Cover Image: The Vets at Hope Green: Part One

The Vets at Hope Green: Part One

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This was an excellent novel. With brilliant main characters and a wonderful plot, this book is a real page turner. I would highly recommend this book.

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This is the first installment in Sheila Norton's new four par series The Vets at Hope Green. The story is all about vet practice receptionist Sam who's at a bit of a crossroads in her life with relationship and work decisions hanging over her. Sam heads to her Nana's to get some good old country air into her lungs and to take a break from her city life.

I love the sound of Hope Green. I used to live in a little village myself and it all came rushing back - everyone knowing each other, the friendships and the wide open spaces. It's Sam's fantasy to one day return to the countryside - somewhere just like Hope Green - with a gaggle of children and pets but it seems her boyfriend has different opinions. Their frequent arguments drive Sam to take some time for herself to clear her head.

In the village Sam is reunited with her Nana Peggy who she is very close to and also with her Nana's dog Rufus. As Sam settles back in she reflects on everything that's not quite right in her life, trying to work through her options. I think Sam is a very relatable character, her career and relationship worries are easy to empathise with.

Sam is introduced to the seemingly very rude local vet, Joe. I can sense there's much more to come from him throughout the rest of the story and I can't wait to see how his character and story develops throughout! The next installment is out on the 16th of February.

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Having been a practice manager at a vets I was interested to see how this was portrayed. So far, there have been no faux pas! Thoroughly enjoyed it and wait for follow up.

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So this didn't work for me - the story developments are too abrupt and the characters felt flat to me. But part of that may have been down to the presence of one of my least favourite romance tropes which popped up fairly early on and means that I probably won't be looking for the rest of the serialisation.

I've read so many good serialisations recently that I'd forgotten how hard it can be to balance introducing new characters and setting up a plot with enough drama to for an installment to feel satisfying. Cressida McLauglin does this really well - and so does Cathy Bramley (most of the time) - but this just felt a bit too rushed. Which surprised me as this author has a large back catalogue. Perhaps this is a new thing for her - and the balance will sort itself out in time.

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The start of a lovely vets in the county series. Sam is a twenty-something girl living in London and working as a vets receptionist, though she has ambition for more...a better job, a life in the country away from the urban grime and a rose coloured cottage with family all around.

This first part of the series sets up the story nicely with two potential heroes already identified and an annoying boyfriend in the background.
The book tackles not only romance but also single motherhood and career/life changes,

It also ends with a slight twist. I want to know more...when is the next part available?

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Absolutely loved this first book in the series can't wait to see what the future holds for Sam and hopefully getting to know the residents of Hope Green a bit more

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I'm really not sure why I haven't read a Sheila Norton novel before but after reading this novella I feel like I've found a new favourite author. I devoured this part one of the new series by Sheila Norton, The Vets at Hope Green: Escape to the Country it's a wonderful start to a blossoming new series.

I love animals and to work with them seems like one of my ideal jobs so this series looked perfect for me. We are introduced to Sam who is a receptionist at a city centre vets in London. Sam is in a relationship with Adam but feels like something is missing; for starters their dream lifestyles don't seem to match. Sam also feels she wants more out of work.

To try and recharge her batteries Sam set's off to the Dorset countryside to visit her Nan in the gorgeous coastal village of Hope Green. Sam is hoping the sea air, taking her nan's dog Rufus for walks and enjoying her nan's company is just what she needs to take stock of her life. Sam didn't expect a life changing event in her personal life to cause her some more heartache and decisions need to be made personally and possibly professionally. Whilst in the village Sam makes an acquaintance with the new village Vet Joe Bradley who ruffles feathers with his animal owners but has the most wonderful charm and patience with their animals. This man seems an enigma to Sam, one minute she is so alarmed with his rudeness and the next she is swooning over his kindness to the animals.

Escape to the Country has left me wanting more and I can't wait to read the next (and all) in the series. We are left with questions unanswered and situations need to be resolved. This start to the series which sets to be a wonderful feel good romance is full of charm, gorgeous countryside coastal settings, life's struggles in a more serene setting away from the hustle and bustle of the city, characters to learn and love and animals to fill your heart. Perfect read to start the New Year with.

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The Vets at Hope Green: Part One Escape to the Country is a lovely heartwarming short story.

Getting tired of London life and feeling thatcher relationship with Adam has run its course, Sam heads to the pretty seaside village of Hope Green to spend Easter with her beloved grandmother. She thinks a couple of weeks of relaxing will solve her problems, but will it as it seems that her life in London is Cali g her back.

This is the first instalment in this series was a pleasure to read and I look forward to finding out what happens to Sam.

Thanks to NetGalley, Penguin Random House UK, Ebury and Sheila Norton for the chance to review.

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When I downloaded this book I hadn't realised that it didn't stand alone, but I don't think I'll be downloading the others, I'm sure I know exactly what's going to happen! A very lightweight read, which I'm sure lots of people will love as it's pure escapism. Me? Not so much.

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Thank you very much NetGalley, and Penguin Random House for giving me the opportunity of reading this delightful book. Sam is a lovely character, and in fact all the characters are well written, you can visualise and understand them all. Hope Green sounds a delightful place, indeed Dorset is a lovely county and the bits that are not so easy to get to are especially pleasant. You can feel the small town in the country vibes throughout the book. Joe Bradley is very well written, you know there is a sad story to be told about him. I really want to know what happens, so I will be looking out for the rest of the series. Well worth reading

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Having enjoyed Sheila Norton’s debut “Oliver the cat who saved Christmas”, I was delighted to see this new series.
Sam is a receptionist at an upmarket vet’s practice in London, but she’s not really happy there, as she wishes she had more involvement with the animals. Her boyfriend Adam thinks she lives in a fairy-tale when she talks of the things she dreams of, a cottage with a garden, an apple tree, dogs and children. When she decides to spend her Easter holiday with her nana Peggy, and dog Rufus, in Hope Green, Sam realizes that her fast-paced life in London is not what she wants at all.
This is a lovely start to the series, although short at around a hundred pages. It is warm, gentle and easy to read. It has so much potential and a friendly, idyllic village setting. It would be enjoyable to anyone who likes a gentle and cosy sort of story and is similar in style to Bella Osborne/Tilly Tennant. The possible love interests and the animal characters make this really appealing to me, and I’m looking forward to the next instalment!

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This was a lovely start to The Vets at Hope. A great range of loveable characters some more friendly than others but a good mix.

I really enjoyed it and cant wait to see what's next for the characters and whether Sam stays in Hope Green or returns to London.

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I was really pleased when I was able to read an ARC of this book, the cover grabbed me initially and I started reading it pretty much as soon as it came down. I read enjoyed the characters and I want to see where the story is going to take them. The book is set in the lovely setting of Hope Green and it sounds a lovely place and somewhere I'd love to live away from the hustle and bustle of London, I can definitely see what draws Sam there. Looking forward to the second part. Definitely one for animal lovers who want to read a nice book to take them away from the normal mundane day to day.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this review copy.

A lovely little story about Sam. She’s working as a receptionist in a London Veterinary Surgery. Her life isn’t great, she never has any money, and she’s beginning to realise that her boyfriend who she lives with isn’t the man she wants to be with anymore. Instead of spending the Easter holidays with her boyfriend and his family she decides to visit her nan instead.

Nan couldn’t be happier to have her there, and ends up introducing her to the local vet, Joe. Sam can’t work him out – he’s so miserable and unfriendly to humans, but is wonderful with animals. She visits the surgery one day with her nan’s dog, Rufus, and finds the receptionist snowed under with work and can’t cope. Sam starts to rethink her life. Can she be happy working in a little veterinary surgery in a little village instead of her busy life in London?

This is a short story in a four part story. A lot of authors seem to be doing this lately where they split a normal book into four parts and release each part separately, with the full book coming later. I’m not really a lover of these books as by the time you’re getting into the story, it’s ending and you’re having to wait for the next part. The story was a good story, it started off a bit slow, but then picked up and I started getting interested in the characters and they started to develop their own personal stories. The book then finished!! But it has got me intrigued to try Part 2, 3 and 4 when they are all released!!

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