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He Said/She Said

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This book about Laura and Kit had my head and heart guessing constantly.
The twists and turns within the story. Showing, how everything, is not as it seems.
It really made me think.
What would I do?

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He said she said by Erin Kelly

Sometimes five stars are just not enough. I thought that this book was brilliant.

The very opening describes the different phases of an eclipse and at each new chapter an image seems to appear to emphasise the current stage. I do not know how they did that, and I don’t think I have seen it before, but it was very clever and served to remind the reader (as if that was required) of the recurrent theme.

The title also emphasises the metaphor of the eclipse – a simple matter of what he said opposed to what she said, but is it that clear, or are there shades that would distort perspective?

We are introduced to Kit and Laura and Mac and Ling at a festival in Cornwall to witness a total eclipse. Kit and Mac are twins - Kit is the more introverted whilst his brother is very much the extrovert prone to excess. Kit is fascinated by the science and spirituality of the eclipse whilst Laura is overwhelmed by the beauty and majesty of the phenomena. From that point, Kit and Laura determine to witness every eclipse together. Still entranced they stumble upon Beth and Jamie and from that point everything changes leaving Kit and Laura bound together through fear, uncertainty and obsession.

This is a psychological drama yes, but it is so complex, so clever, that it seduces the reader who is certain they know the outcome, but then another twist in revealed. At the heart of many novels is a secret, if only it had been revealed sooner.

I loved the structure of the novel which rebounds through Kit’s narration and Laura’s, as well as changing time lines – the festival in Cornwall to present day (2015). Kelly’s characters are also brilliant especially the way they develop over the time frame. The dynamic between Kit, Laura and Beth was complicated and very intriguing to watch as it unfolds. I didn’t guess, I don’t think I ever would have guessed at the outcome. Brilliant.

Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to review this book via Kindle in return for an honest review.

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I loved this. Too often in recent years, I've been enticed by the 'If you liked Gone Girl...twisty, turny, you'll never guess the end' straplines that come with many new thrillers; but in this case the hype was justified. I found myself brushing my teeth while reading and paused over the kettle, reading, increasingly tense when each chapter ended at a moment of crisis and went to another character or to a flashback!
Genuinely intriguing, some nice original settings around eclipses, good solid well-paced narrative and characters I liked and disliked at the author's whim. Definitely worth seeking out other books by Erin Kelley.

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This is a very memorable book. There’s something very unique about an eclipse and something eerie at the same time. Before I even picked up the book I knew about the setting and so certain expectations and feelings were in my head from the off. They got a lot stronger with Erin Kelly’s descriptions! ooh I can feel a lot of the chill even now and see the eerie light and fleeing shadows.

Like a real life solar eclipse this book is clever as I was never sure of some things and some events. This worked well however as the entire book read like a nuanced read, at times I was blinded, at times I was in the dark. Ah the vagaries of human nature.

I was on that journey and at that festival and have become very interested in social eclipses! Shocking events which take place did darken the tone but it’s the story of the people who were there, unravelling little by little until the truth is revealed.

There’s an ethereal sense to this novel, an horrific night and the aftermath of all this. And just like in a real eclipse you can never be sure what you’ve read or seen or think you know.

Erin Kelly you astound me and chill me in equal measure. Beautifully horrifying.

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This book is full of smoke and mirrors, or perhaps, as a nod to the eclipse chasing, clouds and darkness. Our expectations are carefully shaped and controlled by the author, only to be twisted out of all recognition. As a psychiatrist I recognised the personality issues portrayed accurately and sharply. The final explosion of truth caught me and I had to read on to the end. A very enjoyable read.

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I was really intrigued by the general storyline for this book. An assault in the aftermath of a total eclipse in Cornwall is observed. Laura and Kit, her boyfriend, call the police. The consequences will last for years. Yes - that basic idea sounded like it had real promise.

The story has eclipses running throughout the book as Kit has been a dedicated eclipse chaser all his life and Laura has joined in since they got together. The narratives switches between the two of them and has periods in the current time and others in the past mostly at eclipses. In the current time Laura is pregnant and she and Kit appear to be hiding, maybe from Beth who was the person assaulted.

The key to this tale in part lies in what appears to have happened, and what actually happened, at the 1999 eclipse in Cornwall. I guess this is one of those "gradual reveal" tales where we learn more and more as we read. In general the pace of this book is good and it kept me reading. The basic story concept is a good one and the tale is not badly told.

I think my main problem here is with the characters. I don't think they were particularly convincing. In particular I didn't find some of Kit's actions all that believable for the character drawn. I realise that there can be twists where we see something else of a character but it didn't convince me in this case. Equally I found myself frankly uninterested in the people. They simply didn't really appeal.

Tension wasn't really present for me most of the time which was a pity given I'd taken it to be a thriller. The later part of the book was quite tense and the ending fairly powerful however I'm left with feeling that this could have been better. Looking at the reviews already around I realise others have loved this book however it didn't really work for me. I had no wish to stop reading this though and I don't doubt the book will be well received.

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I quite enjoyed this book but did struggle with it slighty. I felt it drifted too far away from what I believed the main storyline to be about and got quite far fetched and it seemed that everybody had secrets. It didn't make me feel that I just wanted to pick up this book whenever I had a spare opportunity to read and I struggled a bit to get through it.

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Gripping.Tense with lots of twists and turns.A real page turner hard to put down.
Its an original suspense thriller at the heart of the book is a rape case where the victims word is against the alleged rapist.The act was witnessed by one of the books 3 narrators Laura of course. The accused protests his innocence and as the book goes on you wonder who is really telling the truth.
The chapters are told by Laura and her husband KIt Beth the rape victim and Jamie the accused.
There is a lot more to this book though then the rape.

Thank You to the Author and Netgalley for a chance to read this book.

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This is what happens when you tell a tiny white lie to help convict someone you know is quilty of a terrible crime. The story switches between the present day and the past when the event occurred. The lives,of the people involved become intertwined, the outcomes not always good. I found the characters believable and importantly did not guess how things would end. The book was fast paced and easy to read. Would read more from this author.

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An email pinged into my inbox last week advertising He Said/She Said, and I was drawn in by every aspect of it, from the electric cover art to the mysterious blurb which promised a thriller which was exactly the kind of thing I would love. And I was not even a tiny bit disappointed. He Said/She Said is a masterfully suspenseful, twisting, turning addictively engaging thriller which had me repeatedly messaging people about how good it was.
This book was really fantastic. Electric suspense ripped through every page as the story of the 1999 Cornwall incident and the 2015 eclipse unfolded in parallel. The players in the story were revealed gradually, only as the story developed, and I spent the entire book in a frenzy of curiosity as I tried to figure out who had done what and how Kit and Laura had ended up in such a state of fear.

There were lots of really praiseworthy things in this book. Thought-provoking discourses on rape culture, flirtation, consent, and how rape victims are judged, as well as the all-too-prevalent notion that rich white boys can get away with anything were underlying the plot but never felt preachy, only highlighting some incredibly important issues in a way which was effective and intense.
Kit and Laura were fantastically engaging twin narrators - bound together by the trauma they survived and the relationship they've forged, their college sweetheart story is a compelling picture of what love can withstand - and what it can't.
Beth, too, is a gloriously shaded villain - complex and nuanced, she's every bit as crucial to the plot as Laura's anxiety and Kit's eclipse obsession.
If the ending is a little over the top, I allowed it, because the ratcheting tension throughout the book justified it, and it wasn't out of tone with the brutal beginning of this epic ride.
Not only did I get a thrilling psychological thriller, I also learned some new information about eclipses, making this book both hugely entertaining and educational!
From first to last page, I never knew what was coming next - like an eclipse, some part of each character was cast into sudden darkness and new insights flared like a corona.

Electrically tense and eerily dark at times, this is my first five-star book of 2017.

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Keeps you guessing from the start,real page turner.would definitely recommend

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Thriller of the year would be an award that this novel would definitely deserve. What a rollercoaster ride He Said/She Said really is!

Kit and Laura love chasing eclipses, or at least Kit does and he's keen to show Laura why they're magical.

But something happens while they're in Cornwall for the 1999 eclipse. The two of them witness more than they bargained for though and it changes their lives.

The story is introduced years after the events in Cornwall. In 2015 Kit is preparing for a trip to see an eclipse alone as Laura is heavily pregnant and unable to travel. This instantly builds intrigue, there's an underlying tension and understanding of secrets. Why are they living under assumed names, who are they scared of and what exactly happened during the 1999 eclipse?

The pieces start to fall into place though as Kit and Laura's memories from the event and what happened afterwards start to come together. The underlying sense of danger makes this novel a fast page turner and IMPOSSIBLE to put down.

Tense and twisting this novel is a rocky road which refuses to conform to what you expect. Far from it. When it's one person's word against another, who do you believe?

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An unusual psychological thriller, set between 1999 and 2015, and having the Eclipses of the sun as its prime setting. The story flits between people and times, and is sometimes difficult to keep up with. However , the writing is forceful and detailed and the plot is gripping.....until the last chapters. Then it becomes slightly unreal with main characters doing totally unexpected things that do not seem true to character.
There was so much tension in the story , and it was hard to put down even when one was thinking 'Oh not another sub-plot'!


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Where do I begin with this one? My eyes are still gritty from being unable to put this down last night. I just had to finish it. Not many books make me do that these days.
Our story is told across several time lines, but is easy to follow. He Said, She Said follows the lives of 4 people who lives become entwined in one fateful moment at a festival watching the solar eclipse in 1999.
I was fascinated by the references to eclipses that form the backdrop and structure of the book. This isn't really part of the plot though, just a clever way of telling the story.
An exaggeration under enormous stress has huge consequences over the following years and the suspense built to the point where I couldn't put it down.
There is a major twist though about 3/4 of the way through the novel and we come to realise that the characters we thought we knew were not what they seemed.
The characters develop well over time and their actions are plausible for their age at each stage.
I was not completely bowled over by the ending, which seemed slightly contrived. However, it was not enough for me to reduce my rating - what went before was outstanding. I will be reading more by this author.
Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and not altered by this fact.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this book, I really enjoyed this one. It had me on tender hooks. The storyline was outstanding, the twist was brilliant. A remarkable thriller told from both points of view, very well written. Would definitely recommend this to anyone.

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The book gets off to a good start but I'm afraid I found the characters and time jumps to reveal the plot just didn't hold my interest. The antics of the characters taking drugs and enjoying hippy festivals just didn't make them likeable enough for me to care. I persevered I just wasn't interested enough to find out what happened at the end.

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I stayed up late two nights to finish this one and it was fantastic. A great psychological thriller that had twist after twist after twist...and usually I can see a twist coming but two of these REALLY threw me for a loop. I had no idea who to trust or what was really the truth and THAT is what I felt worked so much in this story, plus a cast of characters that leapt off the page and into my head. Five stars!

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HE SAID/SHE SAID is a novel that keeps you reading into the night. I loved the complexity of the characters, and was amazed at the different ways 2 people can remember the same events. I recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of the TV show THE AFFAIR.

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Thanks Netgalley for the ARC.
As so many people already gave an outline of the plot, I will not do that. I would like to focus on what I felt reading the book. He Said/She Said being my first Erin Kelly book, I didn’t know what to expect and part of the fun for me is not looking up any information about the book or the author before I start reading.
I happen to like this kind of books immensly; with very few people, who’s lifes become intertwined (so not with a new character on every page), with few locations (so not characters that keep travelling all the time), set in ‘then’ and ‘now’ and with a new twist in the plot when you least expect it. Not that I would like to be all books like this, but when such a book is well-written I really enjoy reading it.
Of course I can see a few points which make me rate this book 4 instead of 5 stars. First, most of the twists in the plot are after the first half. Second, although we read extensively about the main characters, I still do not have the feeling I really got to know them. Good guys or bad guys, they are all a bit flat.
So, this is not the best book I’ve read in a long time, but it is very entertaining, well written and of course, it gives good insight in even nowadays justice isn’t always just…

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Erin Kelly is one of the classiest writers around and He Said She Said well up to her usual standard. She has a wonderfully lyrically style but yet manages to keep you turning the pages. An intelligent psychological thriller with a great twist.

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