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Damage Control

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Damage Control by Lisa Renee Jones
Book #2: Dirty Money Series
Source: Netgalley
My Rating: 4/5 stars
My Review:

There is absolutely no rest for the wicked when it comes to family drama, drug cartels, and a dead sexy woman on the run.

Damage Control picks up exactly where Hard Rules left off, with Shane desperately trying to understand why Emily is pulling away from him and hiding a boat load of secrets. Given his inherent trust issues, having Emily deceive him may be a betrayal he can’t come back from.

In an effort to better understand Emily and what she’s dealing with, Shane forces the issue until Emily unloads absolutely everything. To say he wasn’t expecting the story he gets is a vast understatement. Emily is on the run from one of the most ruthless hacking groups on the planet, a group her brother is involved with up to his butt. To make matters worse, her brother has stopped contacting her and cut her off from the funds needed to support herself or run with if push comes to shove. If Shane has his way, and he usually does, Emily will not run again, but will stay by his side and let he and his trusted team get her out of the mess she finds herself in. Furthermore, Emily is still advantageously placed within the Brandon business to spy for Shane and help him sort out the huge mess created by Shane’s evil brother and ruthless father.

Though she is hesitant to endanger Shane and his inner circle, without her money, Emily is out of options and leaving Shane, given her feelings for him, is all but impossible. Additionally, Emily is now totally invested in helping Shane right the boat that is his family business and she doesn’t like to leave work undone. Shane’s father, though grievously ill, still has his head in the game and is intent upon seeing more ill deeds done before he checks out for his dirt nap. Shane’s brother is becoming increasingly reckless and his dealings with a dangerous cartel are threatening more than just the company. Emily’s strategic location within the company allows her access to a great deal of information and material which she constantly feeds to Shane and his security team. The game is certainly afoot, but with so many balls in the air, it’s hard to say who is going to survive.

The Bottom Line: Before anything else, I want to point out how extremely grateful I was to find a long passage at the beginning of the book reminding me of what came before. I felt completely refreshed and apprised of the situation before diving into Damage Control and it made this read so much better! Damage Control is one disaster after another with threats and danger cropping up at every turn. In between bouts of panty-melting sex, Shane and Emily must navigate the shark-infested waters of their lives if they are to ever be free from all the danger surrounding them. While a few things get straightened out in this read, Damage Control is really all about building the drama and setting the stage for the next installment of the series. There is no way in hell the Dirty Money series is over and, if my suspicions are correct, it has a very long way to go.

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This second book in the Dirty Money series is even better than the first! The story picks up where Hard Rules left off. Shane and Emily have even more challenges to face, both personally and professionally, and their families are even more twisted. This book is full of intrigue, suspense, mystery, and steamy romance. Just when you think it's time to take a relaxing breath, the action twists and puts you back on the edge of your seat! I cannot wait to see what's next for these characters.

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I read Hard Rules and could not wait to see what happened next in this series. I was not disappointed. I loved the recap at the beginning of the book….that is my biggest issue with series that I forget what was happening between releases. The few pages of catch up were great.

I absolutely love Shane….he is so strong and wanting to do the right thing and save the family business. And Emily, she is complex….her secrets are a huge puzzle and how Shane is going to protect her and save the business at the same time. This is one of those that is so good, but at the same time so hard to review since you don’t want to give away any of the surprises.

If you like a hot and steamy romance with a ton of suspense and intrigue along with a dash of mafia trouble….then this is the perfect series for you.

Hero 5 Stars / Heroine 5 stars / Steam 5 stars / Plot 5 stars / Overall 4 Stars
Keys: MF, Part of a Series, Edge of Your Seat, Twists and Turns, #MSBB

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Lisa Renee Jones is back with the wickedly suspenseful follow up to Hard Rules. We resume in the highly tense moment we last saw our couple Shane and Emily. Just when it seems we are closer to getting to the truth LRJ adds a new layer to the story that brings with it a danger unexpected by the both of them.

Shane is tormented by both his need for the truth, and the need to protect Emily. In doing so, he finds himself edging closer to the line that separates him from going against his moral code. His family remain to be a thorn in his side, and with the companies’ involvement in far shadier dealings than he imagined, he may have to take a walk on the dark side after all.

Lisa Renee Jones excels in the art of combining sex and mystery in an intriguing plot. Her Dirty Money series continues to be a compelling read and one that will keep me hooked until all questions are answered, and all secrets revealed. The intensity I coveted between Shane and Emily is back in full force, and it’s impossible for me to do anything but root for this couple.

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***ARC Provided by the Author Via Netgalley***


This one starts about 6 seconds after Hard Rules ends. This is a good thing if you have read Hard Rules, as you want to know what in the world is going on.

Now is a good time to mention, this is not a standalone. You do have the author, thanks for this, in the notes at the beginning, give a sum up of what has happened. But it is a sum up and you are in no way ready to start the ride at this one.

And, what a ride. With spoilers around every corner. I loved Emily and Shane even more in this one than I did in the first. I loved finding out more about her. And, in a way, this was Emily's book. Yes, there were still the issues with Derek and the father that were in the 1st one, but I really felt that the last book, I got to know Shane and what made him tick but in this one, I got to know Emily.

The writing, as always with Ms. Jones, was perfect. The pacing excellent and it kept the story moving at the perfect speed, with the right amounts of tension and romance. The opening "chase" if you will, the revelation of Emily, the hunt for the people involved in the reason she is keeping the secrets...all excellent and interesting.

The first few chapters are especially riveting and compelling, and I was not sure who I wanted to win...although I can't say more than this because it would be a spoiler of epic proportions and no one likes those.

I am keeping this short to avoid giving things away...but read this. You really want to...but read the first one before!

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I don't know why but I'm always surprised when I read a book by this author not because I don't love her style of writing it's because I always marvel at the way she weaves her stories and manages to pull me in everytime.
You must read Hard Rules first or you will be lost with the plot of the story. This is a series that is full of suspense, betrayal and secrets and your never really sure who to trust or what their motives are. Like other series I've read by this author I'm hooked it is compulsive reading. As you read your looking for clues looking for weakness so you can pinpoint your theories even if I know I'll never guess what the author has up her sleeve.
My only problem with the book is that I have to wait on the next one but that's only because I'm inpatient and I loved it so much.

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"He tastes of all things I crave. Power. Control. Passion."

First and foremost, if you have not read Hard Rules, DO NOT READ Damage Control until you have. This book picks up right after Hard Rules ends and it gives you a spoiler recap. This review will be pretty short and simple in order not to give away any spoilers for either book.

Shane finally discovers the secrets that Emily has been hiding from him and their world is turned upside down. Now they are faced with multiple threats and a lot of battles. There are a lot of moving parts that all connect at some point. Lies, deceit, dirty money, it's got it all.

What I really enjoyed about this one is that we really get to see Emily and Shane's relationship evolve. They are tested. Their trust in each other is tested. However, they end up working together to overcome it. The entire story screams good vs. evil with Emily and Shane at the top of the good list and a bucket full of people on the evil one.

I admitted in my review for Hard Rules that it started off slow for me but it eventually picked up. Well, this one was full on throttle. It was fast paced and packed full of action that keeps your mind moving. Overall, I enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next book so we can finally see how everything plays out.

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The chase of who Emily really is continues... And Shane is not going down without a fight. Is she an ally or an enemy to destroy him??
Book 2 in Dirty Money Series.
I simply devoured book 1 Hard Rules and loved where this story was going so I couldn't get my hands fast enough of this continuation. There is so much going on in this part it made my head spin. And usually I love that and I did liked it but on some level it was maybe a bit too much and too confusing at times. Shane is struggling to get his family business back on track and free from all bad influences that his brother Derek brought into it. They are also fighting for who will be the one to take over the company due to their father's illness and even though Shane doesn't really want it, he also doesn't want it to fall into Derek's hand who would run it to the ground for sure.
Derek is determined to fight Shane on any decision possible and even test his relationship with Emily. And that includes him trying to dig into her past. But Emily is strong and used to be on her guard at all times except when it comes to her heart. She and Shane have a strong bound and not much could break it. But both have demons that haunt them and their will to protect each other from one another might break them apart without them even realizing it.
I wish that I loved this book as much as I expected and hoped for. But I guess we can't have it all always. I liked but felt it was a bit too much happening at once and it was hard to follow and stay focused.

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This is the newest addition to the Dirty Money series and this one blew me away! I highly recommend reading the previous books in this series before taking this one on since so much happens before this story takes place and Damage Control picks up right after the intense cliffhanger that the previous book titled Hard Rules left off on.

I'm actually a huge fan of cliffhangers if they're done well and this author knows how to leave you desperately wanting more and I love this! Shane's family is one for the record books and they bring disfunction to a whole new level! I can't even imagine living in a world where the people closest to you are the ones who are the most likely to go for the jugular. At first I worried that Emily was getting herself into more than she could ever hope to handle, but I must admit that she had a few surprises up her sleeve and there's so much more to her than I first assumed.

This entire series is addictive and hard to put down and I highly recommend reading all of these great books to anyone!

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Amazingly Damage Control is only the second book I have had the chance to read by Lisa Renee Jones. I really need to read more of this talented lady's work because I have certainly enjoyed Hard Rules and Damage Control.

Damage Control picks up Shane and Emily's story right where it left off at the end of Hard Rules. So you really need to read Hard Rules before you read Damage Control. I loved that Ms. Jones added a few refresher details at the beginning so I could remember exactly what was happening at the end of Hard Rules and I was completely prepared and ready to dig into Damage Control.

Shane is a good guy that is trying so hard to keep things on the up and up. Each time he thinks he has the business issues under control his brother, Derek, throw yet another crooked twist into the mix.

Emily has a huge secret that she has not revealed to Shane in Hard Rules. I don't want to tell you too much about the secret but I will tell you that Shane's ultimate reaction made me adore this guy even more. My bond with Emily quickly returned and my heart went out to her. I cheered her victories, my heart broke for her sadness, and my pulse increased with the thoughts of the danger she is in.

One of my favorite aspects of this book is the few selected people that work for Shane and always have his back. This guy really needs those true friends that can help him try to stay that one step ahead of his wicked brother. His family certainly doesn't have his back so it's great to see that he has someone to help him out.

Seth, Shane's right hand, is one of those guys I'd want in my corner if I was in danger or trouble. This guy can get anything done and fix things in the blink of an eye. He's good!

Jessica is Shane's friend and assistant in the office. She's the other person that really has Shane and Emily's back. I like Jessica and her just enough touch of sassy attitude that she gets things done.

Shane and Emily are good together. They work well together and oh wow they sure do warm things up at home and in the office. They have so many obstacles in their path and so many things going on. I was on the edge of my seat for a good portion of this book wondering what was going to happen next. There are plenty of interesting twists to keep the pages turning.

I can not wait to see what happens with Shane and Emily next. I'm curious to see how Shane handles his family and deals with Emily's problem. I can not wait to read Bad Deeds. I will be anxiously awaiting it's release.

Over all this book has all those things that make for a fabulous read. There characters are great. The story line is full of action, drama, suspense, and some steaming hot scenes to warm things up.

I was given the opportunity to read this awesome story and it has been my pleasure to share my thoughts with you.

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The more I read of this book, the more I loved it. I was so looking forward to reading it to see where Emily and Shane went with the secrets and lies. At first I couldn't get into it, just felt it a little slow, but once I continued I really couldn't put it down. The writing flowed fluently.

Shane is such an alpha male. I loved his character from book one and wasn't disappointed in book 2; he just gets better.
Emily is a very strong woman hiding secrets from her past but is also very vulnerable around Shane's family, especially his brother Derek. The hate you feel for Derek just gets stronger...!

As I've said before, the more I read of this book, the more I loved it. The twists and the turns, the love and the hate, was so intense it really gripped me. The characters were so prominent in their own right. I can't wait to read the final book to complete the story.

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Woo-eee! Hard Rules was good, but Damage Control was even better! It was exciting, sexy, intriguing - and just more. I completely loved every bit of this book and I feel safe enough to say that I can promise that you will too! 

We know that Emily's got secrets, but never fear, because your questions about her will be answered. Even if I didn't know what I know about Emily now, that wouldn't change the way I feel about her and as it happened, it only reinforced them. Emily is strong, she's smart and savvy, she's utterly loyal to Shane and she just cares so much about him. I love that about her and I love her period, she's positively wonderful! 

And of course, I couldn't not love Shane! He's just as protective of Emily as she is of him and once he makes the decision to trust her, he never falters. Shane is determined and driven to win the company and keep Emily. He's fierce and strong and totally irresistible. If he hadn't already won my heart before, he definitely would have this time. Shane is as amazing as Emily - I wholeheartedly love this hero/heroine duo! 

Now don't think that just because we got some answers in regard to the secrets Emily's kept, that Damage Control isn't suspenseful or have-you-on-the-edge-of-your-seat worthy because it is. Oh, how it is! It is full of heart racing, heart pounding moments that will have you flipping the pages as fast as you can along with revelations that will keep on the tip of your toes, and times that are so passionate and sweet that they melt your heart. It was incredible read and I can't wait to read Bad Deeds! 

Damage Control must be read after Hard Rules, it's told from Shane and Emily's POV, and everything isn't solved, but Shane and Emily are strong and together. 

~ A Hopeless Romantic's Booklandia, 5 Stars

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The mystery and danger continue in this the second edition of the Dirty Money Series. Lisa, gives us more of Shane, Emily and the Brandon empire and all that it entails. This book reveal some secrets and give us more drama than the first book. Drama, danger and more heat and passion than the first book.
Shane, strong, protective realizes that Emily is the one for him and will do anything to protect him even from his ow family.
Emily reveals some of the dangers and secrets that she has been running and hiding from, dangers that could bring more problems to Shane.
Exciting and filled with heat this book is addicting!

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Passionately Addictive! Wow! Enthralling, addictive and passionate Damage Control is a wild ride that will leave you obsessively turning the page, desperate to devour every brilliantly crafted word. Lisa Renee Jones amazing talent shines blindingly bright in this masterpiece and I cannot wait for the next two books. The suspense, the passion, and the sex is off the charts. This is Utter Book Bliss! This was perfection, with its' suspense, mystery as well as twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Filled with Power, Control and Passion that is erotically intense and consuming. You don't want to miss this series! Loved it! I Highly Recommend this book!

I voluntarily requested and received an ARC through the author and publisher via NetGalley in exchange for a honest review!

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Wow, what a ride! This book is action packed from beginning to end filled with romance, suspense, and tons of action.

Picking up exactly where Hard Rules ends Lisa Renee Jones does it again spinning the intrigue with tons of romance. Shane and Emily are learning how to trust one another while others are after them, the unfortunate part is that it is their families who want to take them down. Ms. Jones does a great job balancing all the different aspects of her story at a breathtaking pace. Her dialog was fantastic and drove the story forward especially between Shane and Emily.

I don't want to give anything away so my review is short and sweet. If you have read Hard Rules then you have to read Damage Control. If you are looking for a new series that is filled with a little bit of everything then you will definitely want to pick up the Dirty Money series - you will not be disappointed.

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Damage control is the correct title for this second installment of Dirty Money. That is all Shane has been doing to minimize the impact of all the wheeling and dealing his brother Derek and his father are cooking up.

From deals with the mob, blackmailing, murders, and more, both Shane and Emily are caught in an impossible web of lies and moves worthy of the finest chess players. All is not as it seems. Nothing can be taken at face value. You really have to be on your toes to keep up with all the machinations the Brandon family is capable of... including the mother!

Emily has her own past to deal with. Secrets upon secrets, you don't know who to trust and who will be stabbed in the back next. The only way to survive is to keep your own secrets and trust only the few remaining people who have been at your side all along.

As usual, Lisa Renee Jones delivers one stunning book of treachery and suspense. I can hardly wait for the conclusion. Between you and I, I sure hope Derek goes down for being such nasty character. JUSTICE!

I am voluntarily reviewing this book because I am hooked on this amazing series. Thank you for providing me a copy!

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Damage Control is finally releasing today. It's only been a little over 6 months since Hard Rules was released, but the cliffhanger on that one was so brutal that the wait for this sequel has felt like much longer.

Damage Control starts exactly where Hard Rules left off. We finally find out Emily's secrets and there is A LOT we didn't know. I'm in the minority on this, but I felt like after the bombshell reveals at the beginning, the book slowed down quite a bit. That isn't to say that there isn't a lot going on, but it's almost like there is so much going on that I felt less invested in the story.The story definitely revs back up for the last 20% and left me once again, wanting more.

Bad Deeds comes out August 8th, and I've already preordered it because I need to know what happens next.

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This series is like How to Get Away with Murder. I devoured the first 2 seasons of the show in one sitting. You are constantly trying to guess who is really bad, who is only kinda bad, and who isn't bad at all. Damage Control is the same way in a sense. While some of the people are obviously bad, everyone casts some doubts as to their true plans and intentions. Its a well crafted story blending romance, deception, and money.

Damage Control picks up right where hard rules left off. You must read them in order! Thankfully, Jones gives us a quick reminder of what happened and I was grateful for that. I read so many books that I easily get plot lines mixed up. Shane is still determined to figure out who Emily really is and why she is in his life. Emily is still determined to keep her secrets in order to keep Shane out of her drama and safe. Emily finally opens up to Shane and he agrees to help her. Now, though, he is dealing with his family drama and hers. Even with Seth around, this is a lot to juggle. The plot is quick and twisty, so you will never fell like there is a good stopping point.

If you like stories about family deception, murder, espionage, drug cartels, and other nefarious elements in society, The Dirty Money series is a perfect pick!

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"Fear doesn't win. And I'm going to win."

It's not over, and the damage is not controlled... yet. The danger still lurks, and the enemy is not backing down. The future of his family and his legacy is at stake and Shane is determined to win. Even if he has to fight his own family to make that happen. And now that he's had a taste of what it feels like, he's not willing to risk Emily, and their future. The battle has just begun and I'm gathering my supplies for the next installment. I've got my DO NOT DISTURB door hanger, my kindle, and my fan for those extra hot scenes between Shane & Emily.

I'm totally digging the girl power going on between Emily and Jessica, Shane's secretary. They are funny and sassy and a force to be reckoned with when they get together. They both have Shane's best interests at heart and I'm looking forward to spending more time with the two of them as they join forces to support their man.

It's getting more and more exciting as secrets are being unveiled and the players are being identified in the dangerous game going on behind the scenes. It's not just the Martina Cartel and the dirty money, it's Emily's past catching up to her future. Can Shane protect her, and save his family's legacy? When all the players make their moves, who will be left standing?

Well, don't ask me, I'll be right here with you, waiting to find out. There are at least two more installments in the Dirty Money series, Bad Deeds and End Game. You can bet that I'll be waiting at the front of the line. "Promise. And I never break promises." See ya there...

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4.25 STARS

Shane and Emily’s tumultuous story continues in “Damage Control,” book 2 of Lisa Renee Jones’ Dirty Money series. Picking up right where the first book left off, Shane pushes Emily for answers. Despite her desperate attempts to hold Shane at a safe distance, the alpha male in him refuses to be forced aside. In fact, Shane stands firm, resolute in his desire to finally learn the truth and to protect Emily at all costs. After much resistance, Emily comes clean, and the couple open up to each other in ways they never have before. And while there are still many secrets and lies running rampant in their peripheral, Shane and Emily’s relationship is now on more solid ground.

At the very heart of this book (and this series as whole) is the burgeoning romance between Shane and Emily. But with a love story set against a backdrop of criminal corruption and deceit, theirs is nothing short of a rollercoaster ride of ups and downs. Raw emotions fuel their actions, and Shane’s effort to maintain control is wrought with strain. Straddling the line is proving to be more and more difficult for Shane, who worries that he’ll succumb to the dark forces that seem determined to drag him under.

With as many questions that have been answered, just as many remain untold. But two things are abundantly clear. First… if I want more answers, I’ll have to be patient—at least until the next installment to this series is released. And second… without a doubt, “Damage Control” is suspenseful, sexy, and sinfully addictive!

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