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Divine Direction

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3.5 Stars

Thank you to NetGalley & Zondervan for an ARC copy of this book in exchange for my review.

"The decisions I make today determine the stories I tell tomorrow." - Craig Groeschel

This book is chock full of great reminders regarding trusting God with the direction of your life. Most of it isn't necessarily "new" material, it's things some of us may have heard before but Groeschel offers a fresh approach and his writing style is relatable and funny.

It took me several months to read through this book, not because of lack of interest but because I was processing the content and allowing it sink deep. I think you can easily breeze through this book and miss some heavy hitting points--so my advice is to read it with an open heart and don't be surprised when God uses this book to speak to you.

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nce again Pastor Craig brings us honest, heart warming thoughts, stories and directions so that we can enhance our walk with Jesus. We make decisions everyday, but how do they impact our lives? I've never thought of it that way, but Pastor Craig brings you insight on how those daily decisions impact not only us, but the people around us. Sometimes we need a "nudge".. I love the quote he uses from Walt Disney "The way to get started is to quit talking and start doing". We are overwhelmed sometimes by making decisions, but Pastor Craig makes it step at a time. What can we do today?
This was such an amazing book and just the God "nudge" I needed. It's beautifully written, so honest and personal. This is a new author for me, only the second book I have read, but I couldn't get enough. I look forward to the next book, and the next....

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This was a good, meaningful read. From what I read of it, it has substance and I recommend it to anyone who truly wants to know God's heart.

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Original, published article (portuguese)


Qual é a tua história? Que história de vida vais ter para contar aos netos? É neste desafiante tom, carregado da sua característica boa disposição, mas muito terra-a-terra, que Craig Groeschel encosta o leitor à parede no que toca às consequências futuras das decisões de… hoje.

O autor rebate bem neste ponto: uma vida indisciplinada nunca leva à produtividade ou progresso. “As decisões que tomas hoje determinam aquilo que vais ter para contar amanhã. […] Que disciplina precisas adotar para escreveres a história que Deus quer que escrevas?”
Começar ou Parar? Ir ou Ficar? Servir, Relacionar-se, Confiar? Estes são os sete tipos de tomadas de decisão com que diariamente somos confrontados e para os quais, Groeschel tenta dar uma ajuda, para que mais tarde, a ligeireza com que se “deixa andar”, não nos traga dissabores.
Por exemplo, perante um impulso, ou dilema, com que sejamos confrontados, antes de tomar uma decisão repentina, o autor propõe um método de travar a fundo. Há que parar, dormir sobre o assunto, meditar, buscar sabedoria junto daqueles em quem confiamos. Antecipar consequências das diversas opções, visualizar os vários cenários, confirmar que é a escolha certa para nos levar onde desejamos.
Sabedoria é o instrumento de navegação de Deus para nos ajudar a tomar decisões sobre a vida que queremos levar. O truque é parar por um momento e realmente usá-la antes de tomar a decisão errada. 

English translation:

Divine Direction, Craig Groeschel's new book

What's your story? Which life story will you have to tell to your grand-children? It is in this challenging tone, full of his characteristic funny writing, but very down-to-earth, that Craig Groeschel push the reader against the wall with regard to the future consequences of decisions made... today.
The author rebukes well on this point: an undisciplined life will never leads to productivity or progress. “The decisions you make today determine what you will have to tell tomorrow”. What disciline do you need to adopt to write the story God wants you to write?
Start or Stop? Go or Stay? Serve, Connect, Trust? These are the seven types of decision-making we are confronted daily, and for which, Groeschel gives an hand, trying to prevent you from later displeasures, after letting life goes carelessly .
For instance, facing an impulse, or dilemma, with which we are confronted, before making a sudden decision, the author proposes a method of full break. You have to stop, sleep on the subject, meditate, seek wisdow from those we trust. To anticipate consequences of various options, visualizing different scenarios, confirm that it is the right choice to take us wherever we want.
Wisdom is God's navigational tool to help us making decisions about the life we want to live. The trick is to stop for a moment, and actually use it before making a wrong decision.

Divine Direction, by Craig Groeschel, published by Zondervan, Grand Rapids - USA

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Reading this book put me in a state of constant thinking. I love the way Craig wrote about the importance of taking little steps, being dedicated and exercising discipline with those steps and improving gradually.

As this book is based on the Christian faith, he also talks about how being conscious about what we are doing / our lifestyle and how to identify when God is calling us to do certain things differently.

Rating: 3.5/5

Favourite quote: "Successful people often joke that they spent years becoming an overnight success.

What many don’t realize is that it’s the things no one sees that result in the things everyone wants.

It’s the faithfulness to do mundane things well, to develop productive habits, and to remain faithful that eventually leads to success."

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In the book Divine Direction, author and Pastor Craig Groeschel, writes about finding direction for our lives in God. Every day we make small choices that over the course of time make a big impact and guide our lives.
This is a very practical guide. While I don’t feel this is his best work, Groeschel gives us good solid practical steps we can take to bring our lives in line with God’s plan each day. I would recommend this book to anyone. I received a copy of this e-book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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