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He Said/She Said

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Thoroughly enjoyed this, was hooked & loved seeing it from different perspectives, excellent read!

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An enjoyable read - thank you to Netgalley for an early review copy.

Quite a long book, and once or twice I did think perhaps too long, but once I had got fully into it I really enjoyed it and loved the twists and turns in the story.

Alternating between present day and the events of 15 years ago that had led our main characters to change their names and keep themselves invisible from the internet.

I don't beleive I have read an Erin Kelly novel before but I will look out for her in the future.

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I absolutely loved this book. Intriguing story right to the twist at the end.
Couldn't put it down. I highly recommend it and will be keeping an eye out for the author Erin Kelly..

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He Said/She Said, on the face of it, is your typical “her word against his” case but as the story develops and you peel back the layers of the characters’ lives, you learn so much more.

It’s the story of two eclipse chasers, Laura and Kit, celebrating the great event in Cornwall and they interrupt what looks like a violent rape. They do the right thing and report the attack which goes to court. But by doing the right thing, their lives change forever in a way they never ever expected.

Within a couple of chapters of starting this book, I was hooked. I could tell that the story was building to something instantly but what it was, I didn’t know. The story arc of this psychological thriller kept growing and growing to the end – I really could not see where the journey that these characters would be taking. It kept me guessing throughout, the twists just kept coming right up to the last page and even the very last paragraph of the book – you think you’ve got it sussed and then bang out of nowhere, something else comes and slaps you round the face! Packed with intrigue!!

Erin Kelly’s writing draws you right in. I was there in the Cornish field waiting for the eclipse, in the court room, on the boat to the Faroe Islands and beyond. The time jumping between the present and the past really worked, perfectly placed chapters revealing an extra piece of the jigsaw to show why Laura and Kit are where they are in the present. The past is definitely playing a part in shaping their current lifestyle and their future.

This is the first book I’ve read by Erin Kelly, despite having both The Ties That Bind and The Poison Tree to read. Needless to say I will be reading more from Ms Kelly – this book has got her a new fan! If you like your psychological thrillers, you won’t go far wrong with He Said/She Said.

Many thanks to Hodder & Stoughton and Netgalley for giving me an advanced reader copy of He Said/She Said.

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ERIN KELLY HAS DONE IT A-fucking-GAIN. This woman is a genius. She never disappoints.

I was a bit trepidatious about He Said/She Said: the title and its accompanying tagline ('Who do you believe?') so obviously aim to evoke a Gone Girl-style marriage thriller in which you don't know whether to trust the word of the husband or the wife – a trend that's surely been done to death by now (no pun intended). But this book does not behave like that. Yes, there are segments narrated by a husband, and segments narrated by a wife; and there are flashbacks to 1999/2000, interspersed with scenes set in 2015. But Laura and Kit are a united front, not least because they both live in terror of being found by someone called Beth. To escape this person, they have changed their identities, moved house, even challenged a private detective to track them down using 'the paper trail of our previous lives' (he couldn't). They are fiercely protective of each other, and the only secrets they keep are little white lies.

The backdrop to all this is that Kit is an obsessive 'eclipse chaser'; since childhood, he has spent his life travelling all over the world to experience total eclipses from the best vantage points possible. With Laura heavily pregnant, he is heading to the Faroe Islands alone to witness the 2015 eclipse. Their separation marks the opening of a schism, though how and why won't be evident until much more detail has been uncovered. As the story progresses, it becomes obvious Laura and Kit's history with Beth involves them doing something good for her – in fact, they saved her. How could their relationship possibly have soured to the point that they not only want to avoid her, but live in fear of her? What did Beth do? Who is Jamie, another person from the past Laura keeps tabs on? The plot deepens and thickens with every chapter. It's not even clear who the 'he' and 'she' are in the context of the novel: Laura and Kit, or Beth and Jamie? Or both?

I'm not going to go into the plot any further than that. I think it's enough to say that it had me absolutely hooked from the word go and I finished it within 24 hours. It has the atmospheric throwback scenes of The Poison Tree combined with the knockout twists of The Burning Air, and the fine characterisation of all Kelly's novels. It's a complete emotional rollercoaster, drawing you into Laura and Kit's lives, constantly provoking difficult questions and making your loyalties and sympathies shift. I lost count of the number of times my heart dipped or soared while reading He Said/She Said. If you're a crime fan, a psychological thriller fan, and/or an Erin Kelly fan, you're going to want to read this asap.

P.S. the ending is fantastic.

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He Said/She Said is a well-written and entertaining psychological thriller with plenty of twists and strong characterisation. I hadn't come across the idea of eclipse chasing before and it gives an interesting background to the story. I really liked the way the author presents us with different possibilities of what happened and I didn't really know what the truth was until the very end. I kept thinking I knew, but was proved wrong! This made He Said/She Said an entertaining read.

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I thought He Said/She Said was brilliant and I loved it. I found it compelling, disturbing and the kind of book you can’t put down and stays in your head for a long time. I thought I knew what this book was going to be. Somebody sees something, completely misinterprets it and bad shit happens. I was so very wrong. I really liked the characters and how, in the end, they are all different than you’ve been lead to be and even the villains aren’t clear cut or black and white. There are plenty shades of grey in He Said/She Said. This book has lost of twists and turns. I was led down one dark, twisting alley after another – I thought I knew what was going on only for the author to pull away the ground beneath my feet and leave me in a confused heap on the ground. I was pulled in about three hundred different directions. This is a good thing. I love those kinds of books. In the end, I’d no idea what was really going on and who the bad guy was. The revelations at the end of He Said/She Said left me reeling. All in all, He Said/She Said is amazing. Loved every word.

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Freaking fantastic! Those twists! I'm reeling from how good this book was. Seriously awesome stuff. This one is escapism gold!

I am almost speechless from the ending.

This is a well executed book that lacks nothing. The plot is clever, intricate and sucks you in bit by bit. You will feel so many different feelings reading this book. At least I hope you do - I did.

Kit and Laura. A young couple in love. Kit is an eclipse chaser - travelling around to the best world vantage points to see a solar eclipse. Laura's love for Kit has her share his passionate hobby. They go to a festival one day, to see an eclipse and what happens next eclipses their lives forever.

This is just astonishingly good. The characters are deep, complex, faulty - oh if only I could spill the beans for you all. But I won't. You need to journey with this book, from beginning to end to experience the intense story from start to finish. You will not believe where it takes you.

It's taut and so tense at times, like a great psychological thriller should be. Weaved in are moments of writing magic, prose that sweeps you into a world of imagination. At times it's sublime, other times it's harsh and mean and oh so very dark. But remember the eclipse? Light behind shade. All the brightness covered just for a moment.

I can't rave more - it's just a must read book. It will keep you guessing, second guessing and doubting all the way. Be ready for the twists and reveals. They come like a sledgehammer to the heart.

Utter brilliance. This book catapults into my Top Ten Reads of 2017, skipping the long and the shortlist. One of the best books I've enjoyed in years.

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An unusual story of a couple who become involved following an assault on a woman. Following the court case she becomes involved in their lives until they have to escape her. 15 years later events come to a head with an unexpected ending. An enjoyable read but i found the ending unbelievable which spoiled the rest of the book for me.

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Don't start this book late at night or you will be up all night reading it. This is a very thought provoking novel. What would you do? How far would you go? The book starts in the present and alternates from the present to the past. From the points of view of Laura and Kit. Laura and Kit are eclipse chasers, who travel all over the globe to witness eclipses. Life is good until they witness something horrific in Cornwall. Beth being raped by Jamie. Laura insists on calling the police, as she is the only eye witness to the attack she is called upon as a witness. While being interrogated on the stand. Laura makes the mistake of saying she heard Beth say no. Which she didn't and wasn't mentioned on her witness statement. Jamie is finally convicted, you would think that would be the end of it, and life could go back to normal.Its never as simple as that though is it?
Beth and Laura strike up a friendship,something Kit isn't happy about. Beth is a little intense but apart from that, things are going well. Until they get talking about Cornwall and something Beth says makes Laura question whether she told the truth. When she questions her Beth storms out the flat.This is where things turn tense, first its broken glass through the letter box then its arson. Kit and Laura are scared for their lives. The stress of it all makes Laura ill.
They get married and change names, move to a different area. All the while living in fear of Beth turning up. She does manage to track them down at an eclipse, luckily they manage to get away.
Twists and turns abound in this book. Right up to the last page. Highly recommended for fans of psychological thrillers.

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This was a good book, good story but in my opinion it was too long and drawn out. There were moments of dark mystery, the evil within but it took so long to get going that I was losing interest. I really enjoyed the ending

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A really good read. They story is written from Kit and Laura's prespective of accounts leading up to meeting Beth, a victim of rape. It is based around their love of attending eclipse festivals. It draws you into their life always keeping you wondering if Beth really is this destructive, lying girl who has ingrained herself into their perfect life or whether she is telling the truth.
The story unfolds as Kit goes off to watch an eclipse leaving a pregnant Laura at home. Laura is left scared for Kit and what could happen if Beth also attends the eclipse.
This book gripped me from the beginning and left me shocked when it ended not how I expected it to. I would highly recommend this book. It was hrad to put down.

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I found he said/she said to be quite slow going to begin with, I wasn't sure I was actually going to like it, however I carried on, and while I still found the pacing wasn't as fluid as other books I've read, the content was enough to keep me drawn in.
There were some interesting turns along the way, and I enjoyed waiting for the next snippet of information

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A cracking book highlighting how difficult it is to work out the truth from what you just see and how unjust and traumatic it can be to say what happened. The story concentrates on Laura after she "witnessed" a tape. This book has twists and turns throughout. An amazing read!

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This was as twisty as it gets, first book I've read by this author but they certainly know how to spin a good tale,it was full of misdirection and the writing was very clever .I didn't know what was going to happen and that is what I like.I can't give anything away, I don't want to spoil it for other readers, but this book is well worth a read.Thanks to the publishers and netgalley for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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One of the best psychological fiction books of this year. Twisty and gripping, had me hooked from page one and didn't let go!

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Thank you for and ARC of this book. He said/ she said is a psychological thriller about a couple Laura and Kit who are eclipse chasers. Firstly set in 1999 at Lizard festival in Cornwall. When the eclipse they come to see is cloud covered. on the way back to their tent. they witness a man raping a woman. When Laura tries to talk to her the woman beth is in shock and doesnt speak. The man is arrested an Laura and kit are witnesses at the trial. For the next 15 years they live in fear of their lives as the man go released early.

I thought this book was well written, the description of the rape was sensitively done. But I found that there was no likeable characters in this story. I struggled with this. It didnt grab me. Sorry not my type of book.

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Gripping with lots of twists and turns and a final sentence that will leave you shocked!

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This book held my interest from the start. The idea of perception of a situation being down to an individuals interpretation is one which interests me and is the premise for the book. It is a case of her word/thoughts and against his. Who to believe, who is right. The book explores this and the relationship between all those effected and the knock on effect of a single action. The book did not end in the way I imagined and liked the fact it twisted and turned along the way. Would read another book by the author.

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