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Come Sundown

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Nora Roberts has another winner. This was really good. Make sure you pick it up!

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I'm going to preface this by saying: I love Nora Roberts. Nora Roberts books are very important to me, and I want nothing more than for her to keep writing them forever.

That said, this book was a mess.

As an author Nora has been delving into more serious topics than the romance genre typically covers, and I'm a fan of that. I've written papers about the evolution of the romance genre, and I think Nora Roberts exemplifies that. However, this story took it a little too far. When I read romance novels it is because I like to feel safe, I like to be reminded that sometimes things don't have to hurt, that love can triumph. I don't read them so I can learn in explicit detail about rape. I don't need the reminder that life is unsafe.

A consequence of Roberts' storytelling is that while telling two stories, one of Alice's kidnapping and incarceration, another of Bodine falling in love, only one of the stories is actively compelling. It is hard to engage with Bodine and Callen while I am wondering what is happening with Alice. While I am desperately hoping for her to escape. While I am worried about Alice's recovery. There is no urgency to Bodine, and no happy ending for Alice.

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Another great book by Nora Roberts - loved the characters and the setting so much I'm hoping for a trilogy!

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Roberts hits all the right notes in her latest romantic suspense, in which Bodine Longbow- head of her family’s lucrative ranch and resort- stumbles across the body of the local bartender. She and her new employee (and old crush) Callen Skinner begin to suspect that a killer is making himself at home in their small Montana town, and a mystery from her family’s past might hold the key to revealing his identity.
Readers will find all the characters engaging and well formed, and the emotional ties- whether familial, friendly, or romantic- are realistic and enviable. Even the setting is three dimensional and seems to entice fans to plan a visit- after the killer is caught and happily ever after is achieved, of course!

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Another great romantic suspense from the queen. Good story and characters - thoroughly enjoyed it!

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I love Nora Roberts full-length novels. This was a great multi-generational tale, with a dark twist. Loved the characters and the setting.

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Nora Roberts has a special touch that shines in every novel. No matter if it is a family or a family of friends, the positive loving relations come through so by the end of a book you want to join that family and not end it with the last page you turn. Come Sundown is a non-stop read where you love the characters, root for the missing ones, and hope everything will conclude as positive and loving as anything can be. Don't miss this good read!

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Wow! This was a great book. It grips you and does not let you go. Sure there is romance but it is not the main focus and I didn't mind at all. I loved every character except.......... Read this , it's another winner by Roberts.

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I'm really terrible at describing books. And Nora Roberts really needs to introduction. With each book we are drawn into a complex mystery but a not so complex romance. I feel as if, each year, the mystery in her romantic suspense novels gets a little deeper, but the romance gets a little less complex. They know they should be together, but they have to find the route that takes them to that place as well as figuring out who is murdering people around them.

I thought that the murders of the two young women was interesting, because even though we knew they were caused by whoever had Alice, the main characters had no idea that they tied into their story. I do feel like I figured out some of the "who dun it" during the book, but it did not reading til the end.

I really enjoyed the relationships between the characters and how each one interacted with the others. Especially how Alice interacted with Cal. That one got me right in the feels. I also enjoyed the relationship between Chase and Jessica. Each character in this book was a stand out character with flaws and virtues.

Another amazing read from Ms Roberts. Keep them coming!!

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Another solid romantic suspense from Roberts. It starts with a flashback to 1971, in which a young woman returning to the family she had run away from is abducted and held captive by an older man. In the present day, the family ranch and resort are prospering. Bodine Longbow runs the resort, with a lot of help from family and employees, some of whom are becoming friends. And former neighbor Callen, recently returned from California, provides a romantic interest. Flashbacks to Alice in captivity are a continuing reminder that all is not well--and then a young woman is killed.

A sweet romance against a background of tension and suspicion, also a warm family story. The Longbow family is tight-knit and supportive; their lives are upended by distressing discoveries, but they pull together and perservere. Bonus romances between Bodine's brothers and her event coordinators liven the story.


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Come Sundown was a trilling ride throughout the story. Full of strong women and their men, Nora Roberts has captured pain and celebration equally. Excellent.

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Nora Roberts shines in her standalone novels and demonstrates why she is The Best. Innovative, creative, snappy plots and dialogue, characters that you want to hug (or slug!), and a knack for setting the atmosphere of a book so solidly you expect to see a Montana sunset when you look up from your book.
Keep on going with your standalones, Ms Roberts. Those books are a credit to your talent and skill.

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This one was good. Not my favorite of Roberts', but definitely a favorite among some of her recent.

The Bodine family is rock-solid, with three generations living and working among each other. Callen is a recent return to the area, and Bo, one of the Bodine's most important members (and our heroine), definitely notices. They stumble onto an acquaintance of Bo's who's been brutalized and murdered, and it's their introduction to the evil that Roberts has foreshadowed to the reader from the beginning.

This one turned my stomach some. The villain is truly despicable, and his evil feels taken straight out of some of recent headlines (Ariel Castro). As consequence, the ending climax practically had me crawling out of my skin, biting my nails down to the quick, and cheering in victory.

My only criticism, and it's not my typical reaction to a Nora Roberts read: Bo, the heroine, struck me as sort of boring. She is out of all the female characters in the book, probably the least interesting one. Other than that, really liked this one.

4 stars.

*I received a review copy from the publisher/author via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.*

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**** I received this book as an ARC from NETGALLEY ****
I was so excited to receive this book! I look forward to Nora Roberts yearly stand alone every year. This book gave me such a book hang over. I can't wait for the reread!
Nora Roberts has a way with putting things in to her story line that is going on in the world. She writes a Western story this time. Setting taking place in Montana.
The book tells the story of the Bodine Longbow family and there large cattle ranch/ resort. The family is very well off. With several successful business that the family runs. You learn that they have had great personal tragedy as well. Bodine's aunt disappeared right after her mothers wedding she has been gone for more than 20 years without a peep. When she is found alive on the side of the road everything changes for them. The family works together to keep everyone safe when women start disappearing. This book really gives something to think about!.

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An enjoyable book with the usual Nora Roberts mixture of romance and suspense. A real page turner!

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Nora Roberts has written another interesting but different novel. It's the type of story that once you start reading you cannot stop until the conclusion.
I was no different and felt driven to read the book through to the end. However there was so much violence that many times I wanted to stop reading. It's a hard book to read but the ending makes it worthwhile.

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Nora Roberts is my not so secret go-to author for comfort-reading. Her characters are solid, the story line runs well, it is polished and easy to read. This book is no different. I loved it and will recommend it to all

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Love, love, love this book. The ranch/spa setting is great and the story is pure Nora Roberts. There is mystery, thriller and romance...everybody can find something to like about her novels.

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This was an amazing family saga, full of Roberts' rich and well-developed characters. I read this book in two days, and had a hard time putting it down. Bodine and Callen have a history, and now a shared present. Alice has a past, but has lost it. The family and friends that surround them are well drawn out and the story unfolds in a beautiful way. This reminded me of the books of the past, some of Robert's first.

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