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To Tame a Wild Lady

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I loved Caroline and Adrian's story!!

I loved that Caroline was not you typical society miss! She wore britches and wanted to hunt with the men, but she still had a very feminine side to her. Adrian was a bastard and knew that nothing could ever come of his attraction with Caroline, but when her feeling are just as strong as his, there is no denying themselves.

Another of the duke's daughter falls in love with an inappropriate man, but you can't help who you fall in love with. This was a great addition to the Duke-Defying Daughters series! I excited for the last book in the series!!

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To Tame a Wild Lady is Caro's story, she doesn't fit within the strict rules of society, and would rather ride her horse than gossip with the ladies.

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Unfortunately, I never got to actually read this book, I would have loved too but was too late in downloading it.

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Another hot and spicy Macnamara novel. If you love her style, you will love this one. Hot, passionate and with quite a background story ;)

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This is book two in Ashlyn Macnamara's Duke-Defying Daughters Trilogy. Lady Caroline Wilde and Adrian Crosby's first meeting was less than sterling to say the least. She is mucking around in the mud, trying to gather up her unconscious nephew, Gus. He is on his way to an interview as estate manager. He aids her in her time of need, getting her and Gus back to the manor. As they spent time together, they learn to appreciate the good attributes each other has, but their stages don't allow anything more than a basic friendship and really not even that much. However, things moved quicky, a bit too quickly to be totally believable. They went from knowing nothing could come of their feelings, basically ignoring each other to planning a tryst in the gamekeeper's cottage. What does the future hold for them? I did enjoy this book, though I liked the previous one better. I do look forward to reading book three, I assume will be Pippa's story. It would be very interesting, can't wait to see who see finds for her.

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Lady Carolyn/Caro Wilde was the second daughter of the Duke of Sherrington. Since the kid Gus came to Sherrington manor at the end of the school term he had begged Caro for riding lessons. Gus was seven but wanted to jump the big hedges the way Caro did. Caro wants to join the next great hunt. Caro was determined to be allowed to ride in the male oriented sport of Hunting. Caro was not interested in gossip or drinking tea with other young ladies as was appropriate Gus’s father was married to Caro’s sister. Caro found Gus in a ditch but she was having problems lifting Gus out of the ditch. Then a man rode up named Adrian and said” it appears to me that you need my. help”. Then he realized one of the people in the ditch was a female and told her they had to get the boy to the manor and get a doctor. Caro was blaming herself when Lizzie- her sister said no one actually knew when Gus would wake up. Adrian was born out of wedlock but was raised with an education. Adrian’s mom was a tenant of Lord Wyvern and the Lord’s wife decided to take Adrian under her wing therefore he received an education he learned everything there was to learn about managing an estate .. Adrian was hired to work for Caro’s father as the new estate manager as there had been a recent exposure that the old manager was embezzling the family so then they had needed a new estate manager. Adrian was to get the estate back into good standing. Adrian feels they need to plant the fields. But Caro wants that land to work and train her horses. Caro’s father was in bed most of the time with one imaginary illness after another. Adrian and Caro are attracted to each other. Caro had no plans of marriage or children.
I basically enjoyed this story for the most part, it just didn’t WOW me in any way.So I did have mixed feelings about it. It dragged some but not enough to make me want to stop reading. I liked Adrian’s character a lot but wasn’t crazy about Caro who to me was very self centered and selfish. Then all of a sudden she falls in love with Adrian even though they can’t publicly be together but will change herself completely for the man just didn’t sit right with me not realistic as far as I am concerned. This had a pretty good plot. I liked the ins and outs of the story but still had mixed feelings. I would have liked to rate this a 3.5.

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I enjoyed it when I read it, but I can't remember much about it now that I've put it down.

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This is has romantic and entertaining storyline with interesting characters. Adrian is humble, a gentleman, charming and engaging. Caro is determined, naive, stubborn and dramatic. He fights his attraction to her, while she does everything she can to entice him. Gus adds his fair share of the problems that the family faces, as does Snowley. It's a thoroughly enjoyable story, the second of the series.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. This is my voluntary and honest opinion of it.

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A lot of horsey detail that some people will enjoy but I am not particularly horsey. Enjoy the H and HR,especially enjoyed that the H didn't have a title but .The HR was titled it made for a nice change.

I received an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley

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You can see yourself in Lady Caroline is the rebel that every woman wants to be and can see herself in. Adrian is the bad boy that every woman wants in her life. This is perfect for the beach or the back porch on a sunny day!

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I loved the characters of Caro and Adrian. They were very vivid and wonderfully developed. I could clearly see the two of them in my mind's eye. And what a funny picture that sometimes was. Caro was the way I love my leading lady to be: strong, independent, determined, smart, sassy, brash, bold and didn't take any guff off of anyone. She did as she pleased and be darned the consequences. But, you glimpse the softer side of her, when the book opens with her trying, while in a torrential rainstorm, to rescue her young nephew who has been thrown from his horse and lies unconscious in a ditch.

Adrian is the tall, handsome stranger who stops to help her out. Their chemistry is immediately evident. But, at this point, Caro has no idea that Adrian is there to interview for the estate manager's position... and, turn her world upside down... beginning with wanting to plant crops in the fields where she rides and trains her prized mare. And, so a battle with Adrian ensues.

Adrian is an honest, kind, compassionate, upstanding, educated man that is, unfortunately, also an illegitimate son of a peer of the realm. Although he is wildly attracted to Caro, he feels that he is too far below her "station" to ever have any kind of life with her. And, thus, he tries his best to avoid her amorous advances... which only makes Caro more determined in her pursuit. I loved that they don't jump right into bed on page 2. There is a smoldering build up that is almost akin to a courtship -- a very antagonistic courtship, but a courtship nonetheless. I love the way that Adrian ultimately shows his love for her by showing that he cares about what she cares about. (Any more than that would spoil it for you.)

I am ready and eagerly waiting for the next in the series.

*I received a complimentary ARC of this book from NetGalley & Random House Publishing Group - Loveswept in order to read and provide a voluntary, unbiased and honest review, should I choose to do so.

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Carol’s love for horses is so big that she spent most of her time training her mare. Her goal is to take part in a very famous hunt party which is very difficult due to the fact that she is a woman.
Adrian is the new state agent at Sherrington. His goal is to take care of the state and make it profitable again.
I understand Caro’s situation. Women in that time were mostly a way to have heirs and glowed in balls. They had no independence, no freedom, no inheritance. The only thing Caro wanted was to be accepted as a great rider, as good as any men or even better.
I like how Carol rebels against her father wish because even though he is the Duke he doesn’t act like one being all the time in bed or secluded in his room.
I like Adrian a lot: he is honest, he care about people and try to help them when in need. He hates when someone tries to benefit from other people and mostly when they are in inferior conditions.
My favourite part is the horse auction.
I received a free review copy of this book by NetGalley.

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What a lovely story. I fall more and more in love with these girls as I read. Each one is stubborn, hard headed, strong willed and enjoyable. The men they seem to be falling in love with are even better. Making for a series that I can't put down, each book pulls you in and won't let go. For a historical romance, you have such an enjoyable story that isn't about balls and titles, it doesn't focus on gowns and such. It's just a truly romantic story.

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Caroline and Adrian are the perfect match....unfortunately society has a different idea of a perfect couple. I loved the wildness of the story, the bucking against an unfair system that puts people into their different classes and never allows for a crossing of the classes without the threat of banishment from their graces. Caroline may have been born a Duke's daughter but she never let that stop her. I loved her determination and her strong mind that refused to accept her place, refused to be put into her place and smile graciously. She's such a strong character and needed an equally strong partner to bring all the brilliance out and Adrian was up to the challenge.

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A strong, independent heroine who challenges the "social norms". A hero who comes to adore the wildness that is Caroline. A love match that crosses social stations and social expectations. The turmoil of trying to deny their love for one another until they finally give in. A true regency romance!

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To Tame a Wild Lady ⭐⭐⭐⭐ by Ashlyn Macnamara

Lady Caroline Wilde, daughter of the Duke of Sherrington, is a hoyden. She has always run wild. She rides her beloved horse astride and adheres to no rules abiding the women of her times.

It is when she is out searching for her nephew he meets Adrian Crosby. When he first see her she is covered with mud trying to help her nephew and he aids them both.

She does not realize he is heading to her manor for interview for the estate managers position. She is immediately attracted to him and he to her. Adrian was born on the other side of the blanket a bi-blow and below her class. Adrian remembers his back ground but she wants him to forget and makes things difficult for him to reject her.

I enjoyed this book but I did feel the first book in the series was a bit better. I believe Ms Macnamarra is a gifted novelist and will certainly continue to follow her.

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Caro has been allowed to run a bit wild. She is an excellent horsewoman who wants to ride with the men in a hunt. Marriage would mean an end to that. Adrian comes into her life, shows tenderness to a boy he does not know, and tries to help manage the family money. Curiosity and lust pulls Caro to Adrian, and she loses her heart. There are some ups and downs, misunderstandings and good intentions throughout, enough to keep me reading. When Caro took the chance of giving up everything she cared for, I rooted for her to be right. I recommend this story and the series.

I received a copy of this story through Netgalley, and this is my unsolicited review.

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Lady Caroline is the second daughter of a duke and she's more of a wild child than dutiful daughter. Caroline aka Caro fights against the strict constricts placed on young ladies of the ton. She is not interested in gossip or drinking tea with other young ladies. She wants to ride astride on her spirited horse and race like the wind across the fields. Adrian Crosby is chafing at his own constraints, but when he's hired at the manor as the land agent, sparks fly between him and Caro. Adrian fights the attraction because of their stations and this sets up the conflict in most of the book.

I enjoyed this story and especially liked Adrian. He was a caring man who does everything in his power to resist the charms of Caro. They both struggle against their growing attraction and this sets up most of the conflict in the story. Throw in a disreputable gentleman who is determined to acquire Caro's filly at any means and a silly heir to the duke and the cast is nicely rounded out. However, I did not care for how the duke's heir was portrayed as such a timid and ridiculous character. I thought that was a little over the top. All in all, I enjoyed this book and would recommend it to fans of regency romances.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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A nice, entertaining romance that should keep you busy for the afternoon. I have read others by this author that I enjoyed more but this one is still a good one to read.

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Ashlyn Macnamara is a writer whose books I have always enjoyed reading - it was the case with this latest one as well - original plot, well delineated characters and well written!

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