Member Reviews

What an amazing book. Loved every minute of it. Eleanor learns through an act of kindness that there is more to life than just existing. Read this book!

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Poor Eleanor. I'm glad she's got a good friend now. Like layers of an onion. You know the truth is there somewhere, and trust the author to hand it over when the time is right. I really liked Eleanor's sensibilities. The story was painfully funny. I will consider it for book club next year. There is much for women, especially, to talk about.

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Eleanor Oliphant is not an easy character to get to know-- but, as those around her discover- getting to know her is well worth the effort. Eleanor is hard to like at first- bitter, sarcastic, unfriendly, parsimonious, painfully practical and unenthusiastic about just about everything, except vodka, pizza and books. But we slowly learn why she keeps the whole world at a distance, just as she is learning how to live and to connect with those around her. By the end of the story, I adored Eleanor and Raymond and their small circle of friends. I can't wait to recommend this novel to readers, particularly fans of women's fiction and tragicomic novels.

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Reading this book so soon after reading Ginny Moon by Benjamin Ludwig, the similarities were such that comparisons between the two works were virtually unavoidable. Yet where Ginny Moon was affecting for me in a way that never felt forced or manipulative, Eleanor Oliphant didn't hit those notes quite as skillfully, IMO.

I enjoyed bits and pieces -- some of Eleanor's observations are truly wry and amusing, and I highlighted several little gems as being particularly noteworthy. She has an oddball charm about her that reminded me very much of the character Millie from Freaks and Geeks, who basically served as my mental image (and voice) for Eleanor. I enjoyed following Eleanor's progress from complete ingenue to someone who is more a part of the world, with real friends and meaningful interactions with others. However, the "twist" ending of the book really threw me for a loop, and made me call into question how far Eleanor had actually come -- and how far she might have left to go.

Recommended with some reservations.

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This is one NOT to be missed. Want to read a book about a woman who is beyond quirky? The thing is...Eleanor Oliphant will give you moments of discomfort because she doesn't know how to be social. However, you will root for her. You will admire her strength and courage. You will marvel at her vocabulary! Eleanor Oliphant IS completely fine.

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This is an amazing read! Completely original, funny, and touching.

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A wonderful story about a quirky and sad young woman who is funny and likable. Little by little, the author gives hints about her background. The reader questions why she submits herself to weekly calls from her "Mummy" who belittles her and verbally abuses her. No wonder she drinks so much vodka, In the end, it is a lesson in confronting one's fears and opening one's heart.

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I'll admit, it started off slowly, and I wasn't sure that I'd be able to tolerate the main character...but she grew on me, and the story grew on me, and I ended up very much enjoying it.

Eleanor Oliphant is a damaged young lady, full of odd ideas and a marked lack of social skills. But as she learns why, and as she comes out of her shell, we discover a wonderful, charming (though yes, very strange) woman.

A tale of how we hang on to past hurts and how we need to let them go sometimes in order to fly, this is a well-crafted story.

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Wish I knew what changes might occur in this book before release. There were a number of errors, but I'm guessing those will be caught. Probably more 4.5 stars, but I quibble with the ending. A lovely story of a unique woman with a troubled past finding herself. Not groundbreaking but very well-written, insightful, alternating between heartbreaking and heartwarming with some very funny lines and moments. I don't mind ambiguous endings but it felt maybe too pat, too "man to the rescue," perhaps...It's tough when you love a book and then get to the ending and feel a little let down.

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A touching story that makes the reader laugh and revel in the author's perceptive descriptions while also being completely absorbed in Eleanor Oliphant's past and present life. An involving novel that I found hard to put down. I hope it continues for the reader in a sequel.

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A wonderful, touching book about a young woman who learns that surviving isn't enough...she needs to let herself live. As she slowly learns to let others in, she learns that life is about more than just going through the motions day to day. I loved this heartwarming book and can't wait to recommend it to others.

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Oh boy, so much to say. Eleanor grew up but didn't really have much of a childhood. Her physical needs were attended to, she had a place to live, a bed, clothes, food, and a school, actually many different schools to go to. And many foster homes and families to live with. No one really taught her emotional things, like how she should feel, them towards her, her towards them. No one showed her how she should act at a birthday party, or playdate. She just watched others. Her very smart and logical brain trying to figure out what would come next. She finally graduated from college, got herself a logical job keeping accounts, and lived alone in a sparse apartment. Her social awkwardness a bit amusing to her coworkers.
It takes awhile for us to find out Eleanor's background, an f2f that's okay, because her childhood was painful. But as things happen did she meets the kind, bumbling IT from her office, who just speaks directly to her, ignoring any social crap other people see that he doesn't. (refreshing)
They end up helping an elderly man who had collapsed on the street near their office building. A friendship builds from there, Eleanor's first. Raymond, our IT friend notices Eleanor has good days and bad, and really struggles through the bad. He convinces her to go to therapy. Of course, she wants to forget the pain, not relive it! So hard.
Warning: If you've ever struggled with depression, parts of this book may be difficult to read. There's nothing graphic, just maybe a mood changer. But, so much LIGHT awaits at the end of the tunnel, or Eleanor's therapy. Not perfect unrealistic stuff, but hope.
Eleanor Oliphant is completely fine! You will smile!

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I really enjoyed this one. It's an interesting mix of funny and sad but when I finished reading it, I felt hope. It gives the reader a great reminder to spend time getting to know people and not to assume or judge. I am amazed that this is Gail Honeyman's debut novel - it is so well done. I was sucked into the story immediately and could hardly put it down.

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I thought I was going to hate this book- in fact I put it down for a day. Reading the beginning I thought it was going to portray Elenor as a VERY insane person. But I went back to it and boy, am I glad I did. This is a heartworming, humorous story of an injured soul. Ms. honeyman writes a good story, hard to put down and I hope to read more of her writings!

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Ok title but will not spend tight budget money on purchasing. Way to predictable.

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I finished this novel early this morning and I can already sense that it will take quite some time to recover. Beautifully written. This is a real story about real people. I know Eleanor and Raymond and I bet you do too!

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Great book that explores the effects of abuse and trauma on life, and how good friendships can help with overcoming hardship.

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Eleanor Oliphant is not only completely fine she is wonderful! Eleanor lives a very closeted, close life without all that much interaction with the world, but slowly like a bud unfolding she becomes more connected - very nicely, I might add. But a shock sends her entire life seemingly down the tubes. But with the help of others, eventually her life becomes hers again and really Eleanor Oliphant becomes more than fine, she becomes fabulously fine! This is book will stick with the reader for a long time. I simply couldn't put it down. From the start to a very satisfying ending, a marvelous book..

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It took me a little while to get into this story, but once I did, I was hooked. Eleanor Oliphant is completely original and I found myself completely immersed in her story. The ending also took me by surprise, though I also felt as though I should have seen it coming. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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