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I Feel Bad

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This life gives us plenty to feel bad about - be it because of body image, insecurities about your personality, your parenting ability, or society's race and gender issues. I Feel Bad is a book of sketches about those feelings of insecurity, guilt, and not being enough. For people who feel bad about everything they do and everything that happens to them. If we can't feel good, at least we can feel bad together. This book was somewhat cathartic and comforting to read and know you aren't alone.

NOTE: I received a free copy of this book NetGalley. I received no incentive to read or review this book other than said copy of work. The review below contains my own thoughts and opinions. Special thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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'I Feel Bad: All Day. Every Day. about Everything' by Orli Auslander is one woman's list of all the things she feels bad about. It's sometimes humorous and mostly relatable.

The book starts with an introdcution abut how the book came to be. The author started keeping a notebook and illustrating all the things that made her feel bad. We can all relate to some, if not all, of them. I can relate to ones like #17-I'm Vengeful and #28-I'm Self-Hating. Others about Vodka and Breastfeeding less so, but I can relate to the whole catalog of things I feel bad about at any given time.

The illustrations and stories are slightly comic and feel personal. I liked this look at someone else's list of the things they think about.

I received a review copy of this ebook from Blue Rider Press, Penguin Group, and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for allowing me to review this ebook.

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The description of this book I had was that it's "a collection of some of the many reasons I feel bad and how they affect me in everyday life."

The sketches are the images of a neurotic's life. It's a peek into someone's head when its normally something you'd never have seen. As someone with anxiety issues, there are a lot of things that are remarkably familiar.

The copy I had gave me some formatting issues, but other than that, it was an interesting and enjoyable (and eye-opening) collection.

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Did not like it very much. There wasn't anything that stood out to me as a favorite panel.

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I thought this book was clever, and a good idea to take a look at ourselves. However, I could not relate to most of the author's confessions.

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This was quite a disappointing read. I see this as a decent, if forgettable, collection that we would end up having to discard sooner rather than later.

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I enjoyed this book and I could really agree with the different reasons that someone feels bad in a day.  I have felt more than one of them! I thought that the images were funny and really empathised the points that were being made.

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Clever, relatable, and oftentimes very funny. This is one that I will likely recommend to a large number of my female patrons.

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it's just not my cup of tea. while i can relate to some of them, most of the content just felt unrelateable to me. but while others are complaining about the art, i actually like it! it's a doodle and i love its simplicity.

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I received a free copy of this book for an unbiased review.

It is my opinion that the book was...okay. Women in particular will relate to the ideas that we feel bad, all day, about everything in our lives. I think men feel the same way about some of the issues in this book. There are so many things we are taught to feel guilty about and we always feel like we are pulled in too many directions. This idea is not new.

The illustrations, while funny, were not breathtaking either. Even those were sort of middle of the road, amusing but not great. The entire book was sort of "blah" for lack of a better word, though "middle of the road" applies, too.

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This is a short book comprised of illustrations. They're all what makes the author "feel bad". It includes a bit of everything... frustration with herself, her kids, her husband, her family, and a bunch of random things. Some of them made me laugh. I'm sure it was cathartic for her to sketch them all out, and many are relatable. It's definitely honest and unfiltered! I would have preferred the drawings be larger in the kindle book and the captions easier to read. I ended up having to hold it close to my face or tilt my kindle to read them. It's a very interesting idea for a book.

I received an ARC of this book from Net Galley and Penguin Group Blue Rider Press & Plume, thank you! My review is honest and unbiased.

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I absolutely loved this! A true collection of all the things someone worries about laid bare, full of guilt, contradiction, self-loathing but warming at the same time. We need more honesty and books like this.

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Got this off Netgalley and thought... well, I'm not sure what I was thinking when I requested this, honestly, because this is not what I expected. It's a book of illustrations, pithy and humorous, but not as wide ranging as I had expected it to be. Given that it's full of illustrations, it should have been longer and covered topics not only to do with the writer and her life. It feels too individual to have any impact on the reader. I was disappointed. The sketches are sparse and to the point - most do not expand on the chapter headline at all. I understand this is a proof copy, but I doubt much will change in the final version. What this book needs is more substance; more universality in its message. Right now, it's like an art essay by the writer on the writer - even memoirs (or at least the good ones) have a universal message that will reach all its readers. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone, it seems far too pointless.

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While most of the situations the author described I am unable to apply to my life or experiences, it was easy to empathize with her through her brash comments and humorous and crude illustrations. A fun and quick book to work through, especially if you need to feel a bit better about some of your own problems.

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I requested this book because it was compared to Allie Brosh, who i love. I would never compare the two. I didn't really like her art style, for one. But also, I couldn't relate to anything in this book because it's very centered on being a mother and a wife. I am neither of these things, so I just couldn't connect on any level. I kinda feel bad about it.

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I feel bad that I wasted precious time in my life to read this book. It was awful. This woman makes me angry. Her artwork is not good. She is offensive and she even used a swastika in her drawings as she thought of herself as Hitler. This was and is disgraceful. It was supposed to be humorous and I have certainly felt bad about things and myself at times but this was too much.

I refuse to rate it.

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Seeing this book I really thought it would be funny. Though I can relate to a few things the rest I couldn't understand or relate to. The worse part though was the illustrations which ruins the book.

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A book about all of the things that the author feels about. Each thing she feels bad about is accompanied by a number and an illustration. It's things we all feel bad about at one point or another. Lying to the kids, when they ask if they are good enough for the NBA. Not picking up the one legged hitch hiker and neutering her dog are all examples of the things that she feels bad about. All real life things that we have felt bad about in our lives too, but will include funny illustrations.

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I Feel Bad a small book, with several illustrations. I was able to finish it within a train ride, on the way to work. The illustrations are about all the things that make Orli feel bad. Some of them were extremely relatable, such as her being suspicious of everyone.

I would like to recommend this book to all women, particularly mothers, for there are some illustrations that mothers would be able to relate to more than us.

My only problem with the book was that it ended too soon. I would love to see more of this author's works!

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The pictures are rough, and you aren't sure if you are going to like it. But it's kind of amazing how it's like reading a comic about my life. I feel bad, too. And it was funny, and fresh, and so nice to see someone feels like I do.


If you feel bad, too, read this!

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