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Follow Me Back

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I requested this book because it sounded fun and current, like a story ripped from the headlines. I read it in one day. Tessa and Eric, the main characters, were believable and pulled me in. Unexpected plot twists and quick pacing kept my attention. And while I picked this as a light read, it had depth. Both main characters are grappling with issues that make this more than a light-hearted read.

Follow Me Back, is entertaining. Pack it in your bag for vacation. And maybe pack a second book, because you'll fly through this one quicker than you expect.

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Follow Me Back is a mystery book surrounding a pop-star and a girl with anxiety issues. I know sounds weird right, but it was really good and most definitely different. The story is partially told in the form of tweets, direct messages and interview transcripts. I love that it's told in this format because honestly it makes the story that more interesting. I can just imagine the format in a physical copy of the book, it's going to really good, I love notes and that type of thing in books.

I don't want to give too much away so I'm just going to give some basics. What happens between Eric and Tessa is very odd, the story starts off like how you think they would but then it starts to get a little weird. First Eric is a pop-star and Tessa is a fangirl, things start off rocky but then a friendship develops and soon their relationship becomes more than either believed it would go. Tessa is a fan, don't date fans, it's just a general rule right but they have this connection that goes deep and Eric can't deny it. Their messages to each other help readers see the relationship develop over time. They both are under stress and only really have each other to lean on so I can see how feelings might develop.

Eric is sick of his stardom, the crazy fans, his management and the label, while Tessa is dealing with major anxiety issues that cause her not to leave the house. They help each other out by talking things through and forming a friendship but things come to a head when something happens in their relationship and thing take a dangerous turn. Things start to escalate really fast towards the end of the book and that kinda had my heart racing. What's going to happen and is everything going to turn out okay? What will happen between Eric and Tessa? Don't worry the big questions are answered at the end but... Geiger leaves a big cliffhanger ending and I was like what the h***! Yes, something big happens at the end of the book and now I have to wait until the second book to find out what is going to happen.

Geiger wrote a book that was unique, with interesting imperfect characters and had me wondering what was going to happen in the end. Follow Me Back had mystery, mental health issues, romance, friendships, hardships and more. I will be purchasing this book in physical copy and I upset that I have to wait for the next book in the series, but I will be getting it.

Overall 4.5 stars

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This is definitely a relevant topic in this day and age, I just found it extremely generic and would not recommend it to anyone, I also wouldn't read the second book.

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A wonderful part epistolary, part standard fiction, using DMs and tweets to pull the story together. We skip from the present to the past very cleverly with the use of police statements to bring us a little insight.

Eric Thorn is a famous musician who is finding fame not as exciting as he had hoped and absolutely detests the lack of privacy that accompanies it.

Tessa Hart is severely agoraphobic and communicates with the outside world via twitter. Tessa Hart hearts Eric Thorn.

Pushed by his annoying manager, Eric Thorn opens up a dialogue with Tessa.

Oh, but that's not all. There are twists and turns and homicidal fans and annoying boyfriends and a mother who is living on the brink.

This book covers so many things - romance, thriller, detective, fame - but in a very clever way, so it sin't too scary or syrupy or challenging. It will get you thinking, but not too hard.

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Social media is enjoyed by many, but following a traumatic event, it becomes Tessa's only connection to the world outside her bedroom. She developed an online friendship with someone she believes is a fellow Eric Thorn fan, but who is actually the real Eric Thorn.

I enjoyed Follow Me Back. Among the reasons why:

Eric and Tessa
Both were so wounded for very different reasons, and I really wanted them to work through their issues. Tessa had experiences something that was quite horrible, and resulted in her developing agoraphobia. This "event" was slowly revealed to us, and it was quite a long wait to find out what led her to lock herself away from the world. It was a painful wait, but I thought the reveal was times quite well.

Eric was a YouTube sensation, who became a pop superstar. He felt as though he was being exploited by his label, and his fame was related to his appearance and not to his talent. He had grown very disillusioned with his fame, and also fearful of his extreme fans after the murder of a fellow pop star. I felt a lot of sympathy for him and Tessa, and although Eric chose fame, I still understood that he gave up a lot to attain and keep that fame.

The romance
The romance was very sweet. It grew from a tweeted taunt, and grew to be so much more. I know Eric was hiding his real identity, but he still was able to reveal his true self to Tessa.

The mixed format
I am a sucker for a mixed format book. The DMs and tweets didn't have that big an impact for me, but the police transcripts did. This story starts "after", but not at the end, and the snippets were used quite wisely to set up each portion of the flashback. I thought they also did a great job of bringing me back to the mystery that was woven into the story, which I needed, because I kept getting lost in the romance.

The ending
That ending came out of nowhere for me. I totally did not expect that! It definitely did its job setting me up for book 2, but be prepared, it's a cliffy.

Overall: A sweet romance with a dash of psychological thriller set in our media driven world.

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I received an advanced copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Many thanks!

WELL. That's one helluva ending. What just happened???

Having suffered from agoraphobia myself in the past, I have to give massive kudos to A. V. Geiger for an honest, researched, and kind portrayal. I have an issue with the sensationalisation of mental health issues in teen/YA fiction and was really impressed with this. That ending is one thing, perhaps, but the build of the character was fantastic.

The characters were really well drawn and their relationship builds; no insta-love here. The reactions were human and the story was fast-paced and thrilling. And that ENDING! I'm still not sure what happened there, but I can't wait to read the second installment.

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Loved this book - what a great way to get people to think about the dark side of social media. Can't wait to read the next one to figure out that ending.

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Teen celebrity Eric Thorn is constantly on edge after another celebrity was murdered by a crazed fan. He's worried the same thing will happen to him, and he feels forced by his producers, manager, and record label into being a teen heartthrob who constantly takes his shirt off. All he wants is to live a normal life.

After a terrifying experience a few months earlier, Tessa Hart has developed severe agoraphobia and won't leave her house. She spends the majority of her time in her room, obsessing over Eric Thorn. After she writes a fan fiction story about Eric that goes viral, Tessa is now "internet famous" with Eric's fan base.

When Eric decides to create a fake twitter account under the name of Taylor to troll his fans in hopes that they'll realize he isn't that great and leave him alone, he ends up messaging Tessa and what starts as a harassing message to her ends in a friendship...until feelings start to develop. When Tessa and "Taylor" agree to finally meet, Eric can't wait to reveal to Tessa who he really is. Unfortunately, things don't go as planned, and what should have been an exciting meeting ends up being more dangerous than either of them could have predicted...

Told partly through a series of tweets and police interviews, Follow Me Back is a young adult thriller that will leave you questioning everything by the end.

I have to say, I enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I would when I first started reading it. In the first third or so of the book, I found Eric incredibly whiny and ungrateful, and it made the chapters in his point of view super hard to read. His thought process seemed to weird to me...creating a fake twitter profile to talk badly about himself? I can't imagine any celebrity doing that in real life, but who knows. While I understand he was concerned for his safety after what happened to a different celebrity, it seemed like he took his reactions to the extreme, and that made him first.

After I got over the initial disbelief of the fake twitter account thing and kept reading, I grew to like Eric as his relationship with Tessa deepened and we got to see a better side of him. He was able to open up to Tessa in a way he doesn't open up to anyone else, and she brought out the best in him, so instead of constantly whining or complaining about his life, we found him smiling when talking to Tessa, and I liked that.

For the most part, I liked Tessa, but found some of her reactions a little extreme too. The entire time she was talking to "Taylor" she assumed she was talking to a girl, without ever asking or clarifying, and when she found out Taylor was actually a man, she freaked out because she felt misled. Nothing in their message exchanges made an effort to hide or trick her into thinking Taylor was a girl, so her reaction bothered me. Eventually she got over it, but I felt like that was an overreaction on her part.

The book really picked up at the end, and some of the pieces finally came together about what happened in Tessa's past, and the last page left me totally shocked. The book did leave off on a cliffhanger, and the sequel isn't slated to come out until sometime in 2018, and I can't wait! If the sequel had already been out, I would have started reading it immediately. I have so many unanswered questions, and I imagine they'll get answered in book two.

Overall, if you like YA and you like light thrillers, this may be a good choice for you. It's fast paced, and definitely reads like a YA book. This was a 4 star read for me. Thank you to Netgalley, A.V. Geiger, and Sourcebooks Fire for an advanced copy of the book. It was my pleasure to provide an honest review. Follow Me Back comes out June 6, 2017, so be sure to mark your calendars!

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Review to be posted on May 1.

This book was only okay. The story was pretty simplistic with it mostly focusing around Twitter conversations between the two main characters. Until pretty late in the book, there wasn't all that much going on and I found it hard to stay interested. Plus the background characters were all two dimensional, which is something I just can't stand in a book. We have Tessa's boyfriend Scott who makes no effort to accommodate Tessa's agoraphobia. There's Tessa's mother who is also frustrated by Tessa's agoraphobia. And Eric's manager who makes him work too much and gives him no privacy. And those traits are really all there is to those characters.

Romance-wise, the story idea was pretty cute. But I would have liked it more though if Eric was a bit less of a douche. I can get past him lying about who he is. But he's very determined to date Tessa and cares much more about progressing their relationship than about how what he's doing will affect her. He begs her for selfies knowing that she's scared to show her face to people. He pressures her into signing up for a contest that will require her to go to a concert, knowing she hasn't left her house in months. I'll avoid spoilers but it only gets considerably worse as the book goes on. He cares more about making Tessa his girlfriend than he cares about Tessa's wellbeing. And that's really messed up.

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As someone who doesn't use twitter, I did struggle at first to get into this book but holy heck I'm glad I read it and currently can't deal with the ending. I just stopped everything to reread the end because I thought I lost my mind! What a great ending and what an interesting and relevant book in the world where tweeting and retweeting is another way relationships are formed. This book has some serious suspense to it and it really isn't a guessable book. I didn't know exactly where things were going and how they were going to developed. Along with the high level of suspense, there is a great romance and friendship, as well as an interesting look at agoraphobia. Well written and probably quicker to pick up for someone with a stronger understanding of twitter, but I caught on quickly and I really need to go and tweet about this book! Thank you netgalley for an ARC for my honest opinion. Can't wait for the sequel because I'm dying to know what the heck just happened!

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For everyone who loves "regular-girl-wins-heart-of-famous-guy" stories, get your hands to a computer and pre-order or walk your feet over to a library or bookstore to grab Follow Me Back by A.V. Geiger. Tessa's experiencing severe agoraphobia and pop sensation Eric Thorn suffers from fan-induced anxiety ever since a popstar was killed by an obsessed, delusional fan. Told in a series of police interrogations, DMs over Twitter, and with alternating chapters, you feel like you get to know each of their circumstances well. Geiger has LOTS of unforeseen plot twists that will keep you guessing and drive you crazy when you finally finish what we now know is only the first installment of Tessa and Eric's story. While a couple details of Tessa's life aren't explained (how she ended up in the summer program that changed her way of life, why she has no friends, etc., why she has such a rocky relationship with her mother), these all secondary to the story Geiger weaves between Eric and Tessa.

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I was loving this book from the first page, and I really connected with the way it was written. I'm not into fandoms at all, but even I found myself loving the interactions with Tessa and her Twitter account. I got swallowed up in the entire story and couldn't put it down. This book shares Tessa and Eric's personal thoughts, so I loved seeing the life of a famous pop star and also being in Tessa's mind as she struggles with her mental issues and therapy. The Twitter drama was spot on, especially with how "Crazy fangirls" treat celebrities. Tessa was different and Eric saw that and he wanted to be a part of her life.

That was either the best or worst choice of HIS life.

Read this book to know what I mean. Trust me, you need this book.

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I guess I didn't really research this one enough before I requested the ARC from Netgalley. I didn't realize it was YA - the cover model looks older and the blurb made me believe the characters would be older, especially with one suffering agoraphobia. I don't care for YA Contemporary Romance.

I'm 52. So, not my demographic. Nonetheless.

When I was 14-, 15-, I suffered a lot of fangirl crushes. A lot. David Cassidy was the pinnacle of make beauty for me. I had a life-size poster of Erik Estrada over my bed. (It's okay, young ones, I know you have no idea who they are, just follow me here). I get the whole hormonal-angst thing. In my day, Justin Bieber was called Donny Osmond, but it's the same thing.

And it was harmless and safe. It was a carefully-crafted, publicity-generated safety valve so everyone could vent those pent-up hormones.

Why was it harmless and safe? Because we did not have the constant barrage of social media available today. In Houston, Texas, in 1977, my social media was limited to a weekly trip to Cactus Records and the occasional issue of <i>Tiger Beat</i> magazine.

It never occurred to me I would ever meet the gods who decorated my bedroom walls. Are you kidding me? They were beautiful. I was 13 and NOT. Furthermore, my parents said NO. A lot. Especially if it concerned anyone male. I didn't go to concerts. My parents said NO. It never occurred to me to sneak out. How would I get there? My friend's parents said NO, too.

Had I, by some wild stretch of imagination, gotten to a concert, it would never have occurred to me to leap the barriers between the god and me. It never would have occurred to me to try and hurt the god. He was a god. I loved him. How could he love me? He never laid eyes on me and I didn't want him to.

Why? Because I was 13, 14. It was all just fantasy and I knew it.

Sure, every now and then, the fans got crazy. Just ask John Lennon.

For the entirety of this book, it was a 2-star rating. It isn't original, it isn't new and it's highly unrealistic.

It does make a point - we are entirely too connected through social media anymore for anyone's safety. By the time authorities are made aware of dangerous behaviors it's too late. Just this week the brutal murder of an innocent 76-year-old man was played on Facebook.

We are also far-too self-confident in our own appeal, I think. Media such as Twitter and Instagram have made us exaggerate our own self-importance. This inflated narcissism makes us think people care what we eat for lunch or the color we painted our toenails.

I think the term "selfie" says it all. Pretty disgusting, actually.

So, yeah, I'm old and you can hate on me all you want for my opinions. Just my thoughts, and I can be wrong and closed-minded.

This book gets 3-stars for the ending. Because I actually did have to shake my head and think, "WTF??" So that was good. Like I said, I don't care for Contemporary YA Romance.

But dammit, I'll have to read the sequel. I hate that.

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Wow, I did not see that ending coming at all! Tessa, an agoraphobic teenager, is a Twitter and Eric Thorn junky. She has issues with a prior stalking case and cannot seem to step foot out of the house. Eric Thorn, a popular singer, ends up following her on Twitter but as Taylor (his middle name). They engage in nightly tweets and direct messaging which causes him to fall for her. You hear about people falling in love online and this takes it to the next level. Whew! Some of the high school students I work with will definitely love reading this book, especially the social media junkies.

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I haven’t read a book this exhilarating and with this many twist and turns in so long that I was loving the ride, this book was amazing! I genuinely wanted to know what was going to happen next and all I can say is … that ending though!!! WTH. Amazeballs, I really don’t know what else to say it was just a shock, I need to know what happens next!

We meet an agoraphobic person named Tessa, who had something happen to her, but we don’t know what. She can’t step foot out of her house and her mom and boyfriend just try to handle it to the best of their ability but its rough. Then we meet a mega popstar who lately has been so afraid of his own shadow because fan girls are well sometimes too much for him. There is a fear there that something will happen to him.

The book is told through twitter, dm’s, interrogation transcripts and of course personal thoughts of both parties. Their relationship was interesting the way it grew from conversations, the word catfish was thrown around quite a bit, and it’s sad but it happens a lot this day and age especially with all the social media outlets out there it’s so easy just to steal someone’s identity. Regardless this book put a spotlight on how some people can take things too far. It was very intense at some moments, I found myself googling a lot of words that were said in this book, lots of psychobabble as Eric states, but it’s interesting. Crazy, but interesting.

The fear of being watched is astonishing when it comes to social media, so Eric definitely has a right to feel this fear. We as regular, normal people don’t often think about how the famous feel, sure they have money, but they never have privacy and sometimes that’s worth more than money. Same goes with Tessa. Her fear is real too, there are stalkers out there, you may not even notice but that feeling it never goes away. Ah there is so much I want to say about this book but I don’t want to give too much away. This book comes out in June, I know two months away just keep it on your mind, add it to your list because you are going to want to read this. If you haven’t already.

There are so many twists and turns throughout the book. I loved the way it was written in different formats but still telling everyone’s side of the story of what was happening in their lives. Super intense, super fascinating and just in general great writing. I can definitely say I would read more from this author, the story flowed easily and you couldn’t help but turn the page fast enough to see what was going to happen next. I can see this as a movie one day with a major cliffhanger. OMG that ending, I just can’t get over it. I loved the two characters, finding the honesty and love within one another and sharing that together. It was sweet, but oh so worth the wait.

I loved the setting, the characters, the plot, but omg that ending! Must read, nuff said! I have to say also it was a very unique story, haven’t read anything like this before, bonus in my world. I know the next book doesn’t come out until next year but I don’t know if I can wait that long to find out what happens!!!

You know I don’t usually reread my reviews and I usually put them up literally right after I finish reading a book, and I have no idea what’s going on in my mind right now because this book just blew me away. I’m still trying to calm down, let me go read that ending again!!!

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I thought this book started out a little slow but oh my did it get good!!! I have been reading for about 30 years and while I can't always figure out where a story is going, this one truly shocked me. This is a must read!!!

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This book is super good. I couldn't stop reading. The ending took me completely offguard and I need answers 4 stars.

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This story is about Tessa who is a agoraphobia which is an intense fear of being in places where it is hard to escape. She is obsessed with pop star Eric Thorn. Eric Thorn is very on edge by how obsessed his fans are with him. A fellow pop star was killed by one of his crazed fans and Eric is worried the same thing is going to happen to him. He decides to create a fake Twitter where he pretends to be someone else. He tries to expose himself in a way that would get his fans to back off a bit. He decides to message Tessa because he created a story about him that blew up. At first he is very rude to Tessa but they form a friendship. There friendship begins to turn into something more. Eric never imagined this would happen. Then one day things take a turn for the worst...

I have to say I didn't really like this book at the beginning. I just felt it was very cheesy and over the top. I understand it's suppose to show the crazy side of the entertainment business and how far some fans are willing to go for their favorite pop stars in an over the top way. I guess I just didn't enjoy the writing. I felt the author would randomly throw in random media. I finally got into the book towards the end because that's when you finally find out everything. The ending was the reason I gave it 3 stars to because I wasn't expecting it. It really surprised me.

I did like how the story would go back and forth with time. The story starts off with a police transcript. The police transcripts represented the present and the end result. Then the story went to a therapy session with Tessa and her therapist which is the start of the story. It would go back and forth like this. It was very easy to understand and I was never confused about what was happening. I enjoyed reading the police transcripts. I thought that was a nice touch to the story. I feel this format is what made me continue reading. I was really interested to know what happened. I felt like getting those little peaks into the future helped a lot with me continuing to read the book.

I also really enjoyed the different perspectives. I always enjoy when books do that. I like knowing what each character is thinking. You get the perspective of Tessa, Eric and then one more character later on. I enjoyed seeing how each of them thought of the situations they were in. You got to see both of their thoughts for everything that was going on.

Overall this was a decent book. I wasn't into the writing and the story took a while for me to finally get into it. The ending was what really made the story because I didn't see that coming. It's shame it took me so long to get into the book. I'm pretty sure I'll be checking out the next book that comes out because I wanna see what the ending was about.

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I received an ARC from NetGalley for an honest review.

I love a good YA book every once in a while... but I may have been out of the target age range for this one. Don't get me wrong, I went through the whole boy band obsessed stage, so I could relate to being a slightly obsessive fan. But there were moments of this book that were just a bit too much for me.

Don't get me wrong, I would have ate this up with a spoon during that phase of my life. Only problem is, that was 15+ years ago..

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Follow Me Back is as unique as they come! I loved the way the author told the story and was utterly immersed in the pages. Putting this book down was very hard! In addition to this, the story line is gripping. Especially for young adult readers! I loved it. I'll be looking forward to the next book.

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