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See What I Have Done

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Boy, I struggled with this one. At first I thought it was because I am not very used to Historical Fiction and the little I read the prose was not quite so lyrical and random, so I took it as a challenge to read something different and try to enjoy it. However, the more I read the less invested I felt.

I have read quite a lot of books where the narrative jumps back and forth and if done well it adds a new dimension to the story and I feel very involved in it, wanting to know what happened both back then and present day. But here it was just confusing. There are a lot of flashbacks in the middle of chapters so even when they were dated I never knew what was going on or when. One minute a character is having a pretty straight thought, then she thinks of something else and there's paragraphs and paragraphs of that and by the time that was done I had to really make an effort to remember what she was doing before and catch the thread of the narrative again.

The prose could be absolutely enthralling. Some descriptions were extremely vivid, reaching out to all our five senses and making me feel like I was there. On a couple of occasions where things got pretty gross I was actually sick to my stomach. But good writing is just not enough when nothing much seems to happen and it gets really tiring after a while. Sure, the characters were peculiar and the writing was very good, but after a while that is just not enough.

To this day I don't get why people kept eating a stew that was obviously spoiled. It felt like they had it for days but then again maybe it was just that one day.

And the worst part is I could not even get closure. The more the book approached the end the more enigmatic and riddled with innuendo the prose got. (view spoiler)

I was extremely disappointed at See What I Have Done. I do think others will enjoy it if they are okay with this prose and not getting closure at the end of the book. It's one of those I classify under read it for the journey, not the destination, although I am sure even the ending will please folks who love lyrical writing.

Disclaimer: I would like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Unfortunately this book just wasn't a good fit for me. I struggled to get to grips with the story, the 'pre' felt too long as rambling, the 'post' far to short and unexplored, and the end just came out of the blue and seemingly answered nothing. The descriptions of the setting seemed to focus endlessly on the stifling heat, rotten smells and sticky pears - and the endless talk of rotten mutton stew was really repetitive.

Im sure it will be enjoyed by many, and good luck with the release - I just didn't enjoy it i'm afraid.

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Having grown up in Massachusetts, I learned very young the Lizzie Borden song. We use to sing this as kids while having absolutely no knowledge of who Lizzie Borden was, or why there was a song.
The song for those who don't know....
Lizzie Borden took an axe
And gave her mother 40 whacks
And when she saw what she had done
She gave her father 41

As I got older, I thought the story was based on an Alfred Hitchcock thriller with no factual basis. Only into adulthood did I learn this was an actual murder. So when I saw this book on Netgalley, I was intrigued and was anxious to read it. What really surprised me is that I was 5 years old in 1962 when we were singing this song, 70 years after this landmark murder and kids are still singing the little rhyme/song.

I loved the book. The writing is exceptional. The author did a fantastic job of making the reader understand that Lizzie was more than just a little off. The chapters are told in several alternating voices; Lizzie, her sister Emma, the maid Bridget, Lizzie and Emma's Uncle John, and a mysterious person that adds a twist to the story. All of the characters are well developed and the reader gets invested in each character whether they are like able or not.

The book was just long enough to get the story told and wasn't drug out, which has been the case with so many books I've read lately. I was enthralled from the first chapter and couldn't put the book down. There is an event timeline at the end of the book for review.

Big thanks to Netgalley and the Publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A slightly creepy account of the historical fiction surrounding the life of Lizzie Borden. Written in an atmospheric manner that puts one inside Lizzie's head, this interpretation of what led up to the horrific events on that fateful day leaves readers not just a bit unsettled. Fans of Hannah Kent's 'Burial Rites' should give this one a read.

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I love me some true crime. The case of Lizzie Borden fascinates me & is something I've looked up before. It was interesting to read from not only Lizzie's point of view, but of other key players as well. This book is extremely well written & so worth the read!

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This was a complimentary electronic galley from NetGalley.

I became very excited when I saw their was a new novel coming out this year about Lizzie Borden, and HAD to read it--grateful for getting a copy from NetGalley! It seems gruesome that I'd be interested in this story, but I've always watched any documentaries I've seen about the murders and unsolved mystery shows. Maybe because the rhyme is ingrained in most American's psyches. And even though these shows and the many articles written about the murders are quick to point put the Borden's were not killed with 40 swings of an axe, I think any axe whack over 1 is pretty much excessive and very angry! Interestingly, I have never read any book, fact or fiction, based on the murders.

I guess there is no need for a spoiler alert here since we all know what happened. Mr and Mrs Borden--Lizzie's father and stepmother--were found murdered one hot summer morning. Sarah Schmidt does a good job here with not only giving us all the available information, but presenting it in an interesting way, and even injecting an additional air of mystery via a fictional character, Benjamin, a murderous drifter who may have been hired by John Morse (Lizzie's uncle and the brother of her deceased mother) to actually kill the Andrew and Abby Borden. The Borden household was tense: Lizzie is portrayed as a spoiled, often unhappy young woman, annoyed that her father who though wealthy was so frugal; she seems to have had issues with everyone else in the household, from her stepmother, and her sister, to the Irish maid. They did not live in the very best part of town where other businessmen i stalled their families, but in a more mixed socioeconomic area. Lizzie's uncle was staying with them the day that the murders occurred. There's lots of room for other suspects, including Uncle John, complete strangers robbing the home, and someone with an axe to grind (excuse the expression!) with Andrew Borden, a tough businessman. But the excess of the whacks points to someone who really felt passionate about what they were doing, and Lizzie was mostly alone in the house with Abby that day, and certainly had opportunity.

So Benjamin is the fly on the wall in the story, but he isn't innocent or "good" or unbiased; he's almost another aspect of Lizzie, hiding outside in the barn loft, watching and waiting. Schmidt tells the story with an almost teasing air, making you think that it is possible someone else may have committed this horrible act. Most of the evidence against Lizzie was circumstantial, and while people hated to think she had done this, it put people's minds at ease that a deranged homicidal killer was NOT lurking about breaking into homes randomly, although Benjamin is the foil for that theory.

AN interesting and well written, fast paced historical fiction, if you have ever had an interest in the Bordens, this is a book you'll want to try. Part thriller, part physiological study, part fictional memoir, part historical fiction, there's something here to appeal to most anyone.

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I loved the premise for See What I Have Done. The Lizzie Borden case fascinates American readers just as Jack the Ripper fascinates English ones. Sarah Schmidt's novel is a fictionalised account of what transpired in the Borden home one day in August 1892. According to Lizzie Borden her father and stepmother were brutally murdered and mutilated with an axe by an unknown intruder. When no signs of a break in were found Lizzie herself was accused of the killing but was sensationally acquitted by a jury of men who didn't believe a woman was capable of such a horrendous act.

It is a very atmospheric read, which is in its favour, and the characterisation is strong. However, I did not enjoy the many different points of view or time ,frame switches, which made the novel hard to follow hence I have given it only three stars. Many thanks to NetGalley and Atlantic Monthly Press for the opportunity to read and review the novel.

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Even if you don't know the full (real) story of Lizzie Borden, most people have heard of her. I was drawn to this story since it was a fictional take on what if she didn't murder her Father and StepMother. I did not find this novel particularly gripping, in fact, the storyline was mainly bland and boring. I did like following the story from Lizze's perspective. I was hoping to love this book but sadly, it didn't live up to my expectations of it.

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This book proved to be a little gem and I thoroughly enjoyed it. In fact, I tore through it in a just a matter of days.

The writing is great and drew me into the story, Sarah Schmidt invoked to me a sense of claustrophobia in the Borden household and a menacing atmosphere with her writing.

After reading the book, I immediately jumped onto the web to find out more about Lizzy and her crimes.

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I am not sure how to review this book, I cannot say I loved it. It seemed a bit too choppy at times to me but maybe the choppiness is there for a reason (remember what Lizzie Borden is famous or should I say infamous for). Did she brutally kill her father and stepmother or hire someone to do it or what? I could not say for certain-she was acquitted after a trial among her peers right?.. But this book raises suspicions and that is the main reason I would recommend it... especially to people intrigued by Lizzie Borden.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read and give an honest review.

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It's hard to believe that this is a first novel, so assured is the storytelling and the use of multiple voices.

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I was vaguely familiar with Lizzie Borden and the murders, so thought a fictionalized account of the true life murders of Andrew and Abby Borden would make an interesting read. The novel was written in different point of views of several characters including the Borden family maid-Bridget, a violent stranger-Benjamin, Lizzie's sister-Emma, and even Lizzie herself. It did prove to be interesting reading, but was a little slow for my taste. Despite this, it was very well written and extremely descriptive which at times set the creepy tone of the novel. This wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but I'm sure there are many others that would enjoy it for the descriptive prose alone. Thank you to the publishers and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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I thought I would like this; I usually love novels based on real events. They make people we can never really know come alive. All of it may not be true, but are any retellings whether fact or fiction true to anyone but the teller?

I gave up on this book. I do not have to like characters to enjoy a story, and I am not put off by depressing stories. I knew the actual event and the uncertainty of Lizzie's part in it and hoped to get a better picture of what led up to the harrowing day. This book is so dark and so filled with blood of many kinds besides ax wounds! The characters were all, save the maid, so despicable. I simply could not find any reason to finish this book.

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This mystery is Sarah Schmidt's reimagined account of the famous 1892 axe murders of Andrew and Abby Borden by Andrew's youngest daughter, Lizzie Borden. The eldest daughter, Emma, was away at the time of the murders and returns home to find Lizzie and the grizzly scene. The only other occupants home at the time were the longtime maid, Bridget, and the girls' uncle, John Morse, who stopped for an overnight visit.

Every chapter alternates between the perspectives of four character's, Lizzie, Emma, Bridget, and Benjamin, offering very interesting tidbits of the family's dysfunction, it's many secrets, hidden hostilities, sibling rivalry, and what led up to the murders. I wasn't very familiar with the details of this true-crime story and therefore enjoyed the many plot twists and turns immensely. Definitely add to your "want to read" list. I rate it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Thank you NetGalley and Grove Atlantic Monthly Press for providing a copy of this novel in exchange for a fair review.

Reviewed: February 11, 2017. Novel Publish Date: August 1, 2017.

Link to purchase: Goodreads

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Where to begin with this one. Sarah Schmidt is an insanely talented writer, She puts you right there with Lizzie as the story unwinds. Thing is I did not want to be there. To be fair I am not a fan of true crime and though this is a fictional account it is based on actual events. very descriptive so much so that reading about the mutton broth and sickness within the family made me queasy. The book is obviously well researched and the characters vividly come to life. If this is your cup of tea I urge you to read this. It is extremely realistic. Although I was very uncomfortable with this subject Sarah Schmidt is such a brilliant writer I could not give this a bad review.

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At first I was a little reluctant to pick up a story based on the events of Lizzie Borden--I have read many accounts--fact and fiction, but I was quickly swept in. This is a wonderful piece of storytelling that manages to keep the characters intact yet somewhat mysterious while seamlessly shifting perspectives to keep you guessing. Lovely writing, engaging, and very well done.

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I initially thought I was not going to enjoy this book, as I found the Lizzie narrator incredibly irritating and kind of contrived. Hers is not the only voice in the book though, and the balance is about right between more sensible, straightforward characters and the more eccentric ones. Interesting take on a real-life mystery that's had a lot of fiction written around and about it, with a real sense of creeping dread and wrongness throughout. Enjoyed this a lot in the end, I'm glad I got the chance to read it.

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See What I Have Done is captivating right from the beginning. The story and life of Lizzie Borden is already a telling that has several of us intrigued and this book does the same. As a child we have all jumped rope to the Lizzie Borden song. It was nice to see the story laid out in front of you. Good Job

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A historical novel about the murder of Mr and Mrs Borden. The prime suspect is Mr Borden's daughter Lizzie. Very atmospheric and well written. There are several possible suspects. I expected this book to be longer and more detailed especially about Lizzie's trial.

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Maybe I didn't give the book a chance long enough, but I could not continue past 30%. I was very bored with the book.

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