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Hollywood Honkytonk

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This was an okay read, nothing special though. I did not connect with the characters and really didn't care how it turned out. Maybe something that I have to try again later as many people have seemed to like it.

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Really enjoyed this unique fresh story. Will be reading more from this author for sure

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This is a romantic and entertaining story. Jack is an insecure sweetheart under his polished Hollywood persona. Riley is shy woman with an inner strength that helps her confront and overcome adversity. They are good together, and for each other. The storyline is full of drama, with the typical Hollywood crap that goes on, and a stalker. It's interesting and enjoyable and romantic.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley. This is my honest opinion of it.

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Hollywood Honkytonk is the second novel in Ms. Hopkins Kings of California series, but it's the first novel in the series I've read (although it's not the first book I've read by this author), which accounts for my confusion over some of the secondary characters, and while that isn't a huge issue, it is worth mentioning. Adding to my confusion was the title, which led me to expect some sort of "country western singer goes to Hollywood and makes it big" theme, but country music had very little to do with the plot of this novel, which is one of several reasons I could only give it a 3-star rating.

The novel opens 10 years into the past and one day after their high school graduation in the small town of Oleander, as Riley, the heroine, races along the train platform trying to find her best friend since the ninth grade, Jack. The two had planned to go to Los Angeles so that Jack could pursue his dream of becoming an actor and Riley her dream of becoming a songwriter. When Riley catches up with Jack, he's hardly recognizable because his face looks like someone beat him nearly to death, something he doesn't want to discuss. When Riley tells him she can't go with him, her reasons are not something she wants to share, and so Jack heads off alone .

Fast forward 10 years, and Jack is waking up after a wild night of partying at his beach house to find himself in bed with Harlow, an old girlfriend who he'd never have touched unless he was drunk, and he asks one of his roommates to get rid of her because he's late for a charity run in which he's participating. He's obviously made it big in Hollywood and has the women, fans, personal assistant, dressers, promotion managers, agent, crazy schedule and the paparazzi to show for it.

What he doesn't expect on this charity run is to get tripped up by a dog along the way, and end up on the ground facing the dog's owner--Riley. She's only just arrived in L.A. and she's living at the convent which will benefit from the proceeds of the run. She's been hired as their choir director to replace the last director who simply walked off the job. She's also been running--especially from her violent ex-husband, Tommy, who she divorced after 10 years of marriage, and who's been stalking her for the past year as she moved from place to place, trying to get away from him.

When Riley brings Jack inside to tend to the scrapes and bruises from his fall, it's clear that the sparks of attraction are definitely there, and that they might have a second chance together, but there are more than a few obstacles ahead including his work and travel schedule, his celebrity status (remember that Riley is in hiding because her ex- is stalking her), Jack's reputation as a player, the aforementioned paparazzi, Jack's ex-girlfriend and more. As they spend what little time they have together, the relationships heats up, and yes, this novel is definitely for the 18+ reader.

These are, for the most part, likable characters, but some of the plot elements didn't work for me at all, especially when Riley, who doesn't want to be photographed, attends red carpet events with hot Hollywood hunk, Jack, who, rather than trying to keep her out of the limelight and safe, drags her to these events instead, even leaving her alone for hours at a Hollywood party his agent throws. It seems that it's all about his stardom and his career, with not much time devoted to Riley except for sex. Jack says her loves her, but again, everything in his life, including Riley, takes a back seat to his career. I will admit to not being a fan of celebrity or rockstar romances because I generally find them lacking in depth and more about sex, drugs and rock 'n roll than they are about romance.

Will Riley and Jack find a way to make their relationship work despite the odds? Will Riley manage to make it as a songwriter? Will Riley's ex-husband catch up with her? What will happen if and when he does? The answers to these questions make up the rest of his well-written novel, which was, for the most part, an enjoyable read, but with a somewhat superficial story line.

I voluntarily read an advance reader copy of this novel.

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Riley and Jack have history. Looooooong ago history. Unresolved history. All the ingredients you need for a second chance at love ... one of my favorite tropes to get lost in! And having Mia Hopkins as the author just made it that much more inviting. The woman can write erotic romance like nobody's business! #TRUTH

Riley has never been far from Jack's thoughts in the last 10 years. She's the one who got away. But that was then and this is now and this time, he's not letting her go! Riley has some serious baggage to shed. The last 10 years have not been rainbows and gumdrops for her. There is a ton of emotion in this story. You feel it throughout the entire story. It's sexy as hell, but also very very heartwarming. A combination that Mia is an expert at unfolding in a story.

I'm really looking forward to more from this series!

Copy provided for blog tour review

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I loved this book and this series by Mia Hopkins and it won't be the last book either. Just loved jack and Riley they were very real and felt like normal people you can relate to and with. Also love books from friends to lovers and would recommend

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Hollywood Honkytonk by Mia Hopkins....Another fantastic book by this amazing author. Mia Hopkins write like a song lyrics that flow so nicely and sucks you in. I enjoyed seeing the love story be told for Riley and Jack, it is like watching a friend or family member, it seems so real. I highly recommend this book or any other by Mia Hopkins.

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Not bad, just not great either. It didn't grab me, and I didn't feel much for any of the characters, so I wasn't invested in the outcome.

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Hollywood Honkytonk by Mia Hopkins
Kings of California Book #2

Jack Lamont is definitely an alpha male! With his good looks, charm and iron willed determination he has made his way up in Hollywood and won’t let anyone or anything interfere with the job he loves – acting. Surrounded by assistants, a press and promotion guy, fixers, dressers, friends and hangers on his life is full but not complete. He loves what he does for a living but living is sometimes lonely even when he is surrounded by people.

Riley Marion Blake, now Rodriguez, is divorced but still being stalked by her abusive ex-husband. She has run from her home to Nashville then to Memphis before settling in to teach music at a Catholic girls’ school in California. Her dreams have not all been fulfilled but she is content – if fearful – while she lies low avoiding her ex. She loves music – writing, playing, teaching, singing – and would love to have a successful future sharing it with others.

When Jack and Riley meet at a charity race sparks fly. The high school friendship that might have become more had she gone with him after they graduated is given a second chance to flourish. They spend time together, get to know one another again, socialize with others, communicate, have misunderstandings, have steamy encounters and then have a HUGE blow-up that needs to be resolved if they are to have a happily ever after – one that they both deserve.

I liked Jack and Riley and enjoyed reading their story. I am not easy to please with second chance novels because most of the time the reason the two did not get together the first time around doesn’t make sense – this time it does. I am curious bout Jack’s brother who starred in book one of this series, want to know more about Ana (Jack’s personal assistant) and really want to know if Spike will have his story told at some point in the future or if he will end up in the gutter he seems to be moving toward.

Thank you to The Wild Rose Press and NetGalley for the ARC. This is my honest review.

4 Stars

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My first book by this author. Was very happy that I got the privilege to read this. Hooked and loved it.

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