Cover Image: Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker

Brothers Black: Wyatt the Heartbreaker

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In Brothers Black there are 7, yes 7 gorgeous brothers!! The oldest is Wyatt, who is a man whore and known to be a heart breaker. He's a private investigator and sometimes bounty hunter along with his brothers. Even though he has the reputation of being a man whore, he's now 30 and getting tired of one-night stands and crazy chicks. He wants someone he can relax with after a long day. He's come to realize that being a man whore is fun while you're young, but at 30 having giggly women taking your picture with their phone as you are in a compromising position with another's time to grow up.

Wyatt meets Nellie after her Uncle can't meet her at the airport so he does. Yea, he's in trouble!! However, Nellie remembers him and knows his reputation. Will she fall for his charm and good looks or will his reputation make her steer clear?

3.5 from me on this one. I just couldn't get into this story. I don't know if it was because the book was so long and I thought a good amount was unnecessary or the flow just didn't work. It was an okay book.

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This was my first time reading a Blue Saffire novel and it was definitely an emotional rollercoaster of a ride. With so much drama (kidnapping, secrets tests of loyalty, just to name a few), Blue has given readers a great page turner that will make them lose sleep (because they'll want to know what happens next).

One of the things that I really enjoyed about Wyatt the Heartbreaker (Brothers Black #1) was the chemistry between Wyatt and Nellie. They practically sizzle when they're together, which is definitely a good thing since this is a very sexy book.

I also liked how Blue made certain we are introduced to all the secondary characters who'll play important roles in the books that follow. It's a good way to hook the readers and make them want to continue with a series, and the characters themselves are interesting and feel true to life.

My only quibble is that sometimes the characters' dialogue sounded a little too formal. Occasionally it jarred me as a reader and knocked me out of the story. But my interest in Wyatt and Nellie's love story reeled me back in.

A fun, emotional and intense love story! I give it a solid 4 stars.

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This was my first book by Blue Saffire. I didn't love the cover, and the author's pseudonym had me worried this might be flat out erotica with little substance, but the description convinced me to give it a try. I'm glad. I really liked the Black brothers. They had a great family dynamic with an enviable closeness. Wyatt was the brother with the reputation of being a bit of a player, a heartbreaker. He hated the reputation. Though he certainly didn't have long term relationships and had no problems with no strings attached sex, he was always careful to make sure expectations were clear up front in order not to hurt anyone. When Nellie shows up on Wyatt's radar, he is overwhelmed. Suddenly his thoughts are on things more permanent, but Nellie is aware of his reputation and unwilling to be another notch on his bedpost. He has no idea how to convince her he is serious about her.

Nellie had had a crush on Wyatt since they were young, but right now she has more on her plate than she can handle and danger stalking her footsteps. She doesn't want everyone going into overprotective mode, so she's keeping it to herself. She knows Wyatt suspects, but thinks she has it handled. When Wyatt does figure it all out, he becomes a rock of strength for her and an all out protector.

I really liked the characters in this story and definitely need to read more about the rest of these brothers.

I received an ARC from Net Galley for honest review.

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