (Samantha of Florida). Quincy was the sole survivor of a group of friends at a weekend retreat in a forest cottage in Pennsylvania. The press terms them "Final Girls," like the sole remaining heroine in B-grade horror movies. (I prefer the concept of "Last Man Standing," as in Westerns; surviving ought to imply some skill and strength of will, rather than simply be left alive because the killer died or was captured.)

FINAL GIRLS "blew me out of the water". After six decades of voracious reading of mysteries, thrillers, and horror, the author still managed to blindside me, and I truly "didn't see it coming." I can't wait to read this novel again.

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First line: "The forest had claws and teeth."

Summary: Ten years ago, college student Quincy Carpenter went on vacation with five friends and came back alone, the only survivor of a horror movie–scale massacre. In an instant, she became a member of a club no one wants to belong to—a group of similar survivors known in the press as the Final Girls. Lisa, who lost nine sorority sisters to a college dropout's knife; Sam, who went up against the Sack Man during her shift at the Nightlight Inn; and now Quincy, who ran bleeding through the woods to escape Pine Cottage and the man she refers to only as Him. The three girls are all attempting to put their nightmares behind them, and, with that, one another. Despite the media's attempts, they never meet.

Now, Quincy is doing well—maybe even great, thanks to her Xanax prescription. She has a caring almost-fiancé, Jeff; a popular baking blog; a beautiful apartment; and a therapeutic presence in Coop, the police officer who saved her life all those years ago. Her memory won’t even allow her to recall the events of that night; the past is in the past.

That is, until Lisa, the first Final Girl, is found dead in her bathtub, wrists slit, and Sam, the second, appears on Quincy's doorstep. Blowing through Quincy's life like a whirlwind, Sam seems intent on making Quincy relive the past, with increasingly dire consequences, all of which makes Quincy question why Sam is really seeking her out. And when new details about Lisa's death come to light, Quincy's life becomes a race against time as she tries to unravel Sam's truths from her lies, evade the police and hungry reporters, and, most crucially, remember what really happened at Pine Cottage, before what was started ten years ago is finished.

Highlights: Once you're hooked you can't put it down. It had lots of twists and turns and you'll never guess how it ends.

Lowlights: It really took me longer to get into then I thought it would.

FYI: Lots of graphic violence.

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For a horror lover, this read was slightly off the mark for me. Let me explain.

I think Final Girls is a passable thriller. There is intrigue, introspective heroines, and a twist ending. A genre novel for the thriller category. Perhaps, that is why I didn't love it as much as I was hoping. What I expected from the title, and synopsis was a tale closer to the movie Cabin in the Woods. Namely, a parody that poked fun at one of the most well known slasher-movie tropes, while also honoring the horror genre. This is where Final Girls missed the mark for me. It didn't quite live up to this expectation.

That being said, there is still a lot to love here. Quincey, is a strong female protagonist, you cannot help but like - even as she gets dragged into the immorality of another Final Girl. The trio of Final Girls all have interesting and familiar back stories which were a small nod to the horror genre; sorority house, hotel serial killer, a cottage in the woods. I also felt these characters were for the most part multi-faceted. The mystery was decent, though again, I was hoping for a little more depth. I do commend the author for using a trope within a trope (think insane Asylums) to trick the reader, but I was still left thinking, "but where is the suspense?".

Ultimately, I suggest this is you want a fast thriller with some small nods to the horror genre. I think this is an appropriate read for those who don't typically read scary novels, as the actual gore and suspense is limited.

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