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My Not So Perfect Life

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Another great book from Sophie Kinsella! This was a quick read. The main character was very relatable and you couldn't help but root for her.

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I love Sophie Kinsella books, her humor, her characters, her plot lines. Unfortunately, My Not So Perfect Life didn't work for me. I really enjoyed the beginning, but after I bit, I wasn't able to connect with the story or the characters.

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*Thank you to NetGalley for providing a copy for me to read and review!*

Sophie Kinsella is my brain candy. I know I can always sink into one of these chick lit books and just enjoy the book for what it is.

While this book was not as funny as some or as poignant as others, it still has the charm and wit that keeps me reading everything that Kinsella writes. It was a fun, easy read, and I was pleased with how it turned out.

I hope Sophie Kinsella continues to put out standalone novels. I have grown to love these more than the Shopaholic series!

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Sophie Kinsella has been my favorite author for years. Her standalone books have always been outstanding. I knew I had to read it when I saw she is coming out with a non Shopaholic book.

When I first starting reading My Not So Perfect Life, I thought nooo; is this going to be another book like Can you Keep a Secret?. An office romance with the clueless lowest level employee falling in love with the young, smart and hot boss. However, the story makes a sharp turn, and takes us to the country side to build a new business with her family. This book is more about how Katie (Cat) finds herself and where she belong than romance.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. What I like the most is how all the characters has flaws but still likable, very realistic. I can not wait for Sophie Kinsella next book to come out already.

4.5 out of 5 stars
Received a free e-copy from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I keep going back and forth between 3 or 4 stars and in the end it's just not different or special enough to be anything more than a good read. I love books set in London and the first 40% of the book was stronger than the second half. I am a fan of Sophie Kinsella but didn't find myself laughing out loud as I did with the Shopaholic series. I dare say it's not the book it's me. I think I may have out grown chick lit (heavy sigh)
I would still highly recommend this to friends who enjoy chick lit.

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Loved it! The flow was great, awesome characters and a terrific story. I've had co-workers like these in this story! Well done Ms. Kinsella!

**Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley in exchange of an honest review.**

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I love Sophie Kinsella books and this one did not disappoint.

Described as "Part love story, part workplace drama, this sharply observed novel is a witty critique of the false judgments we make in a social-media-obsessed world. New York Times bestselling author Sophie Kinsella has written her most timely novel yet."

Another perfect easily readable book that has you wanting to read more and more. Really recommend this book for any Sophie Kinsella fans x Great story and fabulous ending.

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This book was witty and fun. I could not put this down. Each page was funny, interesting and real. When she says not so perfect, it's truly not perfect and the most real book I've read in awhile.
"It's as if someone's opened the door of my solitary-confinement cell and shone a light in and said Psst, want to come out"
This book will make you mad, laugh, sigh, it's just one of those all around stories that you can't stop reading. This author finds success in bringing to life characters that aren't perfect, that don't make you feel like you're on the losing end of life. They aren't rich, beautiful women. They have flaws, they have issues and you can really connect. You have to read this!

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Katie Brenner, the farm girl from Somerset, no longer exists. She is Cat Brenner, chic twenty-something Londoner with a fabulous job in branding and a lovely, perfectly Instagrammable life. Or not. As a junior staff member at Cooper Clemmow, Cat often gets the short end of the stick: she’s stuck doing busy work, like entering data for hundreds of handwritten surveys, excluded from meetings, and asked to touch up her scatty, scary boss Demeter’s roots. To top it all off, her morning commute is often over an hour long (she certainly can’t afford to live in the fancy part of town where she works!), her flatmates are atrocious, and she can’t afford to eat out or do social things with her coworkers (not that anyone’s inviting her...yet). The life she portrays on Instagram and to her best friend, Fi, is far from the truth; her life is nowhere near glamorous. In fact, it kind of sucks.

Things start to look up for Cat at work: she has a fun time keeping Alex, Demeter’s boss, away while her roots dry, she’s allowed to join meetings, and she even starts hanging out with some of the other girls in the office outside of work. Never mind that her boss is still scatty and hasn’t fully looked at any of Cat’s creative ideas; she’s making waves! Or will be soon, anyway. That is, until she’s stuck on the elevator with Demeter, who can’t even remember if she’s fired Cat yet. Cat is forced to move back to Somerset temporarily (on “sabbatical,” as she fibs to her father and stepmother, Biddy), helping her family out with their new, successful glamping business. When Demeter (then Alex!) arrives at Ansters Farm, though, how can Cat/Katie keep her two worlds from colliding?

Kinsella has a way with writing “chick lit” that is somehow both eyerollingly predictable yet enjoyable (for the most part). Cat/Katie was a bit obnoxious, especially with how hard she strove to maintain her illusion of a picture-perfect life, but it’s certainly one that people today, particularly so-called millennials, can relate to. Who wants to post pictures on social media that make them look anything less than fabulous? Real life is gritty and can suck sometimes, which is why it was nice to finally see Katie embracing this after perhaps more time than it really should have taken for her to learn this lesson. It was a bit disappointing to see how catty all these women were not just to each other, but particularly in ganging up on one ill-perceived, misjudged “boss lady.” How can we, as women, build each other up when we’re constantly being portrayed and encouraged to knock each other down? I thought that Kinsella’s handling of this scenario, though, and Katie’s rising to the challenge and finally standing up for herself and others, was decently handled. There is some romance, but I enjoyed that while there was some tension throughout it wasn’t the full focus of the novel. If you’re looking for a light, mostly enjoyable (though sometimes frustrating) read, then you won’t be disappointed with My Not So Perfect Life.

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A fun, light read from the queen of fun, light reads!

Sophie Kinsella always puts a smile on my face with her funny stories and likeable characters and this is no exception. Loved it!

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You know going in that it's going to be happily ever after, but Kinsella's way of getting the reader there is quite an enjoyable romp. Perfect summer reading.

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Shopaholic author Sophie Kinsella’s latest offers a modern twist to the career shitshow/romance in My Not So Perfect Life

Full disclosure: Never read the wildly successful Shopaholic series and don’t intend to (I also intend to Marie Kondo my closet) but this stand-alone, in which author Sophie Kinsella writes about ambitiously romantic young women just starting their careers in a social media world, is just as fun for the married/successful types.

Somerset county-Katie gets a marketing job in London, straightens her wild curls, request that everyone call her Cat (they don’t), and lives in a crappy rental with two lame-ass flatmates. Her job is basically a paid internship and her perfect boss Demeter is rich, wicked good at branding, and a nightmare. Losing it forces her back home to the countryside and her beloved but difficult father, lovely stepmom, and the glamping biz they are just undertaking with Katie’s help.

Of course there’s a tall dark Alex and many misunderstandings, wellies stuck in mud, and an old Range Rover going off trail. There’s also a hot scene in a field, the realization of Instagram’s influence on the impressionable and thirsty, a breakdown of how branding works, too many references to Farrow & Ball paint, and a happy ending, natch.

Wendy Ward

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Everyone wants the "perfect life," but Katie isn't naive enough to think she's found it. She thinks things might be improving, and then she gets an even bigger change (no spoilers - go read the book!) As with Kinsella's previous books, this one made me giggle a little and really feel for Katie. I wanted things to go her way and get better so she could have the life she deserved. This is the perfect chick lit book.

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At first I didn't really care for this book but forced myself to read a few chapters since I received it as an ARC and I am glad I did because a few chapters in, I found I really liked to book. It is a very simple story, not filled with romance or drama. I liked that after being fired, the main character ended up building an amazing business for her father and stepmother and was able to even impress the people who fired her from her old job.

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I am a Kinsella fan, and was very excited to have a chance to read this book! While it does have rather predictable elements, I don't read her books for the mystery, but for the sense of cozy fun they always possess. On that front, this book was definitely a treat!

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This is not my type of book. I don't like the characters. I don't find it an enjoyable escape.

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The reigning queen of chick lit is back with this fun-filled tale that ponders the question- is life as perfect for everyone as they make it appear on social media? Katie Brenner, originally from Somerset, is in London trying to live her dream of working and living in the big city, far from her country roots. She particularly admires her boss Demeter Farlowe, whose life appears to be in perfect order. Perfect job? Check! Perfect husband? Check! Perfect children? Check! Perfect home? Check! When Demeter fires Katie, she returns home to help her family start up their new glamping venture while she regroups and tries to figure out what she'll do next.

When Demeter unexpectedly arrives on Katie's family's farm, Katie is not expecting that she will catch such an honest glimpse at what Demeter's life is really like behind the facade that she presents and Katie will see that Demeter's perfect life is not so perfect after all.

I devoured this book in a few short sittings. I loved the character of Katie Brenner and what she stood for, and her big heart shone through on the pages. I couldn't help but want a happy ending for her! Kinsella has a knack for creating lovable and relatable characters and MY NOT SO PERFECT LIFE is no exception to this.

What I loved even more than the exquisite character development was how relevant the plot was to the day and age that we live in. So often we present our everyday lives in a certain light or with a certain filter online in the hopes of making everyone believe that our lives are more perfect than they truly are. I think that it would be so interesting to see those moments before or after those perfect pictures are taken, to see behind the front.

Kinsella has written yet another terrific book that is well-written, relatable, and compulsively readable. Pick this one up as soon as possible if you're looking for a light yet meaningful read!

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I've been reading Sophie Kinsella for years and I'm always happy to see when she has a new book (except the Shopaholic books - I've given up on those because Becky drives me up the flipping wall). It's been awhile since I've read one of her adult books (I read and enjoyed Finding Audrey, review here) so I was really thrilled when I received a copy of My Not So Perfect Life. I dove in and could not stop. This book is exactly what I want chick lit to be and I loved it.

Here's the synopsis:
Katie Brenner has the perfect life: a flat in London, a glamorous job, and a super-cool Instagram feed.
Ok, so the real truth is that she rents a tiny room with no space for a wardrobe, has a hideous commute to a lowly admin job, and the life she shares on Instagram isn’t really hers.
But one day her dreams are bound to come true, aren’t they?
Until her not-so perfect life comes crashing down when her mega-successful boss Demeter gives her the sack. All Katie’s hopes are shattered. She has to move home to Somerset, where she helps her dad with his new glamping business.
Then Demeter and her family book in for a holiday, and Katie sees her chance. But should she get revenge on the woman who ruined her dreams? Or try to get her job back? Does Demeter – the woman with everything – have such an idyllic life herself? Maybe they have more in common than it seems.
And what’s wrong with not-so-perfect, anyway?
I loved Katie. It helped that she's only a few years younger than I am so I really understood her struggles, especially in terms of her career and cultivating a seemingly perfect life online (you know you're guilty of only posting the good stuff too, don't try to deny it!). It's common for me to find myself rolling my eyes at chick lit heroines, particularly Kinsella's. I didn't find myself getting frustrated with Katie, not much anyway. I wanted her to be honest with her dad but I could totally understand why she was holding back. Maybe I wasn't getting annoyed because I just identified with Katie on so many levels and could see bits of myself or my friends in her. Whatever the reason, she was an absolute joy to read because she was smart, funny, and such a genuinely good person.

Many people probably wouldn't care too much what Katie's job is but I loved that she worked in branding. I'm a communications grad and I've worked in marketing type positions over the years so I really liked reading as they tried to come up with campaigns and worked on different projects. It's only a small part of the book but it rang true for me and it helped me enjoy the story that much more.

As much as I loved Katie, I also really liked Demeter. I could see how she was a bit of a nightmare to work for (we've all had bosses like that, right?) but I could also see glimpses of someone who's trying to hold it all together and starting to show some cracks. Or maybe I could see it just because I figured where the story was going. The point is, Demeter was a really interesting character and I loved the reminder that no one's life is perfect, no matter how it's filtered on Instagram.

Final side note...I really want to go to Katie's family's farm and try glamping. I am not an outdoorsy kind of girl (camping? No thank you) but I am a small town, country girl so the idea of getting away from the city and spending time at a farm without the distractions of life is incredibly appealing. And Kinsella made Biddy's food sound freaking amazing.

Just in case you want further proof of how much I liked My Not So Perfect Life, I'm planning on buying it this week (in I essentially have to pay with a kidney) so I can go to a signing on Saturday. It's not often authors I enjoy come to Canada so I'm thrilled that I live close enough to go to the event. (I just need to hope for no snow!)

My Not So Perfect Life may have just catapulted itself to the top of my list of favourite Sophie Kinsella books. It's not perfect (sorry, couldn't resist) but the teeny little things that I wasn't thrilled about didn't even matter because the story is, overall, so so good. If you're a lover of contemporary stories with heart and laughter that feature smart and real women, you have got to pick up this book!

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Who doesn't love Sophie Kinsella? Well, I am sure some people are not a fan, but I know she is loved far and wide. Sophie writes a fun, fast paced story that catches your interest right away and keeps you reading! Her style of writing is so engaging I often find myself looking up at the clock and wondering how time has gone so fast!

My (not so) Perfect Life wasn't any different. It was light, fun, easy to read, entertaining and hilarious. There was a little bit of romance as hit all the right notes for me.

Katie is the main character, she has always wanted to live in London and have a fabulous life and job. The reality is that London is expensive and her job isn't that great, but she is optimistic and portrays her life the way she sees it ending up to everyone around her, and her Instagram followers.

When Katie is fired from her dream job she is forced to move home and reevaluate her life a little. She is not about to give up her dream and she does everything she can think of to find her way back to London. In the meantime she helps her father and stepmother start up a fabulous "Glamping" venue on her parents farm. Reading about Katie's job, her life and her adventures in helping her parents is a lot of fun. Especially when the boss that fires her comes to stay! The revenge Katie tries to dole out is ingenious! How does Sophie Kinsella think of all of these things???

I highly recommend this one!

Thanks to NetGalley for the Advanced Readers Copy of this one! I was so excited to read it! 5/5 on Goodreads.

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I think this might be my favorite standalone Sophie Kinsella book! Funny, charming, and might make you want to book a glamping holiday in the country...

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