Cover Image: Argyle Fox

Argyle Fox

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Argyle Fox by Marie Letourneau is one of the most delightful children's story I have read.

This is the tale of little fox named Argyle who is trying to play outside but the bad bad wind is messing with his plans and ruining his play. So little fox has to come up with more and more ideas for play until he comes up with the perfect one.
I loved everything about it. Illustrations are absolutely gorgeous, and the animals are friendly and likable.
The story is particularly important since it teaches kids not to give up, to be persistent and to try and amuse themselves and be creative while doing so.
I think that this is the message that every parent can appreciate since a large number of kids are struggling with this issue.
I especially welcomed the fact that Argyle didn't lose his temper or became surly when so many of his attempts at play failed.
His creativity is astounding as is the fact that he needs very few toys to play but uses everyday items in his play.
Both my kids are captivated by this book. It's fantastic.

I will look forward to reading more of her books.

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Argyle the fox wants to play in the wind. After trying with cards, webs, forts and having various other animals tell him it would not work in the wind. Argyle's Mom tells him he will think of something to play in the wind. Frustrated he sits and thinks and comes up with an idea. He goes about crafting his idea and even uses knitting. He finally succeds and is told what a smart fox he is. I really liked this book as it has the message for kids not to give up, keep trying. I also liked the illustrations they were very well drawn. I think this would make a great bedtime story for younger children and an good beginner reading book. I love children's books with a positive message. I look forward to more adventures with Argyle.

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Oh how I adored the spunky character of Argyle!
Argyle wants to play outside but the wind keeps interfering with everything he tries to do.
This is a delightful story with wonderful illustrations.
I loved everything about this book and know the knitting community and the kids I work with will love it too.

For what it is worth I think there should be a whole series about Arygle. I would love to read more of his adventures!

Thank you to Net Galley and Tanglewood for the advance copy!

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Adorable and perfect for young children, this sweetly innocent and beautifully illustrated children's book encourages creative thinking, perseverance, and positive thinking. Both my young sons were very entertained by it, and quickly caught onto the storyline, making "whooshing" sound effects to accompany the flow of the story and guessing at the end results of Argyle the Fox's endeavors to have fun. We've already read it twice and they loved it to pieces. I found it greatly entertaining myself and loved the colorful cast of woodland creatures and the many ideas for activities it provided, even if most of them aren't ideal for playing in the wind.

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I received an e-version book from I enjoyed reading this story. I think my 8-yr-old would've enjoyed this story, as well. It tells about the little fox figuring out what he can do in windy weather. It was nice story about childhood creativity.

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Oh my, do I adore Argyle Fox! The sweet character, gorgeous illustrations and story about finding a creative solution in a difficult situation. I paged through this little book as eager as a child. 5/5

Thanks to the author, NetGalley and Tanglewood Publishing for the ARC. Opinions are mine.

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I received a free ARC of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This was an adorable book. The pictures were so sweet and colorful. It presented the important message about not giving up and rethinking a situation. A very cute read.

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A wonderfully fun book for kids! What a wonderful story and beautiful illustrations! I highly recommend this book.

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As the wind reeks havoc on Argyle Fox's attempts to play outside, he becomes increasingly frustrated with every failed endeavor. Though in the end he finally figures out a way to enjoy the windy day, Mama is truly the "clever fox" by allowing Argyle to figure things out for himself.

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A delightful tale of a young fox. Argyle (apparently so-named because he likes to knit and wear argyle clothing) wants to play outside. His friends (beaver, badger, etc.) tell him it won't work. His efforts are unsuccessful due to a whooshing wind. But he keeps trying.

Eventually, he gives up, What can he do? Discouraged, he returns to his room. Of course, Mama Fox tries to encourage him, suggesting he find something to do in the wind. Eureka! He goes to work on a new project. What is it? A kite, of course. A sweet story with great illustrations. Five stars.

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This is an absolutely adorable picture book for young readers. I love Argyle Fox and his silly antics and look forward to future publications featuring this lovable character. The story is fun and engaging and the illustrations are absolutely gorgeous. This is a must read!

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A sweet book about Argyle the Fox, who just wants to play outside on a windy day. He tries time and time again, but the wind keeps blowing away all his toys, and ruining the fun... so Argyle has so come up with a solution. What would you play with on a windy day?

I have received a much appreciated digital copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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The soft and detailed illustrations beautifully capture the perfection of both the natural setting, and of the sweetness of the animals of the woods. I love the details like the birch twig flag pole and the little white tea lights that are draped over Argyle's real tree canopy bed.
The curiosity and personality of the animals in the backgrounds, like the beavers surprised eyeballs watching the newspaper folded hat Wooosh away in the wind, to the white tip bushy tail fox checking out his mailbox, display feelings in their expressions during each small moment.
A cute story of perseverance and patience when you have to change a plan. The narrative serves for a model for picking yourself up and dusting yourself off through the small tangles. Sometimes you cannot control a situation, and if you can unravel what you can control, you might just find, the best situation for that moment after all.

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Really cute illustrations, but the story fell a little flat for me. It's not a bad story, but nothing that makes it really stand out.

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When I saw the cover, I knew I had to read this book. I love the title and the artwork. As a pediatric nurse and certified educator, I see special needs children get frustrated when they get thwarted by outside forces, yet time and again I see them persevere until they figure out a way to accomplish their goals. This book would be perfect for an elementary classroom.

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I love this book! Not only is the story adorable but the artwork is beautiful. The story is basic without insulting children's intelligence. Plus, it encourages kids to be creative, think about their surroundings, to build things, to have independence, to keep trying new things and to share! A nice, subtle touch I appreciated was showing the fox picking up their toys when they're frustrated with none of them working. I just cannot more highly recommend this book.

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The story and illustrations in this book are so cute and adorable. Love that it encourages problem solving and teaches perseverance. My three littles ages seven, four, and two really enjoyed the story and asked for it to be read again and again.

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The "Argyle Fox" is a wonderful story about a very determined little fox, named Argyle. Throughout the story, little Argyle attempts to go play different games in the wind. Although his mother and other critters try and warn him that the games he chooses to play in the wind will not work, Argyle gets busy trying anyway. Much to his dismay, he is not successful attempting many of these activities. He quickly discovers that building a tower out of cards, playing soccer, and other activities are not so easy to do in the windy weather. Argyle gets frustrated, but eventually finds something he CAN do in the wind.
This is a wonderful story that would be great to help teach children the value of determination and never quitting, even when nothing seems to being going right. The lesson is as wonderful as the illustrations in this beautiful story! I really enjoyed reading this story and feel it would be a wonderful asset to any home or classroom library for young children! Absolutely beautiful!
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this wonderful book!

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Very cute. A very persistent little fox searches for something he can do on a windy day.

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Fun, book with a lovely lesson. It would make a good gift book.

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