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Jacked Up

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Received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

Oh my...that was hot... and intense... and hot. Wow. Watching Sam and King realize how they feel about each other, thanks the Jane bringing them together was fun. I also truly enjoyed the story and if the other Rebel books are this hot, I'm going to have to go back.

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So hot….

This series is heat and emotion wrapped up in enticing romance! Football players have game on and off the grid and Sam and King have a LOT to offer Jane. Oh yes they *swooningly* do…

Out of character, Jane was taking a walk on the wild side and did she find it in two beautiful football players! Sam may be physically and emotionally scarred by his military stint but he is finding new life in a team that has embraced him. His teammate King is his best friend and when they find Jane, well, their relationship takes a wild turn…

Hot doesn’t begin to describe the chemistry between these three! A one night stand soon turns into a life-changing event that hits each of them in a different way. What they know is the desire they felt has morphed into something much more complicated and with a lot at stake…

Love is rarely simple and this trio has complicated cornered! A fast-paced, full of heat romance, this story brought all the emotions… Highly recommend!

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JACKED UP - Samantha Kane

#3 in the Birmingham Rebels romance series

HOT MENAGE! - 3.5 stars

Plot - 4 stars - Sam has been dealing with his PTSD since getting back from Afghanistan. Although he's a top player in the NFL, he's not living the high life, as you might expect. He's shut down, just watching life pass him by. His best friend, King, has decided to be more proactive, getting Sam to take some chances, especially with women. When they try a sexual encounter where King watches Sam and Jane together, they find they want to develop a new relationship, with the three of them.

Writing - 4 stars - Within the first couple of pages, I was already drawn to Sam. Kane is able to build a character quickly so that you are rooting for their success. It's seamless and pleasant, moving things forward quickly and easily. The sex scenes are hot! And the rest of the story was pleasant and fast-moving.

Characters - 2.5 stars - King is my favorite. He's confident and cute and cuddly and knows what he wants. He doesn't have a problem with his bisexuality, so he keeps the relationship moving even when the other two balk. Sam is good too, although he's still new to the attraction he has for King. He's tentative most of the time, although he's a hot dom in the bedroom. Jane was just plain annoying. She says ad nauseam that she's the good girl and doesn't do this sort of thing, blah blah blah. Just get over yourself, Jane, and have fun. OK, I know it's not the typical relationship and there may be backlash from the idiots out there, but you seem to love both guys, so just enjoy it and stop complaining the minute you stop with the sex. On top of her constant worrying, she is a total drama queen. She's been dating 2 football players for a while, but she doesn't know anything--at all!--about football? And she has to throw herself onto the chair whenever one of them gets hit? I mean, they're both defense, so that's what they do. Get a grip, Jane. Overall, she just treated them both so badly, mostly because she was feeling guilty and had self-hatred. Enough already.

Title - 3 stars - The phrase "jacked up" was worked into the conversation several times, reminding us that the title is about sex and how excited they are about their new relationship. Good title, but it didn't need to be reiterated so many times.

Cover - 4 stars - Nothing wrong with some gorgeous, tight male abs. Sure, it's pretty typical for this genre, but who can argue?

Overview - 3.5 stars - I haven't read anything from this series for a couple of years, but it didn't take any time at all to get right back into the thick of the Birmingham Rebels team dynamics. They are open and liberated about their sexual encounters, that's for sure. And they're scorching to read. There's a bit about football, a bit about building a relationship outside of the bedroom, but mostly it's about a three-way sexual relationship. Some mention of PTSD and it's after-effects (Sam's dreams, Carmina's speech problems), and that added some bulk to the story. If Jane had been a more likable character, I would have given it a high rating. All in all, a good episode in this enjoyable series.

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I really liked this book. I wasn't quite sure what to expect since this was my first in the series. All the characters were likeable and together they were amazing.

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I have come to love this series. I can't wait to read more from this author. The stories are good to read in order so that when the supporting characters come in at odd times, you know who they are. I would definitely recommend this book and this series.

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This is the third book in the Birmingham Rebel series. Each one can be read as a stand-alone. Jane has always been the “good girl” and follows all the rules. While out one night with her friend Margo, she is approached by a drunken guy. And who should come to her rescue not one but two of the sexiest men she has ever seen. Sam and King both play football for the Birmingham Rebels. Sam is a veteran who was injured while deployed and has severe PTSD. King is somewhat of his protector. After one night together, they go their separate ways. But circumstances bring them back together. Sam’s little brother is taken to the hospital and who should be caring for him, but Jane. Neither Sam nor King have stopped thinking about the time they spent together. They weren’t going to let her go this time. This is a hot and steamy book. It is well written and the characters likeable. Not a lot of over the top drama. Very enjoyable read. Look forward to the next one. Review posted on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and google play.

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If you are looking for a football romance with a M/M/F twist then you will want to download this book now. The hero is still working on his service in Afghanistan and PTSD will impact him off and on the playing field. What our hero wants is to be with a woman and not loose his cool. Can our solider complete his mission? Will he have the support of his friends?

One you've read this book dive into Samantha's backlist for more football shenanigans!

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I have followed Samantha Kane’s Birmingham Rebels series since the beginning. When I was offered a copy of Jacked Up for an honest review I grabbed at it, because I found this series interesting beyond belief.

When going into a new book I try to always keep an open mind. I always try and think happy thoughts like “this book should be good” no matter what. Despite my love for a series I don’t want to put added pressure and expectations on any one book for fear of disappointment. That being said Jacked Up was disappointing to me on a lot of levels.

Sam Taylor and his best friend King Ulupoka are on the Rebels football team together. Sam hasn’t had sex since he got released from the service after a terrible injury. Sam sugars from PTSD and doesn’t want to hurt anyone while having sex. To help him out King told Sam he would be there, in the room, while Sam and the lady of his choosing while they get it on. When they run into Jane Foster there’s an instant connection and the three engage in an amazingly hot and sensual night. That’s all it was supposed to be, one night. Then the Sam and King end up in the hospital for a family member and run into Jane. The three try to work out a relationship while trying to keep it quiet.

Honestly, this story had all the makings for an amazing story. I enjoyed King and Sam a whole lot. Their friendship was adorable and their romantic relationship was sexy. King loves Sam right away and wants to take care of him. Sam despite how he feels, he doesn’t realize what his feelings are right away that he feels more than friendship for King.

Here are my issues with this story that made this story almost unbearable. 1. The dirty talk. The dirty talk was AWKWARD as heck. Like wtf! Why are you talking so much, and why is it so weird. Reading the sexy scenes was (I assume), like a very terrible porno. Now I’ve never watched porn (for real I haven’t), but this was awkward. Like cringe-worthy awkward and it felt put on. 2. Jane. I liked her in the first chapter and that was it. I felt like she was rude and didn’t really treat Sam and King as anything but sex objects. 3. This book was mostly porn. There wasn’t a whole lot of story outside the sex scenes and that made me sad. Usually, the story is the best with this series, but not so much in this book.

Now despite all the negative, I did have some aspects of this book I enjoyed. Namely Sam Taylor’s character. I enjoyed him throughout this story. He’s a war hero who came home to live out his dream because his friends couldn’t. I really enjoyed Sam’s journey and felt like his PTSD and life were realistic and relatable.

Overall, Jacked Up has been my least favorite in the series. I am a little hesitant about reading the next story since Jacked Up was kind of craptastic, but we shall see. Despite the negative, I enjoyed the characters a bunch for the most part. If you are looking for a book with M/F/M sexy scenes and an alright story Jacked Up is for you.

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As always I want to thank Random House Loveswept and Netgalley for providing us with a copy of these books so that we could bring you this review.

What can I say other than Samantha Kane and the Rebels have found a way to burn up my kindle once again. These books are both centered around how two Army friends and veterans have dealt with life after the injuries they sustained during an IED. Sam has to learn how to deal with his PTSD and Carmina with the recovery she has had to deal with after her brain injury. So I think its great that between King, Jane, and Tom they are able to help each of them. I don't include Danny in that one because Tom helps him deal and learn how to recover after the time he has spent angry for what happen to Marian (from the first book). I applaud Samantha Kane's strength in first not only about writing unconventional relationships but also for topics that many rather not touch. I typically don't like to read M/M relationships or intimate scenes, but let me tell you this one was fantastic and I didn't mind reading at all. I love the way that Samantha Kane writes them. Like I said burning up my kindle good.

I give these books 5 sexy kisses...

Happy Reading... Adri

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King was one of the best defensive linemen in the NFL. He was best friends with Sam. Sam was a vetr and when King’s laugh had drawn Sam to him. Sam concentrated on King and the crowds didn’t bother him so much. Sam didn’t like crowds much since he’d come back from Afghanistan . The crowds made him nervous which made his decision to follow his dream to play in the NFL stupid in hindsight. Sam and King played for the Birmingham Rebels.On the outside King looked big and mean but inside he was sweet and loyal. It was easier to agree with King n most things as far as Sam was concerned. King was trying to bring Sam back to the land of the living. But King just didn’t get it. Sam had a pretty good life now considering … Sam figured this was about as good as it was gonna get. It hurt King to see his best friend Sam on the sidelines watching life go by. The first day King had seen Sam at minicamp he took Sam under his wing. Sam acted like he still had a pack on his back and a rifle in his hands, weighed down by the past and worry over his future. He was living the dream playing for the NFL. but you couldn’t tell that. Jane was the sober, responsible, and the dependable one. Jane was a nurse. Jane wasn’t the type to go to clubs and hang out with strange guys. She and her brother David use to come to this bar before he deployed. Today Jane had somehow let her cousin. Today she had somehow let her cousin Margo talk her into coming. Jane’s brother had died while in the service. Sam had PTSD and hadn’t been with a female since coming home as he was afraid to be in the room for the first time as he was afraid he might go off. . King has offered to be in the room for the first time Sam is with a woman just in case he has an episode. Jane also hadn’t been with someone in a long time as a nurse she is working a lot of crazy hours. Jane seems to attract the aggressive drunks as the one before before her but King walked in front of her with Sam slightly behind her. Sam had been injured by a IED and lost several members of his team. The boys had offered to walk Jane to her car but then she told then she was at the hotel near the bar. So they walked her there and she let them up to her rooms since she figured it was a one night thing. Surprisingly King that he would sit back and make sure Sam was ok instead he instead he was a willing participant with Jane also. Jane figured it was a one night thing so she let her inner dirty girl out. Jane wondered how she can want and enjoy two men at the same time. Especially since Jane worries about what society said is wrong and then she feels guilty. A few months later King and Sam came upon a boy being beat up by bullies and then they took him to the hospital Jane worked at . Both Sam and King had thought about Jane since that night.
I liked this story a lot which surprised me but maybe I liked it because it didn’t start out as a menage but a guy trying to help his best friend who is a vet and has PTSD and wants to help Sam look toward a more normal and peaceful life. I did get a little frustrated with Jane and the guilt she felt as she hadn’t hurt anyone and all three had agreed. At times this story choked me up. This was a sexy and fun read It had a very original plot and I liked the plot a lot. I also enjoyed the pace. I chuckled at times also. This kept my attention on this story. I liked the characters a lot and the ins and outs of this story. I recommend this story.

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I'm a reader who doesn't normally read the synopsis of a book, so I was in for quite a surprise with this one! I thought it would be a contemporary sports romance, and I sure got more in the bargain! I'm not normally comfortable with menage in a romance, so was nervous when I realized that was part of this book. It was well handled and I enjoyed the book regardless of this not being something I like in a romance novel. Sam, Jane, and King were all great characters, and the three of them sure kept me engrossed in the story. There was some smoking hot chemistry going on with these characters, and I'll be going back to read the previous books in the series.

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A sexy romance with a great plot! I will be looking for more from this author and hope she continuesaid this series

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I had a few problems with the storyline.. One, how many NFL players have PTSD from being in the Army? How many players served in the army BEFORE the NFL?? From that point on I wasn't into the story.

It was flawed. Really flawed for this NFL loving gal.

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Whew were these three DIRTY talkers and I loved every bit of it! I've got to say that I've never read a book quite like this before where the characters just let go of every inhibition they've had and just absorbed themselves in the pleasure with one another. It was...for lack of a better word...inspiring to say the very least. LOL So it goes without saying, that these three have amazing chemistry and the heat that sizzles between them is hella intense.

But let's not forget that there is a story here too, and that was just as inspiring as the sexy times were. King and Sam balance one another, because although King is larger than life and always in the spotlight, Sam would rather be hidden in the shadows. They have a much deeper connection than their teammates notice, but when Jane bridges that last standing gap between them all their restraint is gone and they both know what they want.

Jane was the one character in the story that I had a slight issue with. I couldn't get over her concern for what others think. It was a big turn off, because it felt like she was willing to pass off this deep connection as a fluke just because she has some weird misconception about what entails being a "good" girl. If I had two men that in love with me, I doubt I would care what anyone thought about it and I'm so relieved she came to her senses in the end. I still kind of want to hit her upside the head a bit. LOL

Overall, this is definitely a story worth reading for all of my menage loving friends. It has sexy football players, enough dirty talk to make you blush, and a sweet factor to it that you will absolutely love.

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Not only is Jacked Up the third novel in the Birmingham Rebels series, but it's both the first novel I've read in the series, and the first novel I've read by this author. I've never been a fan of sports romance, but when I requested an advance reader copy of this novel, what grabbed my attention in the blurb was the presence of a lead character who was a wounded warrior with PTSD, and this novel was about way more than that, and it gets 3.5 stars from me.

At it's heart this book is a M/M/F menage romance. The two men in question, Sam Taylor, the wounded warrior, and King Ulupoka, a Samoan, are on the same football team, the Birmingham Rebels and have become best friends, with King doing his best to help Sam deal with his debilitating PTSD issues. King is a huge hunk of a man with a good and kind heart, and although he tends to be rather pushy, there's no malice it him.

While trying to find a woman and get Sam laid (he's been celibate for 2 years, ever since his return from military service and he fears that he'll have a flashback during sex and hurt his partner), King takes Sam to a bar, where they soon meet the woman who will be the third member of the menage--Jane. She's a nurse, a fresh-faced and freckled, all-American good girl, and Sam is immediately attracted to her and she to him. When they explain Sam's problem, and the way they want to solve it (she'll have a one-night stand, sex with Sam, while King just watches to keep her safe in case Sam has a flashback) Jane is intrigued and eventually agrees to participate. This being a menage novel, King does a bit more than participate and Jane almost immediately loses her good girl status. Here's the moment when I warn you that the sex in this novel is off the charts hot, somewhat kinky, and most definitely designed for mature readers.

The morning after, Jane leaves, both surprised by what happened and appalled at her own behavior. Since they'd all agreed on a one-night stand, she leaves, never expecting to see either of the two men again, and she doesn't, until an injury to King's nephew has them showing up in the hospital emergency room when King's nephew is injured, and Jane has what I can only call a meltdown. When she admits to having had a difficult time getting their one night together out of her mind, the three agree to get together again, but it's not that simple. King has been keeping something a secret, he's bisexual, and he's as deeply attracted to Sam and he is to Jane--let the complications begin!

Sam is not the first man King has been attracted to or been with, but this is somewhat of a rude awakening for Sam, who, in addition to his PTSD, must now come to terms with his own sexuality. The fly in the ointment is Jane, who starts out being a good girl who's taking a walk on the wild side, a walk that freaks her out and the morning after, and she too has to come to terms with what happened. While I thought the relationship between Sam and King was so well-written. honest and heartfelt, Jane annoyed the heck out of me. Instead of dealing with these two wonderful, sexy men like an adult, she runs and hides, avoiding all contact, and as the novel progresses, she keeps doing this to them, even though they both admit to caring deeply for her. One more annoying thing about Jane is that she's a grown woman with the emotional maturity of a high school teenager, yet when she's with Sam and King, she becomes a total slut, using crude, foul language and being very vocal about what she wants these two men to do with her and with each other, something which is totally out of character for her, and often made me wonder if she had a multiple personality disorder.

There are even more complications ahead for these three, and since I don't do spoilers, you'll have to read it to find out what happens, and, while my aforementioned issues with Jane were irritating, the novel is otherwise intriguing and well-written. Although Jacked Up was quite a departure from the usual M/M/F romance and while it was far more than the original blurb indicated, it was still a good read, and I enjoyed it .

I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy of this book.

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After finishing Jacked Up, I felt flushed and in need of a cold drink and an NFL game to watch the hotties on the sidelines. I’ve been a fan of the first two books in the Birmingham Rebel’s series, but this one was my favorite by far. The men were huge, gorgeous and flawed, but were such softies on the inside, I couldn’t help but fall in love with them.

King and Sam were so different from one another, but they matched perfectly. King was the larger than life football player that was the center of attention. He hid an intelligent mind and soft heart beneath his Samoan island-boy exterior, but he was just the outgoing personality that a man like Sam needed to pull him out of his shell.

Sam, on the other hand, was the decorated vet that was having trouble integrating back into a normal routine after his time in the military. He was quiet and reserved and the perfect foil to King’s boisterous persona.

Alone, each of these men was drool-worthy and amazing. But together, these two were smoldering. First as best friends and then as lovers, I simply melted reading their story.

Jane rounded out the trio. I liked her and I enjoyed the three of them together. However, Jane was so concerned about what people would think when the supposed “good girl” entered into a menage relationship. What she failed to see was that the only ones who mattered were the two beautiful men that she found love with. Her constant insecurity did make me want to reach out and slap her a bit. But the three of them together were uninhibited and simply worked. They were good for one another and helped Sam heal.

I have to admit that I wasn’t sure about the premise. I liked it, but I wasn’t sure why one supposedly straight guy needed to have his best friend just sitting in the room while he had sex. But surprisingly to me, it worked. And it was hot!

Jacked Up needs to be put on your TBR list. Characters from the other books drifted in and out of the story, but this was about King, Sam and Jane. It was a stand alone where no prior knowledge of the Rebel’s series was needed to understand what was happening. It was sexy and raunchy and sweet, but most importantly, it was a lot of fun to read. They team dynamics and interactions were a blast, and I can’t wait for the next one in the series to find out what this big group of burly kinky players are up to next!

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Samantha Kane did a great job with the Birmingham Rebels each story makes me want them to be a real team. Sam is a Vet with PTSD who is linebacker on the team, his best friend is King Ulupoka also on the team. Sam has not had sex since he was in Afghanistan due to being scared of hurting women if he has an episode. King decides to take him out to get laid and they met Jane. Jane brings out the best in both of them to the point where a threesome might just be the perfect relationship.

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Jacked Up by Samantha Kane
Book #3: Birmingham Rebels Series
Source: Purchase and Netgalley
My Rating: 3½/5 stars
My Review:

King and Sam have been drawn to one another from the moment they became teammates with the Birmingham Rebels. King is big and boisterous, talented and kind, and just what Sam needs. Sam is a solid player, but he is quiet and withdrawn, solitary. If it weren’t for King and his friendship, Sam wouldn’t be holding it together nearly as well as he is, and Sam is barely holding it together.
Sam proudly served his country, but he was one of the few team members who returned from overseas duty. His injuries were extensive, but his body has healed and he’s trying his best to move forward with his life. The nightmares still plague his sleep which has kept Sam from engaging in any sort of extracurricular activities with women since his return to the States. Though King understands his position and reasoning, he doesn’t necessarily agree with it which is how Sam has found himself engaging in a one-night stand with the hottest woman he has ever seen and his best-friend watching.
Jane has always been the good girl, the one everyone relies on, the one who never bends and/or breaks the rules. Then she meets Sam and King and engages in the hottest sex of her life with the promise of never seeing them again, ever. Good thing because if anyone knew what went down in that hotel room that blissful night, Jane would die from the shame and embarrassment. Life has a way of making us uncomfortable, and that is exactly what happens when life brings King and Sam right into Jane’s emergency room. Yeah, the humiliation is there, but so is an intense amount of lust and a desire to take their previous shenanigans to a whole new level of naughty.
Life with King and Sam could be everything Jane has ever wanted if she can just get past her fear of what others will think. As Jane contemplates her life with the men, Sam and King also begin to explore they feelings and desires they have for one another a s couple. Each knows he wants the other, but each also knows there is a desire to have Jane as well. Both men are looking for forever and a woman who is proud to be by their side.
The Bottom Line: If Sam and King had picked any other woman in the world, I would have loved this book as much as the last two!! Jane is really a very off-putting character and her attitude toward people knowing about her relationship with Sam and King is just ridiculous. Additionally, her constant references to herself as a slut and a bad girl becomes quite grating and just another facet of her obnoxious personality. On the flip of Jane are Sam and King, two super-sexy men who make this book totally worth reading. Sam’s damage from his military service lessens in King’s presence, and he becomes a stronger and happier man. King’s personality is so big, it really does take two people to fulfill his desires and his life. Sam and Jane (BOO!) are perfect for King and make the generally happy man even happier which makes him one of the most delightful characters in the Birmingham Rebels world. Even though Jane is a total downer, I still enjoyed this read, and am absolutely looking forward to the next installment of the series.

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This story is scorching hot, intense, sweetly romantic, completely captivating and dramatic. The storyline is twofold, one part is about Sam's PTSD and the other is about Sam, King and Jane being together. It's sad but heartwarming, King is so good and gentle with Sam. It has steamy sex scenes and occasional laugh out loud cheeky banter. This must be added to the top of your TBR list.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. This is my honest opinion of it.

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