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Her Last Breath

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A gripping psychological thriller that plunges readers into the harrowing world of Mari Gill, a woman trapped between the shadows of two men and the blurred lines of her own memory. The well-crafted plot, compelling characters, and a relentless pace that makes it difficult to put down.

Thank you to NetGalley for the opportunity to review the advance copy of this book.

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I wasn’t blown away by this but I can see the appeal for others. Lots of red herrings swimming around but the ‘reveal’ didn’t really surprise me. I also prefer stand-alone stories as I’m not really a fan of ‘series books’ especially when they feature the same cops or characters. I know these kind of books are popular though so if that’s your thing, go for it. I read books to escape so I’m not too hung up on ‘realism’ and if a story glinches [my own word before you start haha] me I can easily suspend belief, however I did find this a little clichéd and improbable.

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Be prepared to lose some sleep, because once you delve into this book, you won't be able to put it down. I was forced to stop reading when I realized it was 4:15 am and I hadn't been to sleep in almost 24 hrs. I LOVED this book!! I'm not a huge fan of suspense novels because I can usually guess the end which is a big dull for me, so I was a little apprehensive about this one. When a book grabs my attention from page one, I know its going to be a good; this book did it for me. I was silently screaming "Oh my god" so many times throughout this novel it was unreal. Read it, you will not be disappointed!

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Don't know how this novel managed to sink further and further down my 'to read' pile. There is one good thing about being on a month's vacation, as it gives one plenty of reading time. This was an excellent thriller with plenty of twists and turns. A review will be written on Goodreads and Amazon later today.

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Who can Mari trust and who can help her out of the dire situation she finds herself in. Not knowing who to trust makes this book an intriguing, gripping read..

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A must read! What a thrilling story line, such twists!

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Thanks to netgalley for the chance to have read another great mystery thriller from JA Schneider.  The book is written with twists from the start and doesn’t leave you until the end.  Worth the effort, and I can’t wait for another!

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When Mari wakes up next to a dead body, blood on her hands, she knows that she's going to be the main suspect. But what really happened? Who killed this man? Who's trying to frame Mari? And why can't she remember anything about the previous night? The beginning of this novel started out like most thrillers; exciting, fast-paced, and a little suspenseful. But then all of the characters kind of fell into a rut, causing the action to stall for a while. The ending brought back the excitement from the beginning, but that middle section dragged way too much.

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The very beginning of this book really grabs you. After a while it falls into long drawn out and boring. It starts to read like a romance more than anything else. Mari's constant wanting to cry gets to be tiresome. I will stay away from this author in the future.

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Her Last Breath is the 2nd book in the Detective Kerri Blasco series. I did not read the first book in the series and I don't feel like you have to in order to read this one. The main character in this book is Mari Gill and not Detective Kerri Blasco.

Mari Gill wakes up in a strange apartment next to a man who has been stabbed to death. With no memory of last night's events, who can she really trust?

This was an ok whodunit mystery. There were parts of the story that was not believable. The quick romance. How bff the cop becomes because she doubts you did it.

Thank you Netgalley and RGS Media for supplying a copy of J.A. Schneider's "Her Last Breath" in exchange for a honest review.

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This is the second book in the series which I was unaware of but luckily I did not feel lost. One woman two men to choose from, how can you not love those odds. Highly recommend and I will be going back and reading the first book

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I guess I didn't pay attention to the fact that this is the second book in a series when I requested it for review. The good news: it doesn't read like a series because the series itself is about the detective. Each case is different.

Yet another psychological thriller for me this month and it was so good. I flew through the pages of this book and tried to figure out what the heck was going on. I was hit with a twist at the end again. You would think that with all of the thrillers that I read, I would be able to determine at least some of what the conclusion will be, but nope. I guess that's a good thing though.

I really enjoyed the story line and liked the characters. I dislike the cover though.

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Det. Kerri is a bad ass!!! I loved thisbook, never read book 1, and will now look for book 1 and 3! I enjoyed the fast pace but smooth, seamless flow. There was no word fluff and I enjoyed the book immensely! My review is up on Amazon under my name Kimberly-Aisha Hashmi

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I really liked the writing in "Her Last Breath", it sucks you in from the start and I could barely put the novel down. The characters were interesting, everybody seemed to have either motive and/or opportunity to have committed the murder and the story stayed suspenseful until the very end.

What I didn't really like was the insta-romance and the detectives weirdly personal interactions with Mari. It seemed rather unprofessional on her part.

Those are all minor quibbles and the novel is definitely worth reading if you are into crime novels.

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My thoughts upon reading the blurb...

"Great, another love triangle. Everybody's got a triangle... Where's my triangle?"

Keep reading sunshine.

"Done. Is that it? Seems weak."

Not so fast grasshopper.

Put yourself in the MC's shoes. You wake up in an unfamiliar apartment next to a murdered man that you don't recognize and you can't remember the night before. All the signs point to you having committed a murder.

That not weak, that's terrifying.

Shortly after, Mari finds herself caught between the hero who saved her life and her estranged husband who happens to be a top defense attorney that comes to her rescue. Both men appear to want what's best for her.

Mari doesn't know what happened in that room. She needs to know what happened. She doesn't believe she killed the man... but did she? The way the author focuses on Mari in the beginning, you kind of forget that the series is about Kerri. I liked this though. Feeling the desperation from Mari's POV allowed me to be just as uncertain, paranoid and not trusting of anyone.

The author has a knack for crafting characters that you want advocating for you. Embryo had Jill Rainey, this story has Detective Kerri Blasco. She is convinced Mari's been setup but she's having a tough time convincing her supervisor. Eventually she is given a deadline to either provide proof supporting her suspicions or Mari will be named as the suspect to the media. Kerri is racing against a clock and a murderer who may be out there watching or standing right next to her.

For some reason every time I think of this story, I picture the upper portion of a white-walled room with a bit of sun brightening up certain areas. My perspective is always looking up towards a corner of the room. I see this when I think about Mari waking up that fateful day and again later on in the story. I was going to make some wisecrack about it being the rubber room I would end up in after trying to figure out this mystery, but I can't because this picture is always accompanied by a warm feeling. There's nothing light and airy about this story. The cover is dark and the situation our MC finds herself in is even darker. Things that make you go Hmmm.

"You gotta feel it, Tom."

This is one of my favorite lines from the story.

This review was longer just before I hit publish. Then I compared it to the blurb and removed sections I felt gave away too much of the story. A sentence here and a phrase there could be enough to spoil the story, so I present this bare-boned review for your perusal. In case I wasn't clear, the writing is great and the characters believable. That is a solid foundation for a story in my book.

I haven't read the first book in the series but at no time did I feel like I was missing anything. I'd read another Kerri Blasco story in a heartbeat.

Highly Recommended if you like to be kept on your toes, uncertainty and tension-filled psychological thrillers.

4/5 Stars

Many thanks to J.A. Schneider and Netgalley for the ARC I received in exchange for an honest review.

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I lost an entire day wrapped up in this book. I didn't move from my seat, I had to plug my Kindle in to the charger right by my chair. Not even sure breathing happened.

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I think if you're looking for a psychological suspense book, this is a good book to read. The author has a very good writing style in this genre, as she kept twists coming and me guessing throughout the entire book. It lacked some character development, but overall I think it's a twist and edgy psychological thriller!

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A woman goes out one night and wakes up in a strange apartment and finds a dead man she's doesn't recognize next to her. She has no recollection of going to the apartment and the two police officers on the case have differing opinions on her innocence. She calls her husband who is an attorney and he comes right away even though they have been separated. She doesn't know who to trust including the man who discovered her and the deceased and she has developed an attraction for. I thought this was a well written thriller my only complaint was that the ending seemed rushed.

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Really good book.look forward to reading more of this author

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This book was a great read! It kept my interest throughout and the whole time you're second-guessing everything to figure out what happened. Loved the ending!! Definitely recommend this book

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