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Justice Ascending

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Another great read by Rebecca Zanetti. Tace and Sami sizzle off of the page with the tension that follows them through the book. Their promise of only being together for a few hours while on a mission quickly turns into an addiction neither one of them are ready to admit to yet. With Tace being infected and turning darker every day, it's hard for him to trust his new instincts when it comes to Sami. Sami is sticking close to her carefully crafted lie about being a cop, what will happen when the truth comes out?

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The Delight

Justice Ascending doesn't follow the rules, it breaks them into tiny pieces. Normal is a memory which Scorpius intends to eradicate. A group of people just surviving and looking for a cure. How unlikely it is to find love? Very. The intensity of Justice overwhelms and invites you in for more.


I just couldn't wait to get my hands on Justice Ascending. Tace has had a piece of my heart since the first story when we were introduced to the Texas man before he was infected with Scorpius. A field medic for the military, he is one of very few people with medical knowledge left alive. In the first book, he is infected and we have watch the aw-shucks guy turn into a silent, deadly and slightly unfeeling character that we fear will never survive.

Vitamin B supplies are running low, the Merchs and the President are trolling the edge of Vanguard and within the Pure group is threatening the peace. The world isn't really in a good place with problems cropping us at every turn.

Tace is fighting the draw of Scorpius while testing the limits of his unemotional responses. Sami is hiding a secret that could change everything or nothing at all. Tace can sense the lies she is telling, but he also can't seem to stop lusting for her. His deadly like stalking is both sexy and terrifying to read.

As the story starts, Tace is having mysterious symptoms that at times are debilitating. So far he has been able to hide them, but each time they get worse and soon he could be out of the game. Sami is a distraction he both needs and doesn't. The sense she is lying also gives him purpose to find out what she is hiding, but he also is afraid he will go dark and harm her at the same time.

Sami is also infected, but dealing better with the aftermath. Her secret is monumental! She has found a home in Vanguard she doesn't want to give up. There is a lot to lose if she is exposed, but this is family. Needless to say she is torn. Her desire for Tace grows with a heat that consumes.

When Tace collapses, Sami knows what is wrong and the only way to save him is to reveal the secret she has been holding close to her heart. The question: Save Tace or Save Sami.

The course of the book timeframe is very short. Again in days not weeks or months. The action is fast, furious and no one is safe. New characters are introduced, some old rivals still are up and running and the friendship forged in this fire is strong and everlasting.

These books need to be read in order or the sequencing will just have you confused. Also there is a prequel I highly recommend reading. I didn't know about it and was confused a lot in the first book. Finally the first book tends to drag a little and you might not think this is the series for you. Please don't give up. The books afterwards are better than the last and action packed with tons of heart and love.

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I loved this action packed, emotional book. I hope this series goes on and on. I posted a review on Goodreads.

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Tace Justice was just a good ol’ boy from Texas, serving his country as a medic when Scorpius hit. Now, he’s one of Vanguard’s elite soldiers and one of Jax Mercury’s right hand people. But being infected with the virus a few weeks ago has changed him, and not necessarily for the better. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop as far as his sanity goes, Tace is trying to stay as far away from Sami Steel as possible. He doesn’t know if his sudden attraction to his fellow soldier is entirely natural or if it borders more on psychotic obsession.

In Vanguard, Sami has finally found a place she calls home. A place where she feels like she fits completely. That is, as long as her secrets stay hidden. She’s pretty sure if they got out, and they let her live, she’d be sent packing. That’s why she can’t let herself get too close to Tace. He has the potential of breaking down the rest of her carefully laid boundaries. As the threats against Vanguard and its people continue to rise, and as their supplies continue to dwindle, Sami will have to trust the family she’s made, especially a certain soldier with an over-protective streak.

Justice Ascending has the distinction of being the first book where the two romantic leads have already been featured in the previous books. We’ve known Sami and Tace from the beginning, so I feel like their finally forming this extra layer to their relationship really makes the emotional connection I feel with these characters that much stronger. In fact, everything we learn—about the characters and more developments about the world—was spot on in this installment.

Justice Ascending picks up pretty much right after the events of Shadow Falling. With the help of the Mercenaries, our group successfully retrieved Doc Vinnie and Raze’s sister Maureen from the evil President’s clutches. That mission brokers a very tentative trust between Vanguard and the Mercs, and here we get to see the potential of what an alliance with another group could mean for Vanguard. But I still liked that Jax holds back from one hundred percent trusting the Mercs. This is still a post-apocalyptic world here, and for many that means they look out for themselves first, and everyone else second. But it will definitely be interesting to watch these relationships being built. And there are some clear ones Rebecca Zanetti has set up for the future.

I almost find this book difficult to talk about because so much happens in the story in regards to ongoing story threads. A lot is discovered and a lot of information cleared up, so to speak. I look forward to the fourth book, because that means I’ll finally be able to talk about the bulk of what went down in the climax of Justice Ascending.

Being pretty close to perfect, I’d say the only drawback I found was once we reached a certain point in the book, the ending felt a little long and drawn-out, but I love all that is revealed. Justice Ascending has definitely been the best in the series by far, and I love the direction this series is headed. The world after Scorpius just got a whole lot bigger.

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Finally we are getting Tace and Sami's story in Justice Ascending! WooHoo!!! I was so excited to get the next book in The Scorpius Syndrome series especially since it was with two characters I couldn't wait to find out more about. What changes did Tace go through after being infected? What secret is Sami holding so close and why? My questions were finally getting answered.

Ah man, I just knew it had to happen sometime although why did it have to be with Tace and Sami? *Sigh* I was so looking forward to reading their story, to get lost in it and then... My excitement in this series had to crash sometime I just wished it was further down the road. Okay let me start with, I really did like this book. Like, not love, like I did the other books. The heat level between these two is stellar and what I have come to expect from this series so that isn't the problem. The majority of the story, or at least the first half of the book seemed to be spinning around whether:
A). Tace was going to implode (Mentally) and turn evil from the changes caused by the virus.
B). What would happen if everybody found out the truth about Sami.

Let me start with Sami. It's been hinted all along that Sami has had a secret, that she wasn't actually a rookie cop. Frankly, when her secret came out it wasn't what I expected. I felt a bit let down about it. Former hacker turned government agent seemed so anticlimactic. Having worked at The Bunker, and she kept it a secret all this time, okay now THAT was exciting and redeemed her Big Secret. Now Tace and his constant poor me mental dilemma 'what if I go evil?', now that got old. Of course that also got a pass when it turns out there is something physically wrong with him. Unfortunately, all of this occurs in the first half of the book and while it didn't suck, it did drag a bit. Once secrets and illness are exposed that's when all the excitement level I was looking for finally kicks in.

Like I stated, once secrets are out, the story does redeem itself. There is also another contributing factor that has me doing a happy dance. That would be Maureen and Greyson. I see a romance blooming between these two which should play out interestingly since she is Raze's sister and he is the leader of the Mercs. Oh yeah, and one more character: Damon. I really liked him and hope to see more of him in the future. So it's obvious, I'm not giving up on the series. It's going to take more than a 'Like not love' book to stop me from continuing with it. I recommend all, yes all books, that Rebecca Zanetti writes.

reviewed by Jac

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4.25 stars--JUSTICE ASCENDING is the third full length installment in Rebecca Zanetti’s THE SCORPIUS SYNDROME cross genre Sci-Fi/ UF/Dystopian series focusing on a biological pandemic sweeping the world that has already killed 99% of the US population. This is former Texas cowboy and soldier Tace Justice, and former LAPD rookie Sami Steel’s story line that looks at life in the aftermath, and the fallout from an unknown bacteria-from space. The story line advances the series but a few days. For more background information and some history, there is a prequel novella-SCORPIUS RISING-which can be found in the ON THE HUNT anthology (August 2015).

SOME BACKGROUND: Some of those infected with the biological virus have survived to become something known as a Ripper, but there are two types of Rippers inhabiting the world-one is a zombie like creature who feasts on the living; the other is a survivor whose brain has been altered resulting in a stronger, more powerful enhanced human being sometimes bordering on the sociopath ideology with delusions of grandeur and hate. If you are a fan of the series The Walking Dead, you will see many similarities in the story line premise including the search for food and supplies, attacks of the ‘undead’, and various groups of survivors vying for power and control.

Told from several third person points of view JUSTICE ASCENDING focuses on the struggle to survive as the depleting inventory at the Vanguard compound threatens the survival of anyone seeking refuge. Tace Justice, along with many other members of the compound survived the virus but the resulting after affects are slowly killing our story line hero. Tace is a former army field medic and has been ordered to the Mercenary’s compound to offer medical aid following an attack by the Elite Force and the self-proclaimed president of the USA- a man once infected by the Scorpius virus who has since become a sociopathic Ripper. Enter Sami Steel, the woman that calls to Tace’s heart, and the woman sent to scope out the Mercs for some well needed supplies. What ensues is the building relationship between Sami and Tace, Tace’s struggle to keep secret his deteriorating condition, and the search for answers at the California Bunker.

The relationship between Tace and Sami is a friends to lovers scenario-sparring partners, and compound soldiers, Tace has always been attracted to the feisty Sami Steele-a woman who keeps her past a secret –a secret that could help save Tace’s life. Tace is a mercurial hero, a man who struggles with the dark demons that have affected his brain and his mind. The $ex scenes are erotic, intense and passionate-there are some scenes of spanking and discipline.

There is a large ensemble cast of secondary and supporting characters including Vanguard leader Jax Mercury and Lynne Harmony (Mercury Striking #1), mercenary Raze Shadow, and FBI profiler Vivienne (Vinnie) Wellington (Shadow Falling #2), as well as a number of soldier and people at the compounds both Vanguard and Mercenary. The Vanguard facility must contend with a growing number of people free of the virus hoping to keep themselves ‘pure’- the purists is a cult-like group who follow another self-proclaimed leader Pastor Zachary King who will protect his followers from the Scorpius virus. We are re- introduced to Damon Winter and Greyson Storm (leader of the Mercs) two men who struggle to keep their own people alive. The requisite evil includes President Bret Atherton, and his Elite Force of soldiers. Not everyone will survive.

JUSTICE ASCENDING is a story of survival set in a futuristic world where only the strongest survive; an action packed tale of death and destruction, love and loss, secrets and lies, struggle and freedom. New alliances are made; old enemies go down in flames. The premise is unique and imaginative; the characters are spirited, flawed and intense; the romance is passionate and challenging.

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Justice Ascending (The Scorpius Syndrome) is book three in this speculative fiction with a heavy emphasis on romance series. I liked this Vanguard crew story with Tace, even though he became even darker than the last book. Perhaps that is because Sami is strong, intense and forceful. Their journey is volatile and unpredictable. There are many surprises as revelations. Still there are questions to be answered in the overall series.

This is a series to read in order, with former main characters playing a major supporting role in this book. If dark fantasy or post-apocalyptic books are you thing, you will love the imaginative world and characters of the Scorpius Syndrome Series especially Justice Ascending.

An ARC of the book was given to me by the publisher through Net Galley.

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Justice Ascending is probably my favorite of the series so far. Aside from me finding the name Tace really annoying, I really did enjoy this one both characters have been established in the past two book, we know them well, or at least we think we do, Sami with her secrets and Tace with his mind slowly going psycho, or so he thinks, after being infected with the Scorpius Syndrome. Tace and Sami have been attracted to each other since before Tace got infected, it just taken Tace getting infected and slowly becoming more dominant rather than the laid back cowboy for him to act on his attraction. Sami is just all around badass, she' one of the elite soldiers of Vanguard and one of Jax's top lieutenants, (Thankfully Jax wasn't much of an a-hole in this book). But Sami's secret to one she is ready to take to the grave, until...

Since getting Raze's sister back from the Mercenaries they have had an uneasy truce. Greyson, the leader of the Mercenaries, has greenhouses and he needs Maureen, Raze's sister, to help rebuild them. Greyson and Jax need to come to some common ground so they can work together. Meanwhile Tace and Sammi get sent up to Merc territory to help with the wounded and scope out what supplies they have. Jax is ready to raid the Merc territory when They get back but the secret Tace has been keeping has got the better of him and the only way to save him is if Sami reveals her deep dark secret. The only way to save him is if Jax and Greyson join forces against the President. They do hesitantly agree however that they need some kind of understanding they both want to find the legendary Bunker.

Overall, the book was very exciting and emotional and hot! OMG Tace and Sami together are wow. Tace knows, he is aware, that Sami can take care of herself but he has this protective streak that's telling him she shouldn't have to, that it is his job to protect her. I am guessing it has something to do with the Scorpius Syndrome that makes the men who have been affected by it more possessive. I mean look at what it did to the stupid President and his obsession over both Lynne and Vinnie. I do recommend that this series be read in order, it can be a stand-alone but to really understand it they need to be read in order.

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With Mercury Striking, book 1 of The Scorpius Syndrome series by Rebecca Zanetti making my best of 2016 list, and Shadow Rising a close second, it's no surprise that I have been eagerly awaiting Justice Ascending. I'm happy to say that it lived up to all my expectations.

Tace Justice, a down home Texas boy has left the innocence of the pre-Scorpius days behind him. Infected only a few weeks earlier with the Scorpius bacterium, he is one of the survivors, helped by a timely dose of Vitamin B. The infection has definitely changed him though, the dark parts of his soul becoming much more prominent. As the medic for Vanguard, the small section of territory ruled by Jax Mercury in these post apocalyptic days, he has a valuable part to play in the survival of their small group. But bouts of numbness and blackouts make him keenly aware that he's not out of the woods yet.

Sami Steel is happy to have found a family of sorts with the Vanguard crew as one of their chief scouts and fighters. Her secret background as a computer hacker is safe – until Tace, her friend and a man she finds herself more and more attracted to, shows alarming symptoms. She knows the location of the bunker that Jax and his partner Lynn have been looking for but to reveal her secrets could mean the end of any trust she's built with the people she thinks of as friends. As she and Tace grow closer, will she be willing to risk everything to keep him alive?

Fascinating world building, exciting action sequences, and super sexy scenes characterize this series and Justice Ascending has all that in spades. Tace and Sami are explosive together. Part of Tace's infection symptoms include obsessive behavior, and more and more he finds that Sami is at the focus of his every thought and action. His urge to keep her safe and protected wars with his knowledge that she is a capable and strong fighter. And she's not afraid to turn that strength on him when required. The result is emotionally intense scenes as they fight their attraction to each other but ultimately lose the battle.
While Tace and Sami are growing closer, the suspenseful plot proceeds at a swift pace. Vanguard has an uneasy alliance of sorts with the Mercs, another group of survivors also fighting the fanatical American president (a sociopathic survivor of Scorpius) and his government forces. Inside Vanguard's walls is a religious cult of 'pure' people who've never been infected with the bacterium, but whose leader's suspicious behavior puts everyone on edge. The hunt is on for the bunker containing a possible cure for Scorpius. There are several scenes with secondary characters that give some clues as to who will be featured in upcoming stories. While we get an eventual happy ending for Tace and Sami, the fight to survive continues – and I can't wait for the next chapter in the series!

This review has been posted at Straight Shootin' Book Reviews and feedback updated with the link. Review has been posted at Amazon, BN and Kobo, and Goodreads.

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This is the 3rd book in the Scorpius Syndrome.
I've been waiting for Sami and Tace's book!
The POV is 3rd person, but hovers alternately over Tace/Sami.
The writing felt a little stiff at first. After 15-20%, it really started to flow. The chemistry between Tace and Sami was very steamy. Tace, the Texas charmer has met match in Sami.

location 1672-
The strength in his hold stole her breath away. She lifted up her toes, heart galloping. "Let go" "I don't want to." Frustration curled his lip. "Believe me, letting go would be an out I'd take in an instant. But here's the rub, Samantha. Nothing in me, not one little atom or molecule wants to let go. Fuck. You're in my head all the time. in my chest, in my damn skin. I breathe you, damn it."

The first half of the book, Tace and Sami go on scouting missions and work to find a way to defeat the Elite forces (headed by the psychopathic president- !!) The Mercenary group "Mercs" were the Vanguard's foes in the previous 2 books. Jax, Tace and Raze and the rest realize they need allies that can provide more offense and of course defense for the Vanguards largely civilian group.
Sami is one kick ass heroine. There's one scene where she and Tace are wrestle/fighting/foreplay that is uh hmm HOT. The middle had NO slow parts for me. There was a little lull after that, but then really the story ramped up with a LOT of action at the end.
Tace was really battling for his life/Scorpius. He was running out of time.
Sami was hiding her true occupation and how it's revealed and the group's reaction was done really well. There's life and death and the struggle to save themselves and the (new) society. I enjoyed the bits of dry gallows humor (Not too much with the sarcastic humor IMO) . I was almost overwhelmed by the action near the end.
There was no epilogue. Sami and Tace. Ironically , a very romantic end of this book I really liked this couple.
I liked Greyson much better in this book. Damon was also a great secondary character.

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Justice Ascending takes us back into a world that has been destroyed by the Scorpius bacterium and things are not getting any better for the people of Vanguard. Tace Justice has been trying to come to terms with himself after he was affected by Scorpius. Is it bad that I enjoyed reading about Tace’s struggles? Maybe not, it was good to see a vulnerable side to him. I really liked that Sami is tough and wants to be treated the same as any other soldier. Her backstory and the secrets she has been keeping proved very helpful. I enjoyed these two together.

Really enjoyed this book and was happy that Tace and Sami finally got together. I can’t wait to see what happens next. There are so many directions that Ms. Zanetti can go after the events of Justice Ascending. I am very much looking forward to it!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley & Kensington Books in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

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I was given ARC copy in exchange for an honest review by Netgalley and Loveswept.
Tace Justice has been infected by Scorpius but survived . However with some side effects.
Sami Steel has some very important secrets that she doesn't want anyone to know.
Action, suspense , edge of your seat and nail biting .

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The Scorpius series is one of my absolute favorites out right now and Justice Ascending was a phenomenal addition! I give the world building 10 stars and the story 5, it's just that good.

This book, like all those in the series, is dark, sexy, action packed adventure, that takes place in a post apocalyptic world and is a must read!!! Tace was so well written and I loved his dark, dominant personality that came through since catching the virus.

I loved the glimpse into the other survivors and can't WAIT for Moe's story, but I must say, the overly religious zealots is getting a tad old's still a phenomenal story, I just can't fathom that the ways she has written the lead characters would actually stand for the women being hidden away. In my mind it would be such a nonissue with how protective these guys are, that it should've been resolved in book one, two at the latest...that I am still hearing about it, is a bit of an eye roll, but I still absolutely loved this book and highly recommend it to anyone who has read the previous books.

If you're new to Scorpius, you could start here I suppose, but to get the full enjoyment, do yourself a favor and start at the beginning. All 3.5 books are all 5+ stars in my opinion

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Before surviving the Scorpius bacterium, Tace Justice was a good ole Texas cowboy who served his country and loved his mama. After Scorpius, the world became dark, dangerous, and deadly... and so did he. The Vanguard medic is stronger, faster, and smarter than before, but he's lost the line between right and wrong. His passion is absolute, and when he focuses it on one woman, there's no turning back for either of them.

Sami Steel has been fighting to survive right alongside Tace, convincing the Vanguard soldiers she's one of them. In truth, Sami is a former hacker turned government agent who worked at The Bunker, where scientists stored both contaminants and cures. Only she knows the location, and she's not telling. Yet when sexual fire explodes between her and Tace, she'll face even that hell again to save him.


If you have been reading this series, first Tace get his own book....Yeah! I have been waiting for his turn. Second, we finally get some answers on some of the questions that have been left hanging, no I am not going to tell, it would give away some great plot points.

This like the other books in the series are full of action and intrigue. I found myself guessing about a whole lot of the peoples motives in this book. Going back to the statement above though we get some answers to nagging issues, more come up in this book to keep the series going. I think the thing I loved most about this book other than Tace, is Tace dealing with Scorpius. Everything about him is changing, the virus is having serious effects on not just his personality but his body seems to be shutting down too. Tace tries to hide and deal with what is happening to him that make for some interesting and tense situations. Sami is a good mate for him. She is strong, capable and able to handle Tace's Sami is keeping secrets and they might come back to haunt her if she does not come clean. They are super sexy together and burn up the pages with their chemistry. Of course, we see all of the people that have been in the story until now because even though these are romances and have a central couple in each one, they are an ensemble pieces. One story builds upon the other, so reading them in order is also best. I am curious to see who is next. Hopefully we will not have to wait too long.

Love the series and get more attached to the characters with every book.


*I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this book provided by the publisher.*

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***4 “I Should Never Have Tapped Out” Stars***

I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Justice Ascending to see what would be coming next for the Vanguard crew and even more importantly to get an up close and personal view into Tace’s changing mind. And though there were parts that dragged a bit for me, I loved Tace and Sami’s journey and liked where things were left story arc wise in the end.

Tace has been my favorite character from the very beginning with this Texas charming and fierce loyalty to Jax and the Vanguard, that didn’t change when he started to go dark. Instead it made home more intriguing as he started to head into the sociopath route because I wanted to see what, if anything at all, would change about him. Changes did happen, it would unrealistic to assume other wise, and they made the good ‘ole boy darker in how he viewed what was going on around him but he never lost his sense of honor and loyalty to those he called his own

I do love me a fierce and tough woman and Sami fits that bill. She gives as good as she gets and yet has a softness to her that keeps her from becoming hard. I loved her sass and loyalty to the family that she has made in the Vanguard, even though she has been keeping a huge secret from them all. As for that secret. I won’t lie and say that I wasn’t irritated with her for keeping it from them since there was a possibility, even a slim one, that had she shared that certain situations could have turned out differently. But once the truth came out I couldn’t help but empathize with why she’d kept it secret.

Tace and Sami’s road was a bumpy, but fun one to their HEA. Their bantering was fun and the chemistry between them sizzling and when they finally did decide to go for it, it was explosive! I loved how Tace would start to go all over protective alpha male over Sami, but Sami would reel him back in, well as much as she could. She wasn’t a wilting flower needing protection and could hold her own, but wasn’t so stubborn that she wouldn’t take a step back when the situation called for it. What I liked most though was that with all the crazy going on around them their biggest concern was maintaining the friendship and respect they’d built between each other as lieutenants for Vanguard.

I do love me some good, in depth world and character building and Scorpius Syndrome has that in spades, even though there were times when I felt it made things drag a little and made me want to skim the pages, but that’s not something you can do with series with all the crazy going on, but all in all it was an engaging read, especially in the last few chapters. I loved hanging out with Jax, Lynne, Raze and Vinnie and seeing how their relationships are evolving as well as their various relationships with all the other characters that populate this dystopian world. I’m happy with how the story is progressing and that we got some resolution to a couple of the issues, though I’d really like to know where the h*ll is going on with the Brigade ~ are they alive? Dead? Hanging out on an island in the middle of the Pacific ocean? Inquiring minds want to hopefully in the next book?? Pretty please??

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I'm really enjoying this post apocalyptic series. The men are over the top alpha and the women are strong and some even kick a$$ as good as the men. That's Sami! She is keeping a secret and knows if it comes out The Vanguard will kick her out. This group has become her family. And somewhere along the line Trace has become more. Trace is has the Scorpius syndrome and is turning darker everyday. Only Sami seems to see beyond it. Trace is trying to hide symptoms that could jeopardize his missions.
This book was non-stop action and wasn't sure who would survive! Rebecca Zanetti hit all the notes in this book. I was on the edge of my seat many times and I laughed and cried a few times too. Can't wait to read the next book in this series.

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Once again Rebecca Zanetti held me captive. There was no way I was putting this story down.

I wanted Tace’s story since he recovered from infection and started noticing his own lack of emotion. It was a very intriguing (and sad) development to see the gregarious and flirtatious medic loose his emotions. It was also hinted at the end of Shadow Falling that Tace was obsessing on fellow soldier, Sami. Was this a hint of his further fall into darkness or a tingle of his humanity returning? It may be a bit of both.

As a refresher, Tace was infected while Vanguard was out of the Vitamin B cocktail that they all take. They found that B helps against the worst of the infection. This is why Tace is showing a lack of emotions that the others do not. He did receive B during his recovery so we are still learning how that will effect him in the long run. It is also important to remember that while we have had months and months between stories to digest the happenings of the prior stories, time wise, this novel takes place right after Shadow Falling and in general, it has been less than a year since the spread of Scorpius and the fall of civilization, and just weeks since the infection of Tace specifically until this story begins.

In Justice Ascending, we see Tace still struggling with knowing that he lacks emotions…or maybe it is more correct to say that he knows he should be struggling with that fact, but he can’t work up any concern and he knows that is wrong. His concern is more that he will become a ripper and the friends he has made will be the ones forced to kill him. Again, while he is not emotional about that, just the fact that he knows that they will be upset shows that all is not completely lost for Tace.

He knows that he is becoming obsessed with Sami and his concern is less his obsession, since he noticed Sami and was attracted to her since the first day she arrived. Tace is more concerned that the obsession in conjunction with his fall into darkness might cause him to hurt her. Again, this shows that all is not lost for Tace.

Tace knows he should put some space between him and Sami but that won’t be happening anytime soon since they are both sent up to the Merc camp. Their only doctor was killed during the attack by the President when he tried to take Vinnie and Raze’s sister. (I’ll give you a moment to recall…okay) Jax sends them Tace to patch up their wounded but Jax won’t let him go alone, so he sends Sami to back him up.

We are still looking for the bunker. We are still trying to find Deacan and Nora from Scorpius Rising.

What is great in this series is that both Jax (Vanguard) and Greyson (Mercenaries) are contemplating an alliance but since they aren’t 100 percent sure it will work out, they both strategize each situation with how do we get the other camps stuff and what do we need to do to be allies? And they both know that the other is also weighing each interaction the same way and they are cool with it since they are both good leaders and aren’t going to risk their people by trusting too easily. It’s just funny to see them shaking hands while checking the area for goods and forces but there is no malice just the reality of the new world order and no malice between the leaders as long as they don’t actually act against one another.

There is so much happening in Justice Ascending and yet there is still so many things left up in the air. Part of me wants to know what will happen and the other part doesn’t want it to end.

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Justice Ascending by Rebecca Zanetti is the third book in The Scorpius Syndrome series, (not counting the novella) as with the first two books, this was an action packed story that has you begin for more.

This is Tace and Sami’s story; these characters have enough secrets between the two of them that makes the story complex and mind blowing. Tace was infected with the Scorpius bacteria just a few weeks ago, he is having some serious side effects besides his lack of emotions and doesn't want anyone to know. Sami thinks she has convinced Jax and the rest of the team that she is an ex-LAPD rookie. Her fighting skills seem to prove it but her gunmanship says otherwise.

The dialogue was excellently written, and I loved that the author gave us more page time with previous characters from the other two books. The story moved smoothly with plot twisting action, HOT sexy love scenes, scary dark moments, and a little bit of comedy; to shows the close relationship the Vanguard members have developed since Scorpius hit the world. If you have not read the other two books in the series I would highly suggest you start with those, reading in order will help you follow the characters and the world they now live in better. I look forward to more stories with the Vanguards and the Mercenaries (Vanguards new allies); can’t wait to see if they continue to work together or if the President and his Elite Force figure out how to break that not so tight bond they have apart.
If you are like me and enjoy wonderfully well written new worlds, then this book or well the series is for you. I would love to see this series on the big screen, totally do able!

***I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from Zebra/Kensington via NetGalley. This is my honest opinion and has not been influenced by the author in anyway.***

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It took a few attempts to write this review without spoilers beyond what is already disclosed in the book blurb, but I think I've got it now so here goes! It is hard to believe these first 3 books in the series only cover a span of a few months, but in this post-apocalyptic world you have to live in the moment because tomorrow is never guaranteed. The survivors in the Vanguard camp are racing the clock to find a cure to save the future of human race, trying to find enough resources to keep people alive, and fending off attacks from the sociopathic Ripper President's Elite Force, so when they find love in the midst of the madness, they have to seize their chance.

Tace was all Southern boy charm and Texas drawl before Scorpius, but now that he is a survivor he is feeling like the darkness has taken hold in him and it scares the heck out of him. He comes from a long line of Texas lawmen and he feels like he has betrayed them by allowing the darker side of him to emerge now. Sami can see that the well mannered Texas man is still in there, but he is buried deep and struggling for dominance with the new, faster and harder version of Tace. And somehow that new version is really working for her which freaks her right out, especially since the new Tace seems to be very adept at reading people when they are lying and she is not ready to have her secrets exposed.

A trip into rival Mercenary territory to patch up their wounded and do a little recon work puts Sami and Tace in close quarters, and it doesn't take long before things turn heated. As hard as she tries to gain the upper hand, she is bound to fail because Tace is not backing down until Sami is his once and for all. His descent into darkness and his over the top protective instincts toward her still worry him but he just adds it to the list. He has been experiencing episodes of numbness and passing out since Scorpius infected him and he has to focus on hiding his weakness so that he can remain a functional part of the team. That plan goes by the wayside quickly though when an episode hits in front of Jax and the team, and Sami recognizes his systems as a rare but potentially deadly side effect of the Vitamin B treatments they all take. In order to save his life, she offers up her knowledge of the Bunker and risks being banished from Vanguard for her deception.

Although Jax and Tace are angry with her, they recognize that she did the right thing in order to try to find a cure for Tace's condition. Sami is terrified of going back to the Bunker as she relays the activities that she witnessed there, but in order to try to ensure a future for any of them, they decide to make an attempt to storm the facility. Jax and Tace hatch a daring and dangerous plan to follow through but they have to form an uneasy alliance with Greyson Storm, the leader of the rival Mercenary gang, if they have any hope of succeeding. There is an interesting element between Grey and Raze's sister Maureen that I can't wait to see explored, but for now it is enough of a mystery to have everyone intrigued- except Raze. Maureen's expertise is needed to find a way to grow sustainable food sources in the new environment and Grey's camp has the best facilities for it, so I am thinking this new alliance may turn out to be longer term than they planned, but we shall see!

Anyhow, I digress- the last half of the book is fast paced and action packed as the group races to save Tace's life and find the Bunker before the President and his men realize that Vanguard has discovered the location. In the meantime, the uninfected part of Vanguard's population that calls themselves The Pure is becoming a bigger problem with each passing day and their new fanatical leader is a thorn in Jax's side. He is treacherous and shifty to say the least, and he pulls an outrageous move at the end that I am sure Jax will retaliate for swiftly. Then they make an unexpected discovery that rocks Jax's world, and I cannot wait to see how that plays out in the future!

Justice Ascending was a wonderful read that kept me riveted from start to finish and I cannot get enough of this series! Tace and Sami are a great couple; they are both strong and capable, but they offset each other in all the right ways. Tace is just the right combination of alpha, dominant, protective, sweet, caring, and willing to do anything to ensure the woman he loves survives even if he doesn't. Each chapter opens with some sort of quote, usually from one of the characters related to the upcoming chapter, and I will leave you with a few below. If you love hot, sexy alpha males, some heat and a little danger and suspense, then you need to check out the Scorpius Syndrome series today!

I’ve found that a punch to the face works better than reason more often than not. —Sami Steel

Love makes phenomenal soldiers act like morons. I know . . . I did. —Jax Mercury

I’ll love you from this life to the next . . . and back again. —Tace Justice

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I'm totally captivated by this series, which is surprising since I'm not usually into post- apocalyptic stories. (which I think I've mentioned in reviews of the other books in this series.)

This is the 3rd book and tells the story of Tace & Sami and the Vanguards continued search for a cure for the Scorpius bacterium. This book has great romance, exciting battles and twists that will keep you reading. I couldn't put the book down and when I finished it, I wanted more. Waiting for the next book is almost as bad as waiting for a cure for Scorpius! Another MUST READ book by Rebecca Zanetti!!

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